Grand Theft Auto IV

Grand Theft Auto IV

Grand Theft Auto IV is an action-adventure video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles on 29 April 2008, and for Microsoft Windows on 2 December 2008. It is the eleventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series, and the first main entry since 2004's Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Set within the fictional Liberty City (based on New York City), the single-player story follows a war veteran, Niko Bellic, and his attempts to escape his past while under pressure from loan sharks and mob bosses. The open world design lets players freely roam Liberty City, consisting of three main islands. The game is played from a third-person perspective and its world is navigated on-foot or by vehicle. Throughout the single-player mode, players play as Niko Bellic. An online multiplayer mode is included with the game, allowing up to 32 players to engage in both co-operative and competitive gameplay in a recreation of the single-player setting. Two expansion packs were later released for the game, The Lost and Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony, which both feature new plots that are interconnected with the main Grand Theft Auto IV storyline, and follow new protagonists. Development began soon after the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and was shared between many of Rockstar's studios worldwide. The game introduced a shift to a more realistic and detailed style and tone for the series. Unlike previous entries, Grand Theft Auto IV lacked a strong cinematic influence, as the team attempted an original approach to the story. As part of their research for the open world, the developers conducted field research around New York throughout development and captured footage for the design team. Following its announcement in May 2006, Grand Theft Auto IV was widely anticipated. Upon release, the game received universal critical acclaim, with praise particularly directed at the game's narrative and open world design. However, the game also generated controversy, with criticism directed at the game's depiction of violence and players' ability to drive under the influence of alcohol. Grand Theft Auto IV broke industry sales records and became the fastest-selling entertainment product in history at the time, earning US$310 million in its first day and $500 million in its first week. Considered one of the most significant titles of the seventh generation of video games, and by many critics as one of the greatest video games of all time, it won year-end accolades, including Game of the Year awards from several gaming publications. A sequel, Grand Theft Auto V, was released in September 2013.

Director(s): Dimitri Rascalov

[Niko drags Vlad's body toward the water. Roman runs over]

Niko Bellic:
Eeeh, you're a big boy Vladdy.

Roman Bellic:

Niko Bellic:
Well, I guess this is over.

Roman Bellic:
What have you done?

Niko Bellic:
What does it look like?

Roman Bellic:
We're dead!

Niko Bellic:
No, he's dead... we're fine.

Roman Bellic:
He has powerful friends... serious people... I told you to be calm you hot headed chump!

Niko Bellic:
I am calm. He tried to kill us. He screwed your girlfriend. What do you expect? I give him a massage?

Roman Bellic:
Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!

Niko Bellic:
When I was in the army... we were going on a mission... to ambush a squad who had killed a lot of innocent people. They were our enemies... but we never did it. There were fifteen of us. All boys from the village. But one of us betrayed the group. It was a setup... for money! Twelve people died, three escaped. I know the traitor was not me... So for ten years I've been searching for the other two. One of them lives here.

Roman Bellic:
Why are you telling me this now? Do you always get sentimental after you kill people?

Niko Bellic:
You kept asking...

Roman Bellic:
Wonderful! You're here on some revenge mission for something that happened ten years ago. And you don't care whose life you ruin on the way?

Niko Bellic:

Roman Bellic:
Well what?

Niko Bellic:
I don't know... I just want to know why they did it.

Roman Bellic:
Let's hide the body, at least for a while...

Niko Bellic:
Put him in the river...

[Together, they roll his body toward the water. A police siren wails in the distance]

Roman Bellic:
Sh*t. We should get out of here.

Niko Bellic:
You go. I'll catch up with you later.

Niko Bellic:
A Mafia controlled waste management plant?

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
You f***in' guessed it. It's an Ancelotti operation. Ray tipped us off about a big payoff they just got. A fat cash payoff.

'Saint' Michael Keane:
Ancelottis, eh? I can't tell none of those wop families apart. Ancelottis, Gambinos, Pecorinos.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
It's the f***ing Pegorinos, man. We're workin' for them. Pecorino's a type a cheese. Pegorino is a bunch of guido gangsters outta Alderney.

Niko Bellic:
They're all Mafia though?

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
Course they are. Cosa Nostra and all that sh*t. Our family used to be bigger than all them Mafia families put together. Back in the day, that is.

Gordon Sargent:
Not this sh*t again. I heard this speech a million times. The McRearys ran the city. People was scared to say their name let alone come near their place in Purgatory. Life was great. We were in charge.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
It's f***ing true. I'd like to hear you tell Gerald that it's a boring story. Me brother wouldn't take too kindly to that now would he? You know that Purgatory is called what it is because people were so scared of the McRearys. Did you know that, Niko?

Gordon Sargent:
It's called that because people found the McRearys' stories so f***in' boring. Listening to them was like being in Purgatory.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
F*** you, Gordon. I'll f***ing come back there and kick your f***ing ass in a minute.

