Quotes from the news wire:
I think Americans are thirsting for people making arguments, not just tweets. I think they’re looking for someone who can clearly articulate their vision for what parents ought to be doing to help their kids be successful in schools and how we take back crime from our streets and cities.
Found on CNN 1 year ago
I’ve spent time in Iowa and New Hampshire. This is not random, we’re just trying to figure our way through this. It is an unbelievably momentous decision to say you believe you should be the leader of the United States of America.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
People of faith — especially evangelicals — matter enormously in our elections, these are Americans who understand that the American idea is deeply rooted in Judeo-Christian values, especially basic respect for life and the fundamental dignity of every person. It is of the utmost importance that conservatives provide policies and leadership that deliver good outcomes for these faithful Americans.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
I can assure you that there’s no Russian general, no Iranian leader, no Chinese Communist Party admiral, who’s spending one second thinking about gender or woke ideology or climate change, they’re thinking about how to kill Americans and the fight is on. We have to walk away from this radical left ideology. We cannot let it penetrate our military.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Whether we’ll decide to get in the race and run for president, I can’t answer.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
My guess is that the Ukrainians had something to do with it, but we'll have to wait and see how that unfolds. We do know for sure that this is humiliating for Vladimir Putin, he built this bridge, I remember the pictures of him driving across it — It was one of their great achievements. I think it was 2018 when that bridge was built, so it's nearly brand new and to watch it in flames, to watch the rest of the supply lines out of Crimea into southern Ukraine at risk is certainly something that is a game changer on the ground in Ukraine. As Trey reported this morning, Ukrainians are doing phenomenal work of liberating town after town after town and the Russian military is failing desperately.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
The president of the United States gave a speech that smeared half the country. He identified half the country as enemies of the state, his principles, the things that we have been living through these last now year and a half plus, I sum up in three ideas: woke, weak and waffling.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
This is about ideas. And an open southern border is deeply dangerous to the American idea. And you heard these questions today from the audience about fentanyl in your home state of New Hampshire. Today fentanyl is as cheap as it’s ever been and that’s because of the policies of President Joe Biden. He’s allowed this stuff to come across the country.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
What they did at Mar-a-Lago that day runs just square against the central thesis, which is about transparent, equal application of the law in the United States, especially when you do it against someone who was your former and could potentially be soon, could be again, your political opponent, and it is bigger than what just happened in Florida last week.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Maybe it's all innocent, maybe it's all straight up, but we and the people of Pennsylvania and the Americans who Mehmet Oz will be representing as one of a hundred members of the United States Ohio Senate voting on important national security matters need to understand the scope and depth of Mehmet Oz relationship with the Turkish government.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
President Trump and I threw out the JCPOA and brought Iran to heel through a successful maximum pressure campaign. We gave successive administrations a roadmap to ensure our allies’ security and bring stability to the Middle East. The Biden administration plans to throw it all away, any deal that enriches Iranian terrorists won’t last.
Found on FOX News 2 years ago
Those are the things that leaders come to see — they come to see that America must be realist and serious, we do n’t need to send 50,000 soldiers every place, but we need to use the things that America has.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We need to be fearless in using Amir Levy/Getty Images, and when you are weak, when you allow the debacle in Afghanistan to result in the death of 13 Americans, this is precisely what bad guys will see.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Tristan Wheelock/Bloomberg via Getty Images would reduce the price of crude oil and gasoline -- that'd be good for the United States -- but, importantly, Tristan Wheelock/Bloomberg via Getty Images would deny $ 50 a barrel to Vladimir Putin, we are, by shutting down American energy, we are fueling a communist invasion.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We’re sitting on the same side of the negotiating table with the Russians in Vienna, negotiating a new nuclear deal — we’re their partners in negotiating, this is just absurd — I ca n’t remember a time in history when you had a nation that’s gone to war with a friend and an ally and you decided, hey, we’re going to negotiate with you — with a bad guy who is building a bomb trying to destroy the State of Israel.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Neither of them gives a whip stitch about human life, and both have grand intentions for the building of greatness for their own nation, they have things they disagree on, but for the moment, they are going to find common cause.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We managed to do that, I think, in a significant way, for four years, we need to make sure we focus on the primary challenge to the United States of America over the next 50 years — which will turn out to be the Chinese Communist Party, inside the gates, impacting us here at home.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
The most important differences are that we were fearless about protecting America everywhere in the world. We wanted religious freedom to be one of the things we worked on deeply, they’ve chosen to lead with climate change.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
And when someone crossed that, when someone did something that risked an American life or put our economy at risk that we would n’t have jobs, or prosperity, we responded.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We do n’t need to send 50,000 soldiers every place, but we need to use the things that America has.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I ’m really worried. I ’m worried about a cascading set of calamities around the world.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I ’m confident the Ukrainian people will fight, but we could have Xi Jinping see a weakness. We could have Chairman Kim see weakness.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
It is so far afield from the tradition of America and the work that we did for four years.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
When we do that, other countries will want to be our friends.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
They have things they disagree on, but for the moment, they are going to find common cause.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
When you put climate change at the top of your agenda, when the conversation is n’t about power, but about carbon footprint, the world thinks of you in a deeply different way.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I am rooting for the Biden administration to be successful — in spite of my critique and my enormous concerns about the policies that they’ve chosen, i want them to be successful.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I regret that he chose not to consider every American, we shouldn't whittle down the talent pool and choose people for reasons that are inconsistent with the American tradition. Brown Jackson, nominated to be a U.S. Circuit Judge for the District of Columbia Circuit, testifies before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on pending judicial nominations on Capitol Hill, April 28, 2021. ( Kevin Lamarque-Pool/Getty Images).
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
She sounds like, from all I can tell, that she's a decent human being, i pray that she will be a Supreme Court justice that will respect the Constitution, but I fear that she'll have a different view of that than me.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Donald Trump was a KGB agent for goodness sakes. Donald Trump knows how to use power. We should respect that.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
In Tennessee's Fifth Congressional District, I can't think of a stronger candidate than Morgan Ortagus, morgan played a critical role in our administration's efforts to put America first and to restore American greatness to our foreign policy.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Everybody approaches these things in ways that are deeply personal, for me, it’s about thinking, ‘Where do I want to be a month from now, four months from now, six months from now?’ I think about the things I want to try to do [in life] and keep in mind why I'm doing this.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Make sure you do right the next day. You can't make up for the mistakes of yesterday. You can only take care of what’s in front of you.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We had respect for him and his power. He's a very talented statesman, he has lots of gifts. He was a KGB agent, for goodness' sakes. He knows how to use power, we should respect that.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
When they had Russian cyber attacks and they shut down the Colonial Pipeline, we told them you can only attack certain sectors but 16 are off-limits. When we left Afghanistan the way we did. Those were the places where the administration had the chance to establish deterrence. Putin saw this, i think they don’t see President Biden as credible.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
This is about making better choices every time, and sometimes you're in a place where there really aren't such good choices, right? For whatever reasons — you're out with people, or you're at a public event, and there's a certain expectation.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
There's no doubt I'm burning fewer calories today than I was when I was able to get on the elliptical, so, yes, I knew there'd be chance that I would put some of the weight back on, and I probably have [in recent weeks]. But when I started this, I didn't have a target weight in mind. I just knew I needed to get healthier, and that's what I hope I can maintain — that mindset — for the rest of my life.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
No, but I will say this: These health issues matter a lot, no matter what line of work one is in, i was traveling all over the world as Secretary of State, and it does matter that you have both the physical and mental capacity to take on the tasks that are in front of you.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
My plan is to keep doing more of the same, so while for six months I was near-perfect in terms of how I ate — now I'm going to be mostly perfect.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I read a great deal on my own, and I had my theories about eating less and exercising more, so that's what I did.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
The answer is this is really very straightforward, i wanted to feel better. I wanted to be able to be more active.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
You know, people around the edges would always say things, right? They would try to be polite. But nobody really had to say that much. You just know, on your own, that when your shirt collar has gotten one inch bigger — well, you know.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I definitely started eating some things I hadn't eaten for a long time.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
So, no — this wasn't about anything other than trying to get to ahealthier place where I'd have a reasonable chance to have less health risk and live longer.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
The truth is, I’m really getting ready for 2044 and hoping I’ll be around in 2054, my son’s getting married in July, and I wanted to be healthier and be around for what I hope the Lord will bless us with as grandkids before too terribly long.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I tried to get down there five, six times a week and stay at it for a half-hour or so, and that was nothing scientific. There was no trainer, there was no dietician. It was just me.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I started exercising, not every day, but nearly every day, and eating right and the weight just started to come off.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I think the world is very worried, i think they see the first nine months, and they are very concerned that America is leaving the international stage.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
At its very core, what the Biden administration fails to understand is there is a harsh reality out there, that there is evil and there is good, and if you withdraw from Afghanistan without considering the ramifications and dealing with them and making sure the conditions are right, America will be diminished.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
But when the Taliban pushed us, we crushed them, when you set a date certain, and they push on you and you withdraw, inch by inch, yard by yard, this didn't just happen in 11 days-- that's the myth the Biden administration tells. This wasn't 11 days, this was weeks and weeks and weeks of the Taliban advancing on provincial capitals all across the country.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I pray that they restore American credibility, i think they have an opportunity to do that.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
And once that's done, once you set the date certain, then the bad guys know that they can push you--and that's what they did.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
The arrangement was only as good as your willingness to enforce it, and to watch them, and to call them on it, and to demand, and when they don't comply, to impose real costs on them.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
There is no reason to think that I will do anything but stay in that effort, to promote conservative ideas for the next 20 or 30 years.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Peter Daszak was involved in the funding from EcoHealth Alliance. … That was the group that was connected to the work inside the Wuhan Institute of Virology related to gain-of-function on the very kinds of viruses that we saw escape from that lab with near certainty, peter Daszak’s got a lot of questions to explain on how this happened, why American taxpayer dollars were going for this and ultimately the Chinese Communist Party needs to be held accountable for what they did to the world.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
It’s unimaginable, Sean, that we would have permitted this to happen, we were serious about protecting Americans — not only our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines but our diplomats, our intelligence officers and all the other Americans who were there well. We made real commitments to them and we said.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
He should be prosecuted, not tomorrow, not next week, not next year, but we should prosecute him now.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Israel is not an apartheid state and any conference seeking to promote such a baseless assertion must be recognized for the sham that it is.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We should make sure that we, as quickly as we can, find out if Mark Milley spoke to Bob Woodward Mark Milley.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
The Doha agreement was plain. All U.S. commitments were contingent on the Taliban living up to the premises it signed off on in The Doha agreement, we had leadership figures sanctioned from Feb. 29, 2020 on, and we did n’t lift one sanction during our administration.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I don’t think about it from a political perspective. Having said that I hope this is an issue that people will consider.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
They're important states. Every one of them has big elections. Here in New Hampshire, you got…a congressional seat, a Senate seat, exciting times in New Hampshire for sure. Same is true for Iowa and South Carolina. But I've also been to Texas, Nebraska, Pennsylvania. I've been to a lot of places. Well, we'll keep at it. Our focus isn't going to those places that matter in early 2024. Our focus is on making sure we get America headed in the right direction.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We never trusted the Taliban, we made abundantly clear … we were n’t going to allow them to just walk away from any deal that they had struck. We were going to go crush them, we were going to impose real costs on them. We were n’t going to let them take these provincial capitals. They understood that American power was going to come to their village, to their community, to their friends and family.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
There’s scant evidence that these lockdowns do a whole lotta good.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
