Thomas and the Magic Railroad

Thomas and the Magic Railroad

Thomas, as anyone familiar with the eponymous, wildly popular TV series knows, is a very useful engine, and never more so than in his first theatrical release, which was a modest box-office success. On a tank filled with little more than pluck, determination, and goodwill, Thomas sets out full steam ahead on a danger-fraught mission to help his friend Mr. Conductor. The conductor's stash of magic gold dust has run out, leaving him stranded on the Island of Sodor with Junior, his flaky cousin, and Lily, a little girl enlisted to lift her grandfather out of a funk on nearby Muffle Mountain. When Thomas bravely chugs beyond his hometown tracks' buffers with Lily aboard, he's transported to Muffle Mountain's secret railway and to Lady, a long-lost steamer whose legendary engine makes her more powerful than Diesel, the train-yard bully. Together, Thomas and Lady lead Diesel on a chase that causes a bridge to collapse, taking the dastardly Diesel down with it. Most impressive about the movie is its marquee names: Alec Baldwin works magic as the dutiful worrywart Mr. Conductor, Mara Wilson is Lily, and Peter Fonda plays the cool-looking but lugubrious Grandpa. It's a cast that'll keep put-upon parents watching, if halfheartedly. Thomas fans 5 and under, meanwhile, will wish the actors wouldn't blow so much hot air; they'll want to see their hero a bigger part in steaming up the story line. --Tammy La Gorce

Director(s): Britt Allcroft
Production: Destination Films
  2 nominations.
Rotten Tomatoes:
G (General Audience)
Pulling into theaters everywhere July 2000.
Take the magic journey.
Little Engines Can Do Big Things...

Mr. C [narrating]:
And by the way, I think that you're going to help me and Thomas somewhere in this story.

Ooh. If Diesel (10) has unfinished business, there's sure to be trouble right around the corner.

James the Red Engine:
[a fly buzzes in front of him] Sandal, fly! Boot, fly! Shoo, fly! That's it! [Thomas shows up] Better still? Buzz off!

[hits the buffers too hard] Botheration!

You weren't concentrating, Thomas. Lucky for you that the buffers were there.

That's what buffers are for - to stop engines from crashing. What are you doing in the sheds, James?

I'm feeling a little blue, which isn't so hot when you're red. I was naughty, and Sir Topham Hatt told me to think about all the ways I can be really useful, then I could come out again.

He's just trying to make this a better railways for steam engines.

[notices Diesel 10] Uh...

Sir Topham Hatt says...


...The harder we work, the less he'll need Diesels to help.

Diesel 10:
Help you? [chortles]


Diesel 10:
You always need help. Because steam engines are cowardly, cranky, worn out hunks of metals who couldn't hurt a fly!

[scoffs] No, we're not!

Diesel 10:
Yes, you are!


Diesel 10:
Are! Now, I've come back to find the lost steam engine.


Diesel 10:
I'm gonna destroy her and dominate you, and then you'll be nothing but useless scrap! [to his claw] Right, Pinchy?

Big bully! [Diesel 10 laughs and leaves] STINKER!

We're really useful engines. You won't dominate us, and you won't destroy her. We won't let you, neither will Mr. Conductor. I'm off to fetch him now!

What lost engine?

Mr. C(/Older Lily) [narrating]:
Far away on Sodor, the steam engines were confident, cheerful and determined not to be bullied by Diesel( 10). Only James, who now felt really useful too, was complaining.

Wobbly wheels!

Puffy pistons!

Thomas, I should have collected Mr. Conductor.

James is right, little Thomas. [chuckles] Collecting Mr. Conductor is an important job. Hmm? Important is big. James is a big engine, hmm?


You, Thomas, are small. Small-small-small, teeny-weeny-weeny. And I, I'm a big blue engine, who knows everything. [chuckles]

Bossy Sprockets! All that steam has gone through your funnel.

Splatter Hey, there they are.

We'll fix their wagons.

I'm not good at backing up.

Me, neither.

Toby the Tram Engine:
What's important is to stand up on our own wheels to Diesel( 10).

