Quotes from the news wire:
He was looking to kill people and to cause something dramatic.
– French President Francois Hollande
Daesh has declared war on us, we must fight this war by all means, while respecting the rule of law, what makes us a democracy.
– French President Francois Hollande
If they don't want free movement, they won't have access to the single market.
– French President Francois Hollande
France was chosen to host this big event and will live up to the scale of the task, if measures have to be taken tomorrow, they will be taken.
– French President Francois Hollande
Accor has Chinese shareholders because it is growing in Asia. But I am watching closely to make sure that the capital of this big company remains in diverse hands.
– French President Francois Hollande
Today we have dealt with the sources of the previous crisis, and this is the reason why we have been able to acknowledge some improvements.
– French President Francois Hollande
Unfortunately the information we have ... confirms to us that the plane came down and is lost, no hypothesis can be ruled out, nor can any be favoured over another.
– French President Francois Hollande
It takes time for those reforms to take effect, i am trying to do what the country should expect from a head of state... That means do reforms even if they are difficult... even if they are unpopular. I prefer people to have an image of a president who has conducted reforms, even though unpopular, rather than a president who has done nothing.
– French President Francois Hollande
As far as Europe is concerned, it will implement what it can of the association (agreement), as far as France and Germany, we will continue to support Ukraine and apply the association agreement in our respective countries.
– French President Francois Hollande
We are also making sure that between Europe and the United States there can be a very high level coordination.But we’re also well aware that the roots of terrorism, Islamist terrorism, is in Syria and in Iraq. We therefore have to act both in Syria and in Iraq, and this is what we’re doing within the framework of the coalition.….
– French President Francois Hollande
I know the Belgian authorities will respond quickly and favorably to our request for extradition.
– French President Francois Hollande
Visas can only be liberalized if all the conditions are met and I remind you there are 72 of them.
– French President Francois Hollande
I am thinking about renewable energy...and the shipping industry...and probably also in the defence industry there could be cooperation between French and Italian companies...This is also true for telecommunications if we want to have weight in this market.
– French President Francois Hollande
There are already partnerships, but the idea is to have champions at a European level, in particular in some of the sectors of the future, i am thinking about renewable energy...and the shipping industry...and probably also in the defence industry there could be cooperation between French and Italian companies...This is also true for telecommunications if we want to have weight in this market.
– French President Francois Hollande
Here I am speaking in the name of France, the idea... is not just provocative it is really unrealistic and would be proof that there is no negotiation and no discussion taking place.
– French President Francois Hollande
Turkey is involved in Syria…There, there is a risk of war.
– French President Francois Hollande
I hope that Great Britain will stay in the European Union, but I especially hope that we all advance together and that no one, no head of government can stop that.
– French President Francois Hollande
It is this intergovernmental agreement that will allow a commercial transaction.
– French President Francois Hollande
The idea we have in mind is the one of an intergovernmental agreement between the two countries in order to allow the firms involved to go all the way, it is this intergovernmental agreement that will allow a commercial transaction.
– French President Francois Hollande
The return of Iran on the international scene is possible (after the nuclear accord), but it is up to Iran to prove it can.
– French President Francois Hollande
France is not the enemy of any people, religion or civilization but it has one adversary: Jihadist terrorism claims to follow a god only to ridicule the name and follows only the path of destruction.
– French President Francois Hollande
Every day, thanks to our actions, this terrorist army is being weakened by losing territory, resources and fighters, our strategy includes the liberation of Raqqa and Mosul, where command centers are found. There was a will to provide support to Arab and Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State on the ground.
– French President Francois Hollande
Our strategy includes the liberation of Raqqa and Mosul, where command centers are found. There was a will to provide support to Arab and Kurdish forces fighting Islamic State on the ground.
– French President Francois Hollande
2016 must be the year of a transition in Syria.
– French President Francois Hollande
More efforts are required. On the Ukranian side there needs to be constitutional reform, while on the Russian side they need to put pressure to organize undisputed elections in the east.
– French President Francois Hollande
The threat is still there, it remains in fact at its highest level, and we are regularly disrupting planned attacks.
– French President Francois Hollande
There can be adjustments, accommodation, but European rules and principles must be respected.
– French President Francois Hollande
There is no shortage of (private sector) money to come to energy in Africa, but we have to get the policy and regulatory environment correct.
– French President Francois Hollande
It's set off well but it has to arrive too.
