


Matt Walker:
Do I have to keep telling you until I'm blue in the face? I don't want to talk about it.

Ashley Frasier:

Ashley Frasier:
Look, I went out. I had a few drinks and I blew off a little steam. So what?

Ashley Frasier:
You didn't just have a few drinks. You got fallen down drunk in the park.

Matt Walker:
Oh, here we go again.

Ashley Frasier:
Thank goodness, Jake found out about it and went to help. Otherwise who knows what would have happened?

Matt Walker:
I did not get falling down drunk.

Ashley Frasier:
What else would you call it? When I got there, you were flat on your face throwing up.

Matt Walker:
[chuckles] Give me a break.

Ashley Frasier:
We had to half carry you home and sneak you in through the basement door so your parents wouldn't see you.

Matt Walker:
So this is the first time in the history of the world that a guy has had a little too much to drink?

Ashley Frasier:
No! And it isn't the first time you have had a little too much to drink either. Matt, if you only could have seen yourself.

Matt Walker:
OK, I was kind of buzzed.

Ashley Frasier:
No, you weren't! You were pathetic.

Matt Walker:
[sarcastically] Thanks, Ashley. Rub my face in it.

Ashley Frasier:
Matt, listen to me.

Matt Walker:
No, you listen. This subject is closed. This is the last time we're gonna discuss it and you're not gonna mention it to anyone else.

Ashley Frasier:
Of course, I'm not gonna mention it to anyone else but you can't keep pretending.

Matt Walker:
I told you this subject is closed.

Ashley Frasier:
Matt, I'm only trying to help but at times like this, I honestly do not know why I even bother.

Ashley Frasier:
I can't believe how far I'm getting behind in class. With all of this stuff about Matt, I can't find the time to study and when I do find time, I can't think straight and I've got this major history test coming up in just a couple of days.

Jake Deosdade:
You'll do OK just like always.

Ashley Frasier:
No! It's different this time. I'm totally imprepared and I don't have a clue when I'll find the time to get prepared. That isn't the point. It's not what I need to talk to you about.

Jake Deosdade:

Ashley Frasier:
He's starting to drive me crazy, Jake. What am I supposed to do? What are we supposed to do?

Jake Deosdade:
I just don't know, Ashley. I honestly don't.

Ashley Frasier:
We got to do something. We have been worried about his drinking for ages and then on Friday night seeing him in that condition.

Jake Deosdade:
Well maybe we just have to wait and let Matt calm down a little. Let him start to realize that he does have a really bad drinking problem.

Ashley Frasier:
What if he still won't admit it?

Jake Deosdade:
Then maybe we'll have to do something drastic.

Ashley Frasier:
Like what?

Jake Deosdade:
Like tell his parents.

Ashley Frasier:
We can't do that. He'd never speak to either one of us again.

Jake Deosdade:
I know, but if we really care about him, do we have a choice? I mean we can't just let our friend go down the tubes and if he's drinking like this when he's only 15, what's he gonna be like when he's 18 or 20 or 25?

Ashley Frasier:
You never understand, Jake. He'd hate us.

Jake Deosdade:
I know. But what else can we do?

Ashley Frasier:
I don't think I can handle this anymore.

Jake Deosdade:
Your math test?

Ashley Frasier:
I told you, I couldn't study. I didn't know anything that was gonna be on it. So I made a list.

Jake Deosdade:
How do you mean?

Ashley Frasier:
A list of answers. A cheat sheet, Jake and I took it in and hid it under the exam paper. But Mrs. Tinelli must have seen me because she came over in the middle of the exam and she grabbed it and held it up in front of the whole class. In front of the entire class with everybody staring at me.

Jake Deosdade:
Oh no!

Ashley Frasier:
Then I got sent down to the principal's.

Jake Deosdade:
OK, just wait. I mean, I know how you feel.

Ashley Frasier:
It was awful, Jake. I just wanted to die.

Jake Deosdade:
Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do. But even so...

Ashley Frasier:
Don't you understand? I cheated on a test.

Jake Deosdade:
Yeah, I know.

