I have a better idea. How about the two of you get on your knees and take turns sucking my sack? [Kung Lao angrily puts down the chopsticks and stands up] Do you have any fucking idea who you're talking to? I'm wanted in over 35 countries for shit you fucking ballerinas couldn't even imagine.
Liu Kang:
[puts down his chopsticks also] You're angry.
Oh, fucking nothin' gets by you doesn't it?!
Liu Kang:
[stands up] Good. You should be.
Kung Lao:
You failure.
Failure? Fuckin' failure? Let me educate you, motherfucker. I'm Kano! Of the Black fucking Dragon! And who are you you two, huh? You're some fucking cave-dwelling hippie, twirling his anal beads, taking orders from this Wu Shu wanker who wears a hubcap as a helmet! Now, sit down, shut up, AND PASS ME A FUCKIN' EGG ROLL!!!! [Kano's right eye suddenly fires a laser, which ricochets around the room. Kano was stunned that he awakened his arcana] That was it, wasn't it? You all saw that? [laughs uproariously] A laser beam! It's better than fireballs, ya pussy!
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