Quotes from the news wire:
We really talked about the woman, and who she was, and what she meant really to the whole world, he is the king, but, you know, no one should forget he lost his mother, and Prince William lost a grandmother, and sometimes we tend to forget the really human piece there, and the sorrow they have to bear – and how they have to grieve in public. But … they seem to be doing OK.
Found on CNN 1 year ago
How many 30-year-olds could travel to Poland, get on the train? Go nine more hours, go to Ukraine, meet with President (Volodymyr) Zelensky? so, look at the man. Look what he’s doing. Look what he continues to do each and every day.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
So, look at the man. Look what he’s doing. Look what he continues to do each and every day.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
It’s Joe’s decision, and we support whatever he wants to do. If he’s in, we’re there. If he wants to do something else, we’re there too.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
In a world of constant change, she was a steadying presence and a source of comfort and pride for generations of Britons, including many who have never known their country without her, an enduring admiration for Queen Elizabeth II united people across the Commonwealth. The seven decades of her history-making reign bore witness to an age of unprecedented human advancement and the forward march of human dignity.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
He's just had so many things thrown his way. Who would have ever thought about what happened with [the Supreme Court overturning] Roe v Wade? Well, maybe we saw it coming, but still we didn't believe it.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Yes, the Latino community is unique. But what I've heard from you again and again is that you want what all families want. Good schools. Good jobs. Safe neighborhoods.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Raul Yzaguirre helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community -- as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio -- is your strength.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I'm here in Poland to see firsthand the humanitarian crisis and quite frankly, part of my disappointment is that I can't see it firsthand like I have in other places, they will not let me, understandably, I guess, cross the border and take a look at what's going on in Ukraine.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
All of the countries I've visited said that they would be [ at the Summit of Latin America. I'm looking forward to it.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I see this great community. I see how hard Kate Andersen Brower're all working and, maybe with the additional funding that we will be announcing today, I'm hoping that it makes a difference for Kate Andersen Brower.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Injustice and corruption, poverty and pollution, disease and despair. They aren't contained by any borders, if we learned anything from the Covid-19 pandemic, from these last few years of sickness and sorrow, it's how one deadly virus can move through the world. How hunger and violence are woven together. How a war in Europe can ripple through stock markets and supermarkets. And here, how the loss of trees in your Amazon can take a piece of the future from all of us.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Costa Rica can defeat cancer alone, costa Rica takes all of us working together.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I wanted to come on Mother's Day, we thought it was important to show the Ukrainian people this war has to stop. And this war has been brutal.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Wasn't it heartbreaking ? the little girl that said her wish was to be with her daddy, and then another said my wish is to go home, and then you can see it, those children really have suffered.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
You never know what you're getting into, what you're walking into, she looked at my heritage. She tried to do Italian meals for our lunch, and then we just talked, like girlfriends. I mean, we talked about literature, Shakespeare, we talked about Mark Twain, we talked about exercise. I mean, stuff that just women do when they get together, and they feel like they have something in common.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I think mothers will do anything for their children. ... I think you're amazingly strong and resilient, it's just amazing that the Romanian people have taken you into their homes and into their hearts.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
As your first lady and as a teacher, I've seen again and again that learning doesn't only happen in a classroom. There are so many fun opportunities to learn around us every day. And that's especially true here at The White House. For generations, presidents and first ladies and kids just like you celebrated the Easter Egg Roll together, racing and making crafts, reading books and of course meeting the Easter Bunny. Education never stops.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
We learned again New Year what we've always known : There's no quit in America.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Shame on Jill Biden, i would never allow my husband -- if he was losing his cognizant discipline – I would never allow him to go on TV or pretend that he’s running for president… but this is a power-hungry family.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I just want you to know -- I'm driving the governor crazy calling him all the time -- but there may be things available that would be helpful six weeks, six months from now that you're unaware of. And so we're -- I've instructed my team to make you all aware of everything that is available from a federal level.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I think we do that by showing up. And Joe was showing up today in Kentucky, doug and I are showing up here in Waukesha. People are not only, you know, hurt physically, but also emotionally.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
He said we are not going back to lockdowns. I think he knows that that is, number one, not necessary, but also politically untenable, he maxed out on his COVID credit card and now he wants to continue to swipe it -- but everyone’s like no, you are maxed out, you don’t have any more room to run on that.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
From a young age, hidden helpers learn the costs of war close up. You see how difficult the road to recovery can be. You know the reality of changing bandages or long stays in hospital rooms. You get tired of having to be brave. And there's no way to, you know, keep you from feeling sad sometimes. So no, we can't shield our caregiving kids from the reality of war or its aftermath, but we can recognize the costs, that they last long after our troops come home, and that injuries can be felt throughout generations.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
This is hard, but you're doing your best. And I want you to know that you're not alone.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
It will allow parents to end months of anxious worrying about their kids, and reduce the extent to which children spread the virus to others. It is a major step forward for our nation in our fight to defeat the virus.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Your efforts were critical in Joe's win, joe and [ Vice President ] Kamala [ Harris ] will not only listen to you, they’re going to make sure that your voices are leading this movement. They will fight for you every single day, and so will I.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Trump being gone has given people room to breathe, but Trumpism being present( in this race) has made all of us who are making that argument need to continue to make it, the same fundamental chaos and threats to our democracy that were so galvanizing to voters during the Donald Trump era, that's all present as is the threats to women in particular... It's about how do we best do our jobs to make sure that voters connect the dots ?
