Quotes from the news wire:
There are few alternatives for investors as they’re somewhat negative on the bond market and cash still (yields) a very low return, investors are still looking for places to enter the market. There’s still good support among buyers at lower prices, so I don’t think that the ability of the market to rally at the side of meaningful sell-offs is over.
Found on Reuters 3 years ago
Inflation is not the worst news for stocks, but it’s very bad news for bonds, you’re starting to see some of the potential negatives that could bring an end to this incredible rally this year.
Found on Reuters 3 years ago
In any sell off, there have been buyers, and this pattern is repeated for months where any meaningful selloff is met almost immediately by way of buying.
Found on Reuters 3 years ago
For now, (investors) are embracing the economic data that shows improvements in the economy and are ignoring data that suggests that it’s going to lead to much higher prices and shortages that affect specific companies, the main driver behind the stock market is the reopening of the country ... that’s motivating investors to feel a sense of optimism about markets and cause them to come back in and buy stocks with the idea that things will be better by the fall and earnings will improve.
Found on Reuters 3 years ago
Big business in America has learned how to manage through the COVID crisis, it’s the small companies, the family-owned businesses, restaurants and some specific industries that have been badly hurt.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
With technology in particular, businesses found a way to move work to home and a lot of those companies benefit from that. That’s what’s caused them to outperform so greatly throughout the crisis.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Stocks already reflect a pretty positive outlook for earnings.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
It’s a small reversal, but I think people came in the morning to start the year with some optimism, but the cloudy political picture in the U.S. is weighing down the markets a little bit.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
There's optimism things will be better a year from now. And because banks have trailed just about everything else in the market they're being dragged up.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
People want to believe that things are going to get better, all these announcements of state plans to reopen has given some optimism to investors that things can only improve from here.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
If you're going to buy this market, psychologically you want to buy the companies that you think can really do well, this has been a very hard market to bottom fish in, to buy the wounded names.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
This is the time when you want to see the emergency plans for companies, for the vast majority of companies ... the question is, When do they anticipate reopening and how badly were they hurt by this?
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Investors are trying put a bottom in here, it seems like that yesterday was such a collection of so much bad news, it shocked the market down. Today with fresh eyes people are picking out the names they think have dropped the most.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
It seems like that yesterday was such a collection of so much bad news, it shocked the market down. Today with fresh eyes people are picking out the names they think have dropped the most.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
Where the market is right now, it likes to see an economy that's not too hot and not too cold because a much stronger economy suggests higher interest rates, when you get the kind of upward move in markets, it's not surprising to see people wanting to go into the weekend quite as long.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
For the most part, the market seems to be in a holding pattern until year-end, there has been such strong gains for the year that I think that until the fresh money comes in after year-end for new contributions to IRAs and other retirement accounts to start the year, I just don't think there is a lot of push to drive this too much higher.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
There has been such strong gains for the year that I think that until the fresh money comes in after year-end for new contributions to IRAs and other retirement accounts to start the year, I just don't think there is a lot of push to drive this too much higher.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
It is definitely a concern that the signing of the Hong Kong bill will be seen as an impediment to an agreement, at this point, investors are also using this as an opportunity to take some profits.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
At this point, investors are also using this as an opportunity to take some profits.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
If we can resolve the China trade issue and have a reasonably good resolution to the Brexit issue with the UK, it adds a sense of optimism to the market. Combine that with the earnings today being good and happy days are here again.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This type of reaction we see almost every time from the Fed decisions, the first move is from the people who think it's not enough, and at the end of the day people conclude that they did exactly what investors expected them to do. Those people who got what they expected used the selloff to buy, and I think that's what happened here.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
When you get a story like Walmart, you see the glass is half full because maybe it's not as bad as it seems. There are still companies succeeding in this environment, and that's going to cause the market to go back and forth.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
As volatility has picked up, you've gotten more interest on the part of traders, and that in turn has led to even higher volume, when you get moves like this and reversals, it brings a lot of high-frequency traders in and short-term traders.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Until we get that G20 meeting and start to get some feedback from the (Trump) administration, it's going to be tough to go higher.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
It's really about the administration continuing to hint a trade agreement is near, people don't want to miss out on the expected rally from that news.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
