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Author's bio:*Required Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) is a libertarian public interest law firm in the United States. PLF was established for the purpose of defending and promoting individual and economic freedom in the courts. To that end, PLF attorneys provide pro bono legal representation to clients, file amicus curiae briefs, and participate in administrative proceedings with the goal of supporting property rights, equality before the law, freedom of speech and association, economic liberty, and separation of powers. They have represented clients in 14 cases before the United States Supreme Court, which are listed below. PLF is a non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It does not charge for legal services, but instead is funded by donations from individuals (53%), foundations (17%), and associations, small businesses and corporations (17%). Except for court-awarded attorney fees for case victories, the organization receives no money from government.The organization was founded in 1973, making it the first and oldest libertarian public interest law firm.
Medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine
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