– French President Francois Hollande
And yet two weeks ago, here in Paris itself, a group of fanatics was sowing the seeds of death in the streets.
– French President Francois Hollande
As Turkey is making an effort to take in refugees -- who will not come to Europe -- it's reasonable that Turkey receive help from Europe to accommodate those refugees.
– French President Francois Hollande
It's doubly regrettable, I was even going to say scandalous, place de la Republique, where all these flowers have been put, these candles ... in memory of those who fell under the bullets of the terrorists. (It is) also scandalous with regard to what is at stake at the climate conference, which is meant to let the world make decisions on the future of the planet.
– French President Francois Hollande
France will not intervene militarily on the ground.
– French President Francois Hollande
I know well that not all countries share the same interests, don't have the same conceptions, don't have necessarily the same allies.
– French President François Hollande
The international community must rally around that spirit. I know very well that each country doesn't have the same interests.
– French President Francois Hollande
Our democracy has triumphed before over adversaries that were much more formidable than these cowards.
– French President Francois Hollande
France is at war, but we're not engaged in a war of civilisations, because these assassins do not represent any.
– French President Francois Hollande
Faced with war, the country must take appropriate action.
– French President Francois Hollande
A state of emergency will be declared, the second measure will be the closure of national borders.
– French President Francois Hollande
A state of emergency will be declared.
– French President Francois Hollande
It is horror, a state of emergency will be declared.
– French President Francois Hollande
Regarding the recapitalisation, external capital, including Chinese capital, has its place.
– French President Francois Hollande
We need to work to find a political solution, bashar al-Assad is not the solution, he is the problem.
– French President Francois Hollande
For 2015-2017, we will do even more. It will be around 360 million euros, of which 80 million will go to the north.
– French President Francois Hollande
When I was a child I used to go every morning to pick up milk at the farm next door.
– French President Francois Hollande
I understand the feeling of isolation and abandonment that some of out compatriots in the countryside feel.
– French President Francois Hollande
I've always lived with cows in the fields, when I was a child I used to go every morning to pick up milk at the farm next door.
– French President Francois Hollande
He is a candidate, and I have authorized him to be a candidate and minister of defense, if he is elected, he knows the rule. The rule I have imposed is one of non-accumulation (of political offices).
– French President Francois Hollande
There must be no misunderstandings.
– French President Francois Hollande
It's therefore likely, even certain now, that - since we need three months to organize elections - we would go beyond the date that was set for the end of Minsk, that is to say Dec.31, 2015.
– French President Francois Hollande
On the election issue ... it will take longer. We don't want elections to get held in eastern Ukrainian territories under conditions that would not respect Minsk, it's therefore likely, even certain now, that - since we need three months to organize elections - we would go beyond the date that was set for the end of Minsk, that is to say Dec.31, 2015.
– French President Francois Hollande
A year later, France clearly could not deliver a force-projection instrument to Russia in the current context. The issue was addressed with a strong sense of responsibility from both sides and with mutual respect. I discussed this with President Putin on several occasions.
– French President Francois Hollande
In September 2014, I suspended the delivery of the first Mistral battleship to Russia, due to the conflictual situation, a year later, France clearly could not deliver a force-projection instrument to Russia in the current context. The issue was addressed with a strong sense of responsibility from both sides and with mutual respect. I discussed this with President Putin on several occasions.
– French President Francois Hollande
The sanctions exist, so these countries will be putting themselves in a situation where what they are receiving from Europe could be suspended. You cannot ask Europe for support and refuse when Europe asks for solidarity.
– French President Francois Hollande
We have proposed to create a framework for an international group to help prepare a restart of this dialogue, the idea has been supported on the whole and at the U.N. General Assembly and in the months to come we will work to give it some substance.
– French President Francois Hollande
I really wish all these issues to be solved by the ministers' reunion.
– French President Francois Hollande
We will do so because it is the principle to which France is committed.
– French President Francois Hollande
I have total confidence in the ability of the Chinese authorities to put the economy on a long-term growth path, even if there can be slowdowns.
– French President Francois Hollande
It is the key. There is the binding agreement and contributions ... but there will not be an agreement if there is no firm commitment on financing.
– French President Francois Hollande
There has to be a pre-accord on the question of financing so that leaders come to Paris knowing there is certainty we will be able to conclude, if we don't conclude, and there are no substantial measures to ensure the transition, it won't be hundreds of thousands of refugees in the next 20 years, it will be millions.
