Babylon 5, Season 3: Point of No Return

Babylon 5 (1993-1998), created by J. Michael Straczynski, is a science fiction television epic about Babylon 5, an Earth-governed space station built to promote harmony between interstellar civilizations. It is unusual in its focus on a story arc which dominates the events through its five-year run.

[A furious Delenn attempts to convene the Grey Council.]

I told you, Delenn, they will not speak to you.

Then they will listen to me! [She tries to go around him, but he blocks her path.] I served the Council for sixteen cycles. I was the chosen of Dukhat to replace him! I held him when he died! His blood is on my hands, his spirit in my eyes, his word on my lips! You will step aside in his name and mine, or-in Valen's name-I will tear this ship apart with my bare hands until I find them! Move aside!

[He wisely moves out of the way.]

. . .

[Delenn speaks to the Council.]

Three years. For three years, I warned you this day was coming. But you would not listen. "Pride," you said! "Presumption!" And now the Shadows are on the move. The Centauri and the younger worlds are at war, the Narns have fallen... even the humans are fighting one another. The pride was yours! The presumption was yours! For a thousand years, we have been awaiting the fulfillment of prophecy. And when it finally happens, you scorn it-you reject it-because you no longer believe it yourselves!

[She confronts one of the Grey Council directly.]

"We stand between the candle and the star, between the darkness and the light." You say the words, but your hearts are empty-your ears closed to the truth! You stand for nothing but your own petty interests!

[She confronts a second Grey Council member.]

"The problems of others are not our concern." I do not blame you for standing silent in your shame. You, who knew what was coming, but refused to take up the burden of this war! If the Warrior Caste will not fight, then the rest of us will!

[Now she confronts the leader, the one who carries the staff.]

If the Council has lost its way, if it will not lead…if we have abandoned our covenant with Valen…! [Grabs the leader's staff and raises it over her head.] Then the Council should be broken…[She snaps the staff in two and throws both halves to the floor.]…as was prophesied! We must stand with the others-now, before it's too late! Between the Religious Caste and the Worker Caste, we control two thirds of our forces! And to you I say, listen to the voice of your conscience! Break the Council, and come with me! Our time of isolation is over! We move now, together, or not at all!

[Londo is disturbed by front-line reports of Centauri conflicts.]

Londo Mollari:
Now, I have been studying these reports from the front lines. You'll note the plural form-lines. Is there anyone along our border with whom we are not currently at war?

Lord Antono Refa:
We need room to expand.

Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts.

. . .

[Londo insists that Refa discontinue his association with Morden's "associates".]

You walked away from the greatest power I have ever seen! And now you expect me to do the same? They are the key to my eventual rise to the throne! Why would I abandon them?

Because I have asked you. Because your loyalty to our people should be greater than your ambition. And because I have poisoned your drink.

[Lord Refa looks in astonishment at Londo]:

Yes…and it is very interesting poison. It comes in two parts. Both are harmless on their own. But when combined…quite lethal. The first settles into the bloodstream, and the intestinal walls. It stays there for years. Silent…dormant…waiting. When the other half of the poison enters your system the two meet, have a little party in your cardiovascular system…and suddenly, you are quite dead.

Why? Why did you do this?

To guarantee your cooperation! And because sooner or later, you would do it to me! As we are returning to the old ways, Refa, and poison was always the instrument of choice in the old Republic, being something of a sentimentalist, I got here first.

John Sheridan:
For three years now you've been pulling everyone's strings, getting us to do all the work, and you haven't done a damn thing but stand there and look cryptic! Well, it's about time you start pulling your own weight around here. […] I hear you've got a saying: "Understanding is a three-edged sword"? Well, we've got a saying, too: "Put your money where your mouth is"!


Yeah? Well, maybe that's the only way to get through to you. You said you wanted to teach me to fight legends. Well, you're a legend too, and I am not going away until you agree!

Incorrect. Leave. Now.



Up yours!

