Party of Five

Party of Five

Party of Five is an American television teen and family drama created by Christopher Keyser and Amy Lippman that originally aired on Fox for six seasons from September 12, 1994, to May 3, 2000. The series featured an ensemble cast led by Scott Wolf as Bailey, Matthew Fox as Charlie, Neve Campbell as Julia, and Lacey Chabert as Claudia Salinger, who with their baby brother Owen (played by several actors) constitute five siblings whom the series follows after the loss of their parents in a car accident. Notable co-stars included Scott Grimes, Paula Devicq, Michael Goorjian, Jeremy London, and Jennifer Love Hewitt. While categorized as a series aimed at teenagers and young adults, Party of Five explored several mature themes, including substance and domestic abuse, cancer, and the long-term effects of parental loss. Despite receiving positive reviews from television critics after its debut, including TV Guide naming it "The Best Show You're Not Watching" in 1995, the series suffered from low ratings during its first and second seasons, during which speculation arose that it would soon be cancelled. However, in 1996, Party of Five won the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Drama, after which ratings and popularity grew for the majority of the remainder of the series. A spin-off starring Hewitt debuted on the network in 1999, Time of Your Life, which was cancelled after one season.


Bailey Salinger:
This goes from bad to worse.

Joe Mangus:
Things can turn around. You never know. Hey, I'm talking from experience here. I mean is after I had my heart attack, my doctor told me, "if you keep doing the one thing you really love to do, if you keep working your restaurant, you're gonna kill yourself." So I quit. I was 50 years old. I had no job, no family. Do you think I went wondering around the world for fun? I was lost. And then I met this woman.

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, well, that's great. You're a lucky guy.

Joe Mangus:
It's not luck. I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, and I need to start making sense of this world, but I kind of like to think that it was God looking out for me. It was God saying, "I'm not gonna let you go."

Bailey Salinger:
Okay, I know what this is about. This is about me and God and not wanting to go to AA, right?

Joe Mangus:
Everybody needs something to belive in, Bailey, besides themselves.

Bailey Salinger:
Not me. I don't. I don't belive in God. I never did. My parents never did either. We're all pretty much on our own here. And there's nobody looking out for any of us.

Claudia Salinger:
Just cut it out, Bailey! Don't say stuff like that.

Joe Mangus:
Somebody was looking out for me. Somebody was looking out for your father when he stopped drinking.

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, well it wasn't God. There is no God. Proof of that: letting my parents die in that car accident. Look, you belive whatever you want to belive in, Joe. If you're afraid of dying from your weak heart and you need to belive in God, then that's your business. I'm just saying that I don't see him in my life. I never did.

Joe Mangus:
How about the fact that your father is inside of you? This is the proof, and it means nothing to you?

Bailey Salinger:
The fact that I got this disease, this drinking problem, from him? It means plenty to me, Joe. I inherited this disease from him and he probally inherited the same from his father too since he never talked about his family or his own father.

Joe Mangus:
Why do you insist on always looking at the bad stuff, Bailey? You think I wanted to show up that day at your house and tell you about your Dad's drinking problem to make things worse with you? I told you because I thought it would give you a little hope. Yeah... maybe it's true. Maybe you did inherit your father's drinking problem. You got what your father gave you and what his father gave to him. You got what made your father start drinking. But if you look for it, you also got what made him stop.

Bailey Salinger:
So, why did you lie? Why didn't you tell me you were my grandfather? It was guilt, right? You probably felt really bad about how things went with my Mom, and walking out on her when she was so little and letting Grandma to raise her all by herself and you thought I'd be as mad as you as she was.

Jacob Gordon:
I didn't expect I'd have to go into any of this.

Bailey Salinger:
Or maybe you wanted to make a good first impression. You know, make me think you were a great guy before telling me that we're related. Was that it? Were you ever going to tell me?

Jacob Gordon:
I thought about it, but I figured you'd be better off not knowing.

