Quotes from the news wire:
There’s no chance that you get North Korea to denuclearize if they think there’s no military threat and Abe said that to Trump in every meeting he had with him, i’m grateful for the reference, but I don’t think it took us for Abe to understand what he needed to do. And he was absolutely right. Trump needed to hear it repeatedly.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
My book was fully cleared in the prepublication review process conducted by the cognizant career NSC Senior Director, whose home agency was the National Archives, pompeo’s comments tell John Bolton more about State Mike Pompeo character than about my book.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
What started the process really on very accelerated basis was Trump's statement about terminating the Constitution to put him in the presidency or hold a new election and the relative lack of comment by many of the by the potential Republican [presidential candidates].
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
So I'm going to take the time I need to take, and that's why I’m having a lot of conversations.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
I think to be a presidential candidate you can’t simply say, ‘I support the Constitution.’ You have to say, ‘I would oppose people who would undercut it,’ when you challenge the Constitution itself the way Trump has done, that is un-American.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
I actually think most Republican elected officials in Washington disagree with Trump on this, but they’re intimidated, this is the time that there’s strength in numbers. The more people who tell the truth, the easier it is for everybody else.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
We’ve already got one declared candidate in the Republican Party who doesn’t believe in the Constitution, this is serious business.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Our great 'Founder' did not want, and would not condone, False Fraudulent Elections!
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
This is the time that there’s strength in numbers. The more people who tell the truth, the easier it is for everybody else.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
If I don’t see it, then I’m going to seriously consider getting in.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Donald Trump kept a lot of things in Donald Trump files that were not in the regular system or that had been given to Donald Trump in the course of intelligence briefings, i can easily imagine in the last chaotic days at the White House, since Donald Trump didn't think Donald Trump was going to leave until the last minute, they were just throwing things in boxes, and it included a lot of things Donald Trump had accumulated over the four years.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
My only surprise was that there wasn't even more taken to Mar-a-Lago.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
While much can not be said publicly right now, one point is indisputable : Iran's rulers are liars, terrorists, and enemies of the United States, their radical, anti-American objectives are unchanged ; their commitments are worthless ; and their global threat is growing.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Never had a clue, was ostracized happily dumped. What a dope!
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I thought he was absolutely right, and I thought one more convert to understanding what's wrong with Bill Clinton. Its political institutions are fundamentally broken.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Trump's disgraceful firing of Ellen Knight is another stain on his presidency, those in the NSC and White House Counsel's office who tried to intimidate Ms. Ellen Knight, and then carried out Trump's personal vendetta, should be held to account.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
If Rudy Giuliani had any character, I would say it's perfectly in character. It displeases Rudy Giuliani when reality doesn't conform to the image that Rudy Giuliani has of it, i do not expect Rudy Giuliani to go graciously. I do expect Rudy Giuliani to go. But I think pretty soon we'll get the stab in the back theories. We'll get the dark conspiracy theories continued. And Rudy Giuliani will make life as difficult as Rudy Giuliani can for the incoming Biden TransitionPeople of color administration.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I think he's stunned by it. I think that's why he's been silent really for so long. He's lived in his own dream world and been successful at it these last four years, the coronavirus was one tragic reality that he couldn't deal with. His own election loss is, in his mind, another tragic reality now. So I think he's now trying to calibrate, if in fact I've lost, how do I maximize my brand in the days after the coming inauguration of Joe Biden ? And I think that's what's at stake now.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I hope it's not suppressed, i say things in the manuscript about what he( Trump) said to me.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I hope, ultimately, I can get the book published, i hope it's not suppressed.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
All of them acted in the best interest of the country as they saw it and consistent to what they thought our policies were.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Adam Schiff had said. Bolton himself had admittedin the past that John Bolton would be more than willing to lieif John Bolton felt it was in the nations best interest. If I had to say something I knew was false to protect American national security, I would do it.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
That is clear from the history. That is clear from the language of the Constitution, you can not turn conduct it is not impeachable into impeachable conduct simply by using words like' quid pro quo' and' personal benefit.'.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I've already indicated that I'm interested to hear from John Bolton, perhaps among others.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I do think those addressing the Senate should remember where they are.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Accordingly, since my testimony is once again at issue, I have had to resolve the serious competing issues as best I could, based on careful consideration and study, i have concluded that, if the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