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Today, Virginia, I am asking Ginny Bonner to vote for Terry McAuliffe and the Democrats on the ballot, it takes all of us coming together, doing our part, today and tomorrow and every day until Terry McAuliffe wins on November 2. We can do this, Virginia.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Your efforts were critical in Joe's win, joe and [Vice President] Kamala [Harris] will not only listen to you, they’re going to make sure that your voices are leading this movement. They will fight for you every single day, and so will I.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Federal Emergency Management Agency's beginning to get back up, but there's a long way to go.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
It was so sad, and I keep thinking about how upset she was, i want to make the point that people don't think they'll be affected. They think it won't happen to them, and then it does -- and then it's too late. I don't want them to take their health for granted.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
She started to cry, telling me this story, i think that's what each of us has to do.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
It was a long winter, but the clouds have broken. We're not at the finish line yet, but summer has never felt more full of possibility. And doesn't the air smell so much sweeter without our masks ?
Found on CNN 3 years ago
You spoke out for safely reopening schools and more student support, you carried families through the darkest year in modern history with patience, compassion and care. And you did it all while you worried about your own families’ health and education and safety.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
As many of you have already seen we were forced to halt operations on the collapse in the early hours of the morning due to structural concerns about the standing structure, we are doing everything we can to ensure that the safety of the first responders is paramount and to continue our search and rescue operation as soon as it is safe to do so.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Joe and I are both looking forward to meeting the queen, that’s an exciting part of the visit for us.
Found on Reuters 3 years ago
I love that you're educating dads and fathers, for so long, it has been the mother caregiving.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
It's very important to the foundation, as a teacher at the upper levels if they don't have a good foundation they fall so far behind.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
No one has more strength and grit and resilience than our military families, but you can't do this alone, we have to help you carry this weight by approving access to mental health resources, ensuring everyone can put food on the table, and supporting caregiving families and survivors.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
He's been studying for weeks working up for today, he knows most of the leaders that will be here. Joe loves foreign policy. This is his forte.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
The President and first lady has an independent schedule of The President and first lady own during the G7, at Royal Air Force Base Mildenhall on Wednesday, The President and first lady spoke about the importance of supporting military families. The President and first lady also hosted a roundtable with United States military spouses who are focused on the wellbeing and emotional health of service members and their families.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
We’re going to work on military spouse employment and entrepreneurship, make sure that you can get quality child care when you need it, and provide the education that your children deserve.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
War and conflict, death and loss are not relics of our American history; they're a part of Americans' story. Here in Arlington lie heroes who gave what President Lincoln called ‘the last full measure of devotion,’ they did not only die at Gettysburg or in Flanders Field or on the beaches of Normandy, but in the mountains of Afghanistan, the deserts of Iraq in the last 20 years.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
With what he cares about, what he fights for, what he’s committed to, you get up there and call him a racist without basis? go f--- yourself.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
With what he cares about, what he fights for, what he’s committed to, you get up there and call him a racist without basis? Go f–k yourself.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
German Shepherd Major was part of Jill Biden training, they took Jill Biden into a shelter with cats -- and Jill Biden did fine.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I am concerned about... the lost learning. But I do think we have an opportunity now to make things better. That's one of the reasons I was so excited about the American Rescue Plan, because it has so much money in there for education.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
While we've been fighting this pandemic for so long, we have to resist becoming numb to the sorrow, we have to resist viewing each life as a statistic, or a blur, or on the news.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
For the loved ones left behind : I know all too well. I know what it's like to not be there when it happens. I know what it's like when you are there holding their hands, there's a look in their eye and they slip away, i know that when you stare at that empty chair around the kitchen table it brings it all back no matter how long ago it happened, as if it just happened that moment.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We ask you to join us to remember. So we can heal. To find purpose, and the work ahead to show that there is light in the darkness, this nation will smile again. This nation will know sunny days again. This nation will know joy again.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
This is America's day. This is democracy's day, america has been tested anew, and America has risen tot he challenge.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
Donald Trump looks at Joe and says,' Oh my God, you know like, there's my competition, what can I think up to distract people ?' And that's all Donald Trump's trying to do, but Joe's tough.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
So I can't wait for the American people to see Joe, to see that statesman up there in front of the American public.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
He's ready. One of the things I'm excited for is when the American people see Joe Biden up there on that stage.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Joe and Cindy McCain would argue about issues and they would see things totally differently. But at the end of Election Day, there we would be together having dinner or going on a trip together or whatever it was, i mean there was true civility in government. And that's what I think we should return to.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We are in Donald Trump's America and there's just so much chaos. And I feel that, you know, educators don't know what to do. Students don't know what to do.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Got it in my pocket, i keep it all the time ... You can see it's worn.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I think Joe's faith is so strong, it's something that I think he got from his mother, who was a very devout Catholic. Joe is really devout, and he never misses a Sunday service.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Thank you very, very much from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
Who are Jill Biden as a nation ? what do we stand for ? And most importantly, what do we want to be ?
