Quotes from the news wire:
Investors who piled in to the long-term thematic ETF continue to stick with it despite continued underperformance in 2021 in hopes that 2020 success will be repeated.
Found on Reuters 3 years ago
If there’s a large institutional investor base held within mutual funds the stock is likely to be less volatile as these are often core long-term positions. Stocks that are held more by retail investors could see hot money move in or out relatively quickly.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
If active management can hold up better than their benchmarks during this bear market, investors will be willing to pay a premium, but we expect investors to focus more on lower-cost alternatives, not willing to see the value, and ETFs will garner even more market share in the next year.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
The cost was relatively small before-hand. But now you can do so without having to think about that cost at all.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
We don't know what 2020 will bring, but it's unlikely we'll see another 26% gain again. So you might find other ways to off-set your gains in 2020.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
Unfortunately, although there have been horrific events of gun violence, it doesn't seem investors are keeping it top-of-mind.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
You can jumpstart your index fund by cutting the price, there is a Catch-22, though, as you risk reducing the profitability of such a product with that strategy.
Found on Reuters 5 years ago
This is the new level of where we are, we're in the silly stage.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
There is much less performance chasing among ESG investors, and that makes them more appealing as an investor base for companies and fund firms alike.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
The addition of Argentina and Saudi Arabia will add diversification to MSCI emerging market indices that are increasingly weighted to South Asian and tech heavy markets such as China, South Korea and Taiwan.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Investors in bond funds do not like such volatility particularly in a bond fund that is expected to generate stable income streams.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
We're of the belief that there will be greater market volatility for the duration of 2018 and while in theory that gives active managers a chance to buy in on whatever they have missed out on, that volatility could hit the better performers first.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
It's still going to be a challenge to win back investors and advisors that went toward lower-cost, more consistent index based strategies, once you've crossed that river, it's hard to come back.
Found on Reuters 6 years ago
Investors tend to view indexed ETFs as purely assets they can buy and ignore, and these changes are a reminder that investors need to regularly look inside their ETFs because the stocks and country weightings can change as the index providers refresh those indices.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
In the case of TOTL or the DoubleLine Total Return Bond Fund, mortgage exposure has not been helping as it did in the past. Consistent outperformance of an index is hard to achieve as well.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors continue to take on some credit risk through investment grade corporate bonds and greater risk with high yield bond mutual funds, rather than the lower yielding and safer government bond funds.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
U.S. equity markets have trended higher in 2016, but mutual-fund investors have been rotating away from these products, while some of this has gone into ETFs, investors appear to be getting nervous as the bull market ages.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Ironically, when U.S. equity and international equity mutual funds could have benefited from additional cash as the market sold off, investors became nervous and forced redemptions, the unknown Brexit impact has caused investor uncertainty and while the U.S. equity market recovered, clarity remains limited.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
If investors had been concerned about possible Brexit, they would have shifted away from developed international equity products last week. The data confirms that some investors were caught off guard, however, domestic equity outflows continued. But in the prior week, large- and mid-caps had the greatest redemptions. This time it was multi-cap and the 'other' style. 'Other' is a catch-all group of lots of investment styles.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors continued to favor lower-risk bond products focused on investment grade and to a lesser extent government securities than high-yield corporate bonds, to us, this is a preference for income stability in light (of) potentially higher credit default rates in the coming months.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
While collectively fixed-income mutual funds continue to gather new money, Pimco's funds have experienced significant outflows in 2015 and the redemptions have continued in 2016.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
TOTL has been the better performer in 2016 of the duo of actively managed ETFs and the one with a long-tenured management team, investors are familiar with both firms' active bond products, but the ETFs are following the same trend of their mutual fund siblings. Pimco's recent mutual fund flows problems have spilled over into the ETF market this year.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors continue to wait for more evidence of a strong record of performance under current management of Pimco Total return before reinvesting, assets have gravitated toward funds with both strong records and long tenured management both at Pimco and at other asset managers such as DoubleLine Capital.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Assets have gravitated toward funds with both strong records and long tenured management both at Pimco and at other asset managers such as DoubleLine Capital.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Amid market uncertainty, investors are focusing more on the safety that bond funds provide than the valuations, while the likelihood of a Fed funds rate hike has increased, investors believe the bond yields will move modestly higher in the next year.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Just 21 percent of large-cap funds have outperformed the S&P 500 index in the first five months, hard to justify investors returning to active funds.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Prospects for a near-term rate hike have increased creating uncertainty for bond investors.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
