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Author's bio:*Required The Millers is an American sitcom television series that was created by Greg Garcia and stars Will Arnett as Nathan Miller and Margo Martindale as Carol Miller. The multi-camera series aired from October 3, 2013 to July 18, 2015 and ran 34 episodes over two seasons on CBS.CBS announced the cancellation of The Millers on November 14, 2014, four episodes into the show's second season. The series filmed their final episode on November 17, 2014. Eleven episodes were produced during season 2 before production shut down. The producers decided to finish the episode "Hero", which was underway at the time for the financial sake of the below the line crew members that had already worked on the episode for several days. In an interview in The Hollywood Reporter in April 2015, Margo Martindale stated that the show's cancellation was unexpected.
Medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine
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