Bailey Salinger:
Better off? Hey, I have no parents! I have no living relatives to look after me or my brothers and sisters. So no, I wouldn't be better off. I guess this explains why you haven't come back before now. You just though we'd all be better off.

Jacob Gordon:
I came back here to San Francisco five months ago looking for my daughter Diana Gordon, your mother. She was my only child, and I haven't seen her for over 30 years. I went over to city hall. I asked them to look her up. I expected to get a new address, a new name, or a place of business... and the woman there came back and said, "The person you're looking for is deceased". Well, I didn't tell her that I was looking for my daughter, so I shouldn't have expected her to break it to me gently. It shouldn't really hurt, you know, losing something you never had in the first place.

Bailey Salinger:
So, you don't even know what she looked like? As an adult, I mean. Julia looks like her. A lot. You'll see when you meet her.

Jacob Gordon:
Oh, I'm not gonna do that.

Bailey Salinger:

Jacob Gordon:
I'm not going to meet Julia.

Bailey Salinger:
What do you mean? She's my sister.

Jacob Gordon:
I know who she is.

Bailey Salinger:
How can you not want to meet her?

Jacob Gordon:
Bailey, I'm not going to meet any of them. I came here looking for a grown daughter, that's all. Because when you get old, you want to make amends. But I found that my only daughter and child was gone, and found five kids instead. One of them's only a baby. You all need things from a grandfather or a legal guardian that I'm just not able to give any of you. I can't handle five kids. I couldn't handle one. I can give you money or help you in school, but that's it. Now if you are going to go on talking about meeting the rest of them... Charlie, Claudia, and Owen... don't. That's not going to happen.

[first lines]

Bailey Salinger:
So, any we're just sitting there having dinner as usual when he just walks in, like... "Hello, I'm your grandfather". And nobody knew what to say, you know? And I really don't know what it means, that he... just showed up. Maybe I... I guilted him into wanting to meet them. But then... can we trust him? You know, is he gonna stick around? The guy's definiately got a history of flaking out on people, that's for sure. Take off your jacket.

Sarah Reeves:
I wasn't planning on staying. And apparently neither are you.

Bailey Salinger:

Sarah Reeves:
I ran into Warren Danziger today at the coffeehouse. He had a message for you. He said that he got into New Hampshire State too, and if you were looking for a roommate... And I said, "what are you talking about? You know, Bailey's not going back east for school after graduation this coming May. He's staying here in San Francisco." But apparently that's not what your guidence counselor told him.

Bailey Salinger:
[sighs] Okay. First of all... first of all when I applied for Hampshire State, you and I, we weren't even... we weren't even together yet, and... I never thought I would get into that place. It was like this huge long shot. Really. Okay... yes. Yes, I got accepted.

Sarah Reeves:
But you're not going to go, right?

Bailey Salinger:
Well... I want to. I want to get out of here and make a fresh start. Start my life all over again... away from here... and away from this life.

Sarah Reeves:
[angered] God...

Bailey Salinger:
Sarah, listen... before you get upset, I know what you're thinking. And... and you have to know that me going away to college isn't going to change anything between us at all.

Sarah Reeves:
What are you talking about, Bailey. In five months, you're going to graduate with me and then you're leaving. You're moving 3,000 miles away. You're going to get as far away from here as you can get... from this house, your siblings, and the memory of your parents death. That changes everything.

Bailey Salinger:
Sarah, listen...

Sarah Reeves:
[walks out] And you're someone to talk about flaking out.

Julia Salinger:
Did you tell Jake that he could live with us?

Claudia Salinger:
Yeah, why? Is he here?

Julia Salinger:
No, he's not, I sent him away. That man is not moving in with us.

Claudia Salinger:
Charlie and Bailey said it was okay.

Julia Salinger:
I don't care!

Claudia Salinger:
I don't have to listen to you.

Julia Salinger:
What is the matter with you, Claudia. Why are you being so nice to him?

Claudia Salinger:
Because he's our grandfather.

