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  Bronze Member

I am a huge DC Comics nerd. I am also the protector and goddess of the multiverse and I do what is right over what is easy. I also put everyone's needs before my own and I would sacrifice myself for anyone no matter who the are.

  January 2021     3 years ago

Submitted Quotes 10 total

To all those people who think they are worthless... I wish you could only count the amount of people who hurt you on one hand, but that is not the case. How many people have betrayed you and left you feeling empty? It doesn’t matter if you can fill two hands with names or just a few fingers, because the weight and pain of this hurt can last for a very long time. After so many attempts at trying to give your best to others, they somehow always walk all over you. It’s time to stop letting others determine your worth. It’s time to stop letting others walk all over you. It’s time to stop giving others the power to control your emotions. You are worth more than gold. Your beauty shines brighter than all of the stars in the sky. Your heart is deeper than the deepest ocean. Far within the corners of your mind, you know all of this is so true — you just need to accept it and live it. I am here to tell you that the people who make you feel worthless are not worth a millisecond of your time. You know what is best for yourself, and sacrificing your happiness for the sake of someone else is not what is best for you. As much of a selfless person you are, you can no longer ignore the red flags when they show up in a relationship. You are so incredibly worthy of giving and receiving the best love. Do not settle for less. You do not deserve less. After everything you have gone through — the mornings it was so hard to get out of bed and the nights you were paralyzed with self-doubt — you deserve to focus on yourself. You and I both know how easy it is to get sucked right into the deep dark hole that is filled with self-doubt and self-loathing, but having climbed out of that hole myself, I can confidently say that falling into it is no longer daunting. I know my way out, and you will too. Realizing your worth will not be a quick process but rather a very crucial journey. It took me years of being hurt and treated poorly to truly understand that all of those people who treated me poorly simply did not see my worth. But I am here. I am worthy, and I always have been. And so have you. What most of us fail to realize is that even though people may not treat us right, we shouldn’t blame ourselves for their actions. They treated you poorly because they simply don’t know how to properly treat someone as amazing as you. You are not at fault for the way someone treated you. But sometimes life is cruel and unfair, and it seems like there is no possible way to get through it, but there is. There is a light at the end of that tunnel, even if you have to walk along the dark for a while. But instead of turning around and getting lost in the darkness, keep on moving forward and eventually you will find a way to cope. Because life always finds a way.

Aaliyah Pineknight  Famous Quote

added 3 years ago

All of you are above me, and I am above all of you.

All is one, one is All  Famous Quote

added 3 years ago

There will always be people who say mean words because you are different, and sometimes their minds cannot be changed. But there are many more people who do not judge others based on how they look or where they are from. Those are the people whose words truly matter.

Starfire  Famous Quote

added 3 years ago

I knew of him being a criminal, but I also knew of him as my friend. A friend and that was enough to get me to help him. He did me a favour. More than one actually and that was me just repaying my debt. Is that not good enough for you? Anyway, I didn't have anything to lose. I was already a criminal myself. Now you can take me in but let me say this. He is a dangerous man. He will stop at nothing to have everyone accepting this new world that he will create. He will kill everyone who doesn't believe that what he is doing is correct. Now you can lock me up, but I am the only one that can get your world back from whatever mess he is going to make of it. So just let me. Everything I do is for you. You come before me. All of you do. It is a risk you would be taking, not locking me up, fine. But we can't live without risks. If we never risked anything then we would get food. We wouldn't get money. We would get buildings. More importantly, we wouldn't get you. All of you. Everything is a risk. Breathing is a risk, not that you think of it as one. This is a needed risk. We have to stick together. We have to trust people just a little bit. So we are going to beat him. Now, Andrew. We are going to beat you. You can believe, you can pray, but you will never win, and you know that. You know that I won't stop until my job is done, and you know that they are too stubborn to let you rule that easily. We will get you. We will find you. We will take the world back from you. We will win, and your life will be ruined because you can only think of yourself. Hope you made your will because today is your last. I'll make sure of that and if you don't believe me then fine, but I don't lie. Not about things like this. Now gather your team and fight us.

Lady CyAmze Macanese  Famous Quote

added 3 years ago

Everyone lies. It's not a sad fact, I don't think. Barely even a fact at all. Just...a reality. Something that was always true and will always continue to be true. It's something we all accept, whether we want to admit it or not. We all lie. Every one of us. And it's not just a one-time thing either. It's constant. We do it over and over again. And why wouldn't we? Parents lie to their kids, teach them how to lie right back to them, breeding a new generation of people born into distortion, born into a world of deceit and falsehood disguised as reality. And what can you expect from them? Can you really expect them to turn out pure and innocent when they're constantly being fed their parents' inventions, their teachers' stories? They pick up on those things. I did, at least. Maybe it was just me, though. It's not something you grow out of. As you get older, you keep on lying. You lie about everything, to everyone, at one point or another. You lie about your career when your parents ask how happy you are staying in your dead-end office cubicle counting down the seconds until you can go home and start the cycle of monotony over again. You lie to your spouse promising you'll love them till the end of time, not realizing that sooner or later, that love will run out. And not just for them, for anyone and anything. It never lasts. Nothing does. You lie to strangers when they ask you what you believe, what you pray to, what you curse when things don't work out, spouting some scripted verse you learned as a child and stapled into your head, reciting lines you don't really understand to people you don't really care about, if only to convince yourself that you really do have a clue, that you aren't just flying blind in a sea of the unknown. And then there are the lies that stand out over all the others. The lies we tell ourselves. There's something different about them, something...bitter. Lies you tell to other people, they breeze in, announce themselves and then float right back out. They never linger in your head for longer than it took to talk to the person, discarding themselves as unimportant the second that person leaves your line of sight, never to be seen or thought of again. But the lies we tell ourselves, they don't leave. They don't breeze right back out. They linger, hover before your eyes, tracing over each and every detail until it's burned in your head, until you can recreate it over and over again with perfect precision, not a single word out of place, until that lie has completely overtaken you, washing away anything and everything until it is all that remains. Until it is nothing but the truth. Those lies are the most powerful...the most dangerous. Because unlike the lies we throw at others, the lies we tell ourselves are so much louder, so much brighter, so much more painful. When you can't live with what's in front of you, so you have to create something else, a new reality for you to live in and accept as truth. Because it is the truth. It's the truth you want. And at the end of the day...what else matters? Certainly not the little fib you woke up telling yourself. After all, what harm can come from one little lie? In hindsight, we both should have known it could never be that simple.

RayRox360  Famous Quote

added 3 years ago

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Latest Comments: 2 total
I found it quite and inspirational speech, pity it was said by a villain though.

4 years ago

That was really fun to play, and I got 10/10 first try.

4 years ago


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A In the Line of Fire
B Taxi Driver
C Casablanca
D Unforgiven