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Junior Member
Born 1967 of Notre Dame Honors Sholor parents Michael attended private schools to age mid-22. Mike played 8 seasons of, in two leagues, Little League baseball and one season in High School Freshman year. Beginning formal employment in summer after elementary 7th grade he worked, mostly overworked, physically demanding jobs for 26 of 32yrs worked. His 3 degree accomplishments by age 43 are: Two A.A.S. in Mgmt. 1994 and......... a B.A. in Communications NHS 2009 from The University of Memphis. 1990s independent academic varacious leisure reader to depth strengths of Philos., Bios, Rel/Spirit, Hist., Social Science studies. Linkedin.com/in/MikeThais Facebook, Michael A Thais Instagram & Threads, Mike.A.Thais. 2023, Top 1000 invitee Honors by Marquis Who's Who In America. Honorary Hillsdale College Benefactor, Member ABA, Federalist Society member.
November 2022
10 months ago