Quotes from the news wire:
That’s right! and do you know how they knew each other?
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
In my judgment, Daesh is responsible for genocide against groups in territory under its control, including Yazidis, Christians and Shia Muslims.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
Regarding Venezuela we have deep concerns about Venezuela failing to embrace a robust, productive dialogue, we're deeply committed to restoring rights of the people in Venezuela.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The foreign minister said the time has come to move away from public tensions and turn the page, and we agree with that... no claimant should be acting in a way that is provocative, no claimant should take steps that wind up raising tensions.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
So we still have a task ahead of us, a challenge, which is to try to work going forward to make sure that we are resolving the issues through diplomacy and the rule of law.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The president of the United States has authorized and ordered this track, it is the president’s desire to test whether or not the Russians are prepared to do what they said during our negotiations in Moscow that they will do.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We’re going to test this very carefully based not on trust, based on specific steps, so far, it is showing a modicum of promise which, hopefully, we can complete.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I think that we probably all recognize that an awful lot of the world, most of the world, doesn't know this meeting is taking place, but the truth is our goal for these talks, amending the Montreal Protocol to phase down HFCs, is one of the single most important unitary steps that we could possibly take at this moment to stave off the worst impacts of climate change.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
In the last two days I have talked personally with his royal highness the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who agreed that we need to try to move forward and we had a good conversation about it, and we know we can do it with countries that have a high ambient (temperature) challenge.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Information sharing has always been a big part of what the coalition does and it is playing a key role in our effort to prevent foreign terrorist fighters from traveling to Syria and Iraq, but it is also clear now that we have to do more, we have to keep breaking down the structural and bureaucratic barriers in order to be able to exchange up-to-date information even more quickly and more widely so that a border guard in southern Europe has the same data about a terrorist suspect as an airport security officer in Manila.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The momentum has shifted, the new challenge that we face is securing and aiding for the recovery of a liberated area.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The momentum has shifted, we are making progress with significant portions of Iraq reclaimed, significant portions of Syria now being reclaimed.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I spoke to Foreign Minister Lavrov again today, we both believe that we have an understanding of the direction we are going in and what needs to be achieved and our teams will meet shortly and we are going to continue to do that in order to bolster the cessation of hostilities and in order to increase our capacity to fight back against al Qaeda, which is Nusra, as well as fight back against ISIL.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We both believe that we have an understanding of the direction we are going in and what needs to be achieved and our teams will meet shortly and we are going to continue to do that in order to bolster the cessation of hostilities and in order to increase our capacity to fight back against al Qaeda, which is Nusra, as well as fight back against ISIL.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We will also do everything in our power to improve delivery of food, medicine, water, incredibly essential humanitarian needs.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I ask anyone who questions the importance of the EU or its relationship with the United States, (to consider) not just the history that I articulated, but the increase of prosperity, the rise in the standard of living ... the better protection of rights for individuals in the EU, as a consequence of what we have done together.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
There's a whole separation of time which has changed attitudes of some people.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
While sometimes things look bleak and difficult, there’s opportunity in everything, and you have to find the opportunity, you have to work to do that with creative leadership, i am absolutely confident that if people approach this thoughtfully, studiously, soberly, with creativity, there is a way to find strength out of whatever we do ahead.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We have agreed to steps that if implemented in good faith can address two serious problems I have just described about the cessation, it is possible to help restore the cessation of hostilities, significantly reduce the violence and help create the space for a genuine and credible political transition.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We still believe that Syria can’t have peace while Assad is there. We have a difference with Russia on that.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I'll have comments, going to Moscow, meeting with President Putin tonight; we'll have plenty of time to talk about it and I'll give you all a sense of where we are.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I’ll have comments, going to Moscow, meeting with President Putin tonight; we’ll have plenty of time to talk about it and I’ll give you all a sense of where we are.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Our hope is that we continue to cooperate as we have been in the last months, particularly with the U.N. Security Council resolution that we passed in which China stepped up and significantly increased its own actions with respect to (North Korea).
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We very much welcome the Syrian army declaration of 72-hours of quiet, we are trying very hard to grow these current discussions into a longer lasting ... enforceable, accountable cessation of hostilities that could change the dynamics on the ground.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We are trying very hard to grow these current discussions into a longer lasting ... enforceable, accountable cessation of hostilities that could change the dynamics on the ground.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Russia's occupation and militarization of parts of Georgia's territory are unacceptable, we continue to call on Russia to fulfill its obligations under the 2008 ceasefire agreement, including a withdrawal of its forces to pre-conflict positions.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The United States stands firm in its commitment to Georgia’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The president, very clearly, he was talking about TTIP and the fact that we have 28, now 27, countries we have to negotiate with, or now potentially 27 countries that we have to negotiate with, to get that done.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I think given what has happened, the president is going to try to do both at the same time. He knows how to multitask.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
It is now incumbent on leaders to implement the will of the people and to do so in a way that is responsible, sensitive, thoughtful and - I hope - strategic, the United States cares about a strong EU.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
There is no mistaking that we are contributing to climate change, we human beings have choices that can undo the damage, there is profound change throughout the Arctic.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
This is a gigantic transformation that is taking place, you can see it with the naked eye, you see it where the ice has retreated from just in the last 15 to 20 years.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
What we did in Paris ... is critical now to be implemented, but it is not enough, we have to all move faster in order to embrace new energy policies that are sustainable, that are clean, all of which are there for the using if governments and private sector make the right choices.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
This has been a significant eye-opener for me and I have spent 25 years or engaged in this issue.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Even where there is awareness, the steps people are taking are not big enough, fast enough. We have a huge distance to travel.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
It is very clear that the cessation of hostilities is frayed and at risk, russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite, and in fact very limited, with respect to whether or not Assad is going to be held accountable.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Russia needs to understand that our patience is not infinite, and in fact very limited, with respect to whether or not Assad is going to be held accountable.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
My hope is we will open some political space to try and resolve one of the most complex international challenges the community has faced in at least a generation.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The United States joins with Secretary General Almagro and others in the international community in calling on the Venezuelan government to release political prisoners, respect freedom of expression and assembly, alleviate shortages of food and medicine, and honor its own constitutional mechanisms, including a fair and timely recall referendum.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
As a father of two daughters, I’m proud, she’ll make a terrific president.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Everybody ought to celebrate it, Republican or Democrat alike, it’s a breakthrough, and I think that whether you’re voting for Trump or you’re voting for her or whoever, you ought to take pride.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We reiterated America's fundamental support for negotiations and a peaceful resolution based on the rule of law as well as our concern about any unilateral steps by any party ... to alter the status quo.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The only position we've taken is, let's not resolve this by unilateral action, let's resolve this through rule of law, through diplomacy, through negotiation, and we urge all nations to find a diplomatic solution rooted in international standards and rule of law.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We would consider an ADIZ...over portions of the South China Sea as a provocative and destabilizing act which would automatically raise tensions and call into serious question China's commitment to diplomatically manage the territorial disputes of the South China Sea.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The implementation of this agreement is really key, a very important step to be able to attract foreign direct investment.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We would consider an ADIZ...over portions of the South China Sea as a provocative and destabilizing act which would automatically raise tensions and call into serious question China's commitment to diplomatically manage the territorial disputes of the South China Sea, so we urge China not to move unilaterally in ways that are provocative.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
NATO can play a maritime role in terms of assisting operation Sophia in order to prevent illegal migration, illegal human trafficking from taking place, there was a unanimous sense in the discussions we had today that NATO could help.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
There was a unanimous sense in the discussions we had today that NATO could help.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Relevant authorities are doing everything they can to try and find out what the facts are of what happened today. I have no more knowledge than others at this point with respect to those facts.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Banks in Europe are allowed to open accounts for Iran; banks in Europe are allowed to do business; banks in Europe can fund programs, lend money, that's absolutely open for business as long as it's not a designated entity. Period. Very simple.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We want to make it clear that legitimate business, which is clear under the definition of the agreement, is available to banks.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The ISSG will formally come together to build on what we did with the Russians in terms of this agreement and to talk about all kinds of things, ranging from duration, to enforcement to the political process.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The line they are trying to draw now would prohibit any kind of incursion of Aleppo, it will not allow Aleppo to fall, if Assad does not adhere to this, there will clearly be repercussions, and one of them may be the total destruction of the ceasefire and then go back to war. I don't think Russia wants that.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We're getting closer to a place of understanding, but we have some work to do, and that's why we're here.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I think more could happen faster. More should happen faster. But I'm not surprised. Nobody expected that. This has been 50-plus years of the status quo ... but there are changes that are in place for the positive, if you look at our engagement with other authoritarian regimes around the world through history, have they changed overnight?
