Xyloguy's Quotes

Here's the list of quotes submitted by Xyloguy  —  There are currently 18 quotes total — keep up the great work!

(giggles) Luckily, most people can't speak Greek. If Kip or Jay did, they may recognize that Theta Alpha Nu are the first three letters of the word Thanatos. That's Greek for death. Clever girls. Jay Roma. Made his first million at the age of 25. Made his first hundred million by the age of 32. But by 35, 20 million hits on his very last video. I guess these chicks are crazier than what he ever dreamed. And as the Greeks say – Kali nichta. Good night.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 3 years ago

Okay. All right. I know what you're doing, you dumb bitches! You think you're gonna embarrass me?! You think you're gonna film me and make me look like an idiot and ruin my reputation?! When I get out of here, you're gonna be dead! To hell with you, and to hell with your harlot friend Caroline!

And to think I had second thoughts about this.

I told you it would be worth it.

I'm gonna sue you! I oughta sue you for everything you've got! You wanna film me?! You wanna film me? Go ahead and film me, you stupid harlots!

Come on. Let's go upstairs and clean up.


Congrats, Jay. This will definitely be your biggest hit ever.

Where are you going? Hey. Hey, come back here! No! Come back! Please! Hey! Come back...! (coughs and chokes) Hey! Help! Help!

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 3 years ago

By the way, I'm Ashley. When you filmed me, that was my name.

It was her brilliant idea to use Greek names.

Alexis, from the Greek name Alecto.

The goddess of unresting.

I haven't rested since I met you, Jay.

Ash graduated magna cum laude in Ancient Greek. She's a member of Mensa, bonehead.

I have a feeling I'll rest tonight.

What do you want?! What do you want?!!

Isn't it obvious?

We all appeared in your videos. Now it's your turn to be in ours.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 3 years ago

I know you. Your name's not Erida, is it?

Very good, Kip. I'm gonna give you a little lesson in Greek mythology. You see, Erida was a Greek goddess… the goddess of hate. She could only be appeased once blood was spilled.

What are you gonna do?

Isn't it obvious?

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 3 years ago

Uh, all right, look, this is getting kinda dangerous. Tiffany?

I'm getting kind of used to that name. It's got a nice ring to it. My real name is Jessica. But you wouldn't remember that, would you, Jay? Tiffany, well... it's just a variation of a Greek name. Tisiphone. She was a goddess… the goddess of vengeance.

All right, uh... Kip!!

But I thought you wanted to meet Caroline.

Screw Caroline!

You already did!! You got me and Caroline drunk. Really drunk. Then you gave us some money. And then you ruined our lives! We had to drop out of school, change our names, and no matter where we moved or what we did, we could not get away from what we did for you! Of course, I handled it a lot better than she did.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 3 years ago

Where the hell is Kip?

My fault. Sorry.

Well, where the hell is he?

Let's just say his willpower lost this time.

Kip, you're fired!!

Don't blame him! He couldn't resist.

Well, what happened? What'd you do? Jeez! He knows better! To hell with him. You know how to work this thing?

Hell, yeah.

Good. Come on! I wanna make this lousy bastard sorry.

We have just the thing.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 3 years ago

Nobody lives here.

Of course we live here; it's our sorority house.

This is no sorority. Nobody lives here... and that's water!

Water is the source of all life.

Why are all the vodka bottles filled with water?!

We don't want to be drunk for this.

Who are you?

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Jay Roma:
I have a strict policy; I don't... participate.

Why not?

Jay Roma:
I built my brand on Crazy Chixx, not on some dirtbag trying to get with them.

You've never been in one of your videos?

Jay Roma:
No. Never. It would ruin my reputation.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Jay Roma:
I guarantee there is not a hotter party in the world and no place I'd rather be than right here with the girls of Theta Alpha Nu! Ten smoking hot coeds and yours truly! I got a feeling we're gonna see some truly Crazy Chixx! Let's find out just how crazy!

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

(in a school uniform) Psychologists believe that the brain doesn't stop maturing until we're well into our twenties. So what does that mean for a girl who's turned 18? Legally, she's an adult, yet she still has a brain that's... well, let's just say a brain that's not fully cooked. (giggles) I guess that's why you can say we go away to college. It's like an incubator. A place to keep our bodies safe and our brains baking. Until we're able to make informed intelligent choices. But what happens when our bodies are ready, willing and able, yet our minds are not mature enough to make these right decisions, especially when faced with a friendly smile and irresistible temptations like... a T-shirt, or worse, plastic beads? You can't expect a girl, whose body that's trying to catch up to its brain, to understand concepts like consequences, particularly with a little booze involved, and some soft light, and a charming man with a camera.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Money. It's been said it is the root of all evil. Well, tonight, in this seedy motel room, two men are about to find out that it's the devil's honest truth – that when the fickle finger of fate points in your direction, the most innocuous omen may be the harbinger of doom, and it may come in the most enticing package with a heart that beats of pure deceit. So tonight, I bequeath to you "The White Flower".

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

We all tell little white lies. We lie about our height, our weight, where we've been and where we're going. And tonight, video game developer Kevin Freeman is about to discover that when his fantasy turns into reality, honesty, in fact, may be the best policy as his little white lies get him into a world of trouble.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Kevin Freeman:
I like a woman who knows herself. Confidence is beauty. There's nothing lovelier than a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. An independent woman, with a spry personality and an old soul. That's the one for me. I'm Troy. When I'm in the outdoors, it's about freedom. I read. Losing myself in the pages of a good book is pure nirvana. Like an hour-long bubble bath, with bath bombs from bliss. My best friends are Charlie Parker and John Coltrane. Without them, I am lost. Simply put: their music is the soundtrack of my life. Yeah, I know I'm good-looking, but that's not worth a hill of beans unless you find the right girl to spend life's special moments with. And let me tell you: In this town, it's been tough to find that special someone. If you're confident, if you're independent, if you're open-minded, passionate, genuine, creative, funny... if you think you're her, and you think we'll click, please, contact me. DocTroy77. Thank you, Doctor Troy. Ladies, all of our lines are open.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Poor Darla. She thought she'd planned the perfect murder, but greed makes suckers of all of us. There is no easy way to make money in this economy. Unless, of course, you're Elena Machado, a hard-working cleaning woman, who just got a very, very big severance package. I guess it's safe to say she won't be coming to work on Monday.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Whenever you find a rich man, you are bound to find a gold-digger waiting to take him for everything he's got. Well, tonight, somewhere in these Hollywood hills, this gold-digger really was using a shovel. It's been said the taste of evil smells like honeysuckle. I wouldn't argue with that, but tonight, there is a distinct smell in the air and it smells like murder.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

(still in her nurse's uniform) It looks like Greg is in for an electrifying experience. And as for our sweet Nurse Violet, she's blossomed into quite a woman – a newly-minted femme fatale in control of her own destiny and administering her own dose of bad medicine.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

(in a nurse's uniform) All superheroes have a story of origin, from an awkward teenager that's bitten by a radioactive spider, a daring test pilot that's bestowed a very powerful ring, an alien from the planet Krypton that crash-lands on Earth. A femme fatale, you see, well, she's cut from similar cloth. Some women are born to be empowered and dangerous, and they embrace it according to their nature. Well, the essence of a femme fatale may be lying dormant, just waiting for fate to see her free.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

Watch any Lacey Rivers movie, and you will always be treated to a happy ending. Well, poor Lacey. She's about to discover that real life rarely turns out like a G-rated family film. Karma can be such a bitch.

Femme Fatales  Show Quote

added 4 years ago

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