Henry the Green Engine:
Toby's right. Diesel (10) knows that the lost engine in the legend really exists.

What engine?

Percy the Small Engine:
What legend?

Of an engine whose magic makes her more powerful than Diesel will ever be. That's why he wants to find her.

Then we'd better find her first.

[comes out of the shed] Leave it to the big engines, Percy!

Little Engines can do big things, especially when they have nice blue paint like me.

Hey, hey! Just watch what happens with that blue puffball...

...When Harold the Flopper Chopper flies past here.

[laughs] Right!

Harold the Helicopter:
[flies by] Routine, flyby chaps, hello!

The boss dumped sneezing powder everywhere.

Let's start laughing now!

[laughing] Yeah!

[flies past the sheds, causing dust to fly everywhere] Ooh, sorry, troops. A bit of a dust up. Love to stay and clean up. Got to go, bye now! [flies away]

[Thomas, Splatter and Dodge are covered in sneezing powder.]

[covered in sneezing powder] Uh, did you mean to look like that?!

[covered in sneezing powder] Uh, no!

Uh, neither did I.

[covered in sneezing powder] This must be Diesel( 10)'s doing! Ah-choo-choo!

Mr. C:
[reading letter, as Sir Topham Hatt] "Dear Mr. Conductor. Where were you? My wife said she couldn't miss our little holiday. We'll telephone to make sure you have arrived. Signed, Sir Topham Hatt." [quietly] Sir Topham Hatt. [removes his hat and puts on Sir Topham Hatt's hat, and looks in mirror; imitating Sir Topham Hatt] Where were you? [laughs and looks at picture of Sir Topham Hatt, who looks angry; Mr. C takes off hat, and then he Looks at picture of Sir Topham Hatt, who has an open mouth, and as places it rack, the picture of Sir Topham Hatt returns to smiling again, then the phone rings and Mr. C dives for phone, almost drops photo of Lady, but grabs it, and answers phone.] Oh, good afternoon, sir! A real honor, sir, like my family before me… and how is Lady Hatt? [puts photo of Lady hat back on desk] Yes. Watch out for Diesel definitely. But keep an eye on Henry's health certainly. Uh, yes, sir, the 3 R's - reading, writing and arithmetic. Uh, I mean... I will be responsible, reliable, and really useful. Yes, sir. We will all get a good night's sleep. Looking forward to a hard day tomorrow. Goodbye, sir. [hangs up phone and sighs]

[In the sheds, the steam engines are snoring. Mr. C writes in his book, yawns and swaps his nightcap from "thinking" to "sleeping". He winds up his alarm clock, and picks up baseball bat.]

Mr. C:
[chuckles] So, who dropped the ball then? [catches a beach ball] Oh, there you are. I'd like a nice cup of hot cocoa. Would you fellas care to join me? No? What would you rather do instead? [to the beach ball] Go outside and play? Well, I can understand that. [to the bat] What do you think? [makes the bat hit the ball; mock disappointment] Why do you keep hitting him like that? You gonna have to have a time out. [throws bat on his bed and makes his hot cocoa]

[Diesel 10 appears and laughs evilly]

Mr. C:
[sips cocoa] Just a little sweeter, I think. [adds sugar to cocoa]

Diesel 10:
All right, Pinchy, my little bucket of badness, time to feast yourself.

Mr. C:
[sips cocoa again, and is satisfied] Ahh. Now that's better. [Diesel 10 tears off part of the sheds] Whoa! [removes his night cap and puts on conducting hat, as the steam engines wake up in alarm, and Diesel 10 tears off more of the sheds and laughs evilly] Ahh! Whoa!

[alarmed] Cinders and ashes, it's Diesel( 10)!

Diesel( 10)!? Oh, no! Huh?! Hmm?! [Diesel laughs evilly] Ooh!


Diesel 10:
Hello, Twinkle Toes! I got a plan and you're not in it!

Mr. C:
You can't catch me, Diesel( 10)! [blows on his magic whistle twice, but only a little gold comes out of it] (Huh? Why isn't it working?)