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Many Americans still feel a sense of anxiety about TPP and T-TIP. In fact, they've been revved up to have some anxiety about anything related to trade.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I don’t have any solid information, any documentation with respect to what weapon might or might not have been used. There are questions being asked, whatever weapons are being used, our preference is that all shooting stops.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The key right now is whether Assad is capable of negotiating in good faith, and we have to put that to the test.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I don't see any way possible for Assad to remain because there is no way to end the war while he is there, there is no way to end the violence, there is no way for him to unify the country.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We want to see an ultimate resolution of the frozen conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh that needs to be a negotiated settlement and something that has to be worked on over time.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The United States is praying and grieving with you for the loved ones of those cruelly taken from us, including Americans, and for the many who were injured in these despicable attacks, the United States stands firmly with Belgium and with the nations of Europe in the face of this tragedy.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The United States stands firmly with Belgium and with the nations of Europe in the face of this tragedy.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Russia will have to speak itself as to what it is going to choose to do in order to help Mr Assad make the right decisions, but we agreed today that we will accelerate the effort to try to move the political process forward, i believe that Russia is fully engaged in this effort and all of us are going to try and get President Assad to make the right decision over these next days to engage in a political process that results in a genuine transition.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
It's fair to say three weeks ago there were very, very few people who believed a cessation of hostilities was possible in Syria, the result of that work has produced some progress. There has been a fragile (yet) nevertheless beneficial reduction in violence.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
It's fair to say three weeks ago there were very very few people who believed a cessation of hostilities was possible in Syria, the result of that work has produced some progress. There has been a fragile nevertheless beneficial reduction in violence.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
I urge the Government of Egypt to work with civic groups to ease restrictions on association and expression and to take action to allow these and other human rights NGOs to operate freely.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The fact is that Daesh kills Christians because they are Christians. Yazidis because they are Yazidis. Shi'ites because they are Shi'ites.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
This is a moment to seize, not waste, we have at this moment the ability to finally take a step towards ending this war and the bloodshed.
Found on CNN 8 years ago
The fact is that his strongest sponsors, Iran and Russia, have both adopted at the United Nations ... an approach which dictates that there must be a political transition, and that we must move towards a presidential election at some point in time, if the regime and its backers think that they can test the boundaries, diminish compliance in certain areas or act in ways that call into question their commitment to the cessation, without serious consequences for the progress that we have made, they are deeply mistaken.
Found on CNN 8 years ago
President Assad is singing on a completely different song sheet and sent his foreign minister out yesterday to try to act as a spoiler and take off the table what President Putin and the Iranians have agreed to.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
We're talking about any number of different ways to try to change the situation on the ground in an effort to try to generate some confidence, so we are listening carefully to the French proposal.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Obviously we're all looking for a way forward. The United States and State John Kerry remain deeply committed to a two state solution. United States is absolutely essential.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
There's not any one country or one person who can resolve this. This is going to require the global community, it will require international support.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
So President Putin, who is invested in supporting Assad, with an enormous commitment - and it has made a difference obviously on the battlefield - should be somewhat concerned about the fact that President Assad sent his foreign minister out yesterday to try and act as a spoiler, to take off the table something that President Putin and Iran had committed to, this is a moment of truth, a moment where all of us have to be responsible.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
It's important now for those who support President Assad to make sure that he is living up to this agreement, and therefore, as a result that they are living up to this agreement too.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Just this morning, I woke to the news that we had lost two local employees in Peshawar who worked with our consulate there who were going out on a effort to eradicate narcotics fields, an IED exploded and several were lost; a few of the soldiers who were there to guard them also.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
An IED exploded and several were lost; a few of the soldiers who were there to guard them also.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are currently doing what I have to do, which is review very carefully the legal standards and precedents.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
There is a process ongoing right now making an analysis under the law, i have to make this judgment, and I am prepared to make it and make it soon.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Our estimates are it's somewhere in the vicinity of $50 to $55 billion at some point in time but it's way below that right now. and in fact, they are complaining about the slowness with which there has been a process of repatriation.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There's still some difficult issues to resolve in the context of the agreement, and we're encouraging that process.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We're very serious about that, this is a critical moment for South Sudan's survival and it's important for people who hold themselves up to be leaders to actually lead.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This is a critical moment for South Sudan's survival and it's important for people who hold themselves up to be leaders to actually lead.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I may be down there in the next week or two to have a human rights dialogue, specifically.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are closer to a ceasefire today than we have been, and I take nothing for granted about this.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
And I believe that in the conversation that we had, we have reached a provisional agreement in principle on the terms of a cessation of hostilities that could begin in the coming days.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have reached a provisional agreement in principle on the terms of a cessation of hostilities that could begin in the coming days, the modalities for a cessation of hostilities are now being completed. In fact, we are closer to a ceasefire today than we have been.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The modalities for a cessation of hostilities are now being completed. In fact, we are closer to a ceasefire today than we have been.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I do not believe that in the next few days, during which time we try to bring this into effect, there is somehow going to be a tipping point with respect to what is happening on the ground ... The opposition has made clear their determination to fight back.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There is every evidence, every day that there has been an increase of militarization of one kind or another. It's of serious concern, we have had these conversations with the Chinese and I am confident that over the next days we will have further very serious conversation on this.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
All indications suggest or tell us that our sailors were well taken care of.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
If the Assad regime does not live up to its responsibilities and if the Iranians and the Russians do not hold Assad to the promises that they have made ... then the international community obviously is not going to sit there like fools and watch this. There will be an increase of activity to put greater pressure on them, there is a possibility there will be additional ground troops.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I'm pleased to say that as a result today in Munich, we believe we have made progress on both the humanitarian front and the cessation of hostilities front, and these two fronts, this progress, has the potential -- fully implemented, fully followed through on -- to be able to change the daily lives of the Syrian people, first, we have agreed to accelerate and expand the delivery of humanitarian aid beginning immediately.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
First, we have agreed to accelerate and expand the delivery of humanitarian aid beginning immediately.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
First, we have agreed to accelerate and expand the delivery of humanitarian aid beginning immediately, second, we have agreed to implement a nationwide cessation of hostilities to begin in a target of one week's time. That's ambitious, but everybody is determined to move as rapidly as possible to try to achieve this.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
What we have here are words on paper. What we need to see in the next few days are actions on the ground.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
At some point in time, we want to make progress on the issues of humanitarian access and ceasefire, we'll talk about all aspects.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Obviously, at some point in time, we want to make progress on the issues of humanitarian access and ceasefire, rISKS BEING ENDLESS.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This meeting will tell a lot about the road ahead, we are all very, very aware of how critical this moment is, and The Russians needs to contribute in significant ways to sustaining the ability of the opposition and others to come to the table and create an atmosphere within which you can actually have a negotiation.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Russia's activities in Aleppo and in the region right now are making The Russians much more difficult to be able to come to the table and to be able to have a serious conversation.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It's causing a humanitarian catastrophe, it is strengthening the regime of Assad, and all that does is fuel extremists on both sides of the sectarian divide.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Russia's activities from Aleppo and in the region are making it much more difficult to be able to come to the table and be able to have a serious conversation.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Over the course of the next week it may become possible to try to engage in some productive conversations about how to bring that conflict to a close.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have agreed that we are engaged in a discussion about how to implement the ceasefire specifically as well as some immediate, possible confidence-building steps to deliver humanitarian assistance.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