Julia Salinger:
[grabs Claudia] No, he is not! He is nothing to you! He is the selfish man who walked out on our grandmother and our Mom. So you're just going to forgive him for that? Is that it? God, what gives you the right to forgive him for her? Do you have any idea what it was like for our mother growing up without him? Do you? Did she ever tell you what it was like?

Claudia Salinger:

Julia Salinger:
Well, she told me. She told me that when she was seven years old he left her and our grandmother by sneaking away in the middle of the night. She told me what it was like to have him leave her without a goodbye or a note. Without ever visiting her or even calling her or writing her to say just once that he loved her or thought about her. And what it was like to think that it was her fault! It broke our grandmother's mental health, and our mother's view on life. And you! Just because you want someone to take you out for some ice cream or to some stupid swap meet. I can't belive you! I can't belive how selfish you are... like that man is! Why don't you just go to the cemetery and spit on Mom's grave, because that is what you are doing!

[Charlie is talking to Bailey about Claudia phoning Kirsten's parents]

Charlie Salinger:
God, talk about stupid! Like those two people ever made a situation better in their entire lives. Claudia shouldn't have done that! She shouldn't have called them!

Bailey Salinger:
You're right. She shouldn't have. You should have.

Charlie Salinger:

Bailey Salinger:
As soon as Kirsten got sick, you should have picked up the phone and told Gene and Ellie about what's happening with Kirsten. They're her parents. They have a right to know what's going on with her.

Charlie Salinger:
Look, Kirsten asked me not to tell them. Okay? She literally begged me not to. She didn't want anyone to know about her mental problems, not even her parents.

Bailey Salinger:
[scoffs] Oh, like she's thinking real clearly these days?

Charlie Salinger:
What do you want? You want to give me a hard time like you always do? Is that it?

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah. Yeah, I do.

Charlie Salinger:
Yeah, well you know what, Bailey? You're not here. You're not around anymore since you moved out. You drift in a few times a month to steal toilet paper and do your laundry, and you think you have the right...

Bailey Salinger:
[interrupting] You know what? I don't need to to live here to see that keeping Kirsten's parents in the dark about her mental condition is not the smartest thing...

Charlie Salinger:
[cutting him off] I'm telling you, Bailey. You don't know what's going on around here! I was handling this fine on my own! You don't know what's going on around here with Kirsten and you have no idea how I'm dealing with it! Instead of waltzing in with an opinion about everything, why don't you just do us all a favor and just butt out! I don't need your help or your advice! I can handle this on my own!

[Charlie exits while Bailey shakes his head]

Bailey Salinger:
Look, I know that you guys probaly don't want to hear this... but I think we should be open to the posibility that maybe this is it for us. You know, maybe he just... split.

Claudia Salinger:
No way.

Charlie Salinger:
What do you mean split?

Bailey Salinger:
I mean, he's had enough. And he's gone. Possibly... forever. He's never coming back. He's done it before. He walked out on Mom and Grandmom without a note or reason why, and they both never saw him again. Think about it. We don't have a telephone number where we can call him in Arizona... assuming that's where he is. When he goes away, he never leaves a phone number, right? And he said that he was going to be back two days ago, and he's still not back. So...

Julia Salinger:
You really think we may not see him ever again? That's a weird feeling. What if you're right?

Charlie Salinger:
You guys, all his stuff is still here.

Bailey Salinger:
So what? Do you think he... when he walked out on Mom and Grandmom that he packed? No, he didn't. Don't you remember the story Mom once told us? He left in the middle of the night with no note or explanation, leaving behind a wife and daughter to fend for themselves... never to return. All he took was maybe one suitcase with whatever clothes and stuff he had with him, he got in his car, drove away and that was that. He never came back for the rest of his clothes or belongings.

Claudia Salinger:
No! No, you're wrong. Something horrible happened. He like... forgot his blood pressure medication or something. He could be lying in a hospital in a coma somewhere

[Claudia goes to a phone and begins dialing a number]

Charlie Salinger:
Hey, what are you doing?

Claudia Salinger:
[into the phone] Operator? Can you give me the phone numbers to all the hospitals in Arizona?

