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Quotes from the news wire:
If the FBI… if they come to us and tell us we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Sometimes it's actually better to not be in the office because then people aren't bugging you. You kind of want like a block of like five hours where you can just work on a problem.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I'll be like in zone, kind of flow concentration, working on something and you know, Priscilla Chan will like ask me some, some like basic question, and I'll just be like,' Oh man,' it's like,' I just like lost my flow,'.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
We seem to have entered an economic downturn that will have a broad impact on the digital advertising business, it's always hard to predict how deep or how long these cycles will be, but I'd say that the situation seems worse than it did a quarter ago.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
The number of people using Facebook daily continues to grow.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Many teams are going to shrink so that we can shift energy to other areas within the company.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
As Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are building out Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner discovery engine... I want to be clear that Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner are still a social company.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn't be here, part of my hope by raising expectations and having more aggressive goals, and just kind of turning up the heat a little bit, is that I think some of you might decide that this place isn't for you, and that self-selection is OK with me.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Realistically, there are probably a bunch of people at the company who shouldn't be here, part of my hope by raising expectations and having more aggressive goals, and just kind of turning up the heat a little bit, is that I think some of Mark Zuckerberg might decide that this place isn't for Mark Zuckerberg, and that self-selection is OK with me.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
If I had to bet, I'd say that this might be one of the worst downturns that we've seen in recent history.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
This fully realized vision is still a ways off, and although the direction is clear, our path ahead is not yet perfectly defined.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
We face a competitor in TikTok that is a lot bigger, so it will take a while to compound and catch up there.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
We divide the misinformation into things that could cause imminent physical harm, of which Covid misinformation that might lead someone to get sick... falls in the category of imminent physical harm, and we take down that content. And then other misinformation are things that are false but may not lead to imminent physical harm, we label and reduce their distribution but leave them up.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Today we're seen as a social media company, but in our DNA, we are a company that builds technology to connect people, and the metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Good faith criticism helps us get better, but my view is that we are seeing a coordinated effort to selectively use leaked documents to paint a false picture of our company, the reality is that we have an open culture that encourages discussion and research on our work so we can make progress on many complex issues that are not specific to just us.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Some of the categories, like hate speech, have been harder.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I know there is a lot of scrutiny of Wall Street analysts efforts, and I guess I just want to say to the team and the people who work on this that I'm really proud of the progress that they make.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
To help more creators make a living on our platforms, we're going to keep paid online events, fan subscriptions, badges, and our upcoming independent news products free for creators until 2023, and when we do introduce a revenue share, it will be less than the 30 % that Apple and others take.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
In his first day, President Biden has already issued a number of executive orders on areas that we as a company really care quite deeply about.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
What we’ve seen is that the president has been doing the opposite of that and instead fanning the flames of those who think they should turn to violence to overturn the election outcome.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
We compete hard and we compete fairly, i'm proud of that.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
One important place to startwould be making contentmoderation systems moretransparent, another would be to separategood actors from bad actors bymaking sure that companies canthide behind section 230 to avoidresponsibility for intentionallyfacilitating illegal activity ontheir platforms.We are open to working withCongress on these ideas andmore.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
Another would be to separategood actors from bad actors bymaking sure that companies canthide behind section 230 to avoidresponsibility for intentionallyfacilitating illegal activity ontheir platforms.We are open to working withCongress on these ideas andmore.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
The fact that both sides criticize us doesn't mean we're getting this right. But it does mean that there are real disagreements about where the limits of online speech should be.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Its important that campaigns can run get out the vote campaigns.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
It's important that campaigns can run get out the vote campaigns, and I generally believe the best antidote to bad speech is more speech, but in the final days of an election there may not be enough time to contest new claims.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
When you limit hiring to people who live in a small number of big cities, or who are willing to move there, that cuts out a lot of people who live in different communities, have different backgrounds, have different perspectives.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I'm troubled by the calls to go after internet advertising, especially during a time of such economic turmoil like we face today with Covid, it's true that making it more difficult to target ads would affect the revenue of companies like Facebook. But the much bigger cost of such a move would be to reduce the effectiveness of the ads and opportunities for small businesses to grow. ... it would probably be felt at a macroeconomic level.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Since Covid emerged, people have used our services to stay in touch with friends and family who they can't be with in person, and to keep their businesses running online even when physical stores are closed, in many ways amidst this very difficult period for people around the world, our services are more important now than ever before.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I just think that it was avoidable and it it's really disappointing that we still don't have adequate testing, that the credibility of top scientists like yourself and the CDC are being undermined and until recently that parts of the administration were calling into question whether people should even follow basic best practices like wearing masks.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Anthony Fauci might be quite generous in Anthony Fauci description of the government's response.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