If the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I have concluded that, if the Senate issues a subpoena for my testimony, I am prepared to testify.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We have now liberated the Twitter account, previously suppressed unfairly in the aftermath of my resignation as National Security Advisor, in full disclosure, the @WhiteHouse never returned access to my Twitter account. Thank you to @twitter for standing by their community standards and rightfully returning control of my account.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Right now we are in a classic standoff with North Korea, they want a piece of something that we should not be prepared to give them.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
These are questions that need to focus our attention, not 'can we get another summit with Kim Jong Un' or 'what the state of staff-level negotiations are to achieve a commitment from North Korea it will never honor.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
That's not an encouraging sign. That's a sign to be worried about.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Time works against those who oppose nuclear proliferation and a relaxed attitude to time is a benefit to the likes of North Korea and Iran.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The experience that these incumbent members of Congress have provides them with a remarkable understanding and knowledge of the threats we face from international terrorism and rogue regimes such as Iran and North Korea.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
If that's the decision of the British government we will support it enthusiastically, and that's what I'm trying to convey. We're with you, we're with you.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The fashion in the European Union: When the people vote the wrong way from the way the elites want to go, it's to make the peasants vote again and again until they get it right.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminate Iran's nuclear weapons program, its pursuit of ballistic missile delivery systems, its support for international terrorism and other malign behavior worldwide, all that Iran needs to do is to walk through that open door.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The president has held the door open to real negotiations to completely and verifiably eliminate Iran's nuclear weapons program, its ballistic missile delivery systems, its support for international terrorism and other malign behavior worldwide, all that Iran needs to do is to walk through that open door.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Iran's continued pursuit of nuclear weapons, its threats to exceed the limits set in the failed Iran nuclear deal in the coming days ... are not signs of a nation seeking peace, sanctions are biting, and more added last night.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Neither Iran nor any other hostile actor should mistake U.S. prudence and discretion for weakness. No one has granted them a hunting license in the Middle East.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
What they've said was that they're not going to test ballistic missiles, intercontinental range ballistic missiles, or have nuclear tests. That's continued. They're doing a lot of other things that still indicate that they have not made a strategic decision to give up the pursuit of deliverable weapons, which is why we continue the maximum pressure campaign.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I'm not sure that this decision has reached the prime ministerial level in final form. I mean we are still talking, people are talking back and forth.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
5G really is not so easily divisible into core elements and peripheral elements, how much risk are you prepared to accept that a foreign power is reading your mail all the time at their will?
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Everybody is catching up to the dangers posed, especially in 5th-generation telecommunications systems, by equipment from Huawei and potentially others that can allow foreign governments a back door into telecommunications systems.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I think it is clear these (tanker attacks) were naval mines almost certainly from Iran, there is no doubt in anybody's mind in Washington who is responsible for this and I think it's important that the leadership in Iran know that we know.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We are very concerned about the Quds Force and Qassem Soleimani using Shi'ite militia groups and others in Iraq as indirect ways to attack our embassy in Baghdad, consulate in Erbil, our various bases around the country.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
When your whole premise is America first, I think it's too narrow of a view, we need to realize that both the biggest challenges and the biggest opportunities in Africa occur in much more of a non-traditional security and development space.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
U.N. Security Council resolutions prohibit North Korea from firing any ballistic missiles, in terms of violating U.N. Security Council resolutions, there is no doubt about that.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
In terms of violating U.N. Security Council resolutions, there is no doubt about that.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
The U.N. resolution prohibits the launch of any ballistic missiles.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Trump has held the door open for Kim, the next step is for Kim to walk through it.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The President has made The President position eminently clear, and in the next weeks and months, we shall see what we shall see.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
This is our hemisphere, it's not where the Russians ought to be interfering. This is a mistake on their part. It's not going to lead to an improvement of relations.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The coup here has been by the Cubans and theRussians who have sort of grafted themselveson to Venezuela.I think theyre running it insome sense more than Maduro is.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
If this effort fails, they will sink into a dictatorship from which there are very few alternatives.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