[to the Salingers]

Claudia Salinger:
He wouldn't just leave! I know he wouldn't!

Claudia Salinger:
Do you believe in omens?

Bailey Salinger:
What do you mean?

Claudia Salinger:
Signs that bad things are gonna happen.

Bailey Salinger:
No, I don't. I think people need to look for reasons that bad things happen, but... sometimes there just aren't any.

Claudia Salinger:
Look... I know why you're here. You think I should go to the hospital.

Bailey Salinger:
No, it's not...

Claudia Salinger:
But I'm not going to. I can't.

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, I know. I know what you're remembering, Claud. We all are.

Claudia Salinger:
But you think it's bad that I'm not going, don't you?

Bailey Salinger:

Claudia Salinger:
I mean, Owen is sick, and I...

Bailey Salinger:
Claudia, I think it's okay. Really. You don't have to go.

Claudia Salinger:
You mean that?

Bailey Salinger:
It's okay. Don't feel bad. Everyone understands... And Owen knows that you love him.

Claudia Salinger:
[smiles, then looks away] You probably have to get back, huh?

Bailey Salinger:
No, I got a few minutes.

Claudia Salinger:
You can go. Don't worry about me.

Bailey Salinger:
Come on, I do. I worry about you. And I know I haven't been too great about it the last few weeks.

Claudia Salinger:
It's ok... I just bug you, right? I mean, I'm kind of just a big pain.

Bailey Salinger:
No you're not. I just... I'm just... I'm trying to figure out how to work things, Claud. I mean, Kate's the first girlfriend I've ever had. The first real girlfriend. And I'm not forgetting about you. I'm not. I promise. Whenever you need me, you come first.

Claudia Salinger:

Bailey Salinger:
You're my sister. [they hug]

[Joe has just bailed Charlie out of jail]

Joe Mangus:
You want to tell me what the hell's going on with you?

Charlie Salinger:
Not now, Joe.

Joe Mangus:
[angrily grabs Charlie] Yeah, now Charlie! You owe me considering I just spent $2,500 of my own money to bail you out of jail, not to mention arrange your court date for this!

Charlie Salinger:
[desperate] Look, this whole thing is not my fault! Okay? Only... nobody seems to be listening to me... not even you. When I broke up with Kathleen, I had no idea that she was gonna do this to get back at me! I had no idea that she would turn into such a psychotic and vindictive b*tch! Yet, everyone is thinking that this is all my fault for...

Joe Mangus:
[rudely cutting him off] First of all, I don't give a damn who's fault it is! The fact is that it happened and you gotta deal with it! You dated that woman, you led her on, you dumped her, and now she's trying get back at you by buying and closing down the restaurant. You're the manager and owner of the restaurant, and it's your responsibility for what happens to it... so actually this does make it all your fault! I mean look at you! Look at yourself! Is this how you deal with things? Is this your way of handling a crisis? You go out to a bar, you get drunk, and you start punching people? What are you? Sixteen?

Charlie Salinger:
I'm sorry you got dragged into this, Joe. What do you want me to say? I'm sorry that I ever met Kathleen. I'm sorry that I dumped her. I'm sorry that I got arrested. I'm sorry about all this! I handled it badly! Can we just go? Can you just take me home? I really don't want to talk about this anymore.

Joe Mangus:
Charlie, I don't get you. You've got a lot going for you. You know that. Yet, you're either too stupid or too insecure or too immature to see it. You're raising the kids. They're doing great. You did a beautiful job running the restaurant. You had Kirsten, an incredible woman. And yet... what do you do every time? Anything good comes along, you always find a way to screw it up!

Charlie Salinger:
[beat] Thanks again for bailing me out. I'll pay you back for this, I promise.

Joe Mangus:
[still angry] Yeah... I know you will. Just get in the car and shut up! I don't want to talk to you anymore or even look at you either!

Charlie Salinger:
Did you get milk for Owen? We're completely out.