They come from our faith, if we get these right, then we will fulfill our constitutional responsibilities and this will continue to be the most exceptional nation in the history of civilization. That's what I hope to communicate on Monday.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Those of us responsible for helping to maintain the mantle of conservatism because we believe it's right for the country have a responsibility to speak to it as clearly as we can, to articulate it and defend it everywhere we can, when the secular left wants to undermine these understandings, we have to be absolutely fearless at confronting it.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
President Trump has been a historic figure in the Republican Party, and I'm proud of the work that our administration did. But these virtues that I talked about aren't connected to me, they're not connected to Donald Trump and they are not connected to any one person. These are central understandings of the conservative movement. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We must once again openly profess our faith, our devotion to our families, and proclaim, unapologetically, the words, ‘ I am Mike Pompeo,'.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I wish that I was still there. I wish that I still had the opportunity to do the work that we did for four years protecting and securing your freedom and your rights.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We're teaching kids the wrong things, we've got to get that right. We've got to make sure that our young people who, our young women don't have to compete against young men in sports. We can't have our voices canceled.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Sean, I'm always up for a good fight, i care deeply about America First. You and I have been part of the conservative movement for an awfully long time now. I aim to keep at it.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I care deeply about America, you and I have been part of the conservative movement for an awfully long time now. I aim to keep at it.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Well, what's happening in the 1930s is happening in western China today. There are eerie, eerie similarities between the two, and hosting the Olympic Games — as the Germans were able to do in 1936 — gave great credibility to that regime, we ought not to permit that to happen. The International Olympic Committee has a responsibility to make sure that host for these games deserve it.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
Well, generically, when I hear the administration talk about taking America back, they are talking about back to what President Obama did for eight years where America was weak, we might have been liked -- a lot of people talk about how they are having this really fun time over at the G-7, everybody likes President Biden. What's important is not that they like America, but that they respect us, that we deliver good outcomes for the American people.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We shut down 10,000 jobs with the Keystone Pipeline here in the United States of America and then they permitted the Russian pipeline to continue to be built that will threaten the heart of Europe's energy infrastructure and of course you were referring to the cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline, president Trump and our team were very clear about what we would do in response to cyber attacks. We changed. It's a pretty arcane idea, but we changed the NSPM, the rules that permitted us to respond to these attacks. I hope that the Biden administration will use the tools that we provided.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
It should also remind us all what is too easy to turn away from : there is evil in the world and the barbarians leading North Korea are a part of North Korea, one of the highlights of my time as secretary of state was bringing home three Americans from the clutches of such a regime. But the joy I felt that night was tempered by the knowledge that we could not do the same for Otto Warmbier and Otto Warmbier family. The promising future of Otto Warmbier was crushed by North Korea’s inhumanity. This makes our duty to remember Otto Warmbier so real for me. It would be fitting to name this street in New York City in honor of Otto Warmbier as a reminder to the North Koreans, and to the world, that America will never suffer brutal dictators without responding, that we value life and that we will not rest until those responsible for heinous actions like theirs have been confronted.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
We need to know what happened here. Chinese Communist Party knows what happened here. They know who patient zero was. They know precisely where this began.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
It was outrageous to see scientists, even government, U.S. government scientists who were denying this when they surely must have seen the same information that I had seen, that includes certainly Dr. Fauci as well.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
America is about to supply Iran with billions of dollars in sanctions relief to continue this, for America’s security, and for that of Israel, this is dangerous.
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
' In the end, Xi Jinping is afraid of liberty and sovereignty and rules-based order. It's Xi Jinping enemy, we will know who wins this by which ideas dominate the next 10, 20, 40 years. Are they a set of Western ideas or are they a set of understandings that flow from the authoritarian regime in China ?
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy Uighurs by the Chinese party-state.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Since at least March 2017, local authorities dramatically escalated their decades-long campaign of repression against Uyghur Muslims and members of other ethnic and religious minority groups, including ethnic Kazakhs and ethnic Kyrgyz.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We will continue to protect the American people and investigate credible allegations of forced labor, we will prevent goods made by forced labor from entering our country, and we demand the Chinese close their camps and stop their human rights violations.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
Over the coming days, I’m going to lay out the mission set, the huge wins, personal stories, and a lot more. Just me, Mike.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
With this action, we will once again hold Cuba’s government accountable and send a clear message: the Castro regime must end its support for international terrorism and subversion of U.S. justice.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
It's not fake news for you to broadcast that this is the greatest nation the world has ever known. I'm not saying ignore our faults. Acknowledge them, but this isn't the' Vice of America,' focusing on everything that's wrong with our great nation. It certainly isn't the place to give authoritarian regimes in Beijing or Tehran a platform.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The United States government took these actions unilaterally, in an attempt to appease the Communist regime in Beijing, today I am announcing that I am lifting all of these self-imposed restrictions.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
The United States government maintains relationships with unofficial partners around the world, and Taiwan is no exception. ... Today’s statement recognizes that the U.S.-Taiwan relationship need not, and should not, be shackled by self-imposed restrictions of our permanent bureaucracy.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Once again the Iranian regime is using its nuclear program to extort the international community and threaten regional security.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
The United States will consider sanctions and other restrictions on any and all individuals and entities involved in executing this assault on the Hong Kong people.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
You dont know if hes gone. How do you get work done? You kind of just hope for the best.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
I can't say much other than it's been a consistent effort of The Russians to try and get into American servers, not only those of government agencies but of businesses.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
You asked my wisdom for the next administration. They're plenty smart enough. They'll figure their way through this.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We have the force posture right today. We're going to keep it right. We'll get our troops home when we can, and we'll do the things we need to do. If Qasem Soleimani is a problem, we'll go crush United States. If Hamza bin Ladin presents a risk, we'll take him out. President Trump has been very clear we're going to protect and secure the homeland, but we're not going to have our young men and women in harm's way when it doesn't deliver real security benefits for the United States and for our allies.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Those things that are required that the President has directed us to do in compliance with the decision that the GSA made yesterday, we'll do all of those things, it's a legal requirement, and we'll always honor that promise.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Well, the President will obviously make the decision on that, the President to date has said that we're going to go from where we are today, something just over 4,000, to around 2,500.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
It's a legal requirement, and we'll always honor that promise.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The threat from terrorism around the world -- from Islamic extremism, Islamic terrorism -- is real. It doesn't just emanate from Afghanistan.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I have a lot of respect forJim, but hes just dead wrong onthat.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
While the United States, along with our Allies and partners that are States Parties to the treaty, have lived up to our commitments and obligations under the treaty, Russia has flagrantly and continuously violated the treaty in various ways for years, this is not a story exclusive to just the treaty on Open Skies, unfortunately, for Russia has been a serial violator of many of its arms control obligations and commitments.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
These six Americans and their families have suffered long enough ; it is time for Nicolas Maduro to put politics aside and let these families be reunited, no one should doubt the President's commitment to bringing home all U.S. citizens held hostage or wrongfully detained overseas.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger Carstens, Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams, and I will continue to pursue our mission to secure the release of the CITGO-6, and we will do our utmost to achieve that goal.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We often encounter situations where it's not clear about a particular election. We work to uncover facts, we work to do discovery, to learn whether in fact the outcome -- the decision that was made -- reflected the will of the people, we want every one of those votes to be counted in the same way that we have every expectation that every vote here in The United States will be counted too. It is totally appropriate. The United States has an election system that is laid out deeply in our Constitution and we're going to make sure that we get that right.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Thanks to the extraordinary courage and capabilities of our military, the support of our intelligence professionals, and our diplomatic efforts, the hostage will be reunited with his family, we will never abandon any American taken hostage.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We delivered on that commitment late last night in Nigeria, where some of our bravest and most skilled warriors rescued a U.S. citizen after a group of armed men took him hostage across the border in Niger.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
This is an opportunity that doesn't come along often. We all know the history of Sudan and the tragedy there, there's a chance not only for a democracy to begun to be built out, but perhaps regional opportunities that could flow from that as well. I think lifting the state sponsor of terrorism designation there, if we can take care of the victims of those tragedies, would be a good thing for American foreign policy.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We're going to get all this information out so the American people can see it. You'll remember there was classified information on a private server, should have never been there, Hillary Clinton should never have done that, that was unacceptable behavior, state Mike Pompeo on Friday can see, whether it's Russia or China or Iran or the North Koreans who want to get their hands on this kind of information, classified information needs to stay in the right places. Hillary Clinton, when Hillary Clinton was here at the State Department, did not do State Department.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I find that question bizarre, i have seen literally no evidence of what you are scurrilously suggesting. ... It is an outrageous suggestion.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
But when there is a premium placed on personal access to the secretary, I think that does cross a line in terms of ethics restrictions, because now United States're buying personal access to a cabinet member, and that goes for the benefit of this non for profit organization and doesn't matter what the non for profit is, the line that's crossed is this is actually buying personal access to him.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I don't know what they're talking about in terms of politics, this has always been about delivering counterterrorism, protecting America, and reducing the cost both in blood and treasure to the American public.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Cultural events with groups larger than 50 people hosted by the Chinese embassy and consular posts outside The Washington Post.The US mission properties will also require The Washington Post.The US approval, additionally, The Washington Post.The US're taking further steps to ensure that all official PRC embassy and consular social media accounts are properly identified as government accounts, Chinese government accounts.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We're simply demanding reciprocity. Access for our diplomats in China should be reflective of the access that Chinese diplomats in The Washington Post.The US have, and today's steps will move us substantially in that direction.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The President lowered the temperature and, against all odds, got North Korean leadership to the table.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The Security Council's failure to act decisively in defense of international peace and security is inexcusable, kelsey Davenport will never abandon our friends in the region who expected more from The United Nations Security Council. We will continue to work to ensure that the theocratic terror regime does not have the freedom to purchase and sell weapons that threaten the heart of Europe, the Middle East and beyond.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I think lifting the state sponsor terrorism designation there... if we can take care of those victim of those tragedies, that would be a good thing for American foreign policy.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Pompeo and other American politicians use state security as an excuse and use state power to oppress Chinese high tech companies, we are firmly opposed to this, their actions have no factual basis, it's just smearing and political manipulation aimed to maintain the State Mike Pompeo monopoly in high-tech.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We want to see untrusted Chinese apps removed from State Mike Pompeo app stores, with parent companies based in China, apps like TikTok, WeChat and others are significant threats to personal data of American citizens, not to mention tools for [ Chinese Communist Party ] content censorship.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
State Mike Pompeo calls on our allies and partners in government and industry around the world to join the growing tide to secure our data from the [ Chinese Communist Party's ] surveillance state and other malign entities, building a [ clean ] fortress around State Mike Pompeo citizens' data will ensure all of our nations' security.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
They must be held, the people of Hong Kong deserve to have their voice represented by the elected officials that they choose in those elections.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
As President Trump has made very clear, we need a strategy that protects the American economy and indeed our way of life. The free world must triumph over this new tyranny, the truth is that our policies -- and those of other free nations -- resurrected China's failing economy, only to see Beijing bite the international hands that were feeding it. We opened our arms to Chinese citizens, only to see the Chinese Communist Party exploit our free and open society.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