That country has resources. The last thing in the world you want is a false caliphate with access to billions of dollars of oil revenue.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
In Libya, we are on the brink of getting a government of national unity, that country has resources. The last thing in the world you want is a false caliphate with access to billions of dollars of oil revenue.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are still not at the victory that we want to achieve, and will achieve, in either Syria or Iraq and we have seen Daesh playing a game of metastasizing out to other countries, particularly Libya.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
At the time of out last ministerial, Ramadi had just fallen and there was a pretty dark and dangerous narrative that was emerging.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I raised it immediately with the Iranians. It was not put out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the government directly, it was put out, I think, by the military over there, the (Revolutionary Guard), who is opposed to what we are doing.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
This is threat to any nation in the world, but particularly we in the United States understand what his purpose is and therefore it is a threat the United States must take extremely seriously, the United States will do what is necessary to protect people in our country and our friends and allies in the world.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The United States will do what is necessary to protect people in our country and our friends and allies in the world.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
One is the nuclear program of the DPRK, North Korea, a major challenge to global security, one of the most important issues for the security of the United States of America.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Clearly we have several important issues that we need to find the way forward on.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The second issue is of course concerns and activities in the South China Sea.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It is particularly important that Laos finds itself playing a critical role within ASEAN, and ASEAN itself is critical to upholding the rules-based system in the Asia-Pacific and ensuring that every country, big and small, has a say in addressing the matters of shared concern, we want everybody to have a voice within the region without regards to size, power and clout.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
He was very clear he wants a unified ASEAN and he wants maritime rights protected, and he wants to avoid militarization and to avoid conflict.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
They have to be serious. If they are not serious, war will continue. Up to them - you can lead a horse to water; you can't make it drink, we have created a framework; the Syrians have the ability to decide the future of Syria.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I don’t know where this is coming from. Maybe it’s a pressure thing or an internal political thing, but that is not the situation, they are the negotiators; so they will decide the future. What I did tell them is that it’s by mutual consent. You have a veto, so does he, so you are going to have to decide how to move forward here.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
They are the negotiators; so they will decide the future. What I did tell them is that it’s by mutual consent. You have a veto, so does he, so you are going to have to decide how to move forward here.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
None of us are under any illusions that obstacles don't still exist to trying to seek a political settlement in Syria, we know its tough. If it were easy, it would have happened a long time ago.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I won't announce a date, but we all agreed that immediately after completion of the first round of the Syria discussions, the International Syria Support Group will convene, and that will be very shortly, because we want to keep the process moving.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Now we have the ability to begin to work together to address the concerns that Saudi Arabia and other countries have and that we have.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The relationship between the United States and the GCC nations is one that is built on mutual interest, on mutual defense, and I think there is no doubt whatsoever in the minds of the countries that make up the GCC that the United States will stand with them against any external threat.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The United States remains concerned about some of the activities that Iran is engaged in in other countries.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We are quite confident that there is a way to invite the various interested stakeholders that provides for cohesion and the ability to make the process move forward.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have to acknowledge in all quarters of leadership that the plagues of violent extremism, greed, lust for power and sectarian exploitation often find their nourishment where governments are fragile and leaders are incompetent or dishonest.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We were on the cusp of confrontation. I can't tell you how many leaders, as I traveled through certain areas, told me, 'You've got to bomb it,'.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Every country in the region opposes Daesh, and even governments that disagree on other issues acknowledge the war must end and a diplomatic solution must be found.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
And I believe that with effort and with bona-fide legitimate intent to solve the problem on both sides, it is possible in these next months to find those Minsk agreements implemented and to get to a place where sanctions can be appropriately, because of the full implementation, removed.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think that by the end of 2016, our goal of very seriously denting Daesh ...will be achieved. I think we are on track.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think that some of it will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of which are labeled terrorists, you know, to some degree, I'm not going to sit here and tell you that every component of that can be prevented.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have made it very clear that we use sanctions when we think they are appropriate in order to counter behavior that we believe has broken the law or has challenged the United Nations Security Council or threatened the United States, and we stand by our sanctions, we think they have been used judiciously and effectively and we are looking to move on now to put to test the willingness of Iran and other countries in the region to try to reduce tensions and move in a different direction.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I feel horrible for the family, the Iranians have agreed to continue to try to help us find the whereabouts. Whatever may or may not have happened to Bob Levinson, we are going to continue that effort.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I told Javad (Zarif), look she's on the list and is part of the agreement. He said absolutely, and he assigned four people to it and got onto it immediately, before I left last night and got onto the plane, we had complete clarity that she was going to leave, no issue, it just was a glitch. These things happen.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
He is specifically mentioned by name in the agreement and there is an agreement to specifically cooperate to find him, we have gone to other countries, we have involved other people, there have been all kinds of clues that have come in and they have even followed up on.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have gone to other countries, we have involved other people, there have been all kinds of clues that have come in and they have even followed up on, with the cooperation of the Iranians we are making our very best effort to get information regarding him.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It was very complicated because there were lots of different pieces at stake and moving parts.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think we can all imagine how a similar situation might have played out three or four years ago, and the fact that today this kind of issue can be resolved peacefully and efficiently is a testament to the critical role diplomacy plays in keeping our country safe, secure, and strong.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Just yesterday, the foreign minister (of Iran) reported to me that the calandria of the plutonium nuclear reactor is now out and in the next hours it will be filled with concrete and destroyed.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Today, in my conversation with the Chinese, I made it very clear that has not worked and we cannot continue business as usual.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
China had a particular approach that it wanted to make, that we agreed and respected to give them space to implement that, today, in my conversation with the Chinese, I made it very clear that has not worked and we cannot continue business as usual.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
China had a particular approach that it wanted to make, that we agreed and respected to give them space to implement that, today in my conversation with the Chinese I made it very clear that has not worked and we can not continue business as usual.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are days away from implementation if all goes well.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
The foreign minister made it clear to me they intend to complete their obligations with respect to implementation day as rapidly as possible, we are currently engaged ourselves in making certain that we're prepared to move on that day. And I think it could come -- without being specific -- sooner rather than later.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I am also confident that the recent changes in visa requirements passed in Congress, which the Administration has the authority to waive, will not in any way prevent us from meeting our [ nuclear deal ] commitments, and that we will implement Top Tehran officials so as not to interfere with legitimate business interests of Iran.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
We are under no illusions about the obstacles that exist, there obviously remain sharp differences within the international community, especially about the future of President Assad.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
