210809182019-The most difficult task, one has yet to face, besides death to their own flesh is; acknowledging, dying to and ultimately surrendering to what one, both, loves and hates more than anything in this world...their own worst enemy...themselves. Death is beautiful. However, Dying is the ugly part.-Ramon MGJr-211509182019 Think back for a second, a fear of sorts, that neither grips, nor taunts you. First jump(not dive) off the high dive. Now, think what is good, in you that you do best, only you can embrace it's passion, no longer. Like ripping a bandage off your hairy arm. Instant pain, relief, now freedom to harness what you no longer struggle to control. Self. Free, friend. Free indeed. Paz.
– Ramon Mata Gonzalez Jr Famous Quote
You Ain't Livin', if you Ain't Breathin' And you Ain't Breathin', if you Ain't Receivin'...LOVE>Ramon. LOVE is >(greater than) me, you, anyone. Nothing, in this world, matters, when the air runs out. It's in this moment, that you know whom and what you love. So smile, be Thankful, seize the day and take time to breathe. It's free.
– Ramon M Gonzalez Jr Famous Quote