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Author's bio:*Required Peter Kaiser was a historian and statesman from Liechtenstein. Kaiser was born in Mauren, in the Principality of Liechtenstein as one of eleven children. He studied languages and history in Feldkirch, Vienna and Freiburg/Breisgau. Kaiser became known as a proponent of the rights of the common people or serfs in his home country. In 1820 during the Congress of Vienna, he promoted German unification and rights issues. Due to the unpopularity of this stand in an age of imperialism, he was subsequently forced out of Germany. Kaiser moved to Switzerland and became a professor in Hofwil. In 1836, he taught in Aarau and then in Disentis, in the Grisons. In 1843, Kaiser was appointed as a representative to Prince Alois in Vienna. Kaiser published History of The Principality of Liechtenstein in 1846, which was initially banned in Liechtenstein, but the ban was later lifted by Prince Alois. In 1848 Kaiser was named as the representative of the Principality’s Diet to the Parliament of Frankfurt.
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