Quotes from the news wire:
As I told [ Secretary of State ] John Kerry on Thursday, friends don’t take friends to the Security Council.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a strategic matter for the state of Israel. This matter could not have been advanced without this agreement, and now we will take action to advance it.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a supreme security interest of ours. I was not willing to compromise on it. This interest is essential to prevent the force-buildup by Hamas and it remains as has been and is.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
One hundred years ago, two officials by the name of Mark Sykes and Francois-George Picot tried to dictate a new order in the Middle East. It was at the apex of the era of colonialism in our era. This effort utterly failed then, and will completely fail today.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel calls on responsible governments not to honor the decisions of the Council that discriminate against Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
These are two practical things we are moving on.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The Palestinian murderers do not want to build a state. They want to destroy a state, and they say this openly. They want to murder Jews simply because they are Jews, and they say this openly. They do not murder for peace, and they do not murder for human rights.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The U.N. Secretary General's remarks give a tailwind to terrorism. There is no justification for terrorism.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of who the perpetrators are.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I condemn the statements, the scandalous statements, made by the foreign minister of Sweden, it seems she expects Israel's citizens to bare their throats to those trying to stab them. This will not happen, and we will continue to protect the lives of Israel's citizens.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
We are facing terrorism by individuals. This is not the terrorism of organizations, this is terrorism by individuals, sometimes with knives, incited mainly by social media.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The people of Israel welcome the release of Jonathan Pollard, may this Sabbath bring Jonathan Pollard much joy and peace that will continue in the years and decades ahead.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The people of Israel welcome the release of Jonathan Pollard, after three long and difficult decades, Jonathan has been reunited with his family.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This deal does place several constraints on Iran's nuclear program. And rightly so, because the international community recognizes that Iran is so dangerous.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The interpretation of my remarks as though I absolved the Nazis of even one ounce of responsibility for the Holocaust is absurd.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews, and Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.'.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Yesterday, an Israeli citizen crossed our borders in order to join enemy groups in Syria. We will work to revoke his citizenship. Whoever joins enemy groups in order to fight against us will not be an Israeli citizen.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Adolf Hitler didn't want to exterminate The Jews at the time, Adolf Hitler wanted to expel the The Jews, and Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Adolf Hitler and said,' If you expel them, they'll all come here.'.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
We are not seeking a new change or outsiders to come in, I don't think Israel or Jordan wants that and we're not proposing it, what we need is clarity.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I have no problem with that, we did that a year ago, it was actually fruitful. It could happen again.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
A suggestion was raised that John Kerry and I and King Abdullah (of Jordan) and others would meet, i have no problem with that, we did that a year ago, it was actually fruitful. It could happen again.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
You cannot have your cake and eat it too. You cannot enjoy all worlds, live off all the rights in democratic Israel, which respects all its citizen rights, Arabs and Jews as one, and at the same time plot against the state. I ask you choose truth and coexistence.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel will settle accounts with the murderers, those who attempt murder, and all those who assist them, not only will they not enjoy their privileges, but we will exact from them the full cost.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
We are in the midst of a wave of terrorism originating from systematic and mendacious incitement regarding the Temple Mount -- incitement by Hamas, the Palestinian Authority and the Islamic Movement in Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The police are going deeply into the Arab neighborhoods, which has not been done in the past. We will demolish terrorists' homes.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
We are allowing our forces to take strong action against those who throw rocks and firebombs, the police are going deeply into the Arab neighborhoods, which has not been done in the past. We will demolish terrorists' homes.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
But I think the issue right now is -- it's a practical question. It's not an ideological question. It's not a political question. It's a practical question -- do they keep the agreement?
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Let's block Iran's other aggression in the region, because they're doing everything. They're trying to encircle Israel with a noose of death, they're sending weapons to the Houthis. They're in Iraq. They're in Afghanistan. They're all over the place. In Yemen, of course. Let's bolster those forces to stand up to Iran's aggression in the region, and none is stronger, none is more reliable than Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I'll be the happiest person in the world if my concerns prove to be wrong. You know, the opposite could also happen, you know, but I think the issue right now is -- it's a practical question. It's not an ideological question. It's not a political question. It's a practical question -- do they keep the agreement?