You can't defeat Daesh without also de-escalating the fight in Syria.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
With regard to Syria ... together the United States and Russia have the ability to make a significant difference.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I look forward to making real progress, i think the world benefits when powerful nations with a long history with each other have the ability to be able to find common ground.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think the world benefits when powerful nations with a long history with each other have the ability to be able to find common ground.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Clearly, the social media has placed a whole new burden and a whole new set of questions, but not impossible ones to resolve, and I think we need to look at this very, very carefully -- which is what we're doing -- before we jump to any wholesale prohibition without understanding what the implications may be.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
There are some questions, and obviously in our judgment, some kinks to be worked out. I am confident they will be worked out.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The meeting in Saudi Arabia appears to be very constructive at this point ... but I think everybody is moving in the direction that they want to rapidly get to a political process, so we made progress but we have some tough issues to get over.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
So we made progress but we have some tough issues to get over.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are going to do our part, we will not leave the most vulnerable nations among us to weather the storm alone.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I’m ... traveling to Moscow in a week and will be meeting with him (Putin) and with Foreign Minister Lavrov on the subject of Syria and on Ukraine, they have helped us in this process. Russia has been constructive in helping the Vienna process to take place, to be successful, and I think they want a political settlement there.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I will be traveling to Moscow in a week and will be meeting with him (Putin) and (Russian Foreign Minister Sergei) Lavrov on Syria and on Ukraine, if we can join interests sufficiently to understand there is a positive outcome for all of us in saving Syria and getting a political settlement ... it'll be absolutely enormous. And that is why I'm going.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We ... talked about Syria and the need for the U.N. negotiations to be able to begin, and hopefully for a ceasefire to be ale to take effect, when and if we can achieve that, it is our plan to try and attend and have a meeting in New York on Dec. 18.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The governments involved are going to meet later in this month in New York in order to continue to move this process forward.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Nearly all of Area C, which comprises 60 percent of the West Bank, is effectively restricted for any Palestinian development.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
In recent months, it has become clear that the ground really is shifting and tangible progress is being made.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
A united Cyprus will stand as a beacon of hope in a tumultuous part of the world.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think we know that without the ability to find some ground forces that are prepared to take on Daesh, this will not be won completely from the air.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Our hope and prayer is that indeed Russia and Iran will stay committed to the concept of a transition that really legitimizes governance in Syria in a way that can bring about a ceasefire and in a way that can bring an end to the conflict, that is not regime change, that is Assad change.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The government of Iraq was of course briefed in advance of Secretary Carter's announcement, we will continue to work very, very closely with our Iraqi partners on exactly who would be deployed, where they would be deployed, what kinds of missions people would undertake, how they would support Iraqi efforts to degrade and destroy ISIL.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There are various ways in which countries can contribute. They don't necessarily have to be troops (engaged in) kinetic action.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
President Erdogan is completely committed and ready to proceed with Turkish forces, and in cooperation with others, to help guarantee that the remaining portion of the border is sealed.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
NATO is not a threat to anyone ... it is a defensive alliance, it is simply meant to provide security, it is not focused on Russia or anyone else.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are very concerned about the violence and the potential for the situation to spin out of control.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If certain entities perceive that whatever we're doing is going to help Assad to stay, that complicates issues, so it has to be done in a way that manages the passions ... among people who have been fighting Assad for four years.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have to cut off the notion of success in Daesh that attracts people elsewhere to want to affiliate with them, and then Daesh gets a cheapie - someone who is already a terrorist does something in their name, the key is destroy Daesh rapidly in Syria and in Iraq, and that will have a profound impact of what happens in these other places.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are going to defeat Daesh. We always said it will take time, we began our fight against al Qaeda in 2001 and it took us quite a few years before we were able to eliminate Osama bin Laden and the top leadership and neutralize them as an effective force. We hope to do Daesh much faster than that and we think we have an ability to do that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We began our fight against al Qaeda in 2001 and it took us quite a few years before we were able to eliminate Osama bin Laden and the top leadership and neutralize them as an effective force. We hope to do Daesh much faster than that and we think we have an ability to do that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The Syrians themselves will negotiate that, but it's Syrians who have to resolve and decide the future of Syria itself.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
But it's Syrians who have to resolve and decide the future of Syria itself.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There's something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that. There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of -- not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, 'OK, they're really angry because of this and that,'.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
At the moment, it’s matter of making certain we are hitting the right targets and we are not running any risk of conflict among ourselves, but it’s possible that if the political process moves more rapidly, there could be greater level of exchange of information and so forth.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The impact of the war bleeds into all of our nations, it is time for the bleeding in Syria to stop.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We still differ, obviously, on the issue of what happens with Bashar al-Assad, but we are relying on the political process itself, led by Syrians, which it will be going forward, and the Syrians negotiating with Syrians; that that can help bring a close to this terrible chapter.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's not a coincidence that immediately prior to the civil war in Syria, the country experienced its worst drought on record. As many as 1.5 million people migrated from Syria's farms to its cities, intensifying the political unrest that was just beginning to roil and boil in the region.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It would be better for all of us if I was exaggerating the urgency of this threat, but the science tells us unequivocally that those who continue to make climate change a political fight put us all at risk.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
To preserve and protect Tunisia’s emerging democracy and growing prosperity, expanding the security cooperation is going to be essential.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
President Obama, at the very beginning, said we're going to degrade and defeat ISIL. We're going to stabilize the countries in the region -- Jordan, Lebanon, work with Turkey -- and we are going to seek a political settlement, that is exactly the strategy today and it is working -- to a degree -- not as fast as we would like, perhaps, but we are making gains.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It is precisely through this political process that we can, for the first time, marshal the support of the entire international community against a single common enemy -- Daesh.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
If the agreement is not legally binding, there won't be an agreement, because that would mean it would be impossible to verify or control the undertakings that are made.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If we can better identify the 'red flags' of risk around the world, we can better target our diplomacy and development assistance to enable those nations to become more resilient and more secure – and less likely to devolve into full-fledged wars and humanitarian crises.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I emphasized the United States' commitment to work with Tajikistan and other countries ... to strengthen border security.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have concerns (about Afghanistan) that we need to work on together.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I emphasized the United States' commitment to work with Tajikistan and other countries... to strengthen border security.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It really depends a lot on the choices that Russia makes about whether it is there to find the political solution or whether it is there to simply support the Assad regime.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
President Obama has made a very strong and forceful and simple decision entirely in keeping with his originally stated policy that we must defeat and destroy Daesh, it is not a decision to enter into Syria's civil war. It is not an action focused on (Syrian President Bashar) Assad, it focused exclusively on Daesh and in augmenting our ability to rapidly attack Daesh.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It is not a decision to enter into Syria's civil war. It is not an action focused on (Syrian President Bashar) Assad, it focused exclusively on Daesh and in augmenting our ability to rapidly attack Daesh.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are consulting with the government of Iraq to ascertain the full extent of this unprovoked attack.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
While finding a way forward on Syria will not be easy -- it's not going to be automatic -- it is the most promising opportunity for a political opening we have seen, what that transitional government could look like, who would be part of it, how they would meet and at what frequency -- all of this is up in the air.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The challenge that we face in Syria today is nothing less than to chart a course out of hell.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
