Life is a horizon, Made up of the life here and there, But for the life here, From the day you came into this world, And unto the day you leave this world, Is made up of a journey, A race to run till you get to the finish line. Don't expect much from life, Because you might not like what it gives you, Life doesn't give you what you deserve, But you give unto life what you ought to deserve, Backup by hard work and will. Life is a rumble ball, Full of ups and downs, Difficulties and trials, It is never a bed of roses, Or a place full of only enjoyment. Life is a battle field, A survival of the fittest, Only those who have hope and courage, Is accessible in winning in this life. It is made up of different categories, The rich, the poor, The weak, the strong, The death, the living, The good and the evil. Now is left for every man out there, Including those reading this quote now, To answer this question, Which category do I belong to? Or want to belong to? Life is self-made, Everything about it is personal, A Personal Race.
– Elizabeth Sunday Famous Quote