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
We expect and call on the (Palestinian) Authority and its leader to act responsibly and accede to the proposal of the prime minister of Israel and enter into direct negotiations with Israel without preconditions.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel is constantly working to prevent the transfer of advanced and deadly weaponry from Syrian territory to Hezbollah, israel is taking action and, when it does so, it is important for everyone -- including Russia -- to know that we are taking action.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
My objective was to prevent misunderstandings between IDF (Israel Defense Force) units and Russian forces.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
He has made it clear that the U.S. is the Great Satan and that Iran intends to destroy the state of Israel. This will not happen. Israel is a strong country and it will become even stronger, however, the conclusion that arises from the remarks of the tyrant in Tehran is that all responsible countries must cooperate in order to stop Iran's terrorism and aggression which, to my regret, will only increase as a result of the agreement.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Shira was murdered because she bravely supported the principle that each one can live their life in honor and security, we will not allow this despicable killer to undermine the core values that Israeli society is based upon. We contemptuously denounce his actions of hate and violence. We will do everything in our power to bring this killer to face justice.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a direct consequence of decades of impunity given by the Israeli government to settler terrorism.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel takes a strong line against terrorism regardless of who the perpetrators are. I have ordered the security forces to use all means at their disposal to apprehend the murderers and bring them to justice.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a terrorist attack. Israel takes firm action against terrorism, no matter who its perpetrators are.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
In the state of Israel, the freedom of choice of an individual is one of the most basic values, we must ensure that in Israel every man and woman lives confidently in any way they( choose).
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
There are many things to be done to stop Iran's aggression and this deal is not one of them.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I think the right thing to do is merely not to go ahead. with this deal.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This agreement is a historic mistake for the world.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The conclusion is simple, its been said by many leaders, and I will say it again right now: better no deal than this very bad deal.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I can say that what we see in Vienna is not a breakthrough, but more like a breakdown -- a breakdown of the principals that the P5+1 committed itself to uphold.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This deal as far as we can see comes on almost daily concessions from the P5+1 to growing Iranian demands. Every day more concessions are made, and every day the deal becomes worse and worse, this deal will pave Iran's path to a nuclear arsenal.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This flotilla represents nothing except a fake, artificial demonstration aimed at helping the terrorist organization -- Hamas and ignores all the carnage in our region.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
There is no trade-off requiring I agree to this (nuclear) deal with Iran. The deal is bad and we will continue to oppose it.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Not everyone agreed, unfortunately but we are moving forward.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I will not let any consideration, any pressure, any populist moves prevent the flow of gas to the State of Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Any attempt to harm our soldiers and civilians will be met with a determined response like the military action tonight that thwarted a terror attack.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Instead of demanding Iran significantly dismantle its nuclear capabilities and conditioning lifting sanctions on it ending its aggressions, the world powers are retreating, leaving Iran with nuclear capabilities and even allowing it to expand them later on regardless to its actions in the Middle East and around the world.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
As the Nazis strived to trample civilization and replace it with a 'master race' while destroying the Jewish people, so is Iran striving to take over the region and expand further with a declared goal of destroying the Jewish state.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
It could be a historic bad deal because it leaves the preeminent terrorist state of our time a vast nuclear infrastructure.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I think that we can have a legitimate difference of opinion on this, because I think Iran has shown to be completely distrustful.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I think there's a third alternative, and that is standing firm, ratcheting up the pressure until you get a better deal.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
It does not roll back Iran's nuclear program. It keeps a vast nuclear infrastructure in place. Not a single centrifuge is destroyed. Not a single nuclear facility is shut down, including the underground facilities that they built illicitly. Thousands of centrifuges will keep spinning, enriching uranium, that's a very bad deal.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The deal would legitimize Iran's illegal nuclear program, it would leave Iran with a vast nuclear infrastructure.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This deal would pose a grave danger to the region and to the world and would threaten the very survival of the state of Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Any deal must significantly roll back Iran's nuclear capabilities and stop its terrorism and aggression.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
And the agreement that is being formed in Lausanne.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This agreement as it evolves is fulfilling our deepest fears and even worse.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This deal, as it appears to be emerging, bears out all of our fears, and even more than that.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
’I didn’t retract any of the things I said in my speech six years ago, calling for a solution in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes a Jewish state.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
