Quotes from the news wire:
The impending weather conditions constitute an imminent hazard, which threatens and presently endangers the health, safety, and resources of the residents of Ocean County, Atlantic County and Cape May County.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
He and I are friends and so if he picks up the phone and calls me and says, ‘I need you to help somewhere,’ and he makes a compelling case for it and I have the time to do it, I’m going to go help him, if I can’t, I’m going to tell him I can’t.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Yesterday morning I met with Donald and we sat and talked and he said, 'How about coming out to Texas with me?' and I said, 'Happy to do it, whenever you're ready sir,'.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
This was an endorsement that really meant a lot. yesterday morning I met with Donald and we sat and talked and he said, 'How about coming out to Texas with me?' and I said, 'Happy to do it, whenever you're ready sir,'.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I think the whole race changed last night. Because you know there was a march among the chattering class to anoint Sen. Rubio.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
When the lights get that bright, you either shine or you melt, and we can't afford to have a president who melts.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I am tested and prepared and ready, we don’t need another on-the-job training.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We don’t need another on-the-job training, i’m glad the American people saw (Rubio’s debate performance) before they made another mistake.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
He’s a good guy, but he’s just not ready to be president.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Marco, the thing is this, when you're president of the United States, when you're a governor of a state, the memorized 30-second speech where you talk about how great America is at the end of it doesn't solve one problem for one person.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
There it is. The memorized 25-second speech.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
You have not been involved in a consequential decision where you had to be held accountable, you just simply haven’t.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
It’ll give us more time to talk, and that’ll be good for me and good for the other people on the stage.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
It ’ll give us more time to talk, and that ’ll be good for me and good for the other people on the stage.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Here's the one thing you need to know about that mayor: His town didn't get hit by Sandy. So of course it's worse than Sandy for him.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
He's a long-time friend. I got carried away, the reason for my apology was because I really felt badly about it. When I had a night to sleep on it and woke up this morning, I didn't feel good about what I said about him.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
When you're not a candidate, you don't deserve to be evaluated as to whether you'd be a good president or not.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
That shows a real immaturity from Sen. Rubio, to be joking as families were freezing in the cold, losing power, and some of them, losing their loved ones.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
When you start looking for another job, your current employer gets a little miffed, and that's what's happened here in New Jersey.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I don't quite know exactly how that works, but they feel comforted by my presence.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Remember what I said yesterday. I said that I am monitoring this on a regular basis and I will make the decision that is the appropriate decision I have to make when I have to make it, so we have another weather call in about two hours and I'll make a decision at that time as to what I'm going to do as we get a better handle on it.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Now there's nothing to be nervous about in New Jersey, it looks like it's going to be a pretty manageable storm.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The first lady has no business being involved in this, she wants to give her opinions? That's fine. She can give her opinions about what people should have for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. She's like any other American. She can give her opinions.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
It doesn't change a bit for me, my affection for him, my respect for him as a leader and as a person.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I heard Paul's remarks, and frankly he's apologized for them.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I ’m sure( the gun executive action) will get stopped by the courts.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The fact though is that we want our kids not to have to decide which bathroom they get to go in. And not to be subject to peer pressure about which one to go in. And not to be subject to the embarrassment that could come with going in a bathroom where somebody maybe doesn't agree that they should be in there or not, why do we do this to our children? It doesn't make any sense. So I don't know. I'm the common sense guy from New Jersey, you know, I don't think life needs to be this complicated. I think it needs to be a lot more straightforward.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Life is confusing enough right now for our children, think about those kids in Los Angeles who last week had their entire district closed because of a threat. Think about what they felt like the next day when they went back to school. Did they feel completely comfortable, did they feel like they were safe? How did their mothers and fathers feel when they sent them to school that day? And now today the Nashua schools are closed, based on a threat as well. How are those kids going to feel when they go back to school?
