An History of the Corporation and Test Acts. With an Investigation of Their Importance to the Establishment in Church and State. ... by Capel Lofft
from $8.95
Remarks on the Letter of the Rt. Hon. Edmund Burke, Concerning the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings in Certain Societies in London, Relative to That Event. by Capel Lofft.
from $16.42
Paradise Lost. A Poem in Twelve Books
from $17.95
Three Letters On the Question of Regency: Addressed to the People of England. by Capel Lofft
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The farmer's boy; a rural poem
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A Vindication of the Short History of the Corporation and Test Acts
Self-Formation; Or, the History of an Individual Mind, by a Fellow of a College C. Lofft
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Observations on a Late Publication Entitled 'A Dialogue on the Actual State of Parliament', and Also on a Treatise Entitled 'Free Parliaments' by C. Lofft
The Praises of Poetry. A Poem.
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Impressions of Capel Lofft
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