For those of you who've already made up your minds and just want the election to be over, we hear you.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I know many of you think we should have labeled the President's posts in some way last week, in general, I worry that this approach has a risk of leading us to editorialize on content we don't like even if it doesn't violate our policies, so I think we need to proceed very carefully.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I want to be clear that while we are looking at all of these areas, we may not come up with changes we want to make in all of them.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I've been struggling with how to respond to the President's tweets and posts all day. Personally, I have a visceral negative reaction to this kind of divisive and inflammatory rhetoric, but I'm responsible for reacting not just in my personal capacity but as the leader of an institution committed to free expression.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We have a different policy than, I think, Twitter on this.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We think that it wouldn't be right for us to do fact checks for politicians, i certainly think our policies have distinguished us from some of the other tech companies in terms of being stronger on free expression and giving people a voice.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
We have a different policy I think than Twitter on this.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
I'll have to understand what they actually would intend to do, but in general I think a government choosing to censor a platform because they're worried about censorship doesn't exactly strike me as the right reflex there.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
We pay very well, basically at the top of the market, but we pay a market rate. And that varies by location, so we're going to continue that principle here.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
If you're diagnosed with a rare disease, you can join a group and connect with people with that condition all around the world so you're not alone.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
One critique of our approach for much of the last decade was that because we wanted to be liked, we didn't always communicate our views as clearly because we were worried about offending people.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Across the board we have a responsibility to not just build tools but to make sure that they're used for good, it will take some time to work through all the changes, but I'm committed to getting this right.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
In a democracy, I don't think it's right for private companies to censor politicians or the news.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I believe that this is something that needs to get built, but I get that I'm not Mark Zuckerberg for this right now, we've faced a lot of issues over the past few years. I'm sure there are a lot of people who wish it was anyone but Facebook who proposed this.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
If at the end of the day we don't receive the clearances.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
People pay far too high a cost — and have to wait far too long — to send money home to their families abroad. The current system is failing them.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Those subjects didn't come up, but in general I don't feel like it's appropriate for me to comment in too much detail on private conversations.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The bottom line here is that elections have changed significantly since 2016 and Facebook has changed too. we face increasingly sophisticated attacks from nation states like Russia, Iran and China, but I'm confident we're more prepared.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
People should decide what is credible, not tech companies, we very much appreciate Ms. King's offer to meet with us. Her perspective is invaluable and one we deeply respect. We look forward to continuing this important dialogue with her in Menlo Park next week.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
You have someone like Elizabeth Warren who thinks that the right answer is to break up the companies, if Elizabeth Warren gets elected president, then I would bet that we will have a legal challenge, and I would bet that we will win the legal challenge. And does that still suck for us ? Yeah.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I think if you do something that's good, you get rewarded, but I do think some of the wealth that can be accumulated is unreasonable.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
When we were deciding whether to go to end-to-end encryption across the different apps, this was one of the things that just weighed the most heavily on me.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
It just doesn't really make sense for me to go to hearings in every single country that wants to have me show up.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
If someone disagrees with a decision we've made, they can appeal to us first, and soon they will be able to further appeal to this independent board, the board's decision will be binding, even if I or anyone at Facebook disagrees with it.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The question that I think we have to grapple with is that breaking up these companies wouldn't make any of those problems better, the amount that we're investing in safety and security is greater than the whole revenue of our company was earlier this decade when we went public, so it just would not have been possible to do the things we're doing at a smaller scale.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It's not the case that if you broke up Facebook into a bunch of pieces, you suddenly wouldn't have those issues, you would have those issues, you would just be much less equipped to deal with them.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I don't think that people overall would want companies to have so much unilateral authority to make decisions over speech and elections and privacy, i think the big question that we need to answer is : what is the right framework, whether it's regulation or industry bodies, that will enable us to solve the specific issues we're grappling with ?