Bailey Salinger:
[angry] Nope. Get it yourself.

Charlie Salinger:
It's your turn. I got it last...

Bailey Salinger:
Hey! You know what? Save it, Charlie! I don't need a lesson on how to take care of things, especially from a child like you!

Charlie Salinger:
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Bailey Salinger:
That's supposed to mean nice going at the restaurant today!

Charlie Salinger:

Bailey Salinger:
No, you really stood up yourself... for all of us, you pushover!

Charlie Salinger:
Nothing good was going to come by making some kind of scene with Kathleen.

Bailey Salinger:
How about a little self-respect? Huh? Maybe showing Claudia that you didn't just give the place away?

Charlie Salinger:
What was I supposed to do? Confront Kathleen and tell her to leave? She's taking the restaurant to get back at me because I broke up with her. If I stood up against her, she would have called the police and had me arrested... and probably you and Joe too if you intervened. She then would have come after our money my making us liable for her investment group losing funds since she invested so much in the restaurant. She's taking the restaurant and who else knows what more crazy things she's capable of? What am I supposed to do? Tell me what you want me to do!

Bailey Salinger:
No, Charlie! This is your problem! You brought this on yourself! You're the reason why Kathleen is doing this to us! This is all your fault for dating that woman in the first place! It's your problem! You deal with it! I am sick and tired of taking care of everything and worrying about everyone all the time, okay? I've had it with buying milk and diappers for Owen or fixing your screw ups! I've had it! Goodbye, Charlie!

Charlie Salinger:
Wait a minute! This is something more besides the restaurant, right?

Bailey Salinger:
[deflecting the question] No, this is about you! This is about your screw ups! And I don't get it, because if I were you, I would not be moping around here all day feeling sorry for myself, or getting into bar fights at night and getting arrested for being drunk and disorderly. If I were you, I'd be spending every single second of every single day trying to figure out how to fix this!

Jacob Gordon:
Got to hand it you, Charlie, you've good at intregue. Can't meet at the house, too complicated to discuss on the telephone. You got me wondering.

Charlie Salinger:
Hey, Jake. How have you been? How's your health?

Jacob Gordon:
Oh, I can't complain. At least I haven't got a going-out-of-business sign stuck to the side of my restaurant. I'm guessing this isn't just an advertising ploy, huh?

Charlie Salinger:
No, it's kind of bad. It's really bad. And... uh, I can't figure out any way out of it on my own. To make a long story short, I used to date this woman named Kathleen Isley, a wealthy woman. A few weeks ago, I broke up with her and now she's put together this investment group and they're trying to buy this building housing the restaurant to close it down... for the sole reason to make me suffer for dumping her. Her investment group put a good offer to Montgomery, the guy who owns the building, and Joe is not wanting to fight it out and he's really selling the place. Nobody is talking to me right now. Everyone, including Joe, Bailey, Claudia, Julia... even my staff are blaming me for what is happening. For dating Kathleen, or dumping her, or both. I don't know. Maybe they're right, maybe they're wrong. Maybe this is all my fault for what is happening.

Jacob Gordon:
So, you called me. But... I'd figure after what happened between us I'd be the last person...

Charlie Salinger:
Well, you're a businessman, right? And maybe there's some way to fix this. Some angle I haven't seen. You're thinking that I called you because I need something, right?

Jacob Gordon:
Are you going to tell me different?

Charlie Salinger:
[sighs] I'm sorry. I... I don't know what else to do. I'm out of options. Tonight's the last night. Joe's closing the place, so this is it. And if I don't come up with something fast, I mean before this sale goes through tomorrow, then it's... it's all gonna be gone. Just gone. Will you help me? No one else seems to be willing to.

Jacob Gordon:
[after a pause] Let me make a few phone calls. I'll see what I can do.

Bailey Salinger:
I want you to see something.

[Bailey shows Charlie a note, which Charlie picks it up and skims through it]

Charlie Salinger:
You got into college? New Hampshire state?

