Quotes from the news wire:
We know that our policies can only be effective if we closely coordinated them between federal government and the states.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Federalism is not there so people can push away responsibility, it is there so that every takes responsibility in their area.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We hope of course the situation will develop in such a way that we can have the regular party conference in December in Stuttgart.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
And Germany is ready for this solidarity and committed to it. Germany's wellbeing depends on Europe being well.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
To that end, Germany will ban gatherings of more than two people.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
These are measures that have never existed in our country before, but they are necessary.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
When the virus is out there, and the population has no immunity and no vaccination or therapy exists, then a high percentage - experts say 60 to 70% of the population - will be infected, so long as this remains the case.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
This is a test for our solidarity, our common sense and care for each other. And I hope we pass the test.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Two people sit by the Barcaccia fountain near almost empty Spanish Steps, in Rome on Tuesday. ( AP Photo/Andrew Medichini) Premier Giuseppe Conte on Wednesday said he will consider requests to toughen Italys already extraordinary anti-virus lockdown. Adding to its efforts, the Italian government also announced a $ 28 billion allocation to fight the outbreak on both medical and economic fronts. The first measures, expected to be outlined Friday, will support health services, the civil protection agency and the labor market. The Vittorio Emanuele shopping arcade appeared almost desert in Milan on Wednesday as Italy mulls even tighter restrictions on daily life. ( AP Photo/Luca Bruno) The World Health Organizationon Wednesdaydeclared the virus a pandemic, noting that the number of cases outside China had exploded13-fold over the past two weeks. There are now more than 118,000 cases of COVID-19 in 114 countries, with 4,291 deaths, WHO Director-GeneralTedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. Other European nations are issuing measures to slow down and control the spread of the virus, and provide a cushion for the economic shock of the outbreak. Spain Spains coronavirus cases have surpassed 2,000, with roughly half of them in the Madrid region, where two-thirds of the countrys 47 virus-related deaths have occurred, the Health Ministry said Wednesday. The number of cases saw a 60 percent increase since Tuesday. United States TOURISTS QUARANTINED IN SPANISH HOTEL AFTER TESTING POSITIVE FOR CORONAVIRUS : HEALTH OFFICIALS Madrids fatalities are high because much of the contagion there is taking place in nursing homes, said Fernando Simn, director of Spains health emergency center. Empty shelves are seen in a supermarket as people begin to stock up on provisions in Madrid on Tuesday. ( AP Photo/Manu Fernandez) Schools and universities in Madrid and two northern regions have been ordered to close for two weeks to help slow the outbreaks spread. Workers were urged to telecommute to help reduce crowds on public transit. Denmark The Scandinavian country saw a 191 percent spike in Spain Spains coronavirus cases, with 90 more infections confirmed on Wednesday, for a total of at least 262. Local Denmark SEES FIRST CORONAVIRUS CASE IN MAN RETURNING FROM ITALY VACATION Denmarks leaders have advised the public to avoid using public transportation, while some schools also closed, Local Denmark reported. Health officials also have advised against shaking hands, a measure that has suspended naturalization ceremonies, which require a mandatory handshake by law, The New York Times reported. Germany With at least 1,300 infections as of Wednesday, Germany so far has only three deaths a low rate that experts attributeto rapid testing as the outbreak unfolded. German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued a warning, citingexpert estimates that up to 70 percent of the population could be infected with the virus. HOW IS GERMANY CONTROLLING THE CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK ? You have to understand that if the virus is there, and the population has no immunity yet to this virus, there are no vaccines and no therapy so far, a high percentage experts say 60 to 70 percent of the population will be infected.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Time is pressing, so we - the older ones, I am 65 years old - must make sure that we take the impatience of young people positively and constructively.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
At the Libya conference we must above all see that the weapons embargo is adhered to again, which is basically agreed by the U.N. but unfortunately not honoured.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I believe that chips should be manufactured in the European Union, that European Union should have European Union own hyperscalers and that it should be possible to produce battery cells.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
In communication between people, which is of course essential to our living together, we have to show our faces, so the full veil should be forbidden wherever legally possible.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Iran continued unabated to develop its rocket program in conflict with the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
There was no one who said we should stop the talks and that includes Great Britain, there was a clear mandate to continue the talks.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I can only advise our British friends not to fool themselves ... in terms of the necessary decisions that need to be made in Britain.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We need to have certain capabilities in Europe.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
As far as I see it, the Nord Stream project is not affected by such sanctions.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We view Nord Stream as an economic project.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
If we join forces and get active in markets such as Asia or Africa, we can all benefit from our combined strength.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Germany has always offered itself as an open investment market for businesses, including for Chinese companies.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I still think there is an opportunity to come to a good solution, and by the way nobody in Germany is forbidden from getting involved with Kuka.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
That is why we ... agreed to be in close touch with each other via the foreign ministries or other organizations. I think that is the right way to react initially.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