– French President Francois Hollande
There is even a risk of failure. Not all the contributions have arrived ... financing does not follow the big announcements.
– French President Francois Hollande
What exists today is no longer enough and there are countries, and I will not name them here because we have to work with all of them, but who are not responding to their moral obligations, europe is a group of principles, of values which oblige us to welcome those who are pushed out and look for refuge because they are persecuted.
– French President Francois Hollande
I believe that today what exists is no longer enough, so we will need to go further.
– French President Francois Hollande
The objective is for the negotiations on the programme ... to be concluded at the end of August. We know it’s difficult but we must make sure that the conditions are met, in a good spirit.
– French President Francois Hollande
The discussion took place in a positive climate, the process will be extremely fast. It starts in the coming hours, with the aim to conclude by the end of the week at the latest.
– French President Francois Hollande
No matter how strong national contributions are, in reality this engagement will be empty, if it is not fulfilled by local governments.
– French President Francois Hollande
We have big hopes for commercial successes of the Rafale.
– French President Francois Hollande
When I hear that five of the 12 most-sold connected objects in the United States are French, I have no doubts! I know France will be one of the word's top digital economies.
– French President Francois Hollande
We must quickly have, in the coming hours or days, technical talks to narrow positions and to replace the proposals Greece cannot accept with alternative measures.
– French President Francois Hollande
These commitments are voluntary and are made in an open world economy. It is up to companies to understand why this makes sense.
– French President Francois Hollande
I note and I am concerned that at the moment I am speaking there are only 37 submissions, the contributions should in theory be submitted this summer.
– French President Francois Hollande
We have a number of expectations for the financial industry, not yet requirements, but expectations.
– French President Francois Hollande
Ideally there would be an agreement well before December.
– French President Francois Hollande
If some soldiers behaved badly, I will be merciless, if this information is confirmed, there will be exemplary sanctions.
– French President Francois Hollande
As far as the Mistral is concerned I have set the terms. Either the Mistral is delivered, which is not our decision as of today, or a repayment will be made in the form we have discussed.
– French President Francois Hollande
Dear Angela, dear Mariano, rest assured ... we will find out everything and we will shed full light on the circumstances of this catastrophe.
– French President Francois Hollande
There were 148 people on board, the conditions of the accident, which have not yet been clarified, lead us to think there are no survivors.
– French President Francois Hollande
The conditions of the accident are not yet clear but lead us to believe there will be no survivors.
– French President Francois Hollande
Each time a terrorist crime is committed, we are all concerned.
– French President Francois Hollande
The first necessity here is for various factions to strike a political deal between various factions so that there can be a government, a parliament and central bank - and only one, if possible, at each level.
– French President Francois Hollande
There is no such thing as virtual hatred when it is spreading, major Internet firms must face up to their responsibilities.
– French President Francois Hollande
With the (German) Chancellor we have never stopped speaking since the (September 2014) Minsk agreements and we are more convinced than ever that they must be applied - all the agreements, nothing but the agreements.
– French President Francois Hollande
We know there are doubts, questions across the community, i will not just let what was said in Israel pass, leading people to believe that Jews no longer have a place in Europe and in France, in particular.
– French President Francois Hollande
It will be very important for us to continue to keep up the necessary pressure, the necessary vigilance, for there to be peace in Ukraine, our trust in the goodwill of President (Vladimir) Putin is limited. It is why we have to maintain our decision about sanctions.
– French President Francois Hollande
It will not be said that France and Germany together have not tried everything, undertaken everything to preserve the peace.
– French President Francois Hollande
We must speed up (reforms) this is what France will do.
– French President Francois Hollande
We must speed up (reforms) … this is what France will do.
– French President Francois Hollande
There are tensions abroad where people don't understand our attachment to the freedom of speech, we've seen the protests, and I would say that in France all beliefs are respected.
– French President Francois Hollande
We've supported these countries in the fight against terrorism, i still want to express my solidarity (towards them), but at the same time France has principles and values, in particular freedom of expression.
– French President Francois Hollande
Let us unite, and we will win, vive la France!
– French President Francois Hollande
The ceasefire that will be proclaimed tomorrow or the day after must be completely respected, france's role is to search for solutions and prevent problems from degenerating.
– French President Francois Hollande
Mister President, I decided we should discuss problems regarding the Ukraine crisis.
– French President Francois Hollande
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