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, I got in. It's pretty big for someone like me. And a real school, not a little community college thing. It's even better then that. How are we going to afford sending me to college? So I actually got someone to pay for it too. Jake was going to pay for it. A $40,000 scholarship. He was putting away money so that I can go to school.

Charlie Salinger:
Man, that's great! Why didn't you say something sooner? We gotta celebrate, Bay.

Bailey Salinger:
Right. I was not planing to tell anyone and just sneak away without a word. Only here's the thing, Charlie. Jake came to see me today and he told me that you went to him to ask for his help with the restaurant.

Charlie Salinger:
Jake came to see you? Why would he...

Bailey Salinger:
He said he could take care of things. That he could use his money to pay off, or give to the owners of the building, like... like a bribe not to sell to Kathleen's investment group. He could save the place... or he could send me to school. One or the other, but he can't do both. And he left it up to me. He... left it up to me!

Charlie Salinger:
Bailey, I-I had no idea. He said he was going look into possiblities, and he hadn't got back to me so...

Bailey Salinger:
[interrupting] You know what? Just shut up, Charlie! Sometimes I hate you so much. For what you did with Kathleen and the restaurant. This is all your fault! This was it. This was finally it! I was gonna take care of myself for once in my life. For once! And I was gonna get the hell out of here, out of this house, out of this city, out of this state, and away from this life and start my life all over again... legally change my name, and never come back here... ever. I was this close!

Charlie Salinger:
So go. If you really want to move far away to go to college and change your name, sever all ties to the family and never come back here, never call or visit again... just go.

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, I'll explain that to Julia and Claudia when they find out that this was the one last chance I had to save the restaurant... our parents legacy and that I passed it up for...

Charlie Salinger:
No. No one is gonna know. This will stay between you and me and Jake, and it never happened. The restaurant is history and you're going away to school. And I'm sorry, 'cause you're right about one thing. You deserve to get away from all this and you should go. I want you to go. I'm telling you to go, Bay.

Sarah Reeves:
You're not gonna give me a chance, are you? You don't treat people you love like that. You just don't!

Bailey Salinger:

Sarah Reeves:
Yeah, so we had problems. I push you away too much because you're too overprotective. I spend too much time with the band. You don't like me changing. So what? So you sit down and you talk about things. You don't just say "it's over" just like that.

Bailey Salinger:
I just... I hate you feeling sorry for me.

Sarah Reeves:

Bailey Salinger:
That's what you told Matt. That you're staying with me is because you feel sorry for me.

Sarah Reeves:
I never said that. I said that I felt bad about all the things you've been through. Your parents death. You think I feel sorry for you? Bailey, I'm completely... completely in love with you. And I thought that was enough. But I guess it's not. I guess you want me to go away, and you want me to disappear, so you can make a fresh start by going away to college far away to start over, change your name, and never come back around here ever again. Start over someplace else with someone else, where nobody knows you or pities you. Just like your Grandfather Jake, you want to leave and never want me or anyone else to call or visit while you're in college in New Hampshire, and never call or visit ever again... just your grandfather did when he walked out on your mother and grandmother. You're running away because you can't deal with the pain or of your life problems.

Bailey Salinger:
[sighs] I'm not. I'm not going. I'm not going away to school. I'm going to stay here in San Francisco to be near you and my family and enroll at a college here. It's a done deal. I'm using my college money to save the restaurant. It's complicated. Jake worked out all the details.

Sarah Reeves:
I don't get it. I thought that getting out of here was the most important thing to you.

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, so did I. But... the problem is that I've spent the last two years fighting, really fighting to keep us all together after our parents died. And so the idea... the idea that I'd be the first one to leave... I mean us being a family, no matter what was... was kind of the whole point. And you... you're the whole point. And I don't know what happened to me. Sarah, I don't, but... it was like for a second there, it just... it all just seemed like too much and I couldn't handle it. But the thing is... the thing is I have to handle it. I have to because... because being with you and... and taking care of all of them... that's kind of who I am.

