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Author's bio:*Required Bob Bejan is currently head of global events, production studios and the marketing community at Microsoft Coroporation. Prior to his return to Microsoft Mr. Bejan was the Chief Development Officer of MSLGROUP. He is the co-founder and Chairman of PBJS, Inc., an advertising and marketing consulting firm that formed from the merger of Insight Creative and Optimobius, Inc., where he was previously CEO. PBJS, Inc. is now part of MSLGROUP. He also acts on the Board of Advisors for Revenue Science and is on the Board of Directors for Aptimus, Inc.. His career has spanned many types of new media and interactive media, including work at Interfilm, LLC, Microsoft, Virtual Worlds, Inc. and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. He is also a member of the Directors Guild and the Writer's Guild.
Medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine
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