Quotes from the news wire:
They're struggling to justify their opposition to our engagement with Iran, i understand the interest in details for a more colorful story but I don't understand what this does to the broader outlines of an agreement that has been in place for six months now.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The United States, under President Obama, has not paid a ransom to secure the release of Americans unjustly detained in Iran and we're not going to pay a ransom.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
For business interests who are considering doing business in Malaysia, they're going to be looking for signs that there is good business climate.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The U.S. commitment to that pledge is ironclad, the president renewed that commitment just two weeks ago today when he traveled to Warsaw, Poland, to attend the NATO summit.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It will confirm what we have been saying for quite some time.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
When you are focused on something as big as helping the country respond to the worst mass shooting in our nation’s history, when you are focused on something as big as safeguarding the country and combating violent extremism, it’s important not to get distracted by things that are so small.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
But the individual President Obama has put forward is somebody that Republicans have described as a consensus nominee.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
This suit represents the first time in our nation's history that Congress has been permitted to sue the executive branch over a disagreement about how to interpret a statute, it's unfortunate that Republicans have resorted to a taxpayer-funded lawsuit to re-fight a political fight that they keep losing.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I know that the president will certainly poke a little fun at himself.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We obviously are concerned about this development, because offering up support to the rebels in Yemen is something that is not at all consistent with U.N. Security Council resolutions.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I don't know whether he envisioned himself being a part of that national unity government. Obviously that would be a nonstarter for us.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The list of people invited to meet with the president in Cuba in non-negotiable, i would not be surprised if there are people on that list that the Cuban government prefer we not meet with ... but I can tell you the president is going to move forward in those meetings and have a conversation about human rights.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
You should not prompt changes to the newsroom or to a news organization's editorial policies, we call on the Turkish government to ensure full respect for due process and equal treatment under the law, and in a democratic society, critical opinions should be encouraged not silenced.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We call on the Turkish government to ensure full respect for due process and equal treatment under the law, and in a democratic society, critical opinions should be encouraged not silenced.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We will continue to redouble our efforts with our allies and partners in the region to try to limit Iran's ability to continue to develop their missile program.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president ... gave everyone in the room, Democrats and Republicans, the opportunity to put forward their own suggestions for potential Supreme Court nominees, the president didn't guarantee that he would choose that person, but the president did indicate that he would take seriously any recommendations that either Democrats or Republicans had to put forward.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We'll have to see if Republicans are also committed to that kind of serious conversation, maybe they won't be, and if they aren't, then maybe it will be a shorter-than-expected meeting.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Since 1875, a president's nominee has never been denied a hearing unless that president later withdrew that nomination.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It's critically important that we follow through on those efforts and it would be profoundly unwise to take money away from the ongoing effort that's need to fight Ebola.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The President certainly wants to move promptly so that the United States Senate can do the same.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
They are not asking Apple Inc -LRB- AAPL.O -RRB- to redesign Apple Inc -LRB- AAPL.O -RRB- product or to create a new backdoor to one of their products.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Evaluating the President's record is not a theoretical exercise. We've got numbers that we can consider, the President's track record on issues important to middle-class families and important to Democrats is unimpeachable.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
But, you know, but he's facing serious charges inside of Sweden.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We've been mindful of these other places like Libya and Afghanistan, where ISIL may turn some of their attention, but we know they are focused on expanding ISIL's footprint in Iraq and Syria.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We've seen an alarming willingness on the part of some Republicans to try to marginalise law-abiding, patriotic Muslim Americans. And it is offensive.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It has been a transparent strategy on the part of Republicans to play on people’s anxieties, to target religious minorities to advance their political ambition.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
At some point here ... we're going to see the temperatures rise (and) that will make for a more hospitable environment for mosquitoes, we want to make sure that we have got a strategy to try to limit the spread of this disease when that happens.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We're going to confront (Islamic State) and continue to confront it in the way that we have now for many months.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I would anticipate in the days ahead that you'll see more of a conspicuous, concerted effort on the part of the U.S. government to communicate with the American people about the risks of this virus and the steps that they can take to protect themselves.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The situation is anything but being ignored by the White House.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We're obviously very sensitive to the concerns of the Levinson family.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I don't know how much of an impact it will have on the ongoing political debate across the river, the president wanted to travel to a state that demonstrated his commitment to talking to people other than just his supporters.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president wanted to travel to a state that demonstrated his commitment to talking to people other than just his supporters.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Will there be candidates in either party -- some Republican candidates trying to use this to advance their campaigns ? Will there be Democratic candidates for President trying to use the President's message to advance their campaigns ? I'm sure that will happen, and I'm not even sure that's inappropriate.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The President's reaction to that, though, is that The President has never been more confident about our ability to confront successfully those challenges.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