President Trump has said' enough'. United States're not going to allow this to continue to happen, united States are setting out clear expectations for how the Chinese Communist party is going to behave, and when they don't, United States're going to take actions that protect the American people, protect United States security, United States national security, and also protect United States economy and jobs.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The world will not allow Beijing to treat the South China Sea as its maritime empire. America stands with our Southeast Asia allies and partners in protecting their sovereign rights to offshore resources, consistent with their rights and obligations under international law.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Any PRC action to harass other states' fishing or hydrocarbon development in these waters -- or to carry out such activities unilaterally -- is unlawful.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We responded in precisely the correct way with respect to making sure that our forces were postured appropriately, that they were aware of the level of the threat, the credibility of the threat, and that we were there.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
It's why we have spent so much time over this past year at the President's direction to reduce risk to our forces in Afghanistan in a way that no previous administration has done.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
As Beijing moves forward with passing the national security law, State Mike Pompeo will today end exports of US-origin defense equipment and will take steps toward imposing the same restrictions on State Mike Pompeo defense and dual-use technologies to Hong KongRights as it does for China, state Mike Pompeo is forced to take this action to protect State Mike Pompeo national security. We can no longer distinguish between the export of controlled items to Hong KongRights or to mainland China.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
This violence is counterproductive, deepens grievances, and prolongs the suffering of the Afghan people.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We take government-sponsored trafficking very seriously. It's a perversion of any government's reason for existence : to protect rights, not crush them, the United States will not stand by as any government with a policy or pattern of human trafficking subjects The United States own citizens to this kind of oppression.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I've not read the book, but from the excerpts I've seen published, John Bolton is spreading a number of lies, fully-spun half-truths, and outright falsehoods, it is both sad and dangerous that John Bolton's final public role is that of a traitor who damaged President Trump America by violating John Bolton sacred trust with its people.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Our concern is with the malign actions of the Chinese Communist Party and specific individuals, not with the Chinese people, the graduate students and researchers who are targeted, co-opted, and exploited by the PRC government for its military gain represent a small subset of Chinese student and researcher visa applicants coming to the United States.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
We anticipate many more sanctions and we will not stop until Assad and his regime stop their needless, brutal war against the Syrian people and the Syrian government agrees to a political solution to the conflict.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
I will make special note of the designation for the first time of Asma al-Assad, the wife of Bashar al-Assad, who with the support of her husband and members of her Akhras family has become one of Syria's most notorious war profiteers.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
American investors should not be subjected to hidden and undue risks associated with companies that do not abide by the same rules as U.S. firms, nasdaq's action should serve as a model for other exchanges in the United States, and around the world.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
I look forward to seeing them fulfill that $2-billion commitment, china's contributions to fighting the pandemic are paltry, compared to the cost that they have imposed on the world.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
President Xi claimed this week that China is acting with openness, transparency responsibility. I wish it were so.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
The United States condemns the ... proposal to unilaterally and arbitrarily impose national security legislation on Hong Kong, the United States strongly urges Beijing to reconsider its disastrous proposal, abide by its international obligations, and respect Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy, democratic institutions, and civil liberties, which are key to preserving its special status under U.S. law.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
This plague has cost roughly 90,000 American lives, more than 36 million Americans have lost their jobs since March; globally 300,000 lives. Could be as much as $9 trillion, according to our estimates, cost imposition on the world of the Chinese Communist Party's failures.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
There are claims that this was for retaliation, for some investigation that the inspector general's office here was engaged in. Patently false. I have no sense of what investigations were taking place inside the inspector general's office, there is one exception. I was asked a series of questions in writing. I responded to those questions with respect to a particular investigation. That was some time earlier this year.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Crazy stuff, i don't get my ethics guidance from a man criminally prosecuted.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
There is one exception. I was asked a series of questions in writing. I responded to those questions with respect to a particular investigation. That was some time earlier this year.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
I don't get my ethics guidance from a man criminally prosecuted.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Because I simply don't know. I'm not briefed on it. I usually see these investigations in final draft form 24 hours, 48 hours before the IG is prepared to release them.. ... So it's simply not possible for this to be an act of retaliation. End of story.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
I went to the president and made clear to him that Inspector General Linick wasn't performing a function in a way that we had tried to get him to, that was additive for the State Department, very consistent with what the statute says he's supposed to be doing.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
I went to the president and made clear to him that Inspector General Linick wasn't performing a function in a way that we had tried to get him to, that was additive for the State Department.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
It is not possible that this decision, or my recommendation rather, to the President rather, was based on any effort to retaliate for any investigation that was going on, or is currently going on, because I simply don't know. I'm not briefed on it. I usually see these investigations in final draft form 24 hours, 48 hours before the IG is prepared to release them.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
It is not possible that this decision, or my recommendation, rather, to the President, rather, was based on any effort to retaliate for any investigation that was going on, or is currently going on, because I simply don't know. I'm not briefed on it. I usually see these investigations in final draft form 24 hours, 48 hours, before the IG is prepared to release them.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The PRC's behavior in cyberspace is an extension of its counterproductive actions throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, while the United States and our allies and partners are coordinating a collective, transparent response to save lives, the PRC continues to silence scientists, journalists, and citizens, and to spread disinformation, which has exacerbated the dangers of this health crisis.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
While the United States and our allies and partners are coordinating a collective, transparent response to save lives, the PRC continues to silence scientists, journalists, and citizens, and to spread disinformation, which has exacerbated the dangers of this health crisis.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Given the strong link between illegal wildlife sold in wet markets and zoonotic diseases, the United States has called on the Peoples Republic of China to permanently close its wildlife wet markets and all markets that sell illegal wildlife. I call on all ASEAN governments to do the same.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
The international prohibition on weapons going to/from Iran ends in October. To extend this arms embargo, the Trump admin is suddenly arguing that the US is a party to the same Iran Deal it abandoned. That makes no sense. Make up your mind, @SecPompeo.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
There are multiple labs inside of China that are handling these things, its important that those materials are being handled in a safe and secure way such that there isnt accidental release.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
Look, we know it began at one [ lab ], but we need to figure this out, theres an ongoing pandemic. We still dont have the transparency and openness we need in China.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
Professionalism isn't dependent on position or salary. It's about disagreeing without being uncivil.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Only a government that is capable of and committed to undertaking real and tangible reforms will restore investor confidence and unlock international assistance for Lebanon.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I've said that I'm going to stay serving as secretary of state so long as President Donald Trump shall have me.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The American people have the evidence right in front of their eyes, we don't have to guess about what Soleimani was up to. We know what he did on December 27. He killed an American. And we know what he's done for years and years and years: killed hundreds of Americans.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We're going to do the things that are right and the things that are consistent with American law.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We will not stand for the Islamic Republican of Iran to take actions that put American men and women in jeopardy.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We'll publish all the documents we think appropriate, we think we've shared plenty of facts to show what happened in the 2016 election with our Russian counterparts. We don't think there's any mistake about what really transpired there.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
There was no proof of any collusion. this is something that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and I have been working for a long time.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
This is something that Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and I have been working for a long time.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The regime has launched these baseless allegations against her in an attempt to distract the international community from its abysmal treatment of the Cuban people, especially the ongoing arbitrary detention of dissident Jose Daniel Ferrer.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The United States has, and will continue to, openly and transparently express our grave concerns about the treatment and condition of human rights defenders in Cuba.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
All good. You're doing great work; keep banging away, everyone was in the loop.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The establishment of Israeli civilian settlements is not, per se, inconsistent with international law.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This is for the Israelis and the Palestinians to negotiate.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
State Department is doing a fantastic job. I think we've delivered in a way that the Obama Administration has not delivered on Ukraine.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Coalition members must take back the thousands of foreign terrorist fighters in custody, and impose accountability for the atrocities they have perpetrated.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
In order to to restore credibility to the electoral process, all government officials and officials of any political organizations implicated in the flawed October 20 elections should step aside from the electoral process.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Although this irregular channel was well connected in Washington, it operated mostly outside of official diplomatic channels.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The Trump administration has made clear that the regime in Iran must release all missing and wrongfully detained Americans, including Robert Levinson, Xiyue Wang, Siamak Namazi, and others, we will not rest until they are reunited with their families.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
We thought could divert our resources away from alliances, and our militaries. We were wrong, today, Russia – led by a former KGB officer once stationed in Dresden ? invades its neighbors and slays political opponents.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Today, Russia – led by a former KGB officer once stationed in Dresden ? invades its neighbors and slays political opponents.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
From the time that Ambassador Yovanovitch departed Ukraine until the time that Ambassador Yovanovitch came to tell me that Ambassador Yovanovitch was Ambassador Yovanovitch, I never heard Ambassador Yovanovitch say a single thing about Ambassador Yovanovitch concerns with respect to the decision that was made.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
In some cases, these abuses occurred shortly after meetings with senior State Department officials.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Most recently, Ms. Dawut learned her elderly father, who was reportedly detained and interrogated multiple times by Chinese authorities in Xinjiang in recent years, recently passed away under unknown circumstances.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We once again call on Beijing to cease all harassment of Uighurs living outside of China... and to allow families to communicate freely without repercussions.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The peaceful demonstrations and expressions of national unity over the last 13 days have sent a clear message. The Lebanese people want an efficient and effective government, economic reform, and an end to endemic corruption.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The Lebanese people want an efficient and effective government, economic reform, and an end to endemic corruption.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
President Zelensky and I both share this vision of how American interests in Ukraine can be properly represented, I have every reason to think that President Zelensky's still out there, banging away at that problem set, but I will say this : we all, as human beings, can get it wrong, too.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I've watched Bill — Bill Taylor and I have talked about Ukrainian policy at some length.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
This inquiry will proceed. Congress will perform its oversight function, The State Department will continue to do all of the things that were required to do under the law and the Constitution.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I don't think about that stuff. I work hard. I do the right thing as best I can tell every day. I try to make sure my team is similarly focused, you all talk about this noise an awful lot, that you all are fixated on this. The State Department, you should know, is not.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
President Donald Trump's making the biggest mistake of President Donald Trump presidency, i hope The President will correct the message The President sending. ... It's devastating to our allies, it's going to eventually be devastating to Israel. It's going to be well received in Tehran, it's going to be well received in Moscow.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
My experience with The President is that The President makes decisions and then absorbs data and facts. ... The President is always very focused on what's the objective.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Now our mission, the State Department mission, is to do everything we can using economic power, diplomatic power – all the tools available to us – to ensure that Turkey doesn't do what Erdogan has said that they just may do.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We're going to do everything we're lawfully required to do.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The State Department sent a letter last night to Congress, which is our initial response to the document request. We will obviously do all the things we are required to by law.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This is what's wrong, when the world doesn't focus on the things that are right, the things that matter, the things that impact real people's lives and instead you get caught up in silly gotcha game?
