[arguing over Jessie finding Katie's "love letter" to her]
Katie Singer:
I don't want anything you don't want.
Jessie Sammler:
I just want us to be friends.
Katie Singer:
Me too.
Jessie Sammler:
I've just been really...
Katie Singer:
Confused. I know.
Jessie Sammler:
[on the verge of tears] Exactly and I didn't know what to do and that you're really important to me!
Katie Singer:
I am?
Jessie Sammler:
Yes, don't you see that?
Katie Singer:
Because you are really important to me.
Jessie Sammler:
So, can we just be friends? I'm I still your friend?
Katie Singer:
Yes, of course! Oh my God!
[they hug]
Katie Singer:
Of course you're still my friend. So, lets just throw this stupid letter out, okay?
Jessie Sammler:
I can't.
[Katie pulls away from Jessie]
Jessie Sammler:
I can't throw it away. I want to keep it forever.
[after a few seconds, Jessie suddenly kisses Katie on the lips, and then pulls away stunned by what she did]
Jessie Sammler:
[whispering] Oh my God.
Katie Singer:
Jessie Sammler:
It's just... um...
Katie Singer:
[whispering] I know.
[Jessie and Katie gently kiss each other again]
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