This is an issue that the administration takes very, very seriously. I think for quite obvious reasons.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We are confident that the decision that was made vis-à-vis the Keystone pipeline is entirely consistent with all of our international obligations, including our obligations under NAFTA.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The initial analysis is not consistent with the claim the regime has made of a successful hydrogen bomb test.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Obviously we're aware of the situation and concerned about it.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
This is a concern that we raised with the Saudis in advance, and unfortunately, the concerns that we expressed to the Saudis have precipitated the kinds of consequences that we were concerned about.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We do continue to be concerned about the need for both the Iranians and the Saudis to de-escalate the situation. We are urging all sides to show some restraint and to not further inflame tensions that are on quite vivid display in the region.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It was very difficult to get everybody around the table. It certainly is going to be even more difficult to get everybody back around the table if you have the Saudis and the Iranians trading public barbs and public expressions of antagonism between the two countries.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
A lot of the work that has gone on has been to ensure that we would have confidence in the legal basis of these actions.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We are always conscious of the impact that a presidential visit could have on law enforcement or emergency response resources.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I would not anticipate that a visit by the president just for a couple of hours to that community to console the families of the victims of that attack would have any impact on the pace or success of the ongoing investigation.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I haven't spent a lot of time contemplating the consequences of a Trump presidency, i think President Obama has effectively managed our relationship with Russia in a way that has advanced the interests of the United States, while also standing up for the basic international norms that Russia violated based on their activities along and across the Ukrainian border.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I think President Obama has effectively managed our relationship with Russia in a way that has advanced the interests of the United States, while also standing up for the basic international norms that Russia violated based on their activities along and across the Ukrainian border.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Based on what has been described thus far, it clearly is a mistake because it runs counter to our policy, the consequences of that mistake at this point, however, do not seem significant.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It is possible for Congress to carefully consider the details of this agreement and to review all of the benefits associated with this agreement for states and communities all across the country without kicking the vote all the way to the lame duck period, there is no reason that we need to wait that long, and particularly when you consider the views that have been shared by some leaders in the business community about how important it is for this agreement to get implemented so that American workers and American businesses can start reaping the businesses.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The situation in Israel is particularly volatile, and so I think in this case his decision to reconsider that trip is a good outcome for all those involved.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The Iran ballistic missile program has been ... a source of concern for years ... and it continues to be.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Our position on that (measure) is firm - we oppose it - but we also oppose other things that have been floated for possible inclusion in the omnibus.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We would like to see leaders in the Muslim community stand up and speak out more forcefully in terms of condemning these hateful, radicalizing messages that we see from extremist organizations.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president, in each of those situations, has been cognizant of the limits that are placed on the president of the United States, that his public expressions, either of support or criticism, could be perceived by some as interfering with an independent law enforcement investigation.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
So we want to make sure that these reforms are not so onerous that they inhibit our participation in the international economy, but of course our national security interests come first.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The fact of the matter is legislation like that is much more focused on politics than it is on national security.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We are quite concerned about protecting freedom of navigation, the free flow of commerce in the South China Sea, and we're going to continue to encourage all parties, big and small, to resolve their differences diplomatically and to not try to use their comparative size and strength to intimidate their neighbors.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I would expect that you would see the president sign the NDAA when it comes to his desk, that certainly does not reflect a change in our position, or the intensity of our position, about the need to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
That certainly does not reflect a change in our position, or the intensity of our position, about the need to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
These steps are being taken in airport facilities where the United States already has a cooperative relationship with the airport authorities so ... we can enhance the measures that are already in place to ensure the safety of Americans who may be traveling overseas.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Absolutely it's still possible. It's still something that we are working very hard to accomplish.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It's readily apparent that that apology was warranted. But obviously the decisions that Prime Minister Netanyahu has to make about who will serve his government and represent him and his country are decisions that he rightfully will make on his own.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We would certainly welcome steps that are taken on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to try to reduce tensions and improve cross-strait relations, but, you know, we'll have to see what actually comes out of the meeting.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
But given how long it's taken ... it seems unusual to me to suggest that somehow it should be paused yet again.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There's reason to believe there may be politics at play here.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There's reason to believe there may be politics at play here, we believe the decision should be made by the experts who are evaluating this project.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Our expectation at this point is that the president will make a decision before the end of his administration on the Keystone pipeline, but when exactly that will be, I don't know at this point.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Governor Christie’s comments in this regard have been particularly irresponsible, though not surprising for somebody whose poll numbers are closer to an asterisk than they are double digits. Clearly this is part of the strategy to turn that around.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The President does expect that they can have an impact in intensifying our strategy for building the capacity of local forces inside of Syria for taking the fight on the ground to ISIL in their own country, that has been the core element of the military component of our strategy from the beginning: building the capacity of local forces on the ground.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