Found on CNN 4 years ago
My family is not fair game, joe is running against him, thats different. Not my children.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
I never mention second lady. I do get asked once in a while, you know,' Hey. Are you Joe Biden wife ?' And I'll say' he's one of my relatives,' or if I get pushed I say...' I'm Jill Biden.' And they'll look at me and they say,' OK.' We don't talk about politics. We don't talk about second lady. I never mention it.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We've talked about the different women candidates but it's got to be Joe's decision, who he feels most comfortable with, who shares his values and that's what he's always said that he and Barack had.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Tammy Duckworth, it's been such a pleasure getting to know you over the years, especially in our work on Joining Forces, and you have served our nation in so many ways, in the Army, at Veterans Affairs and on Capitol Hill. And as a veteran, a disability advocate and a woman of color, and the first woman to have a child while serving in the Senate, you inspire so many people across this country, and we are honored to have your support.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
That's ridiculous, joe has been under attack because he's doing so well. And I don't like it that Democrats attack other Democrats. We're in this race against Donald Trump. We're not against any of the other Democrats.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
That's who we have to think about is our military and our military families. Think about what they're going through they don't know where their loved ones are -- if they are safe, our son [ Beau ] was in Iraq for a year. And I know what that felt like, and I know that every night I went to bed praying he was going to be okay. And I heard it in her voice and I saw it in her eyes. And she's afraid.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Democrats can't win without Independent support, a lot of people say, you know.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
This semester I took off. I just took a leave of absence, but if we get to the White House. I mean, I think there would be no better message for teachers to say,' Hey, look who we are.' We need to lift up the profession and celebrate teachers.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
That's what I've learned from body language, and as a teacher, that's a really important part of my profession, that I can read my classroom and see who's sort of all tight and into themselves, and who's open to what I'm teaching. Body language is important.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
My students inspire me, they're single parents and veterans. They juggle multiple jobs and care for their families. Many of them are first-generation college students. They work so hard and ask for only one thing in return : opportunity. And every American deserves that.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Your candidate might be better on, I don't know, health care, than Joe is, but you've got to look at who's going to win this election, and maybe you have to swallow a little bit and say,' OK, I personally like so and so better,' but your bottom line has to be that we have to beat President Donald Trump.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Who are they asking to pay for it ? Middle class families like you, and the neighborhood I grew up in. Trading Medicare and Medicaid for tax breaks ? How is that going to help the people in this room or most of the people you live with ? How is that going to help this country ?
Found on CNN 5 years ago
In America, everybody gets a shot. That's what the next President of the United States needs to understand and that's what I don't think this current president understands at all.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Too often, I think we recognize the incredible bravery and sacrifice of this community only after tragedy strikes, you aren't just firefighters, you're community healers, you are healers and counselors and protectors. You are public servants in the truest sense with duty, integrity and courage. You stand between us and destruction. You hold back death. So for your service, for our sacrifice, for your incredible courage, thank you.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Mean pettiness has overtaken our politics. Today we seem to be at each other's throat. Sometimes it seems like we can't govern ourselves. We can talk to one another -- if you notice, I get criticized for saying anything nice about a Republican, folks, this isn't who we are, this isn't how we got here. We have to remember what it is that makes this nation so special.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I appreciate the energy you showed when I got up here. Save it a little longer, I may need it in a few weeks, be careful what you wish for.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Nothing's more American than that, ... That's what he said he wanted.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
And I remember, Jill just got up off the couch, gave me a big hug and said, 'I think you're right,'.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I came home and Hunter, our son, was upstairs with mom -- with Jill. And I walked in and I said, 'You know, I just don't think it's time.' I just decided -- I don't think we can run the kind of campaign we have to run to be able to win, and I remember, Jill just got up off the couch, gave me a big hug and said, 'I think you're right,'.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I've learned through many, many, many elections that you just take it one step at a time, sometimes when we've folded our tents and gone, I'll say, 'Joe, never again; we're never doing this again.'.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I wish I could say something that would ease the pain of the families and of the church but I know from experience -- and I was reminded of it again 29 days ago -- that no words can mend a broken heart. No music can fill the gaping void ... at least in my experience only faith. Only faith, sometimes even faith leaves you just for a second. Sometimes you doubt. There's a famous expression that says faith sees best in the dark. For the nine families, this is a very dark, dark time.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
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