Quotes from the news wire:
And I said: 'I don't want to interrupt what y'all are doing.' I said: 'Give me a call next time you're coming to town.' And I left it at that.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I had to adapt to the fact that it wasn't going to be useful to give him something and say this is, you know, this is an article worth reading.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
I could see the color go out of the face of the foreign secretary of Mexico as I very - I smiled big and I said: 'Welcome to Washington,' and I said: 'I don't want to interrupt what y'all are doing.' I said: 'Give me a call next time you're coming to town.' And I left it at that.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
When the President would say,' Here's what I want to do and here's how I want to do it.' And I'd have to say to him,' Well Mr. President, I understand what you want to do, but you can't do it that way. It violates the law. It violates treaty,'.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
What is most important is to ensure an orderly and smooth transition during a time that the country continues to face significant policy and national security challenges.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We're using large sticks, and that is what they need to understand. This pressure campaign is putting -- is having its bite on North Korea, its revenue streams. It's having a bite on its military programs.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
That kind of a threat to the American people by a regime like this is not acceptable, and the president's meeting his responsibilities as commander in chief of asking our military -- Secretary [ Jim ] Mattis at the Defense Department -- to ensure we are prepared for anything.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
There is simply no denying that Russia, by shielding its Syrian ally, has breached its commitments to The United States as a framework guarantor and has betrayed the chemical weapons convention and the United Nations Security Resolution 2118.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
Despite Iranian and Russian support for Assad, Tillerson said the U.S will attempt to isolate the Syrian regime government by cutting off international reconstruction aid flows to any parts of the country controlled by Assad. Once Assad is gone from power, the United States will gladly encourage the normalization of economic relationships between Syria and other nations.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
What they learned is that they are being sent out in the winter time, because there’s food shortages, and they are being sent out to fish with inadequate fuel to get back.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We are getting a lot of evidence that these sanctions are really starting to hurt.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We have never had Chinese support for sanctions like we’re getting now, russia’s a slightly different issue, but the Chinese have leaned in hard on the North Koreans.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
In fact, he was very clear, I think, the final status of Jerusalem, including the borders, would be left to the parties to negotiate and decide.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
They had a very robust and lengthy exchange on the subject. The President pressed President Putin on more than one occasion regarding Russian involvement. President Putin denied such involvement, as I think he has in the past.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We have a long list of additional potential sanctions -- some of which involve additional financial institutions, the Treasury Department will be announcing those when they’re ready to roll those out.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
This is all part of continuing to turn this pressure up and we’ve continued to turn the pressure up on North Korea by getting other countries to join in and take actions on their own.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We still hope for diplomacy, this is all part of continuing to turn this pressure up and we’ve continued to turn the pressure up on North Korea by getting other countries to join in and take actions on their own.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
We’re asking a lot of the Chinese, we are going to test China’s willingness to help address this serious threat.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
The greatest pressure we can put to bear on Iran to change the behavior is a collective pressure.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
There are a lot of alternative means with which we use the agreement to advance our policies and the relationship with Iran, and that’s what the conversation generally is around with the president as well.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
All nations should take a strong public stance against North Korea by maintaining and strengthening U.N. sanctions to ensure North Korea will face consequences for its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
I think Qatar has been quite clear in its positions, and I think those have been very reasonable.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
I am hopeful we can make some progress to begin to bring this to a point of resolution, i think Qatar has been quite clear in its positions, and I think those have been very reasonable.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
I've been very clear in my discussions with Russian leadership, on more than one occasion, that it is necessary for Russia to take the first steps to de-escalate the situation in the east part of Ukraine, in particular by respecting the ceasefire.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
Do we have the same objections in mind? By and large, our objectives are exactly the same, but how we get there, we each have a view.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
The president pressed Putin on multiple occasions—Putin denied involvement, as I believe he has done in the past, they had a very robust and lengthy exchange on the subject.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
The president was rightly focused on how do we move forward from what may be simply an intractable disagreement at this point.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
Our position continues to be that we see no long-term role for the Assad family or the Assad regime, and we have made this clear to everyone.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
I think this is our first indication of the U.S. and Russia being able to work together in Syria, and as a result of that we had a very lengthy discussion regarding other areas in Syria that we can continue to work together on to de-escalate the areas.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
It is (a) well defined agreement on who will secure this area.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
The United States is prepared to explore the possibility of establishing with Russia joint mechanisms for ensuring stability, including no-fly zones, on-the-ground ceasefire observers, and coordinated delivery of humanitarian assistance.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
The United States is prepared to explore the possibility of establishing with Russia joint mechanisms for ensuring stability, including no-fly zones, on the ground ceasefire observers, and coordinated delivery of humanitarian assistance, if our two countries work together to establish stability on the ground, it will lay a foundation for progress on the settlement of Syria's political future.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
If our two countries work together to establish stability on the ground, it will lay a foundation for progress on the settlement of Syria's political future.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
The way you address those human rights issues and women's rights issues is to improve the conditions in the region, there are efforts underway to, I think, improve the rights of women, the participation of women in society throughout the region.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
The President has recently expressed his view that he wants to put a lot of effort into seeing if we cannot advance a peace initiative between Israel and Palestine, and so I think in large measure the President is being very careful to understand how such a decision would impact a peace process.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I make a distinction between values and policy, policy has to be tailored to the individual situation.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We're not trying to start with a clean slate, you cannot erase the past.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
Building islands and then putting military assets on those islands is akin to Russia's taking of Crimea. It's taking of territory that others lay claim to.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I know change like this is really stressful for a lot of people, i can promise you that when this is all done, you're going to have a much more satisfying, fulfilling career, because you're going to feel better about what you're doing because of the impact of what you are doing.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
