Yealink WF40 USB Wi-Fi Dongle Adapter for Desk Phones - Compatible Phone Models - T27G, T29G, T46G, T48G, T41S, T42S, T46S, T48S, T52S, T54S, T42U, T43U, T46U, T48U, Global Teck Microfiber Cloth
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The Essential Ideas behind Effective Management of Human Resources
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Yealink WiFi Adapter WF40 Dongle USB for IP Phones Compatible Models - T41S, T42S, T46S, T48S, T52S, T54S, T42U, T43U, T46U, T48U, T27G, T29G, T46G, T48G, Global Teck Cloth (Pack of 10)
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