The Avoirdupois Weight Calculator and Ready Reckoner ...
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Troemner 9496 20lb 8" Dia, Avoirdupois Slotted Weights, with Statement of Accuracy
from $132.00
Rice Lake Stainless Steel ASTM Class 6 Avoirdupois Hook Test Weight, 8oz Mass
from $82.61
Avoirdupois (Ironclaw Gaming System Supplement, SGP1005)
from $14.95
Troemner 9494 10 lb, 6" Dia, Avoirdupois Slotted Weights
from $109.75
The Avoirdupois Weight Calculator and Ready Reckoner
from $34.23
Troemner 9492 5Lb 5" Dia, Avoirdupois Slotted Weights, with Statement of Accuracy
from $88.80
Troemner 9486 0.5Lb 3-3/4" Dia, Avoirdupois Slotted Weights, with Traceable Certificate,
from $52.70
Tables shewing the cost of tea, with all charges, as bought in Hankow by the pecul of 133 1/3 pounds avoirdupois for taels of sycee, and sold in ... pound avoirdupois, at the several exchanges
from $18.99
Troemner 9488T 1Lb 5" Dia, Avoirdupois Slotted Weights, with Traceable Certificate
from $115.22
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