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
There remains to be a lot of work that's to be done by the two teams.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
What we objected to was the demands that were put that deeply violate fundamental principles of the separation of powers, they contacted State Department employees directly and told them not to contact legal counsel at State Department. Lawmakers from theForeign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight committees moved forward with testimony from their first key witness Thursday --- former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, who resigned last week after receiving word his name had surfaced in the whistleblower complaint. Text messages released by Kurt Volker to Congress show U.S. officials involved with Ukraine arguing internally last month over whether Trump was engaged in a quid pro quo. Fox News on Friday also obtained Kurt Volker prepared testimony, in whichhe details Kurt Volker interactions with Rudy Giuliani lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who was probing whether Burisma had sought to garner influence with Joe Biden by paying high fees to Joe Biden son. A memorandum of the July 25 call between Rudy Giuliani and Zelensky released last month showed that while Rudy Giuliani sought a Ukrainian probe into the Joe Biden family, Rudy Giuliani did not explicitly use the $ 400 million in military aid as leverage. Trumptweeted Thursday that Rudy Giuliani had an.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
We will certainly talk to the EU... We will do our best to accommodate each country.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I'd been a secretary of state for coming on a year and a half. I know precisely what the American policy is with respect to Ukraine. It's been remarkably consistent, and we will continue to try to drive those set of outcomes.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
You just gave me a report about a( intelligence community) whistleblower complaint, none of which I've seen.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
From what I've seen so far, each of the actions that were undertaken by State Department officials was entirely appropriate.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
To the best of my knowledge and from what I have seen so far, each of the actions that were undertaken by State Department officials was entirely appropriate.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This attack was part of the Assad regime's ongoing violent campaign in Idlib, which has killed more than 1,000 innocent Syrians and displaced hundreds of thousands more, it is also the latest instance in a long pattern of Assad's chemical weapons attacks that have killed or wounded thousands of Syrians.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The more Iran lashes out the greater our pressure will and should be, that path forward begins now with two new actions.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
And we are telling China, and all nations: know that we will sanction every violation.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I've talked to the foreign minister now a couple of times. We talk about the important relationship between our two countries and how we can make Ukraine stronger and have great economic commerce between our two great nations.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Recent bellicose moves by the Venezuelan military to deploy along the border with Colombia as well as the presence of illegal armed groups and terrorist organizations in Venezuelan territory demonstrate that Nicolas Maduro not only poses a threat to the Venezuelan people, Nicolas Maduro actions threaten the peace and security of Venezuela's neighbors, catastrophic economic policies and political repression continue to drive this unprecedented refugee crisis, straining the ability of governments to respond.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Our mission set is to avoid war, you saw what Secretary Esper announced on Friday, we are putting additional forces in the region for the purpose of deterrence and defense.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
You saw what Secretary Esper announced on Friday, we are putting additional forces in the region for the purpose of deterrence and defense.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
If that deterrence should continue to fail, I am also confident that President Trump would continue to take the actions that are necessary.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This was an Iranian attack, it's not the case that you can subcontract out the devastation of five percent of the world's global energy supply and think that you can absolve yourself of responsibilities.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I'm confident that in New York we'll talk about this and that Saudi Arabia will too.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Her wealth of knowledge, experience, and leadership skills will be missed.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We are here to build out a coalition aimed at achieving peace and a peaceful resolution. That's my mission, that's what President Trump certainly wants me to work to achieve and I hope that the Islamic Republic of Iran sees it that way.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This is an attack of a scale we've just not seen before, the Saudis were the nation that were attacked. It was on their soil. It was an act of war against them directly.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Were that true — it's not, but were that true — it doesn't change the fingerprints of the Ayatollah as having put at risk the global energy supply, we also know that these are systems that the Iranians have not deployed anyplace else, that they have not deployed outside of the country, to the best of our knowledge.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I think you know we've done more sanctions on Iran than anybody. And it's absolutely working. Now, The President has made clear The President is happy to take a meeting with no pre-conditions, but we are maintaining the maximum pressure campaign.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Tehran is behind nearly 100 attacks on Saudi Arabia while Rouhani and Zarif pretend to engage in diplomacy, amid all the calls for de-escalation, Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We call on all nations to publicly and unequivocally condemn Iran's attacks.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Amid all the calls for de-escalation, Iran has now launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
It's complicated, there's certainly places where ISIS is more powerful today than they were three or four years ago. But the caliphate is gone and their capacity to conduct external attacks has been made much more difficult.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
What we've always said is the caliphate's been gone and there's always risks that there'll be a resurgence, not just from ISIS.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Someone asked, would the policy be different absent any individual being here, these have been the president's policies. We give him our best wisdom, we share with him our understanding ... but I don't think that any leader around the world should make any assumption that because some one of us departs that President Trump's foreign policy will change in a material way.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
These have been the president's policies. We give him our best wisdom, we share with him our understanding ... but I don't think that any leader around the world should make any assumption that because some one of us departs that President Trump's foreign policy will change in a material way.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I don't think any leader around the world should make any assumption the President's foreign policy will change in any material way.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We work very closely with the President of the United States, i don't think any leader around the world should make any assumption that because some one of us departs, that President Trump's foreign policy will change in a material way.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We're going to walk away from a deal if others try to use violence to achieve better ends in the negotiations.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
President Trump ultimately made the decision, he said, 'I want to talk to (President) Ashraf Ghani. I want to talk to these Taliban negotiators. I want to look them in the eye. I want to see if we can get to the final outcome we needed.'.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
President Trump made clear we're not just going to withdraw because there's a timeline. We're only going to reduce our forces when certain conditions are met.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
They may have been right about the fool part. I'll leave that to you all, secretaries of state don't often do this, but from my perspective, I want to hear it. If you don't like what I'm doing, I want to know. I want to make sure we get it.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Please do note that our team is focused on helping those two Canadians be released, it's wrong that they are being held.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
What I've consistently said with respect to every penny the State Department spends, including our foreign assistance budget, is we've got to get it right. We've got to make sure we are using it in ways that are effective, that American interests are represented in the way we spend that money. That certainly includes our foreign assistance program.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The river is at its lowest levels in a decade, a problem linked to China's decision to shut off water upstream.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The only path forward is a comprehensive deal that addresses the full range of its threats. Until then, our campaign of diplomatic isolation and maximum economic pressure will continue.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
End the endless wars, draw down, reduce, it won't just be The American service members.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
He's been unambiguous: end the endless wars, draw down, reduce. It won't just be us, we hope that overall the need for combat forces in the region is reduced.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
That's my directive from the president of the United States.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We want them to take their country back, and we want to reduce what is, for us, tens of billions of dollars a year in expenditures.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
You know, lots of countries posture before they come to the table.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
There could be more sanctions to follow but frankly what we'd really like is for the S-400 not to become operational, that's our objective. It's what we've been talking to the Turks about for months and months.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
They've taken delivery of some of the components today and we're urging them to reconsider that decision.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Any entity considering evading our sanctions should take notice of this action today, it underscores our commitment to enforcement and to holding the Iranian regime accountable.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We've said that we will sanction any sanctionable behavior, and we mean it.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
As for the next set of actions. I'll talk with the president and the teams back in Washington and we'll decide exactly which tools and exactly how to proceed.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We talked about what they've seen, what they know, and how they're beginning to think about how they will respond, iran is in a place today that they have taken themselves.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
In the end, Donald Trump will make the decision on how to proceed.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
State Department's State Department that for years and years and years we've provided hundreds of millions of dollars -- taxpayer, State Mike Pompeo taxpayer dollars -- to these countries and it, as you can see, hasn't delivered the outcome we're looking for with respect to American security and security along our southern border, so President Trump's made the decision that, with respect to the three countries in the Northern Triangle, we would turn off that assistance and frankly demand that they do the things that they're capable of doing. They've now expressed some willingness. We need to work alongside them to deliver on this outcome.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
With this announcement, the United States is the first government to publicly take action with respect to the most senior leadership of the Burmese military, we designated these individuals based on credible information of these commanders' involvement in gross violations of human rights.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The Commander-in-Chief released these criminals after only months in prison, while the journalists who told the world about the killings in Inn Din were jailed for more than 500 days.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We designated these individuals based on credible information of these commanders' involvement in gross violations of human rights.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
For the first time, the Iranians have said that they're prepared to negotiate about their missile program, we'll have this opportunity to negotiate a deal that will actually prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I hope the North Koreans will come to the table with ideas that they didn't have the first time, we hope we can be a little more creative too.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
What does it mean to say or claim that something is, in fact, a human right, how do we know or how do we determine whether that claim that this or that is a human right, is it true, and therefore, ought it to be honored ?