Diesel 10:
[laughs coldly] Losing your sparkle, huh? What perfect timing. Now where is that lost engine?

Mr. C:
You won't find her here.

Diesel 10:
You're not clever enough to stop me.

Mr. C:
Oh, yes I am!

Diesel 10:
No, you're not! Ah-- [sees Mr. Conductor hold up a bag of sugar] What–?! Is that…?!

Mr. C:
That's right, it's sugar, Diesel( 10), and if I throw this in your tank, it'll seize you up for good!

Diesel 10:
[grunts and chuffs away] Make the most of tonight, Twinkle Toes, because you won't like tomorrow… neither will that... that line of tin kettles! [Pinchy snaps] Shut up, Pinchy.

[after Diesel 10 leaves] Mr. Conductor, but what happened to your sparkle?

Mr. C:
I don't know, Thomas, I'll just have to sleep on that.

[confused] On your sparkle?

Mr. C:
No, Thomas. On the problem of what happened to it.

Oh, but Mr. Conductor, without your sparkle or the Lost Engine, you can't travel here to help us anymore.

Mr. C:
I'll solve the problem. You just go to sleep now.

Easy for you to say.

Diesel 10:
[out of nowhere] Hello, Twinkle Toes! Remember me? Fat Hatt won't have much use for you looking like that! [laughs evilly] Oh, I see you forgot to bring the sugar. How careless of you. Say hello to Pinchy! [laughs evilly] Okay, Twinkle Toes, I know about the buffers…

Mr. C:
[thinking] (That's what I saw in my dream! It's coming true! My universe is starting to crumble!)

...And I know about the magic railway, and when I find that engine, you and all those puffballs will be history. Now tell me where the buffers are… NOW!

[Mr. C pulls out a pair of scissors and laughs gleefully]

Diesel 10:
[crossly] You got 10 seconds.

Mr. C:

Diesel 10:
10… 9… 8… 7… 6… [Mr. C uses middle finger to grab the scissors] 5… 4… 3… [Mr. C cuts one of Pinchy's hoses] 2…

Mr. C:
Too late, Diesel( 10)! [Diesel 10 screams crossly and Pinchy launches him toward the windmill, onto bags of flour] Did you put all this here for me? Well, you must've known that I was coming. How kind of you. Oh. I'm at the windmill. Now, that's what I call a perfect landing. This must be the clue to unlock the source of the gold dust. [the clue for the magic gold dust source writing appears] "Stoke up the magic in the mountain and the lady will smile… then watch the swirls that spin so well." [the clue writing disappears] Well, where's the writing gone?

Uh… so, boss?

Uh, how come you let Twinkle Toes escape?

Yeah. (You know, Mr. C?)

Yeah. (Him…)

Diesel 10:
[in a slightly ashamed but still "tough-guy" tone] Oh. That. Uh... Well, I-I did it on purpose. You know, I was...

Splatter and Dodge:
[in a "busted" tone of voice] Ohh.

...Testing him to see if he could escape.

[in a sarcastic skeptical tone] Liar, liar.

Pants on fire.

Does he wear pants?

Well, training pants.

Oh, right.

All right! Playtime's over, Splodge!

Splatter and Dodge:
Uh, oh!

Diesel 10:
Now, it's time for the next lesson, huh? I call it... "How to Stop Being Stupid". [Pinchy hits the coal chute, pouring coal all over him. James, Henry and Gordon saw the whole thing and laugh at him.] Now that's gonna ruin my facial. [Splatter and Dodge groan]

I'm sorry, Lily. I'm sorry, Cuz. I haven't been whatever it is - responsible, reliable and really useful, but I WILL BE, I WILL BE!!

[Diesel 10 rushes into the scrapping shed where they were with James]


[Diesel 10 stops suddenly]

WHOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAA! [lands on the top of James' cab] James! [looks around then gets his whistle out and blows in it]

Diesel 10:
[begins to operate the claw up] Ah!