Ashley Frasier:
I cheated, Jake and now everyone knows and they're all gonna think I cheated on everything else too.

Jake Deosdade:
No one's gonna think that.

Ashley Frasier:
How can I look anyone in the eye? And how on earth do I tell my parents?

Jake Deosdade:
Ashley, listen...

Brooke Morgan:
We've heard, Ashley. We both have.

Everybody has.

Jake Deosdade:

Brooke Morgan:
And we understand. Well, we sort of understand. It's not the end of the world and it's not like everyone's gonna think you're totally a horrible person.

No, no. It's not quite that.

Brooke Morgan:
All the same. I have to tell you, Ashley, I'm awfully disappointed. I really am. Cheating is a very bad thing.

It's dishonest.

Brooke Morgan:
I just never thought you would stoop to something like this.

I'm shocked, Brooke. I really am.

Brooke Morgan:
Of course you are. We're both shocked. We're appalled.

Ashley Frasier:
[telling Jake she just broke up with Matt after having a huge argument with him about his drinking problem] I just can't believe what happened. He accused me of telling the whole school he was an alcoholic and then he said he never wanted to see me again.

Jake Deosdade:
This is incredible.

Ashley Frasier:
And he meant it too. I've never seen his eyes like that. Like he totally hated me.

Jake Deosdade:
But you didn't tell anyone did you? About his drinking?

Ashley Frasier:
Of course not.

Jake Deosdade:
Well, I didn't tell anyone either and we're the only ones who know.

Ashley Frasier:
Then what's going on?

Jake Deosdade:
Well, someone must have seen us at the park on Friday night when Matt was totaled.

Ashley Frasier:
Then wouldn't we have seen them?

Jake Deosdade:
I don't know. But how else? Look, let's not worry about that part right now. We've just got to make Matt realize that you didn't tell anyone.

Ashley Frasier:
Yeah, right.

Jake Deosdade:
I'll talk to him.

Ashley Frasier:
It won't make any difference, Jake. He's convinced I betrayed him.

Jake Deosdade:
Then I'll unconvince him.

Ashley Frasier:
It won't work. You know what he's like.

Jake Deosdade:
Ashley, it has to work and I can't just sit back and let him make these crazy accusations. I mean you're the one who has been standing by him.

Ashley Frasier:
Maybe that's just it. Maybe I just can't stand it anymore. Maybe I don't want to even make up with him.

Jake Deosdade:
You don't mean that.

Ashley Frasier:
I don't know. Right now, I just don't know.

Jake Deosdade:

Ashley Frasier:
Want to hear the really funny part? With all this going on, I'm supposed to be taking a test tomorrow. Major math test. First class after lunch.

Jake Deosdade:
You'll be OK.

Ashley Frasier:
Are you kidding? I don't know any of the stuff. I can't focus. I can't concentrate. I'll be really lucky if I can spell my name right.

Jake Deosdade:
Look, just try to relax.

Ashley Frasier:
That's hilarious! My whole life is in a mess. It's getting worse by this second and I'm supposed to relax? I don't think you understand. I'm gonna fail that test. It's half the mark for the whole term.

Jake Deosdade:
[in his second huge argument with Matt about him and Ashley breaking up after having a huge argument with her about his drinking problem]

Matt Walker:
Are you gonna join me?

Jake Deosdade:
Have you heard about Ashley?

Matt Walker:
Hasn't everybody?

Matt Walker:
It sure gets around.

Matt Walker:
Yeah! She cheated on a test which was pretty dumb and she got caught which was even dumber.

Jake Deosdade:
Don't you even care?

Matt Walker:
It doesn't have anything to do with me, does it? Remember? We broke up. Cheating on a test. I never thought Ashley would do something like that. It's amazing to learn about people.

Jake Deosdade:
Do you have any idea how torn up she is?

Matt Walker:
And how do you think I feel? The whole school thinks I'm some sort of alcoholic just because I had a few drinks on Friday night. I've got 300 kids whispering behind my back. How would you like to put up with that?

Jake Deosdade:
Oh, I see. I'm supposed to feel sorry for you am I?

Matt Walker:
You can feel however you like.

