W.I.T.C.H., Season 1

W.I.T.C.H. is a French animated television series based on the Italian comic book series of the same name. Like the comics, the series follows five ordinary girls: Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia and Hay Lin, with magical powers who become the Guardians of the Veil.

Oh, hi! You scared me. You want to meet me for something?

Yes, I'm sorry, Elyon. We need you to sit on the throne again.

Hey, no problem! It's not a kind of thing a girl objects to. [flies to her throne and sits down. Absorbs fire onto her feet] Ta-da! [Absorbs water onto her head] Ta-da! You really think we need more rehearsal for tomorrow?

Ah, there's been a slight change in plans. The coronation isn't tomorrow morning, it's going to be tonight.

Tonight?! You're kidding! Why?

In case any kind of attack was being planned to save you.

What do you mean save me?

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