There's a lot of momentum buying, and with the thought that new highs are likely, there is continued optimism, the one thing about this market and its long rally is as it's done well, it's dragged more believers into it, and it's sort of self-fulfilling.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
There's a lot of momentum buying. And with the thought that new highs are likely, there is continued optimism.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
So much is dependent on what we do with the trade situation with China. The real issue will be the global economy, and in particular, trade with China.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
With the market up as much as it is, I don't think investors are in a rush to commit a lot of new capital unless they see events that would cause them to think we have another leg up ahead.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
These companies would be revalued if, for whatever reason, their earnings or revenue growth really began to wane. But right now, it's not the case, they have the kind of top-line growth that is the envy of the rest of the companies in the S&P 500.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There's only a small group of investors who actually target their investing to the Dow Jones Industrial Average, all in all, I don't think it's meaningful to investors.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It was at one time perhaps one of the quintessential U.S. companies, and like others that have been taken out of the Dow, it's a reflection that they're no longer seen in that light.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The Fed rate increases, the ECB's decision to end its bond buying program, it suggests higher rates down the road, for the most part it's a positive because they feel the economy is strong enough to handle that.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Rising oil prices are really helping a part of the market that's lagged dramatically, but there's no question that it's going to become part of story in the fear that people have for companies that have input prices to be concerned with and also for inflation.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The market has stayed in this range for a while, maybe this is the higher end of it, interest rate movement makes people nervous and when it stops rising, people kind of migrate back to stocks. It is still at a point where it represents a more attractive alternative than bonds.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The wind was at the backs of these companies for a long time. Now it's sort of turned. Input costs are up for most people, how are companies able to handle that, and what are they able to do to offset it? Those are the kinds of things investors will look at.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
There continues to be some concern over interest rates and their potential impact on equities. There's also been a little bit of a lack of momentum in this earnings period, it's not that earnings weren't good enough but company forecasts often weren't strong enough to make the market continue to rise.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It's not that earnings weren't good enough but company forecasts often weren't strong enough to make the market continue to rise.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
To the extent you can get cash deals done, it provides a lot of support for the market, it takes out equities, where holders are likely to reinvest in other stocks, and helps re-establish that the prices that stocks are trading at are not too high.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The biggest motivating thing in today's market, and it's certainly thin trading, is the Amazon Prime day, which has gotten people interested in Amazon again.
Found on Reuters 7 years ago
Every fearful drop in the global stock market has been met by this lack of alternatives and cheap cost of financing... It's a 'risk on' when the world's central banks have your back.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The dominant theme in global markets is low interest rates and liquidity and the support it provides for the stock market, for equities globally, every fearful drop in the global stock market has been met by this lack of alternatives and cheap cost of financing... It's a 'risk on' when the world's central banks have your back.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
They have just become such powerful, dominant market players that they don't face quite the pressures of other companies, in the case of Facebook and Google, they continue to just steal share, advertising share, from traditional sources. So they are truly shifting the pie towards them.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
In the case of Facebook and Google, they continue to just steal share, advertising share, from traditional sources. So they are truly shifting the pie towards them.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Today the focus is a little bit on some disappointing numbers, something like a Ford. Although Facebook numbers were really good - great in fact.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
People are starting to say maybe this is going to take longer than they thought and maybe the impacts on the U.S. market wo n’t be nearly as great as feared, so I think you’ve seen a bit of bargain hunting.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
In a market that was chaotically falling, I think even average numbers would have provided some support, but the numbers were actually mildly bullish for the economy.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
For every step forward in the market like yesterday, it just seems like it’s met with a step back on a day like today.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Today, really you’re seeing just that back-and-forth that has been here for months: very tight ranges, modest movements and just a mix between uncertainty and having such low interest rates that there isn’t somewhere else to go, there isn’t a lot of conviction on the part of global investors for any of the asset classes.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
There isn’t a lot of conviction on the part of global investors for any of the asset classes.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
This is hardly a big selloff but we are having trouble breaking through( to new highs on the S&P) because of a lack of consistently good earnings and economic data, one of the few positives is a weaker dollar but it is hard to see a reason for that to continue ; rates are being lowered around the world and expected to rise here( in the United States), there's no clear path to a lower dollar.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