Bailey Salinger:
[about Walter Alcott] He was in jail for only nine months. Nine months out of an 18-month sentence. That's four-in-a-half months for each one of my parents that he killed! And released for good behavior? What is that about. What did he do? Cure cancer? I want him to pay for what he did and if it can't be with more jail time, then I want to pay out of his own pocket.

You want to sue him?

Bailey Salinger:
Can we?

Well, yes... technically you do have the grounds. You could file a civil suit against him for compenatory damages...

Bailey Salinger:
Then let's do it! Right now! Let's sue the bastard for every cent he's got!

And you think a lawsuit only going to make his life more miserable? What about yours? You know how long these things can take? What with depositions, continuances, and appeals... it could drag on for years, Bailey.

Bailey Salinger:
I don't care!

You don't care? Well, what about the others? What about Claudia or Owen? What about Owen, Bailey? Because by the time this whole thing is over, he's going to be old enough to understand.

Bailey Salinger:
Yeah, well at least he'll see me doing something.

Doing what? Let's say you lose. What was it all for?

Bailey Salinger:
Let's say we win.

Okay, let's say that. Let's say in the slim chance that you do win in a lawsuit against Alcott. What has it changed? Exactly what have you won? You take something like this on, and it becomes your life. You'll never be able to put this behind you and move on. Is this really what you want? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life hating Walter Alcott and trying to make him suffer for your parents death?

Bailey Salinger:
This is my life.

Joe Mangus:
Bailey, your father was an alcoholic... just like you. Belive me, I was there. I've known him all my life. He was sober for 18 years before he died. But for many years before that, years...

Bailey Salinger:
Bull! That's a load of crap! I don't believe you! I thought that you couldn't get any lower then what they did. Lying about Owen. Saying he was hurt to get me to come over here, but you... you son of a b*tch!

Joe Mangus:
Come on, Bailey.

Bailey Salinger:
What do you think? You think that just because he's dead you can say anything you want about him?

Joe Mangus:
He'd want you to know if he were alive right now. He'd want me to tell you.

Bailey Salinger:
My father was not an alcoholic! I am NOT an alcoholic! Get out of here, Joe. Get the hell out of here! I don't need to listen to this!

[to Charlie]

Bailey Salinger:
Have you heard this load of crap? Have you? Or, hey this was probally your genius idea, right? Let's get Joe to say that Dad... Nick Salinger, was a drunk and then maybe...

Charlie Salinger:
Joe... is that true?

Julia Salinger:
[as Joe nods] I don't believe it.

Bailey Salinger:
You see?

Charlie Salinger:
He didn't... I would have known.

Joe Mangus:
You were just a little kid when he quit, Charlie. You were only six when he stopped drinking for good. You were probably too young to recognize the signs.

Charlie Salinger:
What signs?

Joe Mangus:
As far back as you can remember to when you were six, do you remember him coming home from the restaurant late every night, and I would always be with him when he walked in the front door?

Julia Salinger:
That doesn't mean... look, he had a business to run.

Charlie Salinger:
He liked hanging out with you and the guys late after work, shooting the bull...

Joe Mangus:
And drinking... a lot.

Julia Salinger:

Joe Mangus:
Honey, I was the one who had to drive him home night after night from the restaurant because he was so drunk that he couldn't drive himself. That's why I was always with him when he came home. Remember, Charlie?

Julia Salinger:
[to Charlie] Did he?

Charlie Salinger:
[in denial] I don't know. I don't remember.

Joe Mangus:
Come on. I think you do. Don't you remember the fights and arguments he had with your mother afterwords? The shouting behind closed doors? It was very bad for a long time. If he hadn't gotten the help he needed when he did, he might not have lived to...

Julia Salinger:
But I never saw him drunk or take a drink in my life. Not once. Not even a bottle of beer or a glass of wine.

Joe Mangus:
That's right. And why do you think? Not a drop, not an ounce, nothing. He owned a restaurant. Hell, he owned a bar. Why never a sip? Because he knew he couldn't... ever. That's what it's like to be an alcoholic.

