Rodrigo Borgia/Alexander VI:
We will excommunicate Florence, if the French armies are admitted! (several of the Cardinals voice their approval)
Ascanio Sforza:
(skeptically) Excommunicate the entire city, Your Holiness?
Rodrigo Borgia/Alexander VI:
The Medicis, the Paccis, Machiavelli- the whole signoria! (the Cardinals repeat their approval) And we will have that Savanarola burnt! We will bear no more opposition to our work!
Alessandro Piccolomini:
Then you must excommunicate half of Christendom- because half the world is against us!
Rodrigo Borgia/Alexander VI:
(stands up, furious) We will not tolerate this heresy- this apostacy! (gestures behind him) This is the chair of Saint Peter's; we are the voice of the living God! We will occupy this chair until death, and the fires of Hell shall rain down on those who would oppose us! (the Cardinals look unimpressed by this outburst, Cesare watches his father as he walks down the hall and turns) We are, all of us, about to be... sorely tested. And you... are either with us... or against us. (walks back) We hereby impose an excommunication... upon that heretic apostate, Cardinal Guiliano Della Rovere. We ask for your support in this most solemn declaration. (pause) We demand your compliance, so... (gestures to them) A show of hands, Your Eminences (silence) If you please! (none of the Cardinals, even Cesare, raises their hands; Alexander drops his in frustration. After a moment, Cardinal Sforza lifts his hand)
Ascanio Sforza:
(wearily) Your Holiness, may the Vice-Chancellor speak?
Rodrigo Borgia/Alexander VI:
... Yes, Cardinal Sforza, he may. (sits)
Ascanio Sforza:
It would be... unwise (stands) to use the Church's most solemn sanction... to so little effect.
Rodrigo Borgia/Alexander VI:
What does the Vice-Chancellor mean?
Ascanio Sforza:
Excommunication or not, this invasion will proceed. We may all have to adjust ourselves to new realities.