Diesel 10:
So you've lost your sparkle too, huh? [Junior shakes his whistle and blows in it again while Diesel chuckles evilly] Bye-bye, Twinkle Toes!

Oh, no. It's empty.

Diesel 10:
Here we go! [rolls forward slowly towards James' engine while they backed up]

Junior, what are we gonna do?!

We'll think of something!

Diesel 10:
[laughs] That's it! [they start to back up into the smelting pit and began to push some buffers at the back of the tender]

[gets out last of his gold dust] I'll find you some more, Lily. I promise, but if I'm gonna be any help at all, it's now or never. I've got to use up the rest of this stuff. [the buffers break and fall into the smelting pit]

Diesel 10:
Are you ready?

No, we're not!

James the brains, get us out of here! [blows his whistle]

Now, we are. [he and Junior disappear into gold dust]

Diesel 10:
[shocked] What the…?

[at the Sodor well]

[happily] Yahoo!

Hoo ya! Ha ha!

Bye, James!

Bye, Junior!

[sneezes] Oh. [walks over to Mr. Conductor] Sorry to be so long, Cous. But, better late than never?

Mr. C:
Junior, we're all out of gold dust, aren't we?

Bankrupt. [looks around] Hey, it's a beautiful day! I mean, we're down, but we're not out.

Mr. C:
No, we're out. [Junior looks down] …But we're not down. [Junior looks up at him and smiles]

[after Thomas comes out of the Magic Buffers, Diesel 10, Splatter, and Dodge can see him with Lady]

Diesel 10:
Ah-ha! There's the blue puffball, and look who he's with! Splodge, come and destroy!

N-No, y-you do it yourself.

We don't like you.

Yeah, we mean that.


Yeah. What does that mean?

I have no idea.

It's a good word.

Run, Lady! Quickly, and I'm going to help you!

[scrambles into Lady's cab] So am I, my Lady. I'll not let you down again.

Diesel 10:
Ahh, who needs you, Splodge?

Mr. Conductor:
Watch out for the viaduct, it's dangerous! [Lady and Thomas race on as Diesel 10 chases them from behind, laughing evilly. Mr. Conductor realizes something and screams]

What's the matter?

Mr. Conductor:
Lady! That engine's name is Lady. She's part of the clue to the source of the…

Mr. Conductor and Junior:
…Gold dust!?

[Both pause and scream. Cut to Diesel 10 chasing Lady and Thomas]

Diesel 10:
Now, I'll get you, Burnett Stone!

No, you won't, Because the magic you refuse to believe in will get the better of you!

Diesel 10:
You can run, but you can't hide! Right, Pinchy? [laughs, snaps his claw] Pinchy's hungry!

Ooh, get back!

C'mon, Lady.

Diesel 10:
Coming, Puffball! [laughs, chasing Lady and Thomas along the line, by the watermill] Look out! [the 3 engines race through a tunnel] Here I come! Duck, Pinchy! [lowers his claw and laughs; Lady and Thomas race under a bridge] I like my lunch steamed! [laughs and growls; the 3 race over a cargo train] Pretty fast, for a puffball!

[Cut to the Big Dipper viaduct continuing to crumble, as Lady and Thomas approach]

Well, Lady, this is your Shining Time, too.

I hope so!

C'mon, Lady! Little engines CAN do big things!

[Lady and Thomas start to cross the bridge, as it breaks apart a bit and the keystones fall off. Lady makes it safely across the mid when a gap appears. Thomas bravely and carefully slows down and jumps the gap. The rest of the viaduct's mid collapses as Thomas safely makes it]

Well done, Thomas! Well done! [blows Lady's whistle, and Thomas toots back]

Diesel 10:
[notices the broken bridge] Huh-oh! [tries to brake] Ooh, what's going on!? [rolls down the broken end, the rails snap, and he tumbles down screaming, when his claw grabs onto a sleeper] Puffball! Teapot! [the sleeper breaks] TIN KETTTTTLLLLEEEEEE!!!!! [lands into a barge filled of sludge] Oh, well. Nice time of the year for a cruise. [chuckles weakly and gets towed away]

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