Charlie Salinger:
You don't understand, Kirsten. I can't do this!

Kirsten Bennett:
Yes. Yes, you can.

Charlie Salinger:
Why won't you listen to me?

Kirsten Bennett:
I am listening to you! What I am not doing is indulging you.

Charlie Salinger:

Kirsten Bennett:
You're scared. Well, hello... yes, it's scary. I'm scared too. Getting married is scary. You're panicked. Well, who isn't the morning of their wedding? But you make a choice. You either decide that it's second thoughts, or if you love me, Charlie, you decide that it's nervous anticipation and you go back downstairs. And when the minister asks "do you take this woman?", you say "I do".

Charlie Salinger:
No! No, you don't understand! I say that and I'm married, and I will be with the last woman I'm ever going to have and that I've got all the kids that I'm ever gonna have. And I live in my father's house. And every day I go to my father's job at the restaurant. And any one of those things on their own, I can deal with, but... you add them up, Kirsten. The wife and the kids and the house and the job... and that's every decision that I'm ever gonna make in my life! I've got no choices left! I'm 25 years old and I know my whole life.

Kirsten Bennett:
And it's not what you want? I'm not what you want? You don't love me?

Charlie Salinger:
I do love you. I don't want to be with anyone else. I don't.

Kirsten Bennett:
You just don't want to marry me?

Charlie Salinger:
No, I do. I do. I just... I just need time to sit with all this for a while.

Kirsten Bennett:
Listen to me, Charlie. We don't have time. My parents are downstairs, and your family and friends and a minister and 35 pounds of Australian shrimp. Now, you just pull yourself together, okay. You take a deep breath and put all this behind you, because we are getting married today.

Charlie Salinger:
No. I can't.

Charlie Salinger:
I got nothing else to say to you, Jule, except I told you so about Griffin.

Julia Salinger:
Look, I know you're mad. I get that.

Charlie Salinger:
No, you don't, 'cause "mad" doesn't even come close!

Julia Salinger:
Will you just listen? I talked with the lawyer assigned to Griffin's case. He said that this whole thing will go away if Theo drops the grand theft charges.

Charlie Salinger:
Well, he's not going to do that.

Julia Salinger:
He will if you talk to him. I mean, if you explain that Griffin made a mistake...

Charlie Salinger:
[interrupting] A mistake? Julia, he stole money from our restaruant! He deserves to get what's comming to him!

Julia Salinger:
Charlie, please! You don't know what's going on. You don't know how horrible Griffin's home life is.

Charlie Salinger:
I don't care! Okay? Julia, get a clue here! The guy is a loser! He is wrong for you!

Julia Salinger:
His dad let him spend the night in jail. Did you know that? He wouldn't even come down to the police station to visit him, and he woun't pay for a decent lawyer. You should see how his dad talks to him. If you saw that, maybe you'd understand and...

Charlie Salinger:
And what? I'd feel sorry for him and forget what he did?

Julia Salinger:
Why do you think Griffin spends nights here and avoids going home? Why do you think he has bruises on his face every other week?

Charlie Salinger:
Because he's a troublemaker.

Julia Salinger:
No! Becuase his own dad hits him for no reason on a daily basis. Since Griffin is too angry and ashamed to talk about what's going on at home, people see the buises on his face and think he gets into fights. That's why he has a bad reputation. That's not true. He's just a lonely, abused, mistreated guy who doesn't know how to deal with issues because he has no one else, beside me, in his life.

Charlie Salinger:
Once again, I don't care! Why do you think that? Why do you think his dad beats him? Because Griffin is a loser! His dad is a loser! So was Jill, and probally their mother too. Just because his own father hits him does not give Griffin the right to go out and hit other people, or cut classes, or provoke fights and arguments with his teachers, his bosses, or classmates... or steal money from our resaurant!

Julia Salinger:
God, Charlie! Griffin could go to prison!

Charlie Salinger:
Yeah, well you know what? So could I! The only difference is that I didn't do anything wrong!

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