All agreed that Maduro had to go. They need to be able to act this afternoon, or this evening, to help bring other military forces to the side of the interim president, if this effort fails, [Venezuela]will sink into a dictatorship from which there are very few possible alternatives.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
It's very complicated inside Britain, i know they're going through a lot of turmoil. But really I think the president would like to reassure the people of the United Kingdom how strongly we feel, that we want to be there when they do come out of the European Union.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
In the European Union they like to say, 'we make the people vote until they get it right,' meaning pro-EU votes. So I guess I'd say if you're going to hold a second referendum and 'remain' wins, they ought to hold a third referendum and call it best two out of three.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
President Trump remains very eager to cut a bilateral trade deal with an independent Britain. It's what the people voted for in 2016, and when they get out, whether it's now, April 12 or later, we'll be standing right there waiting for them.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
China could really hold the key to this here if they press North Korea hard enough, china is obviously North Korea's dominant trading partner. Over 90 %( of) North Korea's external trade is with China. We continue to press China to enforce all the sanctions against North Korea.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The president's confident in his personal relationship with Kim Jong Un. He's invested a lot of time in trying to develop that relationship.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
He said he's open to a third summit, none has been scheduled, and some time may have to go by. But he's prepared to engage again because he does think that the prospects for North Korea, which he's been trying to persuade Kim Jong Un to accept if they denuclearized, are really quite spectacular.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The president's obviously open to talking again. We'll see when that might be scheduled or how it might work out, we're going to study the situation carefully. As the president said, it would be very, very disappointing if they were taking this direction.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We're looking at new sanctions, new measures to tighten our grip on Maduro's financial wherewithal, to deny his regime the money that they need to stay in power.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
If they're not willing to do it, then I think President Trump has been very clear ... they're not going to get relief from the crushing economic sanctions that have been imposed on them and we'll look at ramping those sanctions up in fact.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
If Donald Trump're not willing to do it, Donald Trump has been very clear Donald Trump're not going to get relief from the crushing economic sanctions that have been imposed on Donald Trump and we'll look at ramping those sanctions up in fact.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If they're not willing to do it, Donald Trump has been very clear they're not going to get relief from the crushing economic sanctions that have been imposed on them and we'll look at ramping those sanctions up in fact.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The best thing North Korea could do right now would be to give us a full accounting of what happened and who was responsible for it.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There's an old saying that says, better to remain silent and have all the world think you a fool than to open your mouth and prove it.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Venezuela's military attache to the United Nations, Colonel Pedro Chirinos, has announced his official recognition of Juan Guaido as Interim President of Venezuela.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The United States is continuing to work to make sure that the economic benefits of Venezuela's resources are not pilfered by (President Nicolas) Maduro and his cronies. Very productive meeting this afternoon with members of the CITGO executive team.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Now is the time to stand for prosperity and democracy in Venezuela.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We dont think the Turks ought to undertake military action thats not fully coordinated with and agreed to by the United States, at a minimum so they dont endanger our troops.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
There are objectives that we want to accomplish that condition the withdrawal, the timetable flows from the policy decisions that we need to implement.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The US strongly supports Israel's efforts to defend The US sovereignty, and we call on Hezbollah to stop its tunneling into Israel and to refrain from escalation and violence, more broadly, we call on Iran and all of its agents to stop their regional aggression and provocation, which pose an unacceptable threat to Israeli and regional security.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We will commence a review of all international agreements that may still expose The US to purported binding jurisdiction dispute resolution in the International Court of Justice.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We need to find out what the facts are, and we need to get this resolved quickly, because if it is another operation, people need to understand that, i think the Saudis themselves are being damaged, because we don't have the facts out.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We, the people, are sovereign in America, so that infringements on our sovereignty are not infringements on abstractions or infringements on the government. They're an infringement on the people themselves, and it's why we believe -- and of course, I'm speaking in secular terms here -- that the Constitution is the highest authority that we recognize. So in a number of different ways, the President's going to address this issue.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We're waiting for North Korea to begin the process of denuclearization, which they committed to in Singapore and which they've not yet done.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Maximum pressure on both governments to give up their pursuit of deliverable nuclear weapons, but a willingness to talk to their leaders to see if there's a way out.