At the end of the day, nothing would do more to bolster the fight against Daesh than a political transition that sidelines Assad so that we can unite more of the country against extremism.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The hard work of shaping that transition (in Syria) requires an international approach and a consistent approach.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Today I hope we can begin to turn the page on this very difficult period.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
One thing stands in the way of being able to rapidly move to implement that, and it’s a person called Assad – Bashar al-Assad.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It is absolutely critical to end all incitement, to end all violence and to find a road forward to build the possibility, which is not there today, for a larger process.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I'll be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu either in Germany or in the region, and I will be meeting with President Abbas and meeting with [Jordanian] King Abdullah and others.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I look forward to these meetings as an opportunity to try to pull people back from a precipice and try to move down a road, because everybody understands that in the end, it requires a political solution, it requires two states living side-by-side in peace with two peoples appropriately honored with their countries, and with security.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It will get done in its appropriate moment but I would like to see it done as fast as possible.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I don't have specific expectations except to try to move things forward, that will depend on the conversations themselves as to what it is that we're able to define in the context of steps that might be taken so people understand that in fact leaders are leading and making a serious effort to try and resolve the current ... conflict.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Israel understands the importance of the status quo and ... our objective is to make sure that everyone understands what that means.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This is a human catastrophe unfolding before our eyes and it is a catastrophe that now threatens the integrity of a whole group of countries throughout the region.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I will be coming back in a few days and will meet with leaders from Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Jordan to work through real and tangible options that could perhaps reignite a political process and bring about a political transition in Syria.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I don't have specific expectations except to try to move things forward, and that will depend on the conversations themselves.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Israel understands the importance of the status quo and ... our objective is to make sure that everyone understands what that means (...) We are not seeking a new change or outsiders to come in, I don't think Israel or Jordan wants that and we're not proposing it. What we need is clarity.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We need every country on the same page, pushing an ambitious, durable and inclusive agreement that will finally put us on the path toward a global clean-energy future.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I'm not suggesting the crisis in Syria was caused by climate change ... but the devastating drought made a bad situation a whole lot worse.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There's been a massive increase in settlements over the course of the last years, now you have this violence because there's a frustration that is growing, and a frustration among Israelis who don't see any movement.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I will go there soon, at some point appropriately, and try to work to reengage and see if we can't move that away from this precipice.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It will provide new and meaningful access for American companies, large and small, this agreement will level the playing field for American businesses and workers.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
Had Turkey responded ... it could have resulted in a shootdown, and it is precisely the kind of thing we warned against.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There is literally too much money chasing too few fish.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
What I learned in Vietnam was pretty simple, it was a war in which too many of my friends died and died, I believed, under circumstances that might have been averted had different choices been made by people in positions of responsibility.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
If they're there to support the Syrian President Bashar al Assad regime, Russia has made a catastrophic mistake because they will be siding with Syrian President Bashar al Assad, with Iran, and with Hezbollah against the entire rest of the community in that part of the world.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It was a war in which too many of my friends died and died, I believed, under circumstances that might have been averted had different choices been made by people in positions of responsibility.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have conducted a number of strikes against ISIL targets in Syria over the past 24 hours including just an hour ago. These strikes will continue.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Everybody understands that Syria is at stake, and the world is looking rapidly for some kind of resolution, we are looking for a way to try to get to a point where we can manage a transition and have agreement on the outcome and State John Kerry could resolve it.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There was agreement that Syria should be a unified country, united, that it needs to be secular, that ISIL( Islamic State) needs to be taken on, and that there needs to be a managed transition.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
They are both in the position, in exchange perhaps for something that we might do, they might decide to keep Assad from dropping barrel bombs.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I view this week as a major opportunity for any number of countries to play an important role in trying to resolve some of the very difficult issues of the Middle East.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I think we have concerns about how we are going to go forward.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I view this week as a major opportunity for any number of countries to play an important role in trying to resolve some of the very difficult issues (of) the Middle East, we need to achieve peace and a way forward in Syria, in Yemen, in the region itself (and) I think there are opportunities this week, through these discussions, to make some progress.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
The Secretary also raised our concerns over the ongoing crises in Yemen and Syria.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
We need to achieve peace and a way forward in Syria, in Yemen, in the region itself (and) I think there are opportunities this week, through these discussions, to make some progress.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
I view this week as a major opportunity for any number of countries to play an important role in trying to resolve some of the very difficult issues (of) the Middle East, we need to achieve peace and a way forward in Syria, in Yemen ... in the region.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We need to achieve peace and a way forward in Syria, in Yemen ... in the region.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
These actions could provoke a further escalation of the conflict and lead to the loss of more innocent lives, increasing the flow of refugees and risking a confrontation with the anti-ISIS (Islamic State) coalition operating in Syria.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We agreed on a joint initiative to train troops in six African countries before they deploy to U.N. peacekeeping missions, this responds to a growing need for effective, professional, international peacekeeping in regions of conflict.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Both of our governments are firmly committed to reaching a truly meaningful, truly comprehensive, and truly ambitious climate agreement in Paris later this year, that is absolutely critical.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This responds to a growing need for effective, professional, international peacekeeping in regions of conflict.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
For the moment it is the judgment of our military and experts that the level and type represents basically force protection.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Everybody is seized by the urgency. We have been all along but the migration levels and continued destruction, the danger of potential augmentation by any unilateral moves puts a high premium on diplomacy at this moment.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I'm not taking that at face value, because we look at the type of airplanes or the type of munitions and so forth, and it obviously raises much more serious questions about what is happening.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The Russians proposed ... that we have military-to-military conversation ...to discuss what precisely what will be done to deconflict with respect to any potential risks that might be run and to have a complete and clear understanding as to the road ahead and what the intentions are.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are committed to increasing the number of refugees we take and we are looking hard at the number we can specifically manage with respect to the crisis in Syria and Europe and their migration today.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I believe that the President has made it clear he wants the United States -- which has always taken a leadership role with respect to humanitarian issues and particularly refugees -- to be able to do what we can, we are committed to increasing the number of refugees we take and we are looking hard at the number we can specifically manage with respect to the crisis in Syria and Europe and their migration today.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
No, I assure you that we will be coordinating very, very closely with Israel as we do on every aspect of Israel's security, i don't see any way possible that we will be in conflict with Israel with respect to what we might want to do there. And I think we just have to wait until we get to that point.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We remain convinced the people of Cuba would be best served by a genuine democracy, where people are free to choose their leaders, we will continue to urge the Cuban government to fulfill its obligations under U.N. and Inter-American human rights covenants.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There is no way Congress is going to vote to lift the embargo if they're not moving with respect to issues of conscience.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We will continue to urge the Cuban government to fulfill its obligations under U.N. and Inter-American human rights covenants.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think the merits are very, very strong and I think the president does too.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
