Unfortunately we won't see what we want in our lifetime, but the least we can do is continue resisting and fighting marxism to keep our ideas alive for future generations to build on. If our so-called Ultra-Nationalist ideas were not dangerous the enemy would not spend so many resources daily for our demonization. Semper Paratus Nobiscum Deus GOTT MIT UNS!
– Troy Nikolaos Famous Quote
Sowing discord among our Men & Women over individual philosophical perceptions, religious or otherwise, will not be tolerated within my ranks. Grow up or vacate.
Letting your individual religious philosophies divide us against the common enemy of atheist, asiatic jewish communism is a mistake. (You do the jews work for them.) WWII taught us that every major religion on Earth can stand together against world communism and International jewry. Use your religious fanaticism to fight theoretical marxism and communism. Religious in-fighting is the jews work. Constantine the Great brought his pagan and Christian soldiers together united against their common enemy with Nobiscum Deus! during the battle that led him to Emperor. Without that team work you may be worshipping Allah today.