[he gets thrown against the wall by an energy blast from Kosh]

So, the real Kosh shows his colors at last, huh? You angry now? Angry enough to kill me? Because that's the only way I'm leaving. Unless your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something, I've got nothing to lose! God, my own government wants to kill me, and if we lose this war, I'm just as dead! Our only chance is to get the other races on board for this fight and right now you're the key to doing that.

It is not yet time.

And who decides that time? You? You put me in this position. You asked me to fight this damn war! Well, it's about time you let me fight it my way! How many people have already died fighting this war of yours, huh? How many more will die before you come down off that mountain and get involved? Ships, colonies, whole worlds are being destroyed out there, and you do nothing! How many more? How many more, Kosh? How many more dead before you're satisfied? Huh?

I will do as you ask. But there is a price to pay. I will not be there to help you when you go to Z'ha'dum.

You already said if I go to Z'ha'dum, I'll die.

Yes, now.

All right. If that's the trade-off. If you want to withhold your help when the time comes, that's fine. I'll go it alone.

You do not understand. But you will.

[Franklin explains the principles of "walkabout" to Garibaldi.]

Stephen Franklin:
You know, as a Foundationist, I was always taught that if you're not careful, you can lose yourself in the world. You get too busy with things, not busy enough with yourself! Spend your days and nights living someone else's agendas, fighting someone else's battles, and you're doing the work you're supposed to be doing, but every day there's less and less of you in it all! Till one day, you come to a fork in the road, and because you're distracted, you're not thinking. You lose yourself. You go right, and the rest of you, the really important part of you, goes left! And you don't even know you've done it till you realize, you finally realize, that you don't have any idea who you are when you're not doing all those things!

Michael Garibaldi:
Stephen…you don't really believe there are two of you, do you?

[chuckles] No, it's a metaphor! All right, there isn't literally another me walking around the station. But the principle is real! I realized I didn't have any idea who I was when I wasn't being a doctor, and I think I was using the stims to avoid facing that. Now I gotta fix it.


By going walkabout. You just leave everything, and you start walking. I mean, the Foundation adopted the idea from the Aborigines back on Earth. The theory is, if you're separated from yourself, you start walking and you keep walking until you meet yourself. Then you sit down, and you have a long talk. Talk about everything that you've learned, everything that you've felt, and you talk until you've run out of words. Now, that's vital, because the real important things can't be said. And then, if you're lucky, you look up, and there's just you. Then you can go home.

[Delenn finds Sheridan in the War Room, going over reports]

Ivanova sent me to find you. She said you haven't been sleeping, you have hardly been eating; she said that you have been, in her words, "carrying on cranky." I looked up the word "cranky." It said "grouchy." I looked up "grouchy," it said "crotchety." No wonder you have such an eccentric culture: none of your words have their own meaning! You have to look up one word to understand another. It never ends.

John Sheridan:
[not paying attention] Something here doesn't make sense.

That is what I thought when I came across "crotchety." This cannot be a real word, I said.

The Shadows keep attacking random targets! Very illogical! On the other hand, once engaged, their tactics are very successful! Very logical! It's-it's a contradiction!

Unless the random attacks are logical in some way we haven't yet determined.


[grinning] So you have been sitting here trying to think illogically about logical possibilities, or logically about illogical possibilities.

Hm? Yes, yes.

Well, no wonder you are cranky! [he looks at her in confusion, oblivious to everything she's just said] Grouchy? [still nothing] Never mind. Your face just broke the language barrier.

Ah…I haven't had a good night's sleep since Kosh died. I'm having the kind of nightmares that make your hair stand on end.

Well, that would explain the Centauri. You need food…and rest!

[annoyed] Aah.

The humans who you've been waiting for have arrived and would like to have dinner with us.

No, no, I don't have time! If they want to come here…

So I told them yes!


Since Minbari do not lie, except to save another, my reputation is now at stake. If you say no, I will be publicly dishonored.

[realizing he's been beaten] You don't fight fair!

True! Dinner is in two standard hours. I will see you there! [heads to the door]

[muttering] Pain in the butt.

[over her shoulder] Grouch.

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