Eric Bischoff:
[Bischoff's infamous challenge to Vince McMahon during their real-life rivalry] There's no need for spins or dirt-sheets. We can settle this like true men, Vince. Just you, and me. You can do it... come on, Vince. Step into the ring. Do what so many other people would love to do. Get your hands around my skinny little neck. You can do it... if you've got the guts. Do you, Vince? Have you got the guts to REALLY show up? I do... do you? Just think of it. Just think how great you'll feel if you're able to step into the ring and break my jaw... knock me out... snap an arm or a leg! Whatever you'd like, Vince! It's no big thing. But it takes guts. That's what it's gonna take, Vince. Have you got the guts, Vince? We'll find out... we'll be waiting for you, Vinnie Mac. With open arms.