They said to me, 'If we can get this deal done, then we're ready to sit down and talk about the regional issues and we may be able to work things in different places,'.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Spying has taken place for centuries, and the latest means of spying is to be going after peoples' cyber, companies spend billions of dollars to protect themselves, the United States government does the same. We are deeply involved in fighting back against this on a daily basis.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Unfortunately, we're living in a world where a number of countries, China and Russia included, have consistently been engaged in cyberattacks against American interests, against American government.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It's very possible ... and I certainly write things with that awareness.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The arms embargo is not tied to snapback, it is tied to a separate set of obligations. So they are not in material breach of the nuclear agreement for violating the arms piece of it.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We're not dependent on the U.N. to do that and I think Israel and others are much happier that we're not, we will depend on our own intel community, on our own military, on our own information, we will work with Israel, we will work with others.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There is a specific U.N. resolution outside of this agreement that prohibits them from sending weapons to Hezbollah. There is a separate and specific U.N. resolution that prohibits them from sending weapons to the Shia militia in Iraq.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Progress on human rights and the rule of law will provide the foundation for a deeper and more sustainable strategic partnership, only you can decide the pace and direction of the process.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Is there room for further improvement ? Yes, we will continue to urge Vietnam to reform certain laws that may have been used to arrest... somebody for expressing a peaceful point of view.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There are basic principles we will defend : No one should be punished for speaking their mind so long as they are peaceful.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Truong Tan Sang couldn't have been more clear about how important it is( to Vietnam's leaders) to respect the rights of their people.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
One of the very important things now is for us to be able to stay where we are on the TPP negotiations, not to slide backwards, but to finish that job in which Vietnam is very much an important contributor to.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We also talked about the UN Resolution and indeed. I believe reached an agreement that should try to see that resolution voted on shortly, which will create a process of accountability which has been missing.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Let me just be crystal clear, because I am the person who approved this, I personally signed off on it, I had zero conversation with anyone in the administration about the Trans Pacific partnership relative to this decision.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Obviously the Congress has a right … they have every right in the world to take a look to see whether or not it's being implemented in the way Congress intended. I am absolutely confident in the work that our TIP (Trafficking in Persons) team does, which literally takes an entire year to do.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We express our hopes that the impact of this can obviously be dealt with minimal further loss of life and disruption.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
As with any complex negotiation ... there remain details to be hashed out, last week in Hawaii, we made good progress in our negotiations.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Last week in Hawaii, we made good progress in our negotiations.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There can be absolutely no question that if the Vienna plan is fully implemented, it will make Egypt and all the countries of this region safer than they otherwise would be or were.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Iran has agreed to refrain from producing or acquiring highly enriched uranium and weapons-grade plutonium for nuclear weapons forever, when it comes to verification and monitoring, there is absolutely no sunset in this agreement. Not in 10 years, not in 15 years, not in 20 years, not in 25 years - no sunset ever.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
What this agreement is supposed to do is stop them from having a nuclear weapon. Now I want to hear somebody tell me how they're going to do that without this agreement.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If we walk away, we walk away alone. Our partners are not going to be with us.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I haven't even had a conversation about it. No, not at all.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There are conclusions that have been drawn that don't in fact match with the reality of what this deal sets forth. And we happily look forward to clarifying that during the course of this hearing.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If we walk away, we walk away alone. Our partners are not going to be with us. Instead they'll walk away from the tough multilateral sanctions that brought Iran to the negotiating table in the first place.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We want to bring the Saudis in, we want to bring the Turks in, and ultimately, probably, we will have to see what the Iranians are prepared to do.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
And that's part of why we have been negotiating with Turkey in these last weeks and now have some shift in what the Turks are prepared to do, and there is also a shift in some of the things that we're engaged in.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
That'd be an enormous mistake, a huge mistake with grave consequences for Israel and for the region, and I don't think it's necessary.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Let me underscore the alternative to the deal we have reached is not -- as I've seen some ads on TV suggesting disingenuously -- it isn't a 'better deal', some sort of unicorn arrangement involving Iran's complete capitulation, that is a fantasy plain and simple, that our own intelligence community will tell you that.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Folks, they already have what they want. They got it 10 years ago or more, so this is a question of giving them what they want, this is a question of how do you hold them back.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Folks, they already have what they want. They got it 10 years ago or more, this is a question of giving them what they want, this is a question of how do you hold them back.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
This is a day we've been looking forward to because we get to really talk substance, we get to get out of the politics and into the facts.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We remain very, very hopeful that Iran will make the decision to do the right thing and to return those citizens to the United States.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The whole reason for Camp David was to bring people together around in an organizational effort to push back against Iran, we have negotiated a nuclear deal for the simple reason that we believe if you are going to push back against Iran, it's better to push back against an Iran without a nuclear weapon than with one.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I will be traveling to Doha in the next couple of weeks to meet with the whole (Gulf Cooperation Council).
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have negotiated a nuclear deal for the simple reason that we believe if you are going to push back against Iran, it's better to push back against an Iran without a nuclear weapon than with one.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We remain very, very hopeful that Iran will make the decision to do the right thing and to return those citizens to the United States, and we are consistently, constantly even now continuing to work on that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There was not a meeting that took place - not one meeting that took place, believe me that's not an exaggeration - where we did not raise the issue of our American citizens being held.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think we're getting to some real decisions, so I will say, because we have a few tough things to do, I remain hopeful. Hopeful.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
A couple of differences have been decided ... It's safe to say we have made progress.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We can’t wait forever, if the tough decisions don’t get made, we are absolutely prepared to call an end to this.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Let me assure you we would not be here continuing to negotiate just for the sake of negotiating, we're here because we believe we're making real progress toward a comprehensive deal.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We are not going to sit at the negotiating table forever. We also recognize that we shouldn't get up and leave simply because the clock strikes midnight.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We're here because we believe we're making real progress toward a comprehensive deal.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We're here because we believe we are making real progress, we will not rush and we will not be rushed.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
At this point negotiations could go either way, if hard choices get made in the next couple of days and made quickly, we could get an agreement this week. But if they are not made, we will not.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
At this point negotiations could go either way, if hard choices get made in the next couple of days and made quickly we could get an agreement this week. But if they are not made, we will not.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have in fact made genuine progress but ... we are not yet where we need to be on several of the most difficult issues, if we don't have a deal and there is absolute intransigence and unwillingness to move on the things that are important (for) us, (U.S.) President (Barack) Obama has always said we're prepared to walk away.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have some very difficult issues, but we believe we are making progress and we are going to continue to work because of that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I don’t think you heard … any scintilla, not one tiny piece, of an indication of this downward spiral, i think what you saw was ascending relationship with great clarity about the things on which we’re going to cooperate. Even as there is some disagreement about how to approach one, or two, or three issues ….