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Trumpand Irans regime has taken new steps to advance its nuclear ambitions, once again, The Iranian regime uses The Iranian regime nuclear program to extort the international community and threaten regional security. The worlds top sponsor of terrorism can never be allowed to enrich uranium at any level.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
I think there is a shared understanding of threat and a common purpose to ensure to keep energy at the right price and deter this threat.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We are going to deny them the resources they need to do that, thereby keeping American interests and American people safe all around the world.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We have been engaged in many messages, even this moment right here, communicating to Iran that we are there to deter aggression, president Trump does not want war and we will continue to communicate that message while doing the things that are necessary to protect American interests in the region.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
President Trump does not want war, and we will continue to communicate that message, while doing the things that are necessary to protect American interests in the region.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
We're watching the people of Hong Kong speak about the things they value, and we'll see what Lam's decision is in the coming days and weeks.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
These were attacks by The Islamic Republic of Iran on commercial shipping, on the freedom of navigation, with a clear intent to deny transit through the Strait [ of Hormuz ], the intelligence community has lots of data, lots of evidence -- the world will come to see much of it. But the American people should rest assured we have high confidence with respect to who conducted these attacks as well as half a dozen other attacks throughout the world over the past 40 days.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
This assessment is based on intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation, recent similar Iranian attacks on shipping, and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The United States joins people around the world in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Pride Month, and reaffirms its commitment to protecting and defending the human rights of all, including LGBTI persons.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
And as we had these conversations... my counterpart Marcelo Ebrard, we both understood that. It means that we're got hard work to do over the coming days and weeks to deliver on those actual outcomes on the ground along our southern border.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The United States looks forward to working alongside Mexico to fulfill these commitments so that we can stem the tide of illegal migration across our southern border and to make our border strong and secure.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We would like to thank Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard for President Donald Trump hard work to negotiate a set of joint obligations that benefit both Marcelo Ebrard and Mexico, marcelo Ebrard looks forward to working alongside Mexico to fulfill these commitments so that we can stem the tide of illegal migration across our southern border and to make our border strong and secure.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The Washington Post may be rejected, the Washington Post could be in the end, folks will say,' The Washington Post's not particularly original, The Washington Post doesn't particularly work for me, that is, The Washington Post's got two good things and nine bad things, I'm out.'.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Everyone will find something to hate about the proposal, everything will find something I think, including the Palestinians, will find something that they say that's something to build upon, then the big question is can we get enough space that we can have a real conversation about how to build this out.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The Washington Post could be in the end, folks will say,' The Washington Post's not particularly original, The Washington Post doesn't particularly work for me, that is, The Washington Post's got two good things and nine bad things, I'm out.'.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We hope that there's enough vision here, enough space, that lots of countries will see this as an opportunity to really engage in this process.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Then the big question is can we get enough space that we can have a real conversation about how to build this out.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We've seen the reporting to which you are referring, we're doing our best to check it out. I don't have anything else to add to that today.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The company is deeply tied not only to China but to the Chinese Communist Party. And that connectivity, the existence of those connections puts American information that crosses those networks at risk.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Delaying this shipment could cause degraded systems and a lack of necessary parts and maintenance that could create severe airworthiness and interoperability concerns for our key partners, during a time of increasing regional volatility, these national security concerns have been exacerbated by many months of Congressional delay in addressing these critical requirements, and have called into doubt our reliability as a provider of defense capabilities, opening opportunities for State Mike Pompeo to exploit.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
These sales will support our allies, enhance Middle East stability, and help these nations to deter and defend themselves from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
That's just false. To say that they don't work with the Chinese government is a false statement. He is required by Chinese law to do that. The Huawei CEO, on that at least, isn't telling the American people the truth, nor the world.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
There are plenty of ways that we can have a communication. channel.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
If you put your information in the hands of the Chinese communist party, it's de facto a real risk to you. They may not use it today, they may not use it tomorrow, to say they don't work with The Chinese government is a false statement.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We'll protect our nation's interests but there are places that our two countries can find where we can be cooperative, we can be productive, we can be accumulative, we can work together to make our two peoples more, and frankly the world, more successful too, president Donald Trump wants to do everything we can and President Donald Trump asked me to travel here to communicate that.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
President Donald Trump wants to do everything we can and President Donald Trump asked me to travel here to communicate that.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
A report was published by special counsel Robert Mueller and we hope that this tumultuous situation will die down and we can finally move on to building more professional, constructive dialogue between Russia and the State Mike Pompeo.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We've seen this reporting, it's real. It appears to be something that is current, that is things we're worried about today.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
In the event that Iran decided to come after an American interest - whether that be in Iraq or Afghanistan or Yemen or any place in the Middle East - we are prepared to respond in an appropriate way.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
To date the regime's default option has been violence, and we appeal to those in Tehran who see a path to a prosperous future through de-escalation to modify the regime's behavior, our restraint to this point should not be mistaken by Iran for a lack of resolve.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Our restraint to this point should not be mistaken by Iran for a lack of resolve.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
As President Trump stated yesterday, President Trump' looks forward to someday meeting with leaders of Iran in order to work out an agreement and, very importantly, taking steps to give Iran the future it deserves,'.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
After the chemical weapons attack that took place here in Salisbury, along with our other allies, we pushed back, we punished Russia with important sanctions, we wanted the world to know that the use of chemical weapons is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by nations like ours who value the rule of law.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Collective goals ... are rendered meaningless, even counter-productive as soon as one nation fails to comply.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We need to make sure we've got all of the parties that are relevant as a component of this as well, other countries besides Russia and China.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Our objective is to get the Islamic Republic of Iran to behave like a normal nation, when they do that, we will welcome them back.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
It is absolutely the case that we have seen escalatory actions from the Iranians and it is equally the case that we will hold the Iranians accountable for attacks on American interests, if these actions take place, if they do by some third-party proxy, a militia group, Hezbollah, we will hold the Iranian leadership directly accountable for that.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
Any person or company doing business in Cuba should heed this announcement, implementing Title III in full means a chance at justice for Cuban Americans who have long sought relief from Fidel Castro and Fidel Castro lackeys seizing property without compensation.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I don't want to get into all of the conversations that have been held between us and other parties, suffice it to say, I am confident that the Russians understand the American position on this and understand the harm that is being inflicted on the Venezuelan people.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We've watched throughout the day, it's been a long time since anyone's seen Venezuelas Maduro.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The President has made very clear that all options are on the table, that includes a military option.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It is not okay to put technology systems in with latent capability to take information from citizens of Chile or any other country and transfer it back to President Xi's government.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
These attacks demonstrate the brutal nature of terrorists whose sole aim is to threaten peace security.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
Any person or company doing business in Cuba should heed this announcement, cuba's behavior in the Western Hemisphere undermines the security and stability of countries throughout the region, which directly threatens United States national security interests.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Cuba's behavior in the Western Hemisphere undermines the security and stability of countries throughout the region, which directly threatens United States national security interests.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Detente with the regime has failed. Cozying up to Cuban dictators will always be a black mark on this great nation's long record of defending human rights.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The United States will continue to utilize every economic and political means at our disposal to help the Venezuelan people, using sanctions, visa revocations and other means, we pledge to hold the regime and those propping it up accountable for their corruption and their repression of democracy.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
You watch the political and diplomatic noose tighten around Maduro's neck, cubans must understand too that there will be cost associated with continued support of Nicolas Maduro.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Cubans must understand too that there will be cost associated with continued support of Nicolas Maduro.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I hope that you will care now, when you see the horror, when you see the tragedy, to change your ways and to leave your country.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
With respect to our negotiations with North Korea on denuclearization, I don't have anything to add other than even after Hanoi we've continued to have conversations, i am confident what we did in Hanoi put us in a better place to continue to move forward.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The United States and its allies will not quit this fight.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
It's a historic opportunity when you have all but a handful of countries that are truly market-driven, democratic in ways that you haven't had in South America for decades.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I think they understand who the malign actor is here and I think they'll see all the countries in the region, including the United States, as truly trying to help them.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I think they understand who the malign actor is here and I think they'll see all the countries in the region, including the United States, as truly trying to help them, there's a deep recognition that this is a years and years long problem almost exclusively the result of Maduro handing over the keys to the country to Cuba, and that's not the guy who you want being part of the conversation about how to move democracy forward.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I'd prefer to just leave Rand Paul to lawyers, i am troubled that the administration can't unequivocally say that Mike Pompeo haven't been given power.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I can't answer that question yes or no, we've had extensive conversations with the North Koreans about what the full, final denuclearization as verified by the international community would ultimately look like. It would look like the fully denuclearized North Korea. That's what it would look like.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
This designation is a direct response to an outlaw regime and should surprise no one.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Please remember that any payment to a terrorist or a terrorist regime gives money so that they can seize more of our people, even a small payment to a group in, say, Africa can facilitate the killing or seizure of tens or even hundreds of others, including Americans or foreign nationals in that region.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
It's something that's an annual event where the leader of North Korea speaks to his people.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The first and highest obligation of our government is to protect its citizens and this administration will carry out that duty.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It's one of the topics that's being discussed in these trade negotiations. The theft of American intellectual property is big business, to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, and President Donald Trump is determined to push back against it.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The regime blames outside entities when, in fact, it is their mismanagement that has led to this disaster.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I think we've made progress and I know that we are going to continue to push, when you have telecommunications that are deeply connected to state-owned enterprises connected to China, we don't see there is a technical mitigation risk that is possible.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Next week I am hopeful ... I will be able to announce another series of actions that we will jointly take together.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We believe this increases the likelihood that we get resolution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, we think it speaks with the clarity that takes this away from any uncertainty about how we'll proceed.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
China is proactively applying its power and exerting its influence in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Our vision will demonstrate our commitment that we want Palestinians to have a better life as well.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We will refuse to provide assistance to foreign NGOs that give financial support to other foreign groups in the global abortion industry, we will enforce a strict prohibition on backdoor funding schemes and end-runs around our policy.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We will enforce a strict prohibition on backdoor funding schemes and end-runs around our policy.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The institutions of OAS should be focused on addressing crises in Cuba, Nicaragua and in Venezuela, not advancing the pro-abortion cause.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
They want to control this state. They want access to the Mediterranean. They want power and influence here.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
Tonight, President Trump made the decision to recognize that that hard-fought real estate, that important place, is proper to be a sovereign part of the state of Israel. President Trump made a bold decision to recognize that, an important decision for the people of Israel. It will truly be historic, and the people of Israel should know that the battles they fought, the lives that they lost on that very ground, were worthy and meaningful and important for all time.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
When they show up with deals that seem to be too good to be true it's often the case that they, in fact, are.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
The Iranian regime fired off a space launch vehicle today, such vehicles incorporate technologies that are virtually identical and interchangeable with those used in ballistic missiles, including intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
There's deep distrust. There's distrust between both parties. We need to see Chairman Kim actually deliver.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Look, we desperately want a good solution, mr. Kushners working on the Middle East peace plan. Therell be a right time when we will introduce bigger pieces of that.
