Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is an American teen drama television series based on the book series of the same name written by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series, created by Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage, originally ran on The CW for six seasons from September 19, 2007, to December 17, 2012. Narrated by the omnis…

Chuck Bass:
Why don't I turn that one piece into a no-piece.

Serena van der Woodsen:
Find a floatie to talk to Chuck.

Chuck Bass:
Ya know if my dad and your mom come back from South Africa tomorrow engaged we'll be brother and sister, and you know what they say the family that plays together stays together.

Serena van der Woodsen:
Ah, incest the universal taboo. One of the only one's you haven't violated yet.

Chuck Bass:
Well I'm game if you are. [Serena starts to act like she's going to kiss him but instead knocks his drink out of his hand]

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