Jake Deosdade:
I'm supposed to sit back and sigh while you tell me your troubles, huh? Well forget it. Because I'm sick of it, you jerk.

Matt Walker:

Jake Deosdade:
Ashley tied herself in knots trying to help you and you turn around and dump her. And now that she's having a nervous breakdown, you want sympathy for your troubles? What sort of total jerk are you? Hey, sure. Go ahead, hit me. What a great way to prove you're a man.

Jake Deosdade:
Don't push it, Jake.

Jake Deosdade:
Let me ask you something, buddy. Do you care about anybody but yourself? Anybody?

[on the phone] Hi, it's me. I'm down at the Avalon. You wouldn't believe what just happened. At totally world class shouting matchtween Matt and Jake. No! I'm not kidding. But anyway, that's not what I called to tell you. Listen, I've done it. Yeah! It's all set up. Just another couple of days and Brooke is finally going to get what she deserves.

Brooke Morgan:
[sees Ashley studying for her math test] Am I interrupting something?

Ashley Frasier:
No, no, of course not! I was just studying for my math test.

Brooke Morgan:
Ashley, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am.

Ashley Frasier:
About what?

Brooke Morgan:
You know what I mean. I was just devastated to hear that you had broken up with Matt or Matt had broken up with you.

Ashley Frasier:
I guess these things happen.

Brooke Morgan:
I know but it's awful when they do.

Ashley Frasier:
Look, I'm really kind of busy and I don't really feel like talking about this anyway.

Brooke Morgan:
[won't shut up] I understand but it's never good to keep these things bottled up inside. At times like this, you gotta let your friends help you.

Ashley Frasier:
Brooke, really.

Brooke Morgan:
[still won't shut up] The worst part of it all, how long have you known that Matt's an alcoholic?

Ashley Frasier:
Who told you that?

Brooke Morgan:
[still won't shut up] No! You don't need to pretend, Everybody knows. Poor Matt. But it's worse for you in a way.

Ashley Frasier:
Would you please leave me alone?

Brooke Morgan:
[still won't shut up] I mean, you have probably known about this for ages and you have been covering up for him all this time.

Ashley Frasier:
Just leave me alone, OK? I'm busy and I don't want to talk about it! So just keep your nose out of my life! [storms out to study for her math test somewhere else]

Brooke Morgan:
[to Olaf] Well, she's turning into quite the little witch, isn't she?

What happened?

Brooke Morgan:
You heard exactly what happened. She started bellowing at me for no reason at all. Breaking up with your boyfriend does not give you the right to start treating other people like dirt.

Ashley and Matt broke up?

Brooke Morgan:
Which rock have you been living under?

I beg your pardon?

Brooke Morgan:
Everyone knew, Yesterday afternoon, they had a big fight about Matt's drinking and then boom went the relationship.

I didn't know Matt had a drinking problem.

Brooke Morgan:
Oh, terrible problem. Tragic, really. Oh well, it's nothing we have to deal with.

Ashley Frasier:
10 laps! I have never run so much in my entire life.

Dylan Blackwell:
Well, if you're gonna turn into a juvenile delinquent who skips classes, you gotta expect this sort of thing.

Ashley Frasier:
No one makes you run laps when you skip class?

Dylan Blackwell:
No! They've pretty much given up owith me. You see, I've got this major attitude problem. [sees Matt coming] Ooh, the boyfriend's back. I better get lost.

Matt Walker:
What are you doing here?

Dylan Blackwell:
Just passing through, man. Total innocent. Trust me. [to Ashley] See you some other time sweetheart. [leaves]

Matt Walker:
[feeling jealous] You've been talking to him?

Ashley Frasier:
We talked for about 30 seconds. So how was basketball practice?

Matt Walker:
It could have been worse. At least Williams didn't spend the whole 2 hours on my case.

Ashley Frasier:
Well forget about basketball. It's Friday afternoon and I'm really looking forward to that movie tonight.

Matt Walker:
Oh, right. Look, I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.

Ashley Frasier:
But we have been planning this all week.

Matt Walker:
I know but it's Jake.