It is surprising to see emerging markets were the rare bright spot among equity funds as investors need to stomach great risk in strategies focused on China, India and other less developed markets.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
One week is too soon to consider it a trend, as the 'Brexit' vote nears, it will be interesting to see how investors respond to that potential risk.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
There's been stronger economic data, combined with disappointing earnings from consumer discretionary companies in the past week, investors have favored the safety of bond mutual funds over U.S. equity ones amid uncertainty.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The Federal Reserve's citing of disappointing economic data in its recent decision to hold off raising fed funds rate, investors have been focusing on the safety of investment-grade bond funds.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors have been rotating toward equity ETFs and away from equity mutual funds for a longer period of time, as investors favor a lower cost alternative.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
With continued expectations for low U.S. interest rates, investors have sought out the more favorable yield of investment-grade corporate bonds.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investor pessimism for domestic equities stems in part from low expectations for first quarter earnings season, capital IQ consensus forecasts are for an 8 percent year-over-year decline.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors were less willing to take on risk in the credit market, outflows continued for U.S. large caps, consistent with the month of March even as the S&P 500 generated stronger returns.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
A growth stock is much more likely to get a longer leash because its investors by nature are thinking ahead to what this company could become. Value fund managers by comparison are much more focused on the right now.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
The preference for international equities continued, aided we think by confidence that the European Central Bank would help stimulate the local economies.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors were willing to take on risk, they added more money to investment-grade and high-yield bonds than government bonds as signs of economic growth improved.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Investors embraced risk taking through bond funds last week, this is more than six times as much that went into government funds.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
Developed international and U.S. large cap demand drove overall equity flows higher as investors shifted back as the equity markets moved higher in late February.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Investors favored taking on credit risk through high-yield funds, breaking a long weekly drought that dates back into 2015.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
As investors have sought income portfolios in a more volatile market, they continue to seek out DoubleLine.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Both DoubleLine Total Return and DoubleLine Core Fixed Income have outperformed their respective Lipper peer groups year-to-date, adding to their strong risk-adjusted records, as investors have sought income portfolios in a more volatile market, they continue to seek out DoubleLine.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The fund continues to struggle to bring in new money even as investors sought out fixed-income products in January amid market uncertainty.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
DoubleLine Shiller Enhanced CAPE similarly outperformed in 2015 in choppy equity market and while it lost money in January, it lost less than the S&P 500 index.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
DoubleLine Total Return and DoubleLine Core Fixed income continued their strong relative performance in January, after outperforming peers in 2015, the funds have performed well with less volatility, which is particularly appealing to investors in an uncertain bond market and with a flight to quality.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The Pimco Total Return Fund is struggling to gather new assets despite the strong record in 2015 and thus far in 2016, the fund remains in a penalty box since the departure of Bill Gross despite a strong recent yet short-term record.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Energy has become a value sector and even some of those managers don't want to take on the risk.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The data has long poked holes in the merits of the average actively run stock fund outperforming. Now we are seeing shareholders vote with their feet and start to go to passive funds.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
At the end of the year Other Chinese ETFs're still going to see these products being the best performers, my fear would be investors in these products not fully understanding the risks tied to a still-emerging market.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This is quite rare to find any fund that is using this as part of their strategy.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
What we've seen this year is some of these stocks perform excellently, and some of them don't, but you're not buying this to offset the winners and the laggards in cyber security.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The fund continues to outperform peers while taking on lower interest rate risk, investors seeking fixed income remain comfortable with the DoubleLine approach that has a long record of success.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
There's a very small handful of managers who are known, and like everybody else they are getting older and sooner or later they will be retiring, at that point it's not inconceivable for investors to say I'm just going to choose a Vanguard 500 index fund from now on.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
