Williamson's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by williamson  —  There are currently 21 quotes total — keep up the great work!

The American renaissance begins with the unified revolutionary act of turning off and smashing the television, rejecting Hollywood on all fronts and refusing to intellectually ingest the toxic force feed of the establishment minority’s matrix narrative.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

I watch Fox news for the comedy, MSNBC when I need to be reminded that mind midgets exist and CNN when I want to check out the latest in media lies and special interest propaganda. On the other 364 days of the year I read the American transcendentalists, David Hume, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kant, Niccolo Machiavelli and Diogenes of Sinope.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Electronic consciousness and the transhuman revolution renders infinite possibilities for the future as man merges with machines. This is an exhilarating time to be alive!

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

I see the impossible work being done by of my friends at the federal agencies, the Pentagon, NATO, Five Eyes and the intelligence community. They are doing the impossible, for the ungrateful and with a fraction of the budgets required to render a viable defense.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Dragnet surveillance capitalists such as Facebook, Comcast, AT&T and Google, unfortunately, supply these manipulating forces with an endless supply of metadata for this information war against the American and European public.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

The disturbingly techno-illiterate and cyber-hygienically lackadaisical and shockingly arrogant responses by the National Association of Secretaries of States when we at ICIT repeatedly showed them what their vulnerabilities were and exactly how elections could be compromised is a betrayal of trust to offer safe and legitimate elections. The technical vulnerabilities littering our election systems is only part of the problem.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Cyber hygiene has to be memetically pounded into the intellectual DNA of the American population and continuously reinforced by peer pressure.

James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Senator Markey’s Cyber Shield Act can work! Start the conversations with the basics: Use a QR code that attaches to a dynamic database that runs an artificial intelligence algorithm to calculate the score. Let’s not make this more difficult than it is.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Why all this fear and paranoia around Vault 7 and WikiLeaks? Solve the problem by demanding regulation that centers around Security by Design by technology manufactures, problem solved

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Cyber hygiene, patching vulnerabilities, security by design, threat hunting and machine learning based artificial intelligence are mandatory prerequisites for cyber defense against the next generation threat landscape.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

There's a compounding and unraveling chaos that is perpetually in motion in the Dark Web's toxic underbelly.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

In this cyberwar, industry is on their own and must combat nation states, cyber mercenaries, cyber caliphate and other actors via layered security laced with intelligent machines.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Few critical infrastructures need to expedite their cyber resiliency as desperately as the health sector, who repeatedly demonstrates lackadaisical cyber hygiene, finagled and Frankensteined networks, virtually unanimous absence of security operations teams and good ol’ boys club bureaucratic board members flexing little more than smoke and mirror, cyber security theatrics as their organizational defense.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

A single spear-phishing email carrying a slightly altered malware can bypass multi-million dollar enterprise security solutions if an adversary deceives a cyber-hygienically apathetic employee into opening the attachment or clicking a malicious link and thereby compromising the entire network.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

In an age of dynamic malware obfuscation through operations such as mutating hash, a hyper-evolving threat landscape, and technologically next generation adversaries, offensive campaigns have an overwhelming advantage over defensive strategies.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Signature-based malware detection is dead. Machine learning based Artificial Intelligence is the most potent defense the next gen adversary and the mutating hash.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

You'll have the right to be angry about Vault 7 only after you boycott dragnet surveillance data providers like Google, Microsoft, Skype, Facebook and LinkedIn. The true threat is coming from the private sector surveillance profiteers.

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

It's time to wake up and smell the Mutating Hash! Signature Based Malware Detection is Dead

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 7 years ago

Security-by-design is an indispensable prerequisite to the establishment of vital critical infrastructure resiliency. Each device vulnerable to adversarial compromise, inflates and bolsters the exploitable cyber-attack surface that can be leveraged against targets, and every enslaved device grants adversaries carte blanche access that can be utilized to parasitically entwine malware into organizational networks and IoT microcosms, and that can be leveraged to amplify the impact and harm inflicted on targeted end-users, organizations, and government entities

James Scott  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

The security theater we are witnessing in our election system boasting the illusion of security via ‘clunky as heck’ and air gap defense will do nothing against the real and sophisticated adversarial landscape that is zeroing in on our democracy

James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

Look at the stealth and sophistication of foreign nation state APTs who break through even the most sophisticated layers of security daily and tell me why they would just give our completely unprotected election systems a pass

James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology  Famous Quote

added 8 years ago

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In which movie did this phrase get tattooed on someone back: "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on"?
A The Ultimate Life
B Memento
C Sex and Lucia
D After We Collided