Trainee officer:
[during an information training session] Hey, Coordinator!
Capit?o Nascimento:
Yes, my sir?
Trainee officer:
Soldier 05 is sleeping.
Capit?o Nascimento:
Hey Soldier 05! [hands 05 a grenade, 05 takes the grendade]
Andr? Matias:
Yes, sir?
Capit?o Nascimento:
Please take this. [removes the pin] Hey 05, if you drop this granade you will make the whole place explode. You will blow up ALL of your colleagues, you will blow up all of my auxiliaries, and YOU will make myself explode. Will the sir fall asleep again?
Andr? Matias:
No sir!
Capit?o Nascimento:
[after 05 stares down the grenade] We are all trusting you, sir.