DBLTX, which is an S&P Capital IQ five-star for its risk/reward profile and low costs, has continued to outperform its peers in 2015 and takes on less interest-rate risk. This has and should remain appealing to investors ahead of pending Federal Reserve actions.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We think given the market volatility in August, investors were comfortable moving money into a fund with a strong long-term track record under current management, dBLTX, which is an S&P Capital IQ five-star for its risk/reward profile and low costs, has continued to outperform its peers in 2015 and takes on less interest-rate risk. This has and should remain appealing to investors ahead of pending Federal Reserve actions.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Looking to their asset allocation as of July 31, the fund has 6 percent or so exposure to equity-related securities and has 20 percent in high-yield bonds while another 14 percent in non-rated bonds, this is an approach that will not benefit from a flight to quality of investment-grade corporates and Treasuries.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Looking to their asset allocation as of July 31, the fund has 6 percent or so exposure to equity-related securities and has 20 percent in high-yield bonds while another 14 percent in non-rated bonds, this is an approach that will benefit from a flight to quality of investment-grade corporates and Treasuries.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
A lot of these funds are reducing the downside or mitigating losses but investors would still have been better keeping their money in cash.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Looking to their asset allocation as of July 31, the fund has 6 percent or so exposure to equity-related securities and has 20 percent in high-yield bonds while another 14 percent in non-rated bonds, this is an approach that will benefit from a flight to quality of investment-grade corporates and Treasuries.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Based on the names and country profiles, it should seem they are offering you the same exposure, but they track different indices, their country exposure is going to be different, and that exposure difference helps explain why they perform differently. So far, the discrepancy has helped The Vanguard fund, Todd Rosenbluth said, although both funds have taken a hit since the end of June, when the Shanghai Composite Index started falling. Since then, The Vanguard fund has lost 11.65 percent, while the iShares fund has fallen 12.45 percent. Year to date, The Vanguard fund is down 6.97 percent, and the iShares fund is down 8.89 percent. Chinese shares have been falling on fears that the nation's economy may slow well beyond the 7 percent growth rate that analysts had earlier suggested would be a bottom for that market. China has moved to weaken its currency to bolster its economy and share prices. The difference between the two funds is expected to widen because the two different indexes they follow will be treating Chinese stocks differently. FTSE, the Financial Times Stock Exchange, plans to begin adding onshore Chinese equities, known as A-shares, to its broad emerging markets indexes, which Vanguard follows. The Vanguard benchmark, the FTSE Emerging Index, now has approximately 26 percent exposure to China, according to the mutual fund company. In June, Vanguard said it would begin shifting to a new FTSE index later this year. The new index will have a 29 percent exposure to China, including a 5.6 percent exposure to A-shares. MSCI Inc, however, said in June that it was not ready to include the A-shares in its two emerging market indexes.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Based on the names and country profiles, it should seem they are offering you the same exposure, but they track different indices, their country exposure is going to be different, and that exposure difference helps explain why they perform differently. So far, the discrepancy has helped The Vanguard fund, Todd Rosenbluth said, although both funds have taken a hit since the end of June, when the Shanghai Composite Index. SSEC started falling. Since then, The Vanguard fund has lost 11.65 percent, while the iShares fund has fallen 12.45 percent. Year to date, The Vanguard fund is down 6.97 percent, and the iShares fund is down 8.89 percent. Chinese shares have been falling on fears that the nation's economy may slow well beyond the 7 percent growth rate that analysts had earlier suggested would be a bottom for that market. China has moved to weaken its currency to bolster its economy and share prices. The difference between the two funds is expected to widen because the two different indexes they follow will be treating Chinese stocks differently. Financial Times Stock Exchange, the Financial Times Stock Exchange, plans to begin adding onshore Chinese equities, known as A-shares, to Financial Times Stock Exchange broad emerging markets indexes, which Vanguard follows. The Vanguard benchmark, the FTSE Emerging Index, now has approximately 26 percent exposure to China, according to the mutual fund company. In June, Vanguard said it would begin shifting to a new Financial Times Stock Exchange index later this year. The new index will have a 29 percent exposure to China, including a 5.6 percent exposure to A-shares. MSCI Inc( MSCI.N), however, said in June that it was not ready to include the A-shares in its two emerging market indexes.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
I think DoubleLine is well positioned for rising rates because they tend to have a low duration approach, but equities tend to do better than fixed income in a rising rate environment.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The fund has had relatively strong performance this year compared to Lipper peers and the Barclays Aggregate index, which we think combined with broader management resources has helped the asset base stabilize.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The first seven months of the year, the fund has continued its excellent record relative to peers and the Barclays aggregate index, we continue to believe the fund has managed the risks in the bond market well and think investors have confidence in the stable management team at Doubleline ahead of likely pending Federal Reserve policy changes.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This will impact mutual fund investors even if they have a long-term investment horizon because capital gains will now have to hit a different threshold. You could find yourself paying taxes at a higher rate even if you didn't do anything during that year.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