Niko Bellic:
I hear that Francis McReary is your brother.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
F***ing Frankie, my brother. He may have a badge, but I tell you for a fact he's as crooked as the rest of us McRearys. More so. At least we ain't f***ing hypocrites. Kate's the only decent one.

Niko Bellic:
I can believe that.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
You know Frankie do ya? I got a story for you if you do.

Gordon Sargent:
Another f***ing story.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
Shut up, Gordon. So, Niko, when Francis and Gerald was growing up, Frankie becomes an altar boy. He swears to this day that he wanted to serve the Lord. Gerry knows the truth though. He only put on that cassock so he could pocket the change in the collection plate. Fact. That's Francis down to a f***ing T. I don't even know if he realizes what a crook he is.

Niko Bellic:
That sounds like the Francis McReary I met.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
I bet. Model community leader, my ass.

Gordon Sargent:
You're just worried he'll start clamping down on you, ain't ya Packie?

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
I'd like to see him try it. Not gonna happen with the things Gerry knows.

[During the bank robbery, Eugene whispers privately with Luis on the floor]

Eugene Reaper:
Hey? Yo? I'm a gun club member. I'm gonna take these rookies downtown. Are you with me? Hey, what's your name, son?

Luis Fernando Lopez:
Luis... but this ain't such a good idea bro.

Eugene Reaper:
Yeah? They said catching that pass at my high school championship football game was a "bad idea" cause I broke my leg in thirteen places. But... I scored a touchdown and won the game. The world is built out of bad ideas, my friend.

[Derrick returns from fitting explosives to the bank vault]

Derrick McReary:
[to Niko] Come on. The PE4 has been moulded and is set to explode in sixty seconds. Now listen people, we're your friends. Me and my brother here, we...

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
Why're you tellin' them we're brothers, you idiot? That's going to make it hard for them to find us, isn't it?

Derrick McReary:
I'm trying to be honest with these people. We've put them through a lot today.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
F*** these people, f*** your cause. That sh*t's over. Ireland's not the only thing that's green, dollars are too.

Derrick McReary:
Now you've said bloody Ireland, that's gonna narrow the search ain't it?

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
F*** you, take the needle out your arm then tell me what to do.

Derrick McReary:
I'll let you tell me what to do, when you stop shoving half of Bolivia up your nose every Saturday night!

Eugene Reaper:
Motherf***er! [gets up and shoots Michael]

Derrick McReary:

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
We told you not to f*** with us! [Both Packie and Derrick shoot Eugene] Sh*t, Michael! Saint f***ing Michael!

[Michael dies. The vault explodes]

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
F***ing sh*t. [to Niko] Get the money. Me and my brother will watch the kids.

Niko Bellic:
So, someone's been throwing out a load of diamonds?

Luca Silvestri:
You could say that. Ray got that tweaker chick of his, the biker broad, you met her?

Niko Bellic:
Yeah, she's pretty strung out.

Luca Silvestri:
Ray got her to get her friends to steal the ice off of some club owner guy. Her friends are the Lost biker gang.

Niko Bellic:
I think I worked with a member of that gang up on Bohan. He was called Johnny or eh, something. Did these bikers get so f***ed on meth that they threw the ice away?

Luca Silvestri:
Nah. It seems the club owner's got more connections than a subway line. He's in with the Ancelottis, the Dominicans up in Northwood, everybody. Ray come up with this plan to keep a bit of distance between us and the robbery. The bikers is taking the heat for this sh*t.

Niko Bellic:
This ain't the easiest way to pick this sh*t up, even if we don't want to attract any attention.

Luca Silvestri:
Yeah, me and Tuna was saying that before yous got here. We was saying that there's a lot of opportunities for this to go wrong. The bag could split. The diamonds could go missing real easy.

Niko Bellic:
That's why we're going to be extra careful, right? We wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

Luca Silvestri:
Course not. You know how pissed Ray would get if he found out some diamonds were missin'.

Niko Bellic:
He has a temper?

Luca Silvestri:
Are you f***in' kidding me? The manager of one of his waste depots was holding out on profits a couple a years back. Ray fed him to a dump truck. There was this point where the sounds of his screams stopped and all you could hear was his bones crushin', then the pop of his skull goin'. I nearly lost my lunch.

Niko Bellic:

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
F***, f***, f***. All that trouble for nothing. Kidnapping the b*tch, holding onto her, fighting through them damn Russians... all of that for jack sh*t.

Niko Bellic:
Look on the bright side, at least you got to meet Gracie.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
Screw that. I got close to knocking her teeth out. That was about it. We ain't got sh*t now. Maybe we was going to have to give up them diamonds to f***ing Ray Boccino but we woulda got a payday. Now we ain't getting sh*t.

Niko Bellic:
Yeah, but there is no guarantee we woulda made any money out of those diamonds anyway. I've got a suspicion those were the ones Ray Boccino got me to handle a while back. They're bad luck. Me and some biker had to try to sell them to a diamond dealer and it turns into a blood bath. That was when those friends of Gracie's must have gotten them.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
Stole 'em from you, did they?

