Justice League, Season Three

Justice League (2001-2004) and Justice League Unlimited (2004-2006) were animated television shows based on associated comic book characters published by DC Comics. In most incarnations, the Justice League's roster includes DC's most popular characters and thus many of the most recognizable superhe…

[Booster Gold opens an ambulance door]

Booster Gold:

[Cut to pregnant woman in labor; Dr. Simmons arrives]

Booster Gold:
Maybe you should handle this.

Dr. Simmons:
Why me?

Booster Gold:
You're a doctor.

Dr. Simmons:
I'm a physicist!

Booster Gold:

Dr. Simmons:
Give me the collar! [She takes it and runs]

Booster Gold:
I'll - I'll take care of this. [climbs into the ambulance next to the woman] So, um... how are you feeling?


Booster Gold:
How many fingers am I holding up?

[Grabs him] Do something USEFUL!

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