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If the Iranians are really willing to come and talk about all of their malign behavior in the region and around the world, I think Iranian President Hassan Rouhani'd find the President willing to do it.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If the Iranians are really willing to come and talk about all of their malign behavior in the region and around the world, I think they'd find the President willing to do it.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Let's see what really comes of it or whether it's just more propaganda.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The whole point of John Bolton was to show what John Bolton administration was doing to counter Russian meddling and other broader influence operations right now.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I think The President has made it abundantly clear to everybody who has responsibility in this area that The President cares deeply about it and that The President expects them to do their jobs to their fullest ability and that The President supports them fully.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
For the president to demand something that isn't going to happen puts the president in a weak position.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We have developed a program. I am sure that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will be discussing this with the North Koreans in the near future about really how to dismantle all of their( weapons of mass destruction) and ballistic missile programs in a year.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We've seen how the North Koreans have behaved before, the president has been very clear he's not going to make the mistakes of prior administrations. We're going to pursue this and we'll see what happens. That's I think what the next step in the discussions will be.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
If they have the strategic decision already made to do that and they are cooperative, we can move very quickly, and it is to North Korea's advantage to dismantle very quickly. Then the elimination of sanctions, aid by South Korea and Japan and others can all begin to flower.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If they have the strategic decision already made to do that and they're cooperative, we can move very quickly, physically we would be able to dismantle the overwhelming bulk of their programs within a year.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We know exactly what the risks are - them using negotiations to drag out the length of time they have to continue their nuclear, chemical, biological weapons programs and ballistic missiles, there's not any starry-eyed feeling among the group doing this.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There's not any starry-eyed feeling among the group doing this.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
President Putin was pretty clear with me about it and my response was we're going to have to agree to disagree on Ukraine, that's not the position of the United States.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The election meddling issue was definitely something we talked about.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There's not any starry-eyed feeling among the group doing this, we're well aware of what the North Koreans have done in the past.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We want to do whatever we can to make the meeting a success, but there should be no mistake that if we don't see that commitment to denuclearization then we're not going to make the mistakes of past administrations and fall into endless discussions with North Korea.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I kind of get used to it. It's what North Korea do and North Korea's, the question is whether this really is a sign that they're not taking our objective of denuclearization seriously, if they're walking back from it we'll find out.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If they haven't made a strategic decision that they're safer without nuclear weapons, that, as President Donald Trump said, it could be a pretty short meeting in Singapore.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I've been trying to take steps with the national security staff. It's something I work with John Kelly, the chief of staff, with a lot of other people. Look, the President has to have advisers around him who can have open, candid discussions and then not read about him the next day in the newspapers or watch them on television and to the extent that those conversations are being discussed in the public domain. It hurts the ability of the President to be fully informed to make his decision.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We are going to do everything we can to come to a successful meeting, but we are not going to back away from the objective of that meeting which is complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of North Korea.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
I think the message to North Korea is the President wants a real deal, when you're serious about eliminating the threat of nuclear proliferation, you have to address the aspects that permit an aspiring nuclear weapons state to get there. The Iran deal did not do that. A deal that we hope to reach, the President is optimistic we can reach with North Korea, will address all those issues.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
John Bolton, it's great to have you and Larry Kudlow with us. A real honor.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The only reform that can make a sustained difference over time is to eliminate assessed contributions and move entirely to voluntary contributions of all U.N. agencies and programs. Then, we will see results, and if not, defunding will follow.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
The impression left is that there’s favoritism involved, and it’s just very unusual in State Department real estate and housing transactions overseas to have this kind of focus on someone with such clear financial connections to even the departed secretary of state. Normally, there’s much more competitive activity involved, [of] which we haven’t seen any evidence from the State Department.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
Palestine is not a state, and is therefore, not entitled to be treated like a state, it does not enjoy sovereign immunity and it would be wrong for the United States government to argue otherwise in federal court.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
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