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We would shoot down the planes of Russian pilots if in fact they were stupid enough to think that this president was the same feckless weakling( as) the president we have in the Oval Office... right now.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
That's the definition of a no-fly zone, if that offends folks in the U.N. crowd, I'm sorry, but America needs to assert itself again.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
That makes me absolutely certain I'm right if the secretary of state thinks that, iSIS is simply not being attacked by Russia. Russia is in Syria along with Iran to prop up (President Bashar) Assad.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The fact is Russia's been stealing our lunch money the entire time from the Obama administration.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
This is the kind of thing that people say when they have no experience and don't know what they are talking about. We do not need to resort to that type of activity nor should we, what we need to do is to increase our intelligence activities. We need to cooperate with peaceful Muslim Americans who want to give us intelligence against those who are radicalized.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
You shouldn't be making fun of people with disabilities. It's just not worthy of someone running for president of the United States.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
What it shows is that the work we've put in here in New Hampshire, the plans we've laid out -- that people are taking them seriously and taking them to heart, and we're thrilled about the endorsement.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
He'd be a better president than Hillary Clinton, i'm gonna support the Republican nominee.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
It's just wrong. It's factually wrong, everybody else can figure out what they think is outrageous or not outrageous -- in the context of Donald, outrageous is a high bar.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
That's part of the test of running for president.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Everyone will get lower rates, the good thing – I’ll be able to fire a whole bunch of IRS agents once we do that.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I got the scars all over my back to prove that people jumped to conclusions, people jump to conclusions about guilt and innocence, and we shouldn't be doing those things.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
He put the story out there in the first place, so he has the responsibility to back it up, if he does, believe me, Chris, we'll move on next week to something else. If you don't, that's when it lingers.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I heard him this morning saying he's more scrutinized than anyone in this race ... Is he kidding? Did he watch what I went through in January of 2014 for months and months of relentless attacks ... when it turned out that I did absolutely doing nothing wrong?
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
A couple of days of being asked about something that you put in your books? I got to tell you, I don't have a lot of sympathy, he should answer the questions forthrightly and directly. If he does, the American people will accept it. If he doesn't, then he's got a problem.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I'll do my job first. That's why I'm not going to New Hampshire tomorrow.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The American people are disappointed, they gave our party the majority in both houses and we have not delivered some of the things we need to deliver.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
She's got one place on the stage, not two or three.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
People are tired of hearing candidates talk about themselves, and they want to hear them talk about what their problems are ... Let's stipulate that (Fiorina) and (Trump) were successful business people in their own right with their own successes and failures. That does nothing for the person sitting on the other end of the camera.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
While I'm as entertained as anyone by this personal back and forth about the history of Donald and Carly's career, for the 55-year-old construction worker out in that audience tonight who doesn't have a job ... they could care less about your career.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We don't want to hear about your careers, you're both successful people: congratulations! You know who's not successful? The middle class in this country.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
You see, that's why I'm running for president.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I'd like you to take the camera off me and put it on the audience.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I frankly can't imagine as president of the United States how you could permit this to happen on this scale, and now we're seeing those results, and it's much different when you read about it. And when you see it, it becomes even more powerful.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Drug addiction is a disease. And it's a failing to try drugs in the first place.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
New Day, drug addiction is a disease. And it's a failing to try drugs in the first place.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I mean, the fact is that you don't need to be pandering to one way or the other. I'll tell you the way you don't do it: You don't do focus group-tested trips to the border, speak Spanish and then, you know, criticize Asians.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Because this President has run up more debt than any president in American history, that debt has been given to us in large measure by the Chinese, and so now, as the Chinese markets tend to have a correction, which they're doing right now, it's going to have an even greater effect because this president doesn't know how to say no to spending, doesn't know how to say no to a bigger and more intrusive government.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
This is not negotiation of a real estate deal, OK. This is international diplomacy, and it's different.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Her arrogance is breathtaking. Breathtaking.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Why not just answer that question instead of talking all the time like she does on television now about 'Oh, the politics and the Republicans?' It's not about the politics.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Can you imagine, if after the bridge investigation began, I came out and said 'Oh, I've done all my business as governor on a private email server. And, I've deleted now 30,000 of those emails. But trust me none of it had to do with the bridge.' Give me a break.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