Found on FOX News 5 years ago
I try to just avoid ruling things out when there's others who are in control.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I've learned in life one needs to work hard, keep your head down, do your job as well as you can and then the next thing will come to you.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
She left open the possibility that negotiations continue, we are hopeful we can continue to have conversations and negotiations.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It's not the first time, i have a vague recollection of being called gangster-like.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
That's the requirement laid out by the United Nations Security Council, we continue to work.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
They were some of the most special times in my life, george Washington has the famous quote that says,' I would rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world.' I think George Washington means that, too.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Do not start that rumor. You've got media in the back, there is no upside to that.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Many Americans look at the State Department and wonder what State Department does for them. They see the Secretary travel to far-off places and they ask the question,' Is America, are Americans, the first client of State Department ?' You should know that you are.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It was time for them to come back, their security is always paramount. And it's just gotten very difficult.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
No nation has done more to sustain the death and daily misery of ordinary Venezuelans, including Venezuela's military and their families, than the communists in Havana.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I am hopeful, although I have no commitment yet, that we will be back at it, that I'll have a team in Pyongyang in the next couple weeks, i'm continuing to work to find those places where there's a shared interest.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We've been engaged in the fundamental proposition of trying to convince Chairman Kim, who is 35 years old, that the historic strategy which said that, absent nuclear weapons, North Korea will fall, that the government will fall, that it was their only way of achieving security for their country. And they trust that. They're confident that that will protect them.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It's been a steady stream of progress towards getting to where we want them to be, we just didn't get far enough.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
You don't know which ones you are actually going to get until the two leaders actually have a chance to get together, there was a lot of preparatory work. We were prepared for the potentiality of this outcome as well. And tomorrow we will get right back at it.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Look, there has to be a reason for the conversations. There has to be a theory of the case about how to move forward. I'm confident that there is one.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We were hopeful even this morning. We all went back and tried to sharpen our pencils and see if we couldn't get a little further and we actually did, but still, look, it is a long ways, we have always known it was a long ways.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We are hopeful that over the next couple of weeks, we can really begin to make a dent in that problem.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I expressed to both ministers that we encourage India and Pakistan to exercise restraint, and avoid escalation at any cost, i also encouraged both ministers to prioritize direct communication and avoid further military activity.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
I also encouraged both ministers to prioritize direct communication and avoid further military activity.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The United States calls out human rights violations each place that we find them, whether it's the Chinese holding Muslim Uighurs inside of their country in detention camps, the activities in North Korea, there is no nation that acts against violations of human rights in the way the American nation does, and President Trump has been at the forefront of doing that.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
This administration is not going to do that, and I'm very hopeful that North Koreans will make a substantial step towards achieving the full denuclearization in a verifiable way in North Korea.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I don't want to get into the details of what's being proposed, what the offers and counteroffers may be. But a real step, a demonstrable, verifiable step is something that I know President Donald Trump is very focused on achieving.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
This aid went in ... at the request of the legitimate president of Venezuela, he said, 'Please bring food to my people. Please bring medicine to the sick that are here.' That's what we've been working on these past few weeks.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I think good things will happen including the restoration of the wealth that was created by those oil fields.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
That's not what State Mike Pompeo said, what he said was that the efforts that had been made in Singapore, this commitment that Chairman Kim, may have substantially taken down the risk to the American people.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
While Juan Guaido builds distribution networks for humanitarian assistance, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro blocks its entry and sends armed criminal gangs to attack the innocent civilians accompanying the convoys.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
What he said was that the efforts that had been made in Singapore -- this commitment that Tony Kim made -- have substantially taken down the risk to the American people. It's the mission of the Secretary of State and the President of the United States to keep American people secure. We're aiming to achieve that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There are many things State Mike Pompeo could do to demonstrate State Mike Pompeo commitment to denuclearization.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
President Trump has also said this is going to take time. There may have to be another summit. We may not get everything done this week.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
So funny to watch people who have failed for years, they got NOTHING, telling me how to negotiate with North Korea. But thanks anyway!
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Shes a non-citizen terrorist; she has no legal basis for a claim of U.S. citizenship, shes not coming back to the United States to create the risk that someday shed return to the battlefield and continue to put at risk American people, American kids, American boys and girls that were sent to help defeat ISIS -- she put them at risk, shes not a U.S.citizen, shes not coming back.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Relationships matter, they affect everything in our lives. Whether its grand strategy and denuclearization, or simpler things. Relationships absolutely matter. Its important that the two leaders are able to effectievly communicate.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Every option is on the table, were going to do the things that need to be done to make sure ... that democracy reigns andthat theres a brighter future for the people of Venezuela.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
The announcement this week that were still going to have a residual footprint inside of Syria makes sense in the context of our mission statement, and the tactics will change as time goes on. Well use different tactics in different parts of the world to fight back against radical Islamic terrorism. President Trumps committed to doing that.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Were very hopeful that in the days and weeks and months ahead, the Maduro regime will understand that the Venezuelan people have made its days numbered.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
This aid must be allowed to enter Venezuela and reach people in need.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We are going to get complete denuclearization ; only then will there be relief from the sanctions.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I look forward to Jamie McCourt confirmation and continuing to work with Jamie McCourt at the United Nations.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into United States. Hoda Muthana does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, State Department to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The U.S. troops withdrawing from Syria is not the end of America's fight. The fight is one we will continue to wage alongside you, the drawdown in troops is essentially a tactical change, it is not a change in the mission. It simply represents a new stage in an old fight.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The coalition must continue to support the government of Iraq in its efforts to secure the liberated areas of that country, mr. Foreign Minister, we're with you.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The drawdown of troops is essentially a tactical change it is not a change in the mission.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
If Russia does not return to full and verifiable compliance with the treaty within this six-month period by verifiably destroying its INF-violating missiles, their launchers, and associated equipment, the treaty will terminate.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Now it is time for every other nation to pick a side. ... Either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you're in league with Maduro and his mayhem, we call on all members of the Security Council to support Venezuela's democratic transition and interim President Guaido's role.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The Russians have chosen to support the Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro regime, I hope they will change their way, i hope they will come to see that the rightful people to run this country are those that the Venezuelan people so chose and so we'll have conversations with every country including The Russians, we'll talk with the Chinese, we'll talk with everyone, we think the whole world ought to get behind what it is that the Venezuelan people have demanded for their country.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The United States is helping to recover a brighter future for Venezuela. We're here to urge all nations to support the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people as they try to free themselves from former President Maduro's illegitimate mafia state.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Now it's time for every other nation to pick a side. No more delays, no more games, either you stand with the forces of freedom, or you're in league with Nicolas Maduro and Nicolas Maduro mayhem.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Our nations must stand up for the rule of law and support the leader who the Venezuelan people have affirmed as their legitimate interim president.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Do not test United States on our resolve to protect our people.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We call on the OAS and all its member states to act on basic, decent democratic principles and the incontrovertible facts on the ground, his regime is morally bankrupt, it's economically incompetent and it is profoundly corrupt.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Chairman Kim continues to assure the President of the United States he is intent on denuclearization and I hope that at the end of February, when the two leaders get together, we can make a substantial step along the way.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
He told you that radical Islamist terrorism does not stem from an ideology. He told you that 9/11 (the Sept. 11, 2001, al Qaeda attacks on the United States) led my country to abandon its ideals, particularly in the Middle East, the results of these misjudgments have been dire.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
What did we learn from all of this? We learned that when America retreats, chaos often follows. When we neglect our friends, resentment builds. And when we partner with our enemies, they advance.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
In Syria, the United States will use diplomacy and work with our partners to expel every last Iranian boot.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
These are folks that have fought with us and that it's important that we do everything we can to make sure that those folks that fought with us are protected and Erdogan has made commitments, he understands that -- I think he uses the language that he has no beef with the Kurds -- we want to make sure that that's the case.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
You'll see in the coming days and weeks we are, we're redoubling not only our diplomatic, but our commercial efforts to put real pressure on Iran to achieve what it is we set out for them back in May, the President's decision to withdraw our folks from Syria in no way impacts our capacity to deliver on that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The United States will not stand by and watch the Iranian regime's destructive policies place international stability and security at risk, we advise the regime to reconsider these provocative launches and cease all activities related to ballistic missiles in order to avoid deeper economic and diplomatic isolation.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The Chinese have been very clear to us that these are separate issues, their behavior has demonstrated that as well and we appreciate that. China has actually been a good partner in our efforts to reduce the risk to the world from North Korea's nuclear capability; I expect they will continue to do so.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Everyone we've communicated with, all the countries I'm going to visit to -- we've communicated with all of our European allies. I think everyone understands what the United States is doing. At least the senior leaders in their governments do.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
They both said we're gon na get out. The President said we're going to do it in a orderly fashion that achieves our objective and that... our mission set in the region remains unchanged. Those seem pretty consistent to me.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
And if the detention is not appropriate, we will demand his immediate return.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Undoubtedly, no more missiles being tested, no more nuclear testing. We're in a better place today.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There is no direct reporting connecting Saudi Arabia crown prince to the order to murder Jamal Khashoggi.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If you work at it, keep your faith, and keep a commitment to serve, good things can happen. Not only to him, he had a remarkable life, but you'll do good work for your fellow man as well. President Bush certainly did that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Ludicrous ; Washington DC parlor game, this is the thing that the American people need to understand about Washington DC : It makes stuff up. It was wholly unfounded.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There are lots of things that we want to find paths forward on together, lots of places Americans are at risk.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I know many of Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham think it's time to pack up and abandon the role we've been playing since the previous administration. I'm here to tell Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham why that's a bad call, the more support from you we get, the better chance we have of ending the conflict and stopping the suffering that none of us are happy about.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We have affirmed our shared commitment to addressing the current challenge, the caravans will not be permitted to enter The Post.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Saudi Arabia'll take us probably a handful more weeks before we have enough evidence to actually put those sanctions in place, but I think we'll be able to get there.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The time is now for the cessation of hostilities, including missile and UAV strikes from Houthi-controlled areas into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Subsequently, Coalition air strikes must cease in all populated areas in Yemen, we've got to move toward a peace effort here, and you can't say we're going to do it sometime in the future. We need to be doing this in the next 30 days. We've admired this problem for long enough down there, and I believe that Saudi Arabia and the Emirates are ready, and in fact had the Houthis not walked out of the last effort that Martin Griffiths had going, we'd probably be on our way there right now.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