It's not a huge surprise that they saw big inflows since the fund has a great track record, a seasoned team and it is one of the high priority funds at BlackRock in terms of sales and distribution, the question is why are people pulling money out of unconstrained bond funds as a category at a time when you would think they would want them.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The Income Fund has continued its strong record in the first half and remains one of the better Pimco alternatives with a stable management team.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Even as bond indices declined in June and as investors prepared for pending Federal Reserve action, it is encouraging to see DoubleLine continue to gather assets.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
While at Pimco, Bill Gross had a much broader team of fixed income professionals to help with the portfolios Bill Gross was Bill Gross on, however, it is unclear if the investment approach will change, either positively or negatively.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Through May, the Janus fund declined in value this year, underperforming its peers and the Barclays Aggregate index, despite the strong brand name Bill Gross has with fixed-income investors, a fund with a short record that underperforms will face challenges gathering fresh assets.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Unlike mutual fund investors that tend to be more patient and long-term focused, those in the Pimco Total Return ETF that can trade intraday may have shorter time horizons, as an active ETF lags its peers, investors question whether the higher expense ratio is warranted. The recent underperformance likely played a role.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
If you are fully invested and the market falls, then you are going to fall with it.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
They remain primarily known as a bond shop, and assets in their bond funds have declined as investors were concerned with leadership changes... and periods of underperformance.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Bill Gross obviously has a brand that resonates with investors but to gather major assets, investors want more - more of a longer track record with more success, bill Gross makes vocal investment calls, but investors want to see it translate into long-term results.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Investors are increasingly optimistic that international markets will perform better than they did in the past.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This is a very concentrated fund and while it has companies like IBM that people have heard of, it has a mixture of small and mid cap companies that will fly below the radar for most investors.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
This is a fund that doesn't have Google, doesn't have Microsoft. This is a wholly different subset of technology than most investors are familiar with.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
The departure by Bill Gross continues to negatively impact Pimco Total Return, again, this is a slow, drawn-out bleed where institutions change managers after much debate. Outflows for Pimco are likely to continue in the months to come given decisions for some were put off from pension funds, foundations and endowments.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We've seen continually strong U.S. economic data, but yet not strong enough that it's likely to cause the Fed to act earlier in raising interest rates, that's contributing to a bullish mood for both stock and bond investors.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
If the appeal of the product is that you are in the least risky stocks, then hopefully the portfolios make the changes fast enough.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
There's not a lot of whitespace left that isn't being taken up by passive funds or well-established active funds. Unless it's a fund manager starting up his own shop, the only way for most funds to break in is to market a more sophisticated strategy.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
The concern is that this is hot money looking for a home outside of Pimco and it might not stick.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
What we've seen is that investors are either leaving traditional mutual funds and going towards ETFs, or they're staying within mutual funds and using nontraditional funds.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
The Bill Gross departure encouraged investors to rethink their investment exposure, there are few watershed moments in the mutual fund world that can even compare to the late September change.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Pimco Total Return has become a symbol of reduced interest in actively-managed funds, what we've seen is that investors are either leaving traditional mutual funds and going towards ETFs, or they're staying within mutual funds and using nontraditional funds.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Many investors use the end of the year as their chance to shift allocations or revisit their underlying fund holdings.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Unfortunately, as interest rates fell, taking on less risk actually hurt them versus their peers.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
We still think this fund is risky and there are better options to choose from, but there's still a lot of money tied to this fund.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Because it is cheap it might make sense on a short-term basis, but the performance is weak and it raises questions on whether it was chosen only because it is its own fund.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Right now investors have been rewarded despite the higher costs, but there have been times, like in 2008, when the fund has significantly underperformed its peer group.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
Usually investors like to see a three year track record.
Found on Reuters 10 years ago
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