It was no subject here. But there was the signal that all who sat here want Britain to stay part of the EU, but the decision is up to the British voters.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We are currently testing the 3D-printed prosthesis and whether its quality reaches that of the traditional handmade prosthesis, it feels different.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The current easing that Germany and some other member states are experiencing is one thing. The situation in Greece is the other, and it must be a big concern to us all because it is not without consequences for us all in Europe.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Originally, Greece should have created 50,000 accommodation places for refugees by the end of 2015, the backlog must be resolved now at lightning speed because the Greek government has to guarantee decent accommodation.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The situation is not yet so that we can be content. Every day we see the pictures from Greece -- we have to get back to the Schengen system.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The EU-Turkey plan ... is a priority for us.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The fact that we have decided a joint summit - not just a summit of 'the coalition of the willing', but a joint summit of 28 with the Turkish prime minister - I think that is a very strong signal.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
All of the different baskets of the requests of Britain on the agenda were discussed, and it is true that not each and everyone around the table had it all that easy to agree to those requests, but there is a will.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
In Europe we are all always partners.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
(I)t would be helpful if there were areas there, where no party to the war flew bombing missions -- in other words a kind of no-fly zone, we can't negotiate with the terrorists from ISIS. But if it were doable to come to such an agreement with the anti-Assad coalition and the Assad supporters, it would be helpful.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
In the current situation, it would be helpful if there were areas there, where no party to the war flew bombing missions -- in other words a kind of no-fly zone, we can't negotiate with the terrorists from ISIS. But if it were doable to come to such an agreement with the anti-Assad coalition and the Assad supporters, it would be helpful.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The international environment around Iraq is very complicated and therefore we agreed that all efforts need to be made, for example today in Munich, to have talks on the future of Syria and to bring about peace in the region.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Serial offenders who repeatedly rob or repeatedly affront women must feel the full force of the law.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The right to asylum can be lost if someone is convicted, on probation or jailed, serial offenders who repeatedly rob or repeatedly affront women must feel the full force of the law.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Of course after what happened, there are several very serious questions which go beyond Cologne. Are there connections or collective patterns? Are there elements of condemnation of women? we must vehemently work against that. I don't think these are single cases. People have a right, and we as a state institution have the obligation to give the right answers to this.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
It is normal to have different opinions from time to time. It is not the first time.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
This is about ending the war in Syria without Assad ... Assad can never be part of a long-term solution.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
It remains the case that a possible lifting of the sanctions against Russia is linked to the full implementation of the Minsk package. We are not there yet.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Of course every country has a right to defend its territory but on the other hand we know how tense the situation is in Syria and in the surrounding area.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I hope that the meeting tomorrow will be a small step on the way to such a political solution, for which we have to have much more patience.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
That set a bad precedent. The European Parliament will not look away.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Only with Turkey we can switch illegality to legality. It is very important that the (European) Commission discusses further the migration agenda with Turkey.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We will not solve the refugee problem completely, we need, among other things, further talks with Turkey for that, only with Turkey we can switch illegality to legality. It is very important that the (European) Commission discusses further the migration agenda with Turkey.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We have to do everything to calm down the situation and in this spirit I think all sides need to make a contribution.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We should advance our effort along this path further so that we can actually reach our goal.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I believe the reputation of the German economy and the trust in the German economy has not been shaken by this to the extent that we are no longer considered a good business location.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The current atmosphere is that not only we four but many others don't agree with the structure and the working method of the Security Council, we want to take others with us to reach a modern working structure of the Security Council which suits the 21st century.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We need a new method of work to solve problems, that makes reform of the Security Council necessary, reform which reflects the real power in the world better than the situation today.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Faced with a great challenge, it cannot be that Europe says 'We can't handle this', that's why I say again and again: We can do this.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The Transport Minister is in close contact with the company, Volkswagen. And I hope that the facts will be put on the table as quickly as possible.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Given the difficult situation, this is about showing complete transparency, clearing up the entire case, the Transport Minister is in close contact with the company, Volkswagen. And I hope that the facts will be put on the table as quickly as possible.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
This crisis will change our nation, but I think we are up for the challenge.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Those with no prospect of staying must leave our country.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I believe there are many possibilities and initiatives in Germany that look forward to any woman who stretches out her feelers. So, I say : Be brave.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
When people stir up sedition on social networks using their real name, it's not only the state that has to act, but also Facebook as a company should do something against these paroles.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