It's bad decision-making by Gov. Bush, but I'm not running his campaign, this should've been handled by Gov. Bush the same way it's been handled by any of the other candidates who understand how to do this, which is to say, 'Listen, if we knew then what we knew now we wouldn't have gone into Iraq.'.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
So eager to be the history-makers, they failed to be the peacemakers, rushing away from danger can be every bit as unwise as rushing into danger, and the costs have been grievous.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Imagine how many people I could fire from the IRS if you could do your taxes in 15 minutes.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
It is just disgraceful that we are sitting with a president who takes a victory lap for the worst economic growth in post-World War II history, imagine how many people I could fire from the IRS if you could do your taxes in 15 minutes.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The reason we’re not dealing with immigration as strongly as we need to be in my opinion is because of the Chamber of Commerce crowd, because they want to employ illegal folks and they don’t want to use E-Verify.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Senator Paul, you know the hugs I remember are the hugs that I gave to the families who lost their people on September 11th.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
This is a disease, the War on Drugs, has been a failure, well-intentioned, but a failure.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Donald's going to be as serious a candidate as he wants to be. He can determine through the depth of his answers, the seriousness of his answers, whether he's a serious candidate or he isn't.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
These folks in Iowa and New Hampshire particularly are notoriously late deciders. They want to hear everybody. They want to see everybody, digest all this stuff, and then they'll make decisions.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
What you do matters and it doesn't happen overnight.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Four years ago, Herman Cain was winning right now. Eight years ago, Rudy Giuliani was winning right now. So I think we all need take a deep breath. Campaigns matter, what you do matters and it doesn't happen overnight.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I don't know if he has the wherewithal to go to Mrs. Clinton and say we're tired of all her stuff.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We have to have Congress come together and deal with this. They haven't done that yet. The President has done it by executive order, he hasn't brought people together on it yet.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We've got to penalize employers who hire people who are here illegally.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
You know people who are dealing large quantities of drugs also are always using weapons and violence to enforce their territory.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We need to keep violent folks behind bars as long as we can. But non-violent offenders, drug offenders that we're warehousing in prisons for years makes no sense.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
They're bringing significant violence to our streets.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The war on drugs has been a failure, hasn't worked, and we have to take a different approach to it, i believe treating drug addiction as a disease -- which is what it is -- needs to be done in this country and it needs to be done on a national level.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
There's nobody who's engaging in this national conversation other than me who's used these tools, what they talk about is theoretical, what I talk about is actual and that's a big difference. And I don't think there is anything that we should be doing to lessen our ability to protect the homeland.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
They need American support and American leadership and American strategic vision, this president hasn’t put it out there, this is the guy who called them the JV, now, all of a sudden. He’s got a strategy that’s successful? It’s been disappointing to watch it.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
He’s a criminal, he’s a criminal and he’s hiding in Russia, and he’s lecturing to us about the evils of authoritarian government, while he lives under the protective umbrella of Vladimir Putin, that’s who Mike Lee and Rand Paul are siding with – with Edward Snowden? Come on.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I think, unfortunately, there are going to be times when people that work for me do things that are completely out of character.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I'm very concerned about those who want to weaken our intelligence community. The President has done it already. And there are those that are running for president now that want to weaken the intelligence community even more.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
We need a forward-looking foreign policy that talks about how to reassert American authority and influence around the world.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
But I don't think you can honestly say that if we knew then that there was no (weapons of mass destruction), that the country should have gone to war.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I think President (George W.) Bush made the best decision he could at the time, given that his intelligence community was telling him that there was (weapons of mass destruction) and that there were other threats right there in Iraq.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
The job of campaigns -- if we were to engage in one -- is to change minds. And the job of leaders is not to follow polls, it's to change polls, if I decide to run for president, I'll run, and my job would be to convince people to vote for me.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Take a deep breath, everybody. We are 21 months away from electing our next president.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I promise you that over the next few months, you will see article after article arguing that our party can't afford a long nomination battle, we need to pick a nominee as soon as possible, that we have to unite behind whatever candidate appears to have the most money, the most endorsements or the best press coverage.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
Because I consider Jeb a friend, and he's been a wonderful friend to me.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
I think that's misdirecting the priorities.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
If the elites in Washington who make backroom deals decide who the president's going to be, then he's definitely the frontrunner, if the people of the United States decide to pick the next president of the United States, and they want someone who looks them in the eye and connects with them and is one of them, I'll do OK.
– New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie
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