Wildfire's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by wildfire  —  There are currently 14 quotes total — keep up the great work!

Jesus Christ is the end of the ages, the axis of time. In him, the salvation which is the future that God has in store for us has already broken into time.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

When I consecrate a new church in the Archdiocese, I often point to the altar and explain that the altar in every Catholic Church is the center of the universe, because Christ is the center of history.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

God shows those in hell all the love they are willing to accept: his justice. To us on earth, God shows his loving mercy. To those in heaven, God shows his face, which is beyond all imagining, the face of love that has no limit and never ends.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The eternity we enter at death begins with a judgment. God has created us to live forever because, made in his image and likeness, God calls us to share, as far as creatures can, in the life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This happy ending to our earthly life is not, however, a foregone conclusion. All depends upon our cooperation with God’s plan for us. What we are and do in this life is heavy with eternal consequences. When we emerge from the shadows of this life into the light of God’s presence at death, what we have made of ourselves will measure itself against the truth of God for us.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The Church understands herself in terms of holiness; the world understands the Church in terms of power.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

A man and a woman are able to take the risk of loving each other completely because they know themselves to be loved completely and faithfully by God.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Again and again, Scripture tells us that God’s is a faithful love. Made in God’s image and likeness, we are called to be faithful. Fidelity grounds our relationship to God and to those he has given to our care.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Because marriage celebrated in the Church is a sacrament, it cannot be undone. The Church cannot break a bond created by Christ himself.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Whatever our level of education, we can truly read and understand the Scriptures in the light of our faith in Jesus, the living Word, who is present and speaks to us today in and through his Church. Outside of that faith, no one can do theology or understand Scripture as God intends it to be understood.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

People of faith care how Scripture is read and interpreted because, like faith itself, Scripture is a gift given to the care of the Church for our salvation. God gives us these gifts because he wills us to be saved.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

The Church is founded upon God’s self-revelation to his people. This revelation is made in events in which God intervenes in human history, acting to unite people to himself here and for all eternity. People gather around these events and become a community, God’s people.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

We have to move forward together into a future that is not at all secure except for our certitude that God’s love is constant.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

If the bishop is doing his job, the people have a certain security in their relationship to Christ. If we are all faithful, Christ himself will forgive our sins and heal our wounds. That is all that is possible, and that is more than enough.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

Where there is self-righteousness, Christ can do nothing.

Francis Cardinal George, OMI  Famous Quote

added 9 years ago

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"Dirt in the fuel line... just blowed it away."
A Casablanca
B Gone in 60 seconds
C Bonnie and Clyde
D The godfather