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If they are not addressed, there will not be a deal, we have been very clear that we are not going to negotiate in public.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We are not fixated on Iran specifically accounting for what they did at one point in time or another, we know what they did.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
It is critical to us to know that going forward those activities have been stopped. And that we can account for that in a legitimate way, in order to have an agreement to trigger any kind of material, significant sanctions relief, we would have to have those answers.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
The talks remain tough, and just as I have said consistently, we're not going to rush to an agreement for the sake of an agreement, and we're not going to sign an agreement that we don't believe gets the job done.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
I'm confident that (Lavrov) will raise it with him yet again.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's of enormous concern to all of us for all the obvious reasons, these are two very, very important countries, playing a critical role with respect to regional interests.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's very, very important that there be no misinterpretation or miscalculation with respect to any of the back-and-forth and the empowerment some entities might feel as a result of that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We know that the Houthis were engaged in moving some missile-launching capacity to the border and under the rules of engagement, it was always understood that if there were proactive moves by one side or another, then that would be in violation of the ceasefire agreement, saudi Arabia, under the rules of engagement, took action. We continue to support the idea of extending the humanitarian pause, but I think under the circumstances at the moment that would be difficult.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
To date, to this moment, particularly with recent provocations, it is clear the DPRK is not even close to meeting that standard, instead it continues to pursue nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
John has always – intuitively, instinctively – gravitated toward diplomacy, and I know that he is looking forward to that focus as he retires from the Navy and moves into civilian life.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There was strong agreement among all of the NATO members that this is a critical moment for action by Russia and by the separatists to live up to the Minsk agreement, and that it is critical to be able to get the OSCE into areas of conflict. It is important to end the conflict in those areas, particularly in Shyrokyne, (they) need to try to come to an agreement on a ceasefire. We need to see the full implementation of Minsk.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
And that it is critical to be able to get the OSCE into areas of conflict. It is important to end the conflict in those areas, particularly in Shyrokyne, (they) need to try to come to an agreement on a ceasefire. We need to see the full implementation of Minsk.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Defining ... a clearer defense arrangement between the GCC and other friendly countries and the United States is going to be critical to helping to push back against the terrorism and violence and some of the other activities that take place in that region that are unsettling all of those countries.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
As long as that is yet untested and unfailed ... all of us have hopes that Yemen can find a path forward, it is not going to be easy, many things have to happen.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I will certainly urge that everybody do their part to try to reduce the violence and allow the negotiations to begin in a way that will protect the interests of Yemenis.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The Saudi shift ... was predicated on the notion that people would freeze in place, but what happened was the Houthi began to take advantage of the absence of air campaign, moving not only additionally on Aden, but moving in other parts of the country.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Yemen's future should be decided by Yemenis ... not by external parties and proxies.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Yesterday there was a compromise reached in Washington regarding congressional input, we are confident about our ability for the president to negotiate an agreement, and to do so with the ability to make the world safer.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
We are confident about our ability for the president to negotiate an agreement, and to do so with the ability to make the world safer.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
These depraved acts are an assault on the heritage of the Iraqi and Syrian people by an organization with a bankrupt and toxic ideology, the Iraqi government recently nominated Nimrud to be placed on UNESCO's list of World Heritage sites. In contrast,( ISIS') twisted goal is clear : to eviscerate a culture and rewrite history in its own brutal image.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We are working very hard to work those through. We are working late into the night and obviously into tomorrow. We are working with a view to get something done, there is a little more light there today, but ?there are still some tricky issues. Everyone knows the meaning of tomorrow.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Covert, of course, is the hardest, you need to have verification and intrusive inspection to be able to find covert facilities.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
These things are obviously going to have to be resolved as we go forward, i’m not going to go into greater detail.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
Well, the talks would collapse. Iran would have the ability to go right back spinning its centrifuges and enriching to the degree they want... And the sanctions will not hold.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
We don't want just any deal, if we had, we could have announced something a long time ago.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
It's time to make hard decisions, we want the right deal that would make the world, including the United States and our closest allies and partners, safer and more secure. And that is our test.
Found on FOX News 9 years ago
We are not rushing ... but we recognize that fundamental decisions have to be made now and they don't get any easier as time goes by, we have not yet reached the finish line but make no mistake we have the opportunity to try to get this right.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have not yet reached the finish line but make no mistake we have the opportunity to try to get this right.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We're pushing some tough issues but we made progress.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
What we're pushing for is to get him( Assad) to come and do that, and United States may require that there be increased pressure on him of various kinds in order to do that.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It specifically inserts itself directly to the leader of another country saying, 'Don't negotiate with these guys because we're going to change this,' it is incorrect because they cannot change an executive agreement.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have to negotiate in the end, we've always been willing to negotiate in the context of the Geneva I process.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
To get the Assad regime to negotiate, we're going to have to make it clear to him that there is a determination by everybody to seek that political outcome and change his calculation about negotiating, that's under way right now. And I am convinced that, with the efforts of our allies and others, there will be increased pressure on Assad.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We believe very much that there’s not anything that’s going to change in April or May or June that suggests that at that time a decision you can’t make now will be made then, if it's peaceful, let's get it done. And my hope is that in the next days that will be possible.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I’m not going to apologize for an unconstitutional, un-thought out action by somebody who’s been in the United States Senate for 60-something days, that's just inappropriate.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I can't tell you whether or not we can get a deal, whether we are close, the purpose of these negotiations is not just to get a deal, it is to get the right deal.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
As far as we're concerned, Congress has no ability to change an executive agreement.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
President Obama remains committed to a two-state solution.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It purports to tell the world that if you want to have any confidence in your dealings with America, they have to negotiate with 535 members of Congress, that is both untrue and a profoundly bad suggestion to make.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
We have been clear from the beginning, we are not negotiating, a quote, legally binding plan, we are negotiating a plan that will have in it capacity for enforcement, the letter erroneously asserts this is a legally binding plan. It is not. We don't even have diplomatic relations with Iran.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
When it says that Congress could actually modify the terms of an agreement at any time is flat wrong, you don't have the right to modify an agreement reached executive to executive between leaders of a country.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It is incorrect when it says that Congress can actually modify terms of an agreement at any time. That is flat wrong.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It is incorrect when (the letter) says that Congress can actually modify the terms of an agreement at any time. That is flat wrong.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We have a critical couple of weeks ahead of us, but we are not feeling a sense of urgency that we have to get any deal. We have to get the right deal.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