This is certainly not the last step, we will continue to do our own efforts, our own fact finding, we want to make sure everyone understands that the United States believes that the killing of Jamal Khashoggi wasn't anything other than a horrific act.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We want to make sure everyone understands that the United States believes that the killing of Jamal Khashoggi wasn't anything other than a horrific act.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
This is an organized effort to come through and violate the sovereignty of Mexico City, we're prepared to do all that we can to support the decisions that Mexico City makes about how they're going to address this very serious and important issue to their country.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We have a long strategic relationship with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, they're an important partner. We need to be mindful of that as well.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
My assessment from these meetings is that there is serious commitment to determine all the facts and ensure accountability, including accountability for Saudi Arabia's senior leaders or senior officials.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We call on the government of Saudi Arabia to support a thorough investigation of Mr. Khashoggi's disappearance and to be transparent about the results of that investigation.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
It is imperative for members of United Nations to take United Nations to heart, enforcement of Security Council sanctions must continue vigorously and without fail until we realize the fully, final, verified denuclearization. The members of Security Council must set the example on that effort, and we must all hold each other accountable.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We're going to get an outcome which forces China to behave in a way that, if you want to be a power, a global power -- transparency, rule of law, you don't steal intellectual property.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I misspoke there, the President runs this government. His statements are in fact U.S. policy.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I think I responded to everything that you said, senator, no you didn’t.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
We’ll let the world decide, i was asking if there was some rhyme or reason that this type of distrust or discord will be created. And I know you’re not going to answer the question. I’m trying to make a point as to why.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
It’s not for me to disclose the contents of those conversations.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
United Nations's really pretty straightforward, right, and United Nations's not my -- United Nations's not my description of what needs to take place. Chairman Kim made a promise. Chairman Kim told not only President President Trump, but( South Korean) President Moon that Chairman Kim was prepared to denuclearize. The scope and scale of that is agreed to. The North Koreans understand what The North Koreans means. There's no mistake about what the scope of denuclearization looks like.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The United States reminds every United Nations member state of The United States responsibility to stop illegal ship-to-ship transfers, and we urge United Nations to step up United Nations enforcement efforts as well.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I have great confidence that the Russians will try and undermine western democracy in 2017, 2018, 2019 and for an awfully long time, it is our responsibility as leaders of United States government to do all that we can to deter United States from interfering with us, not only in our elections, but more broadly as well.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The President understands what Russia did in our elections of 2016, and The President has empowered each of us to make sure that it doesn't happen again in the 2018 or 2020 elections here in United States as well.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
It wasn't just the 2016 election. Somehow America seems to forget the history of Russia's efforts to undermine western democracy for decades now.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
No one’s been closer to that than I have, so everyone else is simply speculating about what’s taken place today. I’ve been there, the North Koreans have consistently reaffirmed their commitment -- the commitment that Chairman Kim made to President President Trump, no one was under any illusion that this was going to happen in hours, or days, or even weeks. It’s going to take time to achieve this outcome. We hope for a brighter future for the North Korean people, and if Chairman Kim continues to follow through on Chairman Kim commitment -- the people of North Korea will have a brighter future.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
What they've asked us to do is review how we get there and the timeline for that, i'm very confident they understand.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
What they've asked us to do is review how we get there and the timeline for that.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There will be a handful of countries that come to the United States and ask for relief from that. We'll consider it.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Now is the time for all of us, the State Department and others to deliver, to implement the agreement between President Trump and Chairman Kim, to think this would happen in the course of a handful of hours would have been ludicrous.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
To think this would happen in the course of a handful of hours would have been ludicrous.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The strategy sends a clear message to the Taliban that they cannot wait us out.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
If we think only in one day a 40 year-crisis can be ended we are being unrealistic.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
An American role will be important in this, but we can't run the peace talks, we can't settle this from the outside.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We're counting on all the actors in the region to be supportive of that.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
This same act 45 (years) ago built trust between our nations. Today we have a strong relationship, dPRK committed to repatriate remains as well.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Just as was the case with Vietnam, repatriation of U.S. remains from the DPRK will be important not just to American families, but to building trust between the United States and North Korea as well.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The fact that we're co-operating – and not fighting – is proof that when a country decides to create a brighter future for itself alongside the The United States, we follow through on American promises, the miracle could be your miracle.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The United States has been clear on what we seek from North Korea..., the choice now lies with North Korea and its people.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Look, people are going to make stray comments after meetings, if I paid attention to what the press said, I’d go nuts, and I refuse to do that.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
I am determined to achieve the commitment that President Trump made, i’m counting on Chairman Kim to be determined to follow through on the commitment that he made.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
The establishment of peaceful relations between the countries, increased security assurances to North Korea and its people, and finally, denuclearization, each of those needs to be conducted in parallel … and we need to work on those efforts simultaneously.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
The settlement of the outstanding issues of concern surrounding North Korea, including the nuclear, missile and abduction issues, will be extremely important for Japan and also extremely important for peace and stability in the world.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
These are complicated issues but North Korea made progress on almost all of the central issues. Some places a great deal of progress, other places there's still more work to be done.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
So the work that we do, the path toward complete denuclearization, building a relationship between our two countries, is vital for a brighter North Korea and the success that our two presidents demand of us.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Our leaders made commitments at the Singapore Summit on the complete denuclearization of North Korea and outlined what a transformed US-DPRK relationship could look like, since the summit, the consultations have continued. On this trip I'm seeking to fill in some details on those commitments and continue the momentum towards implementation of what the two leaders promised each other and the world. I expect that the DPRK is ready to do the same.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
On this trip I'm seeking to fill in some details on those commitments and continue the momentum toward implementation of what the two leaders promised each other and the world.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We have observed China not enforcing control over their cross-border areas as vigorously as they were six or 12 months ago.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We've been pretty unambiguous in our conversations about what we mean when we say complete denuclearization.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Make no mistake, President Donald Trump agrees Russia interfering in our election is something President Donald Trump simply can not do, i don't think he would take any umbrage with that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Make no mistake, President Donald Trump agrees Russia interfering in our election is something President Trump and President Putin simply can not do, i don't think President Donald Trump would take any umbrage with that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm confident what( Trump) intended there was,' we did reduce the threat,' i don't think there's any doubt about that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm not prepared to talk about the details of the discussions that are taking place.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Halting a clearly-defined list of weapons activities should be the first step in negotiations.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I will say that there are understandings that have been put together prior to the summit, some that took place when the president was in Singapore that I think put us on the right trajectory so that we can build out a framework for success.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There always will be challenges and there is work to do, but none of this could have happened without the commitment of the two senior leaders.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I am not going to put a timeline on it, whether that's two months, six months, we are committed to moving forward in an expeditious moment to see if we can achieve what both leaders set out to do.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We hope that we will have an ongoing process of making progress.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Wholly separate from if they spin a couple of extra centrifuges, if they began to move to a weapons program, this is something the entire world would find unacceptable and we'd end up down a path that I don't think is in the best interests of Iran.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Since 1975, The United States has accepted more than 3.3 million refugees for permanent resettlement - more than any other country in the world.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
As President Ghani emphasized in his statement to the Afghan people, peace talks by necessity would include a discussion of the role of international actors and forces, the United States is prepared to support, facilitate, and participate in these discussions.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There's a lot of work between here and there, my team is already doing it. I'll likely travel back before too terribly long.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
It shows what North Korea could be like, there's a lot of work to make that, but President Trump is committed to delivering on that part of the bargain as well.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The experience of Brexit -- which is ongoing -- and of the European Union, shows that it is difficult to recover economic independence once it's relinquished, it also shows that the economic policy that centralize power diminish the free market capacity for wealth creation.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
For too long, America has allowed the free trade framework to become distorted to the advantages of countries other than the United States, remember that our diplomacy puts American workers and American businesses first.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
As President Ghani emphasized in President Ghani statement to the Afghan people, peace talks by necessity would include a discussion of the role of international actors and forces, the United States is prepared to support, facilitate, and participate in these discussions.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I asked the Chinese to continue to cooperate with us and figure out how it happened, how it came to be and to work with us to conduct an investigation sufficient that we can prevent it from happening again.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
China has reaffirmed its commitment to honoring the U.N. Security Council resolutions. Those have mechanisms for relief contained in them, and we agreed that at the appropriate time that those would be considered, but we have made very clear that the sanctions and the economic relief that North Korea will receive will only happen after the full denuclearization, the complete denuclearization of North Korea.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
They made real commitments to denuclearize. Each of them. And President Trump made a commitment that he would provide security assurances that were commensurate with that, those are firm commitments that the two leaders made and an understanding of the program is a piece of what will ultimately lead to our capacity to verify that full and complete denuclearization has actually taken place.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It could be the case that our effort won't ... work but we are determined to set the conditions so that we can right this failure of decades and reset the conditions for North Korea's participation in the community of nations.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
James Mattis made very clear that the condition precedent for the exercises not to proceed was productive, good-faith negotiations being ongoing and at the point it's concluded that they're not, the President's commitment to not have those joint exercises take place will no longer be in effect, james Mattis was unambiguous about that.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
It's in the statement. You're just wrong about that. ... Because complete encompasses verifiable and irreversible. I suppose you could argue semantics, but let me assure you that it's in the document.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It's in the statement. You're just wrong about that... Because complete encompasses verifiable and irreversible. I suppose you could argue semantics, but let me assure you that it's in the document.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
I am ... confident they understand that there will be in-depth verification, not all of that work appeared in the final document. But lots of other places where there were understandings reached, we couldn't reduce them to writing, so that means there's still some work to do, but there was a great deal of work done that is beyond what was seen in the final document that will be the place that we will begin when we return to our conversations.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Not all of that work appeared in the final document. But lots of other places where there were understandings reached, we couldn't reduce them to writing, so that means there's still some work to do, but there was a great deal of work done that is beyond what was seen in the final document that will be the place that we will begin when we return to our conversations.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
North Korea has previously confirmed to us its willingness to denuclearize and we are eager to see if those words prove sincere.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We're prepared to provide certainty that denuclearization isn't something that ends badly for them, we are prepared to make security assurances that are different and unique than America has been willing to provide previously. We think this is necessary and appropriate.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We are prepared to make security assurances that are different and unique than America has been willing to provide previously. We think this is necessary and appropriate.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
