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Author's bio:*Required Kelvin R. Throop (also 'Kelvin R. Throop III' or 'Kelvin Throop III') is a fictional character and collective pseudonym created by R. A. J. Phillips in a story which appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Science Fact magazine in July 1964. With the encouragement of editor John W. Campbell, Throop subsequently figured in additional stories by other authors. The archetypal Throop story finds him within a large bureaucracy which, solely by his acid-penned memos, he causes to self-destruct, whereupon he disappears until the next story. In mid-December 1984, Analog published a special Kelvin Throop humor edition. Numerous humorous epigrams attributed to Throop were published in Analog over a period of decades.
Medical practitioner who is regarded as the father of medicine
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