That has been the core element of the military component of our strategy from the beginning: building the capacity of local forces on the ground.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There are billions of dollars of commerce that float through that region of the world, ensuring that free flow of commerce ... is critical to the global economy.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Ensuring that free flow of commerce ... is critical to the global economy.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I was not in the room when these decisions were being made or when the president was consulting his advisers about this very difficult foreign policy call that he made.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The Obama administration and the United States will be in talks with our Canadian partners about their contribution to our counter-ISIL effort, we hope that we can continue to count on their ongoing support for this very important mission.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Canada has also made a substantial and important commitment in advance of the Paris climate talks. We believe that it's possible that there is more that Canada can do in this regard.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I think it would be shortsighted to reduce the relationship between our two countries to just one issue.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
You can rest assured that the relevant agencies in the United States government are closely monitoring China's actions in this regard.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I would not be overly excited about the prospects of reaching the kind of agreement that is being speculated about publicly.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
His expectation is that details won't be...whitewashed...so that if it's necessary to take steps to prevent something like this from ever happening again, that those reforms are implemented promptly and effectively.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We put more stock in their actions than their words.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I can confirm ... that there have been conversations between White House officials and members of Congress on Capitol Hill to discuss the need to avoid a government shutdown.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
This is something that State Department has been working on for quite some time, at this point, I certainly could n’t rule out that it would come up in the conversation between the two leaders.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
For a long time Iran had resisted cooperating with any sort of inspections IAEA wanted to do, and as a result of the international pressure that built up over time, principally because of the tough economic sanctions that the United States put in place and got the rest of the international community to go along with, we now see indications that Iran is cooperating with IAEA inspections.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I would not envision a long extension of funding at current levels, but rather enough time for Congress to finally convene the talks, reach an agreement and implement it.
– White House Spokesman Josh Earnest
What we would prefer to see from the Russians is a more constructive engagement with the 60-member coalition that's led by the United States that's focused on degrading and ultimately destroying ISIL.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
When our team and most importantly when the president determines that it would advance our interests to have a conversation with President Putin, then he'll pick up the phone and try to set up that call.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I can tell you that there was a pretty candid exchange of views, i think we've been pretty blunt in describing the concerns that we have with China's behavior in cyberspace. We have been blunt in our assessment that that has significant consequences for our economy and for our national security.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It’s an indication that despite our well-known differences on even some key issues, the bond between the United States and Israel when it comes to our security relationship is unshakeable.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I do feel confident in telling you that the president will not sign off on a process that cuts corners when it comes to the basic safety and security of the American people and the U.S. homeland.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It would be strategically unwise for us to discuss potential sanctions targets because that would only give the potential targets of sanctions the opportunity to take steps that would allow them to evade those sanctions.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We are aware of the matter and have temporarily placed the employee in question on unpaid leave and revoked her access to the complex until we have more information, We will take additional actions as needed. For further questions, I would refer you to the Prince George’s County Police Department.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Ultimately, it didn't turn out that way. I don't think anybody was surprised.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The President directed his team to keep him updated on the investigation and on the status of those injured in the shooting, the thoughts and prayers of everyone at the White House, including the President and First Lady, are with the community of Lafayette, Louisiana, especially the families of those who were killed.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I haven't, at this point, heard any discussion of taking that step, but I can tell you that, as a general matter, this administration has been very focused on countering sexual assault, and doing so in a variety of settings.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
We've raised some significant concerns about the frequency with which Congress chooses to just kick the can down the road when it comes to funding our infrastructure, to fund these efforts at a month, or two, or three at a time is really inefficient.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The hope is that we will put pressure on those individuals, and it's been almost all Republicans, who have put political interests ahead of the health of their citizens.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The hope is that we will put pressure on those individuals, and it’s been almost all Republicans, who have put political interests ahead of the health of their citizens.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president continues to be confident that we will navigate this particular procedural snafu and move this across the finish line.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Even expressions that are offensive, that are distasteful, and intended to sow divisions in an otherwise tight-knit, diverse community like Phoenix, cannot be used as a justification to carry out an act of violence, and certainly can't be used as a justification to carry out an act of terrorism.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Even expressions that are offensive, that are distasteful, and intended to sow divisions in an otherwise tight-knit, diverse community in Phoenix cannot be used as a justification to carry out an act of violence.