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I'm encouraged and optimistic about the regulatory framework that will be put in place, it's going to be hard for us, and there's going to be things in there that we disagree with. That's natural.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
But in order for people to trust the internet overall and overtime, there needs to be the right regulation put in place, and I think the best way for that to get put in place is by governments like this one that are being thoughtful and diligent about how to do this.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Hopefully this can become a model, not just a national model for France but can be worked into a framework across the EU overall as the new (European) parliament comes into place.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
As the world gets bigger and more connected, we need that sense of intimacy more than ever. That's why I believe that the future is private. This is the next chapter for our services.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We've shown time and again as a company that we have what it takes to evolve.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I know we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now, to put it lightly, i am committed to doing this well.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Over the next few years New Friends are going to build more of New Friends services around these ideas, this isn't just about building features — New Friends need to change a lot of the different ways that New Friends run this company today.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I'm sure we're going to keep unearthing old issues for a while, so it may feel like we're not making progress at first.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
In countries where we already are the leading platform there will be more ability to work on things like payments in the near term and build in additional ways that people want to interact privately.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
That was a really terrible event, we need to build our systems to be able to identify livestream terror events more quickly.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
So we're still looking into this, in general, we work with developers to make sure that they're respecting people's information and using it in only ways that they want.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
But it would also fundamentally break what livestreaming is for people. Most people are livestreaming, you know, a birthday party or hanging out with friends when they can't be together.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I think setting up rules around political advertising is not the company's job.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
So, of course anything that we do is going to be personalized, but there's a question I have, which is, what is the right level of curation that we should have in order to — we're not going to have journalists making news — but I think what we want to do is make sure that this is a product that can get people high quality news, right ?
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I think that makes sense and there's a lot of details to work out but it's one of the things I'm optimistic that could make this more sustainable.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
If we fast forward 5 or 10 years, I think we're going to have more AI technology that can do that in more areas.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The future of communication will increasingly shift to private, encrypted services where people can be confident what they say to each other stays secure and their messages and content won't stick around forever, this is the future I hope we will help bring about.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Working towards implementing end-to-end encryption for all private communications is the right thing to do.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
People should be comfortable being themselves, and should not have to worry about what they share coming back to hurt them later. So we won't keep messages or stories around for longer than necessary to deliver the service or longer than people want it.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
There's a lot of negativity about technology, some of it's fair, some of it's misplaced.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I'm Mark Zuckerberg, and I used to just build out my ideas and hope they'd mostly speak for themselves. But given the importance of what we do, that doesn't cut it anymore.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm proud of the progress we've made in 2018 and grateful to everyone who has helped us get here.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We're a very different company today than we were in 2016, or even a year ago. We've fundamentally altered our DNA to focus more on preventing harm in all our services, and we've systematically shifted a large portion of our company to work on preventing harm.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm going to say stupid things, and I need to get feedback, 'that was dumb,' learn, get better, and I think that we're at a particular point of time where we don't have a lot of understanding for mistakes, or mistaken views, especially as they pertain to gender or race, and I think that you've got to make mistakes to learn, so if there's one thing that I'd wish for is for there to be more open discourse... And for that discourse to ultimately help us get to a better place as a society.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I think the hypothesis in the past was we're building a platform and there are good people and bad people, and we're not responsible for what they do on the platform, we didn't wanna be responsible because we don't wanna be the censor. We don't wanna tell you what to say... It was an ethical decision.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Sheryl is a really important part of this company and is leading a lot of the efforts to address a lot of the biggest issues that we have, she's been an important partner for me for 10 years. ... I hope that we work together for decades more to come.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I think the world will keep moving in this direction. More people will keep on getting a voice. I think that that's good, there are certainly going to be issues that we need to work through over time, but I think that while we are doing that, we can't lose sight of all of the really positive things that are happening here as well.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I think people want to trust our intention, people expect companies to learn and not keep making the same mistake.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We now we have a special product team working to better understand the specific local challenges and build the right tools to help keep people there safe.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We should explore ideas like universal basic income to make sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Kevin and Mike are extraordinary product leaders and Instagram reflects their combined creative talents, i’ve learned a lot working with them for the past six years and have really enjoyed it. I wish them all the best and I’m looking forward to seeing what they build next.