you are one of dozens who seem to not be heeding the site guidelines on commenting.... : Avoid short, spammy comments and strive to contribute to the community's growth. Let's foster an environment where every poet feels valued and inspired. I guess it doesn't matter to folks hungry for incentive bonuses.more »
Nice rap...I’ve actually done this too...not sure if I posted one of those on here but I can see how the honest expression and personal themes could cause a hesitance to share —but this is pretty catchy, though I gather, honest too. Also, I’m either not familiar with a couple of the 'metaphorical' references or perhaps, a couple typos in there? All in all, worth multiple readings. I always say artistry -in any form- serves to heal the one who created it first.more »
I think obscurity is undervalued and something to be appreciated ...what’s really to be said of the 'discovered' ones, when the real work is still really done and done honestly where no one sees. Terrific subject , exceptional poem, and I quite like that title for it, as well.more »
You’re absolutely welcome, Sue. I think it may have been the allusions to hearts (yours and god’s) in the respective poems that made me connect the two. These illustrative extollings on love make for simply wonderful poems and seem to be firmly in your wheelhouse.more »
thank you (i guess) but if you can figure out a style after reading all my poems you are something of a scholar style is that I don't fit one mold
I do not know what you are asking. This site is for artist and art appreciators, if you want to receive credit for your work then please do the actual legwork to earn validation but do not beg or request it of others without making the effort to expose your craft to a wider audience, it belittles you and diminishes what’s been achieved by those who did not need to stoop to conning others for recognition. There seems to be a movement afoot to discredit and strip the integrity away from this site –that I still enjoy– and I won’t willingly contribute to it falling into disrepute. I politely and respectfully ask you to not continue to behave this way here. Thank youmore »
I am wondering myself if the very access to AI right here on the site (AIDA, generating an image or poem art, or making a poem through active suggestions) has proven too tempting and tantalizing to not fiddle with. If it ain't fixed, someone else will find ways to exploit it....more »
Who said: "It is an ideal for which I hope to live for and to see realized. But, My Lord, if it needs to be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die."?