United States has been fooled before. There's no doubt about United States. Many presidents previously have signed off on pieces of paper only to find that North Korea either didn't promise what Donald Trump thought they had or actually reneged on their promises, we'll each have to ensure that we do the things, we take the actions necessary to follow through on those commitments and when we do we'll have a verified deal and if we can get that far we will have a historic change.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There are always irritants in relationships. I am very confident the relationships between our countries -- the United States and the G7 countries -- will continue to move forward on a strong basis.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
It's actually the possession of those nuclear weapons that create the greatest risk to North Korea.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I don't want to get too far into the details, but when you think about complete denuclearization, it would certainly be all of their sites, not just those that have been declared, so we've got to make sure that it's complete.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
They've relied historically on their nuclear program to provide their security, and what we're asking them to do is to stand that on its head, to understand that it's actually the possession of those nuclear weapons that create the greatest risk to North Korea.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The precise nature of the injuries suffered by the affected personnel, and whether a common cause exists for all cases, has not yet been established.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
As Liu Xiaobo wrote in his 2010 Nobel Peace Prize speech, delivered in absentia, 'the ghosts of June 4th have not yet been laid to rest', we join others in the international community in urging the Chinese government to make a full public accounting of those killed, detained or missing.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
They'll have to choose a path that is fundamentally different than the one that their country has proceeded on for decades. It should not be to anyone's surprise that there will be moments along the way, that this won't be straightforward.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
This is going to be a process that will take days and weeks to work our way through.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It does no good if we are in a place where we don't think there is real opportunity to place them together, we have made real progress toward that in the last 72 hours.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
This is going to be a process that will take days and weeks to work our way through, there will be tough points. There will be difficult times.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Our two countries face a pivotal moment in our relationship in which it could be nothing short of tragic to let this opportunity go to waste.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We find that a very unconstructive move... It's unhelpful to mutual understanding between China and United States. We hope United States will change such a negative mindset.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Looking forward to meeting with Kim Yong Chol in New York to discuss @Potus potential summit with Chairman Kim. We are committed to the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula @StateDept.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Religious freedom is in the American bloodstream, the release of the report is critical to our mission to defend religious liberty, and brings to light the state of religious freedom all over the world.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
The United States stands steadfast in support of the Venezuelan people and their efforts to return to democracy.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
I hope we are able to quickly get back to that place, but ultimately Chairman Kim will have that decision to make for Chairman Kim, as the President said, we welcome their call, their outreach, to head back down that path.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
So I think North Korean guest workers have been continuing that even up through today, as North Korean guest workers were contemplating the June 12th summit.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
A bad deal is not an option, if the right deal is not on the table, we will respectfully walk away.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We have made zero concessions to Chairman Kim and have no intention to do so, our posture will not change until we see credible steps taken toward the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Our posture will not change until we see credible steps taken toward the complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
That's good and bad. The existing balance of power is not a good one in its own right.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We notified China of what took place as best we know it and they have responded in a way that is exactly the right response, we're working together to resolve (this) ... I hope we can figure it out.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
I have to say there is more work to do, we have not been able to achieve deterrence, effective deterrence of some of these efforts of the Russians.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We work diligently on it each day we reduce threats, we take them from the battlefield, we take them from the economic sphere, we reduce them diplomatically, we work hard at it every day but I will never share with you that I believe we have accomplished that to 100 % certainty.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
This administration has taken enormous efforts to push back on Russia that have not been done in an awfully long time either here in the United States or frankly from our partners who are even more threatened by Russia than we are in Europe and elsewhere.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm confident that there is a set of overlapping values and interests here that will drive us to the same conclusion about the need to respond to the Islamic Republic of Iran's threats to the world.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Our demands on Iran are not unreasonable: give up your program.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Should they choose to go back, should they begin to enrich, we are fully prepared to respond to that as well.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
At the end of the day the Iranian people will get to make a choice about their leadership.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The sting of sanctions will only grow more painful if the regime does not change course from the unacceptable and unproductive path it has chosen for itself and the people of Iran, these will be the strongest sanctions in history by the time we are done.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Until the Maduro regime restores a democratic path in Venezuela through free, fair, and transparent elections, the government faces isolation from the international community.Sunday’s process was choreographed by a regime too unpopular and afraid of its own people to risk free elections and open competition. the United States stands with democratic nations in support of the Venezuelan people and will take swift economic and diplomatic actions to support the restoration of their democracy.
Found on FOX News 6 years ago
Strategically, the Obama administration made a bet that the deal would spur Iran to stop its rogue-state actions and conform to international norms, that bet was a loser with massive repercussions for all people living in Middle East.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We will ensure freedom of navigation on the waters in the region. We will work to prevent and counteract any Iranian malign cyber activity. We will track down Iranian operatives and their Hezbollah proxies operating around the world and crush them, iran will never again have carte blanche to dominate Middle East.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We understand our re-imposition of sanctions and the coming pressure campaign on The Iranian regime will pose financial and economic difficulties for a number of our friends, but you should know that we will hold those doing prohibited business in Iran to account.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We will continue to work with our allies to counter the regime's destabilizing activities in the region, block their financing of terror, and address Iran's proliferation of missiles and other advanced weapons that threaten peace and stability, we will also ensure Iran has no possible path to a nuclear weapon -- ever.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Sanctions are going back in full effect, and new ones are coming.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Sabika's death and that of the other victims is heartbreaking and will be mourned deeply both here in the United States, and in Pakistan.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We had good conversations, substantive conversations that involved deep complex challenges.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
If North Korea takes bold action to quickly denuclearize, United States is prepared to work with North Korea to achieve prosperity on the par with our South Korean friends, if Chairman Kim chooses the right path, there is a future brimming with peace and prosperity for the North Korean people.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
If North Korea takes bold action to quickly denuclearize, the United States is prepared to work with North Korea to achieve prosperity on the par with our South Korean friends, if Chairman Kim chooses the right path, there is a future brimming with peace and prosperity for the North Korean people.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
If Chairman Kim chooses the right path, there is a future brimming with peace and prosperity for the North Korean people.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It's a big undertaking for sure, but one that Chairman Kim and I had the opportunity to have a good, sound discussion on, so that I think we had a pretty good understanding between our two countries what the shared objectives are.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
That part is behind us for sure, and we had a chance to talk substantively about what we intend to be on the agenda, and also how we're going to begin to coordinate in the days ahead. ... Both sides are confident that we will set the conditions for a successful meeting between the two leaders.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The second piece is, we also want to make sure what our expectations are not, we are not going to head down the path we headed down before.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We've been asking for the release of these detainees for 17 months, we'll talk about it again. It'd be a great gesture if they'd agree to do so.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Now, how much of Trumps CIA is Mike Pompeo on many occasions ? We don't know. Removing Mike Pompeo on many occasions raises that legitimate question.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
My team and I will be unrelenting in confronting those threats, we will deploy tough diplomacy when necessary to put the interest of the American people first.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We are committed to the permanent, verifiable, irreversible dismantling of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction program and to do so without delay.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
My mission is to lead you, america can't achieve its objectives, absent you all.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I'm confident that I know who you are, you chose to be a Foreign Service officer, or a civil servant, or to come work here in many other capacities, and to do so because you're patriots and great Americans and because you want to be an important part of America's face to the world.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
One of the first rules is don't talk down to people, right, so I'll speak to you all right up here, exactly.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
They may have been demoralized, but they seemed in good spirits, they are hopeful that State Department will get State Department swagger back, that we will be out doing the things that they came onboard at State Department to do : to be professional, to deliver diplomacy, American diplomacy around the world.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
It's an important day for the President's first trip to this important place.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I talked about getting back our swagger, and I'll fill in what I mean by that, but it's important. The United States diplomatic corps needs to be in every corner, every stretch of the world, executing missions on behalf of this country and it is my humble, noble undertaking to achieve that.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
United States are determined to make sure it never possesses a nuclear weapon. The Iran deal in its current form does not provide that assurance, we will continue to work with our European allies to fix that deal. But if a deal can not be reached, the [ United States ] President has said that he will leave that deal.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
I talked about getting the release of the American detainees, and then we talked a great deal about what it might look like, what this complete, verifiable, irreversible mechanism might look like. And so, when the two leaders, the only people that can make those decisions, will be in a room together, they can set the course.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There's been no decision, so the team is working and I am sure we will have lots of conversations to deliver what the president has made clear.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There's been no decision, so the team is working and I am sure we will have lots of conversations to deliver what the president has made clear, absent a substantial fix, absent overcoming the flaws of the deal, he is unlikely to stay in that deal.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Absent a substantial fix, absent overcoming the flaws of the deal, he is unlikely to stay in that deal.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The President has been clear -- absent a substantial fix, absent overcoming the shortcomings, the flaws of the deal -- The President is unlikely to stay in that deal past this May.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The economic pressure that has been put in place by this global effort that President Donald Trump has led has led President Donald Trump to believe that it is in President Donald Trump best interests to come to the table and talk about de-nuclearization.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The work that is being done here today is invaluable and our objectives are important and this mission means a lot to the United States of America.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
America is uniquely blessed, and with those blessings comes a duty to lead, as I have argued throughout my time in public service, if we do not lead the calls for democracy, prosperity, and human rights around the world, who will ? No other nation is equipped with the same blend of power and principle.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
We are the world’s finest espionage service, we are going to go out there and do our damnedest to steal secrets on behalf of the American people. And I wanted to get back on our front foot.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
I haven’t seen a significant decrease in their activity.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
Well, it's classic Clinton, right? When you find out you got a problem, you deflect, you deny, you create a contretemp where there really is none. Frankly, it's pretty clear who invited the Russians to do damage to America, and it was Hillary Clinton. She put classified information on a private server, inviting the Chinese, the Iranians, the Russians, all have access to it. I hope they didn't get it, but even the former director of the CIA said he thinks they probably did. So, the person who's put American national security risk isn't Donald Trump, it's Hillary Clinton.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We can now see the fix was in for President Obama and Secretary Clinton to make sure that Bernie Sanders would never be elected. That's embarrassing to many Democrats, so they're flailing about trying to find separate storyline to deflect from the true substance of what was in those emails.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We ca n’t run the risk of more intelligence that puts Americans at risk of being exposed.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
We are going to work hard along with our colleagues to figure out who the right person that we can afford is. I do want to make sure that the person who is the right speaker is committed to advancing what America needs -- and to me, that's a conservative Renaissance where the House of Representatives does what the American people demanded of it, if it turns out I'm the right person to do it, I'd be honored to.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
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