We’re the country that is most threatened with destruction around the world, and it’s my responsibility to ensure that this state, the one and only Jewish state, lives forever, and that’s a big burden, but that’s why I’m here. That’s why I was elected.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Increase the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear capabilities, so you increase the break out time, and don’t lift those restrictions until Iran stops fomenting terrorism and aggression and stops calling for Israel’s destruction, that’s the right deal.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I didn’t retract any of the things I said in my speech six years ago, calling for a solution in which a demilitarized Palestinian state recognizes a Jewish state, i said that the conditions for that, today, are not achievable for a simple reason: Abu Mazen, the leader of the Palestinians, rejects consistently the acceptance of a Jewish state. He’s made a pact with the Palestinian terrorist organization, Hamas, that calls for our destruction. And the conditions in the Middle East have changed to the point where any territory we withdraw from is immediately taken up by Iranian-backed terrorists or by ISIS.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I don't want a one-state solution. I want a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution. But for that, circumstances have to change.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
What has changed is the reality.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I haven't changed my policy. I never retracted my speech in Bar-Ilan University six years ago calling for a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state, what has changed is the reality.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I don't want a one-state solution. I want a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution, i haven't changed my policy.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I wasn't trying to suppress the vote, i'm very proud to be the Prime Minister' of all Israel's citizens.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I'm talking about what is achievable and what is not achievable.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
There are so many areas where we must work together with the United States, america has no greater ally than Israel and Israel has no greater ally than the United States.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
The right regime is in danger, the Arab voters are coming in huge amounts to the polls, the leftists are bringing them (Arabs) in huge amounts to polls using buses. ... We have an urgent wake-up call.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Against all odds, we achieved this huge victory, now we should form a strong and stable government that will be able to take care of the security, safety and welfare of each and every citizen of Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Against all the odds we obtained a great victory for the Likud, now we must form a strong and stable government that will ensure Israel's security and welfare.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state, anyone who is going to evacuate territories today, is simply giving a base for attacks to radical Islam.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a fateful struggle, a close struggle. We must close this gap. We can close this gap.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
A left-wing government will come to power, this possibility exists.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Our security is at great risk because there is a real danger that we could lose this election.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
It is a very tight race. Nothing is guaranteed because there is a huge, worldwide effort to topple the Likud government.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
If the world powers are not prepared to insist that Iran change its behavior before a deal is signed, they should at the very least be prepared to insist that Iran changes its behavior before the deal expires.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
People are more in a buyers' strike because they don't want to put new money to work here but aren't looking to the exits and selling.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I fear for the fate of the state of Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel and the United States agree that Iran should not have nuclear weapons but we disagree on the best way to prevent Iran from developing those nuclear weapons.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
As prime minister of Israel, I have a moral obligation to speak up in the face of these dangers while there’s still time to avert them.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
My speech (to Congress) is not intended to show disrespect for President Obama and the office that he holds, i deeply appreciate all that President Obama has done for Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I respect the White House and the President of the United States, but on such a fateful matter, that can determine whether or not we survive, I must do everything to prevent such a great danger for Israel.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I will do everything in my ability to secure our future.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I feel deep and genuine concern for the security of all the people of Israel, i will do everything in my ability to secure our future.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
This is a crucial trip, even a historical one, i will be the messenger of all the people of Israel, including those who agree with me and those who don't agree with me.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I'm a father of three children who have left Denmark and are living and have establishing families in Israel, they did not leave Denmark because they were afraid. They went to Israel because they wanted to live in Israel. And I want those people who come to Israel, they should come to Israel because they want to go, not because they're afraid to be in another European country.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Extremist Islamic terrorism has struck Europe again, this time in Denmark, we are preparing and calling for the absorption of mass immigration from Europe. To the Jews of Europe and to the Jews of the world I say that Israel is waiting for you with open arms.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
I'm determined to speak before Congress to stop Iran, a dangerous agreement with Iran is taking shape in Munich which would risk Israel's existence. Therefore, I'm determined to travel to Washington and present Israel's position before Congress and the American people.
– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
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