This is hardly a big selloff but we are having trouble breaking through (to new highs on the S&P) because of a lack of consistently good earnings and economic data, one of the few positives is a weaker dollar but it is hard to see a reason for that to continue; rates are being lowered around the world and expected to rise here (in the United States), there's no clear path to a lower dollar.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The Fed really for the first time has been sending kind of mixed signals about the pace of raising rates, if the economy is good enough for them to raise rates that could be a good move for stocks, if they are just raising rates in anticipation of the economy picking up and it never does that is a pretty negative sign.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Driving everything has been the recovery in energy and commodity prices, that has been the part of the market that investors have been most concerned with so seeing a rally, particularly in oil, has been taken positively.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Driving everything has been the recovery in energy and commodity prices this morning, that has been the part of the market that investors have been most concerned with so seeing a rally, particularly in oil, has been taken positively.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
When you see selling this broad and non-discriminant, when everything is being sold, The Nasdaq tends to end when The Nasdaq just exhausts everyone who’s worried.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The bottom line for people who are investing is they prefer a little more certainty than they are seeing right now in either the election or in the energy markets.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
People want to see stability in that market and every time they think there’s maybe some stability, it seems to leg down, for equity owners and some of the high-yield owners that are tied to energy, it is a little unnerving that it can’t really seem to find a stabilized floor.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if the markets end up today, you're just having this testing of what the bottom on energy is and no one knows the impact of a complete collapse the energy industry would have on U.S. equity prices.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
You're just having this testing of what the bottom on energy is and no one knows the impact of a complete collapse the energy industry would have on U.S. equity prices.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I wouldn't be surprised if the markets end up today, but you're just having this testing of what the bottom on energy is and no one knows the impact of a complete collapse the energy industry would have on U.S. equity prices.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
You have had people trying to pick a bottom both in the energy commodity itself and energy shares a few times in this long slide down and again today.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
People have seen in the past that these oil rallies have been very short, and to the extent they influence the equity markets, there is certainly some profit-taking going on, people are selling every rally that is based on the movement of oil, because by the end of the day it can turn around and be down another 5 percent.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
People are selling every rally that is based on the movement of oil, because by the end of the day it can turn around and be down another 5 percent.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Pretty much as expected ... I think the Fed has given investors a lot of time and a lot of direction that they plan to do this. If it is coming as a surprise to you now, you just haven't been following this.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There could be events I suppose, terrorism or otherwise, that could make you postpone, but I think the certainly of (a rate hike) is up over the 90 percent mark, the Fed has given investors a lot of time and a lot of direction that they plan to do this, if it is coming as a surprise to you now, you just haven't been following this.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's really a combination of more competition for low-wage workers, and the fact that there's pressure to raise those wages in a number of jurisdictions and just in general.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
With Apple, it's more about their forecast and China news and any upgrades they may want to announce.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's been a pretty big move up, so we're seeing a little bit of consolidation today.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It is just a little bit of consolidation and people re-evaluating, there is no question that the economic news is mixed, so I don't know if that is telling anyone anything they don't already know.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There's some disappointment about the retail number, and the mixed picture in banks, we're in that point where we rallied off the low and the next step is less certain. The corporate earnings will probably help decide it, but we're only at the beginning of the reporting period.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We're in that point where we rallied off the low and the next step is less certain. The corporate earnings will probably help decide it, but we're only at the beginning of the reporting period.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
You're starting to see some of the first real buying at what's really pretty dramatically reduced prices in some sectors, whether it can hold, that's been the problem.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
You're starting to see some of the first real buying at what's really pretty dramatically reduced prices in some sectors.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
People looked at yesterday's market as maybe setting a near-term bottom, whether it can hold, that's been the problem. It's going to a test to see whether we can get one or two solid days of gains.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
When you get this sharp of a (market) decline, people start to worry about downpayments and a reassessments of wealth.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There was clearly some forced selling, whether it was forced selling or just stop=losses for large, aggressive hedge funds, it got very sloppy, and you then saw buyers start to emerge. But a lot of those buyers were short-term in nature and took some of their gains around lunchtime. Now we're seeing a second wave of selling.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It got very sloppy, and I think you then saw buyers start to emerge. But a lot of those buyers were short-term in nature and took some of their gains around lunch time. Now we're seeing a second wave of selling.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There is no real good news that would allow this market to break out, a name like Wal-Mart today is part of what keeps the market kind of range bound, there are just too many companies with international businesses that are not really firing on all cylinders and then you throw in moves in China.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