President Obama told President Trump this is going to be your greatest challenge that you're going to have to manage, and he was right.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We just kind of lost track of how we were doing, and I think things have gotten out of balance.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I know change like this is really stressful for a lot of peple, there's nothing easy about it, and I don't want to diminish the challenges in any way it presents to individuals, it presents to families, it presents to organizations. All I can offer you on the other side of that equation is an opportunity to shape the future way we deliver on mission.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
It's America First for national security and economic prosperity and that doesn't mean that comes at the expense of others, our partnerships and alliances are critical to our success in both those areas.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
Diplomatic and financial leverage or power will be backed up by willingness to counteract North Korean aggression with military action, if necessary. the council has repeatedly warned that it will take 'further significant measures, including sanctions' in the case of future provocations.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
He learns from every single attempt, and he gets knowledge, and he gets intel. And he takes those lessons learned and just churns them right over into the next one, all options for responding to future provocations must remain on the table.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
All options for responding to future provocations must remain on the table, diplomatic and financial leverage or power will be backed up by willingness to counteract North Korean aggression with military action, if necessary.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I think in the past, the assumption has been the Chinese would only take limited action. We're going to test that assumption.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
They confirmed to us that they had requested that the regime conduct no further nuclear test, in fact, we were told by the Chinese that they informed the (North Korean) regime that if they did conduct further nuclear tests, China would be taking sanctions action on their own.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
He may be ruthless, he may be a murderer. He may be someone who, in many respects, we would say by our standards is irrational. But he is not insane.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We're asking a lot of the Chinese, i think in the past, the assumption has been the Chinese would only take limited action. We're going to test that assumption.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We do not seek regime change in North Korea, we're not seeking a collapse of the regime.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
He loves China and he loves the people of China. I know he would like to be able to do something, perhaps it's possible that he can't.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
Past efforts have failed to halt North Korea's unlawful weapons programs and nuclear and ballistic missile tests, with each provocation, North Korea jeopardizes stability in Northeast Asia and poses a growing threat to our allies and the U.S. homeland.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
The Trump administration has no intention of passing the buck to a future administration on Iran.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
Iran spends its treasure and time disrupting peace, iran’s nuclear ambitions are a grave risk to international peace and security.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
I hope that what the Russian Government concludes is that they have aligned themselves with an unreliable partner in Bashar al-Assad…The Assad regime, the Iranians and Hezbollah - is that a long term alliance that serves Russia's interests?
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
In terms of the future of Bashar al-Assad, it is important to us that we undertake a political process that leads to the final conclusion of how Syria will be governed. It is our policy for a unified Syria that is governed by the people of Syria. I think it is clear to all of us that the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
President Xi clearly understands, and I think agrees, that the situation has intensified and has reached a certain level of threat that action has to be taken.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I think even China is beginning to recognize that this presents a threat to even China's interests.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I hope Russia is thinking carefully about its continued alliance with Bashar al-Assad, because every time one of these horrific attacks occurs, it draws Russia closer into some level of responsibility.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
That will part of the discussions when I visit Moscow next week is to call upon Foreign Minister Lavrov and the Russian government to fulfill the obligation it made to the international community when it agreed to be the guarantor of the elimination of the chemical weapons, and why Russia has not been able to achieve that is unclear to me. I don't draw conclusions of complicity at all, but clearly they've been incompetent and perhaps they've just simply been out-maneuvered by the Syrians.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
The two sides noted the urgency of the threat of North Korea's weapons program, reaffirmed their commitment to a denuclearized Korean Peninsula and committed to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
President Trump noted the challenges caused by Chinese government intervention in its economy and raised serious concerns.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I would not in any way attempt to extrapolate that to a change in our policy or posture relative to our military activities in Syria today. There has been no change in that status.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
It does demonstrate that President Trump is willing to act when governments and actors cross the line ... and cross the line in the most heinous of ways.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
Building islands and then putting military assets on those islands is akin to Russia's taking of Crimea. Its taking of territory that others lay claim to.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
It is clear that this is how Bashar al-Assad operates: with brutal, unabashed barbarism, it is also clear that this horrific conflict, now in its seventh year, demands a genuine ceasefire and the supporters of the armed combatants in the region need to ensure compliance. We call upon Russia and Iran, yet again, to exercise their influence over the Syrian regime and to guarantee that this sort of horrific attack never happens again. As the self-proclaimed guarantors to the ceasefire negotiated in Astana, Russia and Iran also bear great moral responsibility for these deaths.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
They will provide stable and fair governance, rebuild infrastructure, and provide essential services. We will use our diplomatic presence on the ground to facilitate channels of dialogue between local leadership and coalition partners.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
I recognize there are many pressing challenges in the Middle East, but defeating ISIS is the United States' No. 1 goal in the region, when everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. We must continue to keep our focus on the most urgent matter at hand.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
(Beijing's) economic retaliation against South Korea is inappropriate and troubling.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We look forward to a productive relationship with whoever the South Korean people elect to be their next President, my expectation that the new government in South Korea will continue to be supportive of the THAAD system.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
We’re exchanging views, nothing has been taken off the table.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
The United States provided $1.35 billion dollars in assistance to North Korea as an encouragement to take a different pathway. That encouragement has been met with further development of nuclear capabilities, more missile launches, including those of the recent February 11th and March 5th.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
The diplomatic and other efforts of the past 20 years to bring North Korea to a point of denuclearization have failed. So we have 20 years of a failed approach.
Found on CNN 7 years ago
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