Ashley Frasier:
What about Jake?

Matt Walker:
I swung by my place on the way down. There was a note taped on the front door. Jake says he needs to see me tonight. It's important.

Ashley Frasier:
Why can't you call him?

Matt Walker:
I tried. He's not home.

Ashley Frasier:
Can't you see him tomorrow instead?

Matt Walker:
The note said it's important, Ashley and he is my best friend.

Ashley Frasier:
I know and I'm sorry. I'm just kind of disappointed.

Matt Walker:
Look, we'll see the movie another time.

Ashley Frasier:

Matt Walker:
I promise.

Ashley Frasier:

Jake Deosdade:
Oh, hi!

Courtney Simpson:

Jake Deosdade:
Have you seen Ashley?

Courtney Simpson:
Yesterday for a few minutes. She didn't really feel like talking. I'm getting worried about her.

Jake Deosdade:
Yeah, me too. So, how about you? How are you doing?

Courtney Simpson:
OK I guess. Not bad. Well, actually, I feel almost guilty about saying this when everything is going so bad for Ashley but something kind of nice happened to me this morning.

Jake Deosdade:

Courtney Simpson:
The drama teacher wanted to talk to me. The class is entering a drama play in the festival and he asked if I wanted to write it.

Jake Deosdade:
Hey! Sounds great.

Courtney Simpson:
Could be kind of fun.

Jake Deosdade:
No! It's excellent. So, do you have any ideas? What's it gonna be about?

Courtney Simpson:
Maybe, maybe it will be about some stupid girl who acts like a complete jerk to a real good friend for no reason at all. Jake, look, I'm real sorry for what I said, for the way I acted.

Jake Deosdade:
No, don't be sorry. It was my fault. I was the one who...

Courtney Simpson:
No! It wasn't your fault and I can't believe I acted that way. I guess I was just kind of upset. So, do you think we can still be friends?

Jake Deosdade:
Yeah! I'd like that a lot. But listen, since we're friends again and since you're gonna be writing a play, I was just wondering, Shakespeare in the park is going on next weekend. So maybe, you know.

Courtney Simpson:
Are you asking me if I'd like to go to the play with you?

Jake Deosdade:
Oh, yeah, yeah, basically.

Courtney Simpson:
Sounds great.

Matt Walker:
Jake? Just in case you're interested, I saw her.

Jake Deosdade:

Matt Walker:
Yeah! I went over to her place at lunch. We talked for a couple of minutes.

Jake Deosdade:
What did she say?

Matt Walker:
Not much! Mainly, she just wanted me to leave. So, I did.

Jake Deosdade:
How is she?

Matt Walker:
Not so good. Not so good at all. Really bad.

Jake Deosdade:
Maybe, I don't know, maybe she just needs a little more time. Is she coming to school tomorrow?

Matt Walker:
I don't think so.

Jake Deosdade:
Then, when is she coming back?

Matt Walker:
I don't know and neither does she. Maybe not at all.

Jake Deosdade:
Oh, come on. I mean she can't just stay away forever.

Matt Walker:
That's what her parents want.

Jake Deosdade:

Matt Walker:
They're talking about pulling her out of Hillside and sending her to a private school. They think her friends are a bad influence on her.

Jake Deosdade:
You're kidding.

Matt Walker:
Nope! It looks like Ashley agrees with them. She doesn't want to come back here either.

Jake Deosdade:
But listen, what are we gonna do?

Matt Walker:
I don't know, Jake. I really don't. Because I'm not sure how much longer I'm gonna be around either.

Jake Deosdade:
What is that supposed to mean?

Matt Walker:
It turns out that you and Ashley weren't the only ones who knew I was doing a little drinking. My parents found a bottle in my closet.

Jake Deosdade:
You're kidding.

Matt Walker:
They're freaking out. It all blew up last night. They actually think I should spend some time in one of those centers. The ones for teenagers with substance abuse problems.

Jake Deosdade:

Matt Walker:
A guy has a few drinks on Friday night and what happens? His parents turn around and... It's hilarious, isn't it? You stand here and you watch the world start falling apart. I mean... [runs off]

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