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Author's bio:*Required Randa Kassis is a Franco-Syrian politician, secular, currently President of the Movement for a Pluralistic Society. From 2007 to 2009, she was the co-founder of the Association for the Protection of the Right to Freedom of Speech in the Arab World, later becoming Treasorer. In 2008, she developed her political positions through articles on anthropology, psychology and religion. In September, 2011, a few months after the revolt broke out in Syria, Randa Kassis became the president of the Secular Syrian Coalition, occupying this office until July, 2012. She entered the National Syrian Council in December 2011. In August, 2012, The National Syrian Council made the decision to exclude her, refusing to take into account her various warnings alerting them of the increasing number of islamists in the ranks of the Syrian opposition, and on the exactions committed on the ground by the rebels. In 2012, Randa Kassis became the founder of the Movement for a Pluralistic Society and is currently its president. She is President of the follow-up committee of Astana Initiative (resulting from Astana 1 and Astana 2 work meetings with opposition parties) March and October, 2015. She is also President and one of the founders of AD HOC Organization for secularism, modernism and pluralism in the Arab world, 2016. Randa Kassis is participating in the 2016 Geneva Peace Talks under the banner of the Moscow group. She is Co-President with Kadri Jamil of the Syrian secular and democratic opposition delegation. Author of « Crypts of the Gods », published by E-Kutub, 2012. Co-Author with Alexandre del Valle of « Le Chaos Syrien » (Syrian Chaos) , published by Dhow, 2014.
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