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I personally find Holocaust denial deeply offensive, and I absolutely didn’t intend to defend the intent of people who deny that, of course if a post crossed a line into advocating for violence or hate against a particular group, it would be removed. … These issues are very challenging but I believe that often the best way to fight offensive bad speech is with good speech.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Someonehas to have the job of doing that. Society needs people who can be trusted, who can say, to vet things fairly, and say ‘this is probably false’, i think that there’s a role to help build an ecosystem and support that ecosystem.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Someone has to have the job of doing that. Society needs people who can be trusted, who can say, to vet things fairly, and say ‘ this is probably false ’, i think that there’s a role to help build an ecosystem and support that ecosystem.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I actually think one of the things that we should be trying to do is figure out how to empower and build other institutions around us that are important and can help figure out these new issues on the internet.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
In that specific case, Fox News Channel contributors team made an enforcement error and Fox News Channel contributors have already gotten in touch with them to reverse it.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
You know, I find that argument, that if you’re not paying that somehow we can’t care about you, to be extremely glib and not at all aligned with the truth, i think it’s important that we don’t all get Stockholm Syndrome and let the companies that work hard to charge you more convince you that they actually care more about you.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I think it’s important that we don’t all get Stockholm Syndrome and let the companies that work hard to charge you more convince you that they actually care more about you.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
We’re trying to have our community tell us what is quality and then feeding that into the rankings and make sure that the stuff people think is broadly trustworthy is getting promoted. facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg can get this very easily by just asking people a simple survey.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
There are 200 million people on Facebook that list themselves as single, so clearly there's something to do here.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The internet is growing in importance around the world in people’s lives and I think that it is inevitable that there will need to be some regulation, so my position is not that there should be no regulation, but I also think that you have to be careful about regulation you put in place.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
In that specific case, our team made an enforcement error and we have already gotten in touch with them to reverse it.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
We’re hiring dozens of more Burmese language speakers.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
It’s not enough to just connect people, we have to make sure those connections are positive, it’s not enough to just give people a voice, we have to make sure people aren’t using it to hurt people or spread misinformation.… Across the board, we have a responsibility to not just build tools, but to make sure those tools are used for good.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
For most of our existence, we focused on all the good that connecting people can bring. … But it’s clear now that we didn’t do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well. That goes for fake news, foreign interference in elections, and hate speech, as well as developers and data privacy.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Looking back, it's clear we were too slow identifying election interference in 2016, and we need to do better in future elections.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
When you’re building something like Facebook that is unprecedented in the world, there are going to be things that you mess up, i’m not looking to throw anyone else under the bus for mistakes that we made here.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I am sorry that in 2014 SCL Elections( an affiliate of Cambridge Analytica) licensed Facebook data and derivatives from a research company( GSR) that had not received consent from most respondents, the company believed that the data had been obtained in line with Facebook’s terms of service and data protection laws.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I used to think that the most important thing was having the greatest positive impact in the world that I can, now, I really just care about building something that my girls, when they grow up, can be proud of me for. I work on a lot of things, but when I go home, I ask myself, 'Will my girls be proud of what I did today?'.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There's too much sensationalism, misinformation and polarization in the world today. Social media enables people to spread information faster than ever before, and if we don't specifically tackle these problems, then we end up amplifying them, that's why it's important that News Feed promotes high quality news that helps build a sense of common ground.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We decided that having the community determine which sources are broadly trusted would be most objective.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
I wish I could tell you we're going to stop all [campaign] interference.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
Something interesting is happening with Facebook Live that's bringing more openness to the political process, it's a way to share anything you want with the world using just your phone.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Priscilla and I are so happy to welcome our daughter Max into this world.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We didn't want to just build a' Dislike' button because we don't want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people's posts.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
A 'like' or a post won't stop a tank or a bullet, but when people are connected, we have a chance to build a common global community with a shared understanding, that's a powerful force.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are so fortunate that our work in connecting the world through Facebook has given us the ability to give back to our local community, our country and the world -- and to work to improve education, health care and internet access for everyone, to serve our community in San Francisco, we can think of no better place to focus than The General.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
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