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It's disgraceful that House Republicans would be considering a party-line vote on a piece of legislation that would continue to impose even additional harsh burdens on survivors of sexual assault, rape and incest.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Our preference when dealing with suspected terrorists is to capture, detain, debrief and prosecute them, but the fact is ... in some areas of the world, particularly in remote locations where extremists are hiding out, local authorities have limited capacity and, in some cases, limited will to go after these extremists.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It's a little rich for someone who has made that declaration that somehow the president has not been sufficiently committed to defending the Everglades from the causes of climate change.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president, as you know, maintains a very high standard for anybody who serves in his administration, particularly when it comes to law enforcement officials. And the -- the I.G. report raised serious concerns about that conduct.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president, as you know, maintains a very high standard for anybody who serves in his administration, particularly when it comes to law enforcement officials. And the I.G. report raised serious concerns about that conduct.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Despite the things about it that we don't like, enough substantial changes have been made that the president would be willing to sign it.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
This will be the responsibility of Democratic voters to decide who should be the Democratic nominee for president, i think that Democratic nominee can be confident that they'll enjoy the support of President Obama in their campaign.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Mr. Mayorkas is still at the Department of Homeland Security because he is a decorated public servant and an effective leader of that organization, and we certainly value the kind of contribution that he has made to the effective management of that department, and he has played an important role in implementing needed reforms in that department. In fact, he was somebody who was leading the effort to strengthen the EB-5 program.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
And that's why the president is supportive of this process in the House. He believes it should get careful consideration in the Senate.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The United States continues to have assets and resources in the region that will allow us to take steps where necessary to continue to apply significant pressure to extremist targets and to keep the American people safe, but it is true that that coordination would be more effective if there were U.S. personnel in the country.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
President Obama and Secretary Clinton enjoy catching up in person when their schedules permit, this afternoon they met privately for about an hour at the White House and discussed a range of topics.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The United States and this administration is deeply concerned about rhetoric that seeks to marginalize Arab-Israeli citizens.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There's not a single legitimate question that has been raised about her aptitude for this job, instead, all we've seen is a bunch of political obstruction from Republicans that, again, does not -- does not speak well of Republicans' efforts to run the Senate in an effective fashion.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with his secretary of state, the point that the president was making is not that he didn't know Secretary Clinton's email address. He did. But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up, or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president, as I think many people expected, did over the course of his first several years in office trade emails with his secretary of state, the point that the president was making is not that he didn’t know Secretary Clinton’s email address. He did. But he was not aware of the details of how that email address and that server had been set up, or how Secretary Clinton and her team were planning to comply with the Federal Records Act.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It may be a situation where the president doesn't even have to veto it because there are now legitimate questions that are being raised about whether or not it's actually going to even pass the Senate.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It may be a situation where the president doesn't even have to veto it because ... some legitimate questions are being raised about whether or not it's actually going to even pass the Senate.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
It was an opportunity ... for the president to condemn the continuing failure of Russia and the separatists it backs to abide by the commitments to which they agreed.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
When it comes to education tax benefits, our highest priority should be to expand, improve and simplify tax benefits for the middle class, the president's nearly $50 billion investment in the middle class, which builds on bipartisan legislation and is fully offset, would cut taxes for 8.5 million students and families and simplify taxes for every single student who relies on education tax credits to help pay for college.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
The president is confident his administration did do everything that was possible within the confines of that policy, using our military might, using our intelligence capability, using our diplomatic influence, to try to secure the safe release and return of Kayla Mueller.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
I hope that they are going to take a minute and look in the eye of TSA officers, they’re not going to get paid on time unless members of Congress step up and do their jobs.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There's no question that some of the things that the Israelis have said in characterizing our negotiating position have not been accurate.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There's no question that some of the things that the Israelis have said in characterizing our negotiating position have not been accurate, there's no question about that.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
But I think it is fair to say that the United States is mindful of the need to not negotiate in public and ensure that information that's discussed in the negotiating table is not taken out of context and publicized in a way that distorts the negotiating position of the United States and our allies.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
This heinous act once again underscores the urgent need for a political resolution to the conflict in Libya, the continuation of which only benefits terrorist groups, including ISIL.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
There continue to be ... U.S. Department of Defense personnel on the ground in Yemen that are coordinating with their counterparts in Yemen.
– White House Spokesman Josh Earnest
It is a matter, however, of the president's desire to send a very clear signal to the people of this country, to our allies, and to our enemies that the United States of America and our political system is united behind the strategy.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
What I can say with confidence is this individual has not returned to the battlefield, this individual is not allowed to travel outside Qatar, and this individual has not engaged in any physical violence.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
Mr. Carter is resting comfortably with his family and is looking forward to (the) confirmation process and if confirmed, to serving with the men and women of the Defense Department.
– White House spokesman Josh Earnest
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