For most people watching the market, whether it's September or December isn't that critical, most people are assuming it will happen this year. They've already factored that in to the way they look at the market.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The choices for a lot of people remain stocks or bonds, and the resilience of stocks, even as rates have risen at least in the short run, has given people confidence that it's the better place of the two to be.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's a back and forth tug of war between investors in this trading range.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If the Fed keeps delaying and doesn't start the process of a rate hike, they are going to lose credibility.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Stocks have been trying to break out of the narrow trading range but Greece has kept a cap on that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
As talented a person as Fed Chair Janet Yellen is, I wouldn't necessarily use Fed Chair Janet Yellen as my portfolio advisor for equities.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
What's helped the market today is the story about more stimulus in China.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This market is somewhere between trying to decide the interest rate, oil, dollar question while we await earnings. There's no real earnings out to give it any footing. It's just been drifting back and forth.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The market has been in a back-and-forth motion for the last couple of weeks, caught between the potential for rising interest rates and its impact on the dollar and the feeling by investors that the economy is gaining some strength, oil is confusing for investors.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The market has been in a back-and-forth motion for the last couple of weeks, caught between the potential for rising interest rates and its impact on the dollar and the feeling by investors that the economy is gaining some strength.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The market has been in a back and forth motion for the last couple of weeks, caught between the potential for rising interest rates and its impact on the dollar and the feeling by investors that the economy is gaining some strength.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
All the news at this point is incrementally good, it's not enough to cause a significant rise at this point. The only thing that would give us a rise now would be earnings growth. In most industries, we're not really seeing strong top-line growth.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
What investors seem concerned with is that oil isn't finding a base, investors like stability, orderly rises and declines, and things like oil dropping by the types of moves it's been dropping and the volatility it creates is just a negative for some market participants.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Investors like stability, orderly rises and declines, and things like oil dropping by the types of moves it's been dropping and the volatility it creates is just a negative for some market participants.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
China is a negative and Greece is a negative, certainly Greece is something investors have lived with for a while.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
China is a negative and Greece is a negative, certainly Greece is something investors have lived with for a while and it's not a huge surprise.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
It's a little bit of a reverse of what we had before, which was consumer-driven stocks did well and the market in general did well but energy did poorly.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
The Swiss move was obviously the big move, people are trying to get their arms around what it means for the U.S. stock market, it will take some of the morning to sort out the impact of the Swiss move across the board.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
The Swiss move was obviously the big move, people are trying to get their arms around what it means for the U.S. stock market, the market has taken a few-day drop and the bump in energy prices this morning is probably providing a bit of a solid bid for some of the oversold names in the energy sector. It will take some of the morning to sort out the impact of the Swiss move across the board.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Multinationals will have their earnings decreased if they aren't fully hedged.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
You also have a very strong dollar, multinationals will have their earnings decreased if they aren't fully hedged.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
You had some traders take profits on the early gains once oil moved to negative.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
There's a lot of things going on, but most of them are driven off the drop in oil prices, you had some traders take profits on the early (U.S. stock market) gains once oil moved to negative.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
To some extent, a drop in oil prices of course is positive, but there comes a point at which people begin to be concerned whether the drop is too much, too fast and can there be unintended consequences of it?
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
To some extent, a drop in oil prices of course is positive, but there comes a point at which people begin to be concerned whether the drop is too much, too fast and can there be unintended consequences of it.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
You've seen some real volatility in everything from energy to currencies and it's had a bit of a spillover effect on the market as people try to think about the impact of these moves, to some extent a drop in oil prices, of course, is positive, but there comes a point at which people begin to be concerned whether the drop is too much, too fast, and can there be unintended consequences.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
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