This joint European asylum system cannot just exist on paper but must also exist in practice. I say that because it lays out minimum standards for accommodating refugees and the task of registering refugees, our responsibility is deeply moral. It is a human responsibility.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
This joint European asylum system cannot just exist on paper but must also exist in practice - I say that because it lays out minimum standards for accommodating refugees and the task of registering refugees.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I personally, and we spoke about this, am of the opinion that we should not now outbid each other with threats, we should speak to each other in a spirit of mutual respect.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
If Europe fails on the refugee question, its tight bond with universal human rights will be destroyed, and it will no longer be the Europe we dreamed of.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The world is watching us, if Europe fails on the refugee question, its tight bond with universal human rights will be destroyed, and it will no longer be the Europe we dreamed of.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The German government says the Dublin approach is not working anymore, because so many refugees are arriving at our external borders, that we can't leave Italy or Greece alone to deal with this task, at the same time, if we say that Italy and Greece can't be left alone with this task, then neither can it be that three countries, like Sweden, Austria and Germany, are left alone with the lion's share of the task.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Especially in Hungary, it was very difficult to get through Hungary. We had almost no food and water.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
For those refugees who are being persecuted or have fled war, there should be a fair distribution in Europe based on the economic strength, productivity and size of each country.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
For those refugees who are being persecuted or have fled war, there should be a fair distribution in Europe based on the economic strength, productivity and the size of each country.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We agree that the Commission should define safe countries of origin, that European countries should join forces to help Italy and Greece open registration centres and that those who have no right to stay go back to their countries of origin.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The world is watching us, as a rich continent, I am firmly convinced Europe is capable of solving the problems.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
That's not a normal life so we have to negotiate quickly.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
And we can now talk about such possibilities again ... once the first successful review of the programme to be negotiated has been completed then exactly this question will be discussed - not now but then.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Greece has already been given relief. We had a voluntary haircut among the private creditors and we then extended maturities once and reduced interest rates, and we can now talk about such possibilities again ... once the first successful review of the programme to be negotiated has been completed then exactly this question will be discussed - not now but then.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Without solidarity and reforms it's not possible to go where we want to go, it's not a matter of weeks but of a few days. We will see what the Greek prime minister will tell us.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I'm still convinced: where there's a will, there's a way, if those in charge in Greece can muster the will, an agreement ... is still possible.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
At the end of the talks there was absolute unanimity that Greece will work intensively and full steam ahead ... in the coming days to solve all remaining issues.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
And it is directed against no-one, especially not against Russia.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Not least under these circumstances, the eastern partnership is more important than ever, we will further support our eastern neighbors on their path to a society based on democracy and the rule of law.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We all want to be honest and draw lessons from the past, the WHO is the only international organization that has universal political legitimacy on global health issues. This is why it's so important to render its structures more efficient.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
I am convinced that if we act faster and have a clear command structure in place, we will be better equipped to combat a crisis like Ebola next time that happens.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We ought to have reacted far earlier, i am convinced that if we act faster and have a clear command structure in place, we will be better equipped to combat a crisis like Ebola next time that happens.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Something like this goes beyond the realms of the imaginable, this is a terrible burden for the relatives of the victims.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Every paragraph of the agreement counts.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The reference point is the agreement of Feb. 20, we have not changed one iota. You may have heard some of this before. But then not much has happened in the last few weeks.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
There remains a very tough way ahead.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We cannot and will not lift the sanctions that expire in July or September until the demands of the Minsk agreement have been fulfilled. That would be wrong.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
We have shown what can be achieved with decisive action (in member states) and European solidarity, but we have not overcome the crisis on a sustainable basis for the long term.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
So far we've got a fragile ceasefire which needs to be stablised, but if the Minsk agreement is seriously violated, European leaders and the (European) Commission stand ready to prepare and impose further sanctions.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
But if the Minsk agreement is seriously violated, European leaders and the (European) Commission stand ready to prepare and impose further sanctions.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
So far we've got a fragile ceasefire which needs to be stabilized, but if the Minsk agreement is seriously violated, European leaders and the (European) Commission stand ready to prepare and impose further sanctions.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
While we hurry to set up the main political points and framework for this agreement we must also at the same time insist on maintaining the standards which we have in Europe.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
If countries are in trouble, we show solidarity.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
There is anything but an assurance of success, I have to be very clear about that.
– German Chancellor Angela Merkel
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