Niko Bellic:
No, they stole them from the guys I sold them to. Sh*t, these diamonds have been trouble since Ray first made me take them out of a trash can for him. Is good they are on their way to a landfill somewhere. Best place for them. The population of Liberty City would have been higher if we had.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
You might be right, Niko. Whose f***ing diamonds were they anyway?

Niko Bellic:
They were not Ray's, I can tell you this much. Maybe they belong to this homosexual man, Gracie's friend. I don't know. Maybe to Bulgarin.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
Bulgarin, he the motherf***er who busted up our peaceful hostage exchange? What in Christ's name went on back there anyways?

Niko Bellic:
Some time ago, I worked for Mr. Bulgarin in Europe, smuggling people across the Adriatic. A ship sunk, the cargo sunk to the bottom of the sea, I had to swim for my life. Bulgarin lost a lot of money that night and he needed someone to blame. This was one of the reasons I leave Europe and come back here to Liberty City.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
And now he shows up claiming the ice belongs to him? What are the chances?

Niko Bellic:
Our paths crossed back when I was living in Hove Beach as well. My cousin and I moved up to Bohan to get away from him and another man called Dimitri Rascalov.

Patrick 'Packie' McReary:
That's a real shame, I can see you fitting right down in Hove Beach, Niko. Probably a good thing you got out though. Wouldn't a met me if you'd stayed, would ya?

Niko Bellic:
When you put it like this, I'm one lucky motherf***er, Packie.

Jimmy Pegorino:
I can't believe them Pavanos would treat me like this. The Pegorino name should mean something to them. It means something in Alderney even if it don't in Algonquin. They better not think of crossing that West River and not looking over their shoulders.

Niko Bellic:
Too bad about Marco and Pete.

Jimmy Pegorino:
Marco and Pete? Oh yeah, those guys didn't make it, did they? Well, too f***ing bad. They knew what they was signed on for. Weren't complaining on the way out, were they? No they weren't. Happy to be on board with the skipper.

Niko Bellic:
Yeah, well, they seemed like good kids.

Jimmy Pegorino:
Ah these kids come and go. It ain't worth paying attention to them until they prove they can survive. I just move on and hire some wannabe wiseguys off the street.

Niko Bellic:
It's that simple?

Jimmy Pegorino:
Has to be. I only start paying attention to the screw when they start putting me in an awkward position. Either because they know too much and might rat. Or because they got too much power and they're too smart to get themselves clipped. Ray was nothing to me until he started earning big and sticking his nose in places it didn't belong.

Niko Bellic:
Rats seem to get everywhere you don't want them to be.

Jimmy Pegorino:
Only way you know is by finding their sh*t all over the place in the morning. Phil's different. He's been my man for a while. Only, how much can I do with a guy who ain't a full Italian? He's 90% Irish. It don't do too well for the reputation of us Pegorinos having St. Patrick that high up in our organization. You see the respect we're getting out on the street. Jesus.

Phil Bell:
You scan this thing for bugs?

Niko Bellic:
No, but we can be pretty sure it's clean. Chill out.

Phil Bell:
Alright, alright. It's just that if we get caught on this one, you and me is going down for a long time. And that means that certain people is gonna assume we'll rat. Which means we'll get whacked.

Niko Bellic:
You're working with the wrong people if you expect 'em to whack you if you go inside. Where's the trust, Phil?

Phil Bell:
It's about survival. If someone who knew what I knew got flipped then the whole organization would go down. Whacking someone who catches some heavy time is just an insurance policy. And it don't help that not everyone in the organization is pulling in the same direction.

Niko Bellic:
You mean that someone in the family would see someone else going inside as an opportunity to get ahead?

Phil Bell:
You're a smart guy. Anyways, excuse me if I wanna be absolutely sure that we got out asses covered.

Niko Bellic:
You're excused. What're we doing?

Phil Bell:
We're taking a load of product off of some Russians the Ancelottis have been dealing with. You was helping those Irish idiots cause some beef between the Ancelottis and their Albanian muscle a while back. Since that little love affair ended, they've been getting this Russian guy to supply them with C. We just got the heads up that a shipment has arrived in Liberty City by boat.

Niko Bellic:
That's what the talk about the docks was?

Phil Bell:
Exactly. We're taking the C off the Russians so they can't deliver it to the Ancelottis.

Niko Bellic:
Sounds straightforward. We take the coke so that the Russians and the Ancelottis have a falling out. And we make some money in the process by selling the stuff. Easy.

Phil Bell:
Sh*t, you sound like you're saying all this just so it's clear on the wire tap. For the record I don't know what this man is talking about. We're rehearsing a scene for an acting class. I work in waste management. Everything we're saying is fiction, it has no bearing in the real world. Watch it Niko.

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    D Othello