We have a lot to do over the next two years ... whether it is continuing the Iran nuclear talks, defining ?the path forward with India, our upcoming strategic dialogue with China (and) our efforts to normalize relations with Cuba.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Even as we engage in these discussions with Iran around its nuclear program, we will not take our eye off of Iran’s other destabilizing actions in places like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula, Yemen particularly.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Doing so would make it more difficult to reach the goal that Israel and others say they share in order to get to a good deal, israel’s security is absolutely at the forefront of all of our minds, but frankly so is the security of all of the other countries in the region. So is our security.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We have made some progress but we still have a long way to go and the clock is ticking, we're going to find out whether or not Iran is willing to make the hard choices that are necessary.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
You can't bomb knowledge into oblivion unless you kill everybody. You can't bomb it away, the question is, can you provide an adequate level ... of intrusive inspections, structured tough requirements, limitations, all the insights necessary to be able to know to a certainty that a program is peaceful.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We are concerned by reports that suggest selective details. of the ongoing negotiations will be discussed publicly in the. coming days.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
It must be said that the HRC’s obsession with Israel actually risks undermining the credibility of the entire organization, the United States will measure these things, I hope, fairly and dispassionately but we will oppose any effort by any group or participant in the U.N. system to arbitrarily and regularly de-legitimize or isolate Israel.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We have said again and again, no deal is better than a bad deal. We're not going to make a bad deal.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
I still stand by what I said, which is in long terms, compared to the last century, there are, in fact, fewer people dying of the means -- that you look at, by state war, violence, health, etc., but that's not what's important.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
Each time the Iraqis have now gone forward in an offensive effort, together with allies, the coalition, we have routed ISIL.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
There's a great deal of energy and effort being put into this and I am confident that over time, we will beat, we will, indeed, degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL, yes.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
Our hope is diplomacy can work. ... Given our success on the interim agreement, I believe we deserve the benefit of the doubt to find out whether or not we can get a similarly good agreement with respect to the future.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
That's one set of fairly normal negotiations with respect to movement of diplomats, access, travel, different things, the state sponsorship of terrorism designation is a separate process. It is not a negotiation. It is an evaluation that is made under a very strict set of requirements, congressionally mandated, and that has to be pursued separately.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
It is counterintuitive, but the truth is that notwithstanding the threat of ISIL, notwithstanding people being beheaded publicly and burned publicly and the atrocities that they are perpetrating. And it is a serious, serious challenge to us, notwithstanding that, there is actually less threat and less probability of people dying in some sort of violent conflict today than at any time in human history.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
Notwithstanding that, there is actually less threat and less probability of people dying in some sort of violent conflict today than at any time in human history.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
I think everybody understands that we're not going to be able to do enough under any circumstances that if Russia decides to match it and surpass it they're going to be able to do that, everybody knows that including [Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko].
Found on CNN 10 years ago
The debate is whether or not there is some weapons that could be given them to give them greater ability to defend themselves in order to prevent the creeping land grabbing that's been taking place, or at least raise the cost, that's a very legitimate discussion.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
Anybody running around right now, jumping in to say, 'Well, we don't like the deal,' or this or that, doesn't know what the deal is, there is no deal yet.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
But the fact is, if all you do is do that, you're not going to solve this problem, some secretary of state is going to be here in the future. Some president will be there. And there'll be a different acronym, and you're going to be talking about how you get rid of them. Because there's a big pool of people out there waiting to be seduced into this.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
Russia has engaged in a rather remarkable period of the most overt and extensive propaganda exercise that I've seen since the very height of cold war, and they have been persisting in their misrepresentations, lies -- whatever you want to call them -- about their activities there to my face, to the face of others, on many different occasions.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
People need to be vigilant, but not scared, travel today is safer than it's ever been.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
I don't know anybody who looks at the interim agreement and doesn't say, 'Wow this has really worked,' including [Netanyahu], who would like to see it extended, having opposed it vehemently in the beginning, calling it 'the deal of a century for Iran,'.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
There is no deal yet, and I caution people to wait and see what these negotiations produce, we have halted the progress of Tehran's nuclear program, we gained unprecedented insight into it and we expect to know soon whether or not Iran is willing to put together an acceptable and verifiable plan.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
I think the president is on the right track, and I think the evaluation that is going on now with respect to the adjustment of the troop (level) is appropriate. And the president will make his decision shortly.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Russia has engaged in an absolutely brazen and cynical process over these last days, we are talking about additional sanctions, about additional efforts, and I'm confident over the next days people will make it clear that we are not going to play this game.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
There are reasons this has gone on for years and years, if it was easy, it would've been done already.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
You have to do everything. You have to take the people off the battlefield, who are there today, but you’re kind of stupid if all you do is do that, and you don’t prevent more people from going to the battlefield.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
He stood for peaceful change and the resolution of differences through conversations – not carnage, ten years ago today, he was assassinated because some feared he might succeed.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We will judge the commitment of Russia and the separatists by their actions, not their words, as we have long said, the United States is prepared to consider rolling back sanctions on Russia when the Minsk agreements of September 2014, and now this agreement, are fully implemented.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Political interference with the Independent National Electoral Commission is unacceptable, and it is critical that the government not use security concerns as a pretext for impeding the democratic process.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Will we remain united? The answer is absolutely, positively, unequivocally we are united, we will remain united.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
It's imperative that these elections happen on time as scheduled.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
We don't view this as a zero-sum game ; we have never viewed it that way, this is not meant to be, nor should it be, a divide between East and West. This is about rule of law ; it's about the norms by which nation states behave.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
That he was murdered after his father's plea for compassion reminds all the world that this foe has no agenda other than to kill and destroy, and places no value on life, including that of fellow Muslims.
Found on CNN 10 years ago
There are a lot of different folks pushing in different directions out there, and the question is can we all pull in the same direction, that's what we're looking at.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We're trying to figure out a way to help defuse the tensions and reduce the potential for more conflict and we're exploring various possibilities to that end.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
There are a lot of different folks pushing in different directions out there, and the question is can we all pull in the same direction, that’s what we’re looking at.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We’re trying to figure out a way to help defuse the tensions and reduce the potential for more conflict and we’re exploring various possibilities to that end.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
There are a lot of different folks pushing in different directions out there, and the question is can we all pull in the same direction.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
I would urge everybody to use time to advantage and to move. Because as with any negotiation, they cannot be open-ended, i encourage movement, and the United States will absolutely do its part.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
I encourage movement, and the United States will absolutely do its part.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
If we don't lead, future generations will not forgive us, they will want to know how we together could possibly have been so blind, so ideological, so dysfunctional and, frankly, so stubborn.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
Pretty simple, folks: It's everyone's responsibility, because it's the net amount of carbon that matters, not each country's share.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
If you are a big developed nation and you are not helping to lead, you are a part of the problem, more than half of global emissions are coming from developing nations. It is imperative that they act too.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Every nation, every nation has a responsibility to do its part.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
More than half of global emissions are coming from developing nations. It is imperative that they act too.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
But what happens if the climate skeptics are wrong? Catastrophe.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
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