acronimous's Favorite Quotes

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If mankind had wished for what is right, they might have had it long ago.

William Hazlitt

Wally West: First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed.
Dick Grayson: You're overwhelmed. Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?

Young Justice

A camel never sees its own hump.

African Proverb

Jerry: Men are not subtle - men are obvious. Women know what men want. Men know what men want. What do we want? We want women! It's the only thing we know for sure: we want women! How do we get women? Oh, we don't know that. The next step after that we have no idea. This is why you see men honking car-horns, yelling from construction sites. These are the best ideas we've had so far. The car-horn honk, is that a beauty? Have you seen men doing this? What is this? The man is in the car, the woman walks by the front of the car, he honks. E-eeehh, eehhh, eehhh! This man is out of ideas. How does it…? E-e-e-eeeehhhh! "I don't think she likes me." The amazing thing is, that we still get women, don't we? Men, I mean, men are with women. You see men with women. How are men getting women, many people wonder. Let me tell you a little bit about our organization. Wherever women are, we have a man working on the situation right now. Now, he may not be our best man, okay, we have a lot of areas to cover, but someone from our staff is on the scene. That's why, I think, men get frustrated, when we see women reading articles, like "Where to meet men?" We're here, we are everywhere. We're honking our horns to serve you better.<

Seinfeld, Season 1

Theresa: Don't even start! I'm still angry!
Patrick: I'm sorry!
Theresa: No you're not! (Patrick places an origami frog on her desk and walks away) A frog? This makes everything better doesn't it?! (gasps as the frog jumps at her and turns to smile at Patrick but turns away when he smiles at her)

The Mentalist, Season 1

Jane: Be reasonable. This is my case.
Lisbon: Your case?
Jane: Red John's mine.
Lisbon: Red John doesn't belong to anyone.
[Long pause, everybody except Lisbon and Jane go into the house]
Jane: He belongs to me.

The Mentalist, Season 1

Princess Irulan: A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam the Fourth, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The Spacing Guild and its navigators, who the spice has mutated over 4000 years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space. T


Bake Baker: Gosh, you're glad to see me.

Follow the Fleet

I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it.

Marilyn Monroe

Zarathustra was the first to consider the fight of good and evil the very wheel in the machinery of things: the transposition of morality into the metaphysical realm, as a force, cause, and end in itself, is his work. […] Zarathustra created this most calamitous error, morality; consequently, he must also be the first to recognize it.

Friedrich Nietzsche

I believe in revelation, but not in revelation which each religion claims to possess... but in the living revelation which surrounds us on every side — mighty, eternal, unceasing, incorruptible, clear, distinct, universal as is the being from whom it proceeds, in that revelation which speaks to us and penetrates us from the moment we are born until we die.

Dr. Jose P. Rizal

The great political tugs of the past 35 years have concerned the distribution of the golden eggs. In the 1980's and 1990's we must focus on the health of the goose.

Paul Tsongas

It is easier to write an indifferent poem than to understand a good one.

Michel de Montaigne

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


You are who you are, and no one can change that. So be yourself, because no one can do it better.

Meylin D. Bojorge

There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out.

Russian proverb

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