Quotes from the news wire:
RSV is an enormous problem, particularly for children but also for adults. RSV could produce as much illness as does influenza at least in some years, these are exciting potential advances. We will see them develop as several products come to maturation and come before the Food and Drug Administration for licensure this year or next year. It’s going to be an exciting time.
Found on CNN 1 year ago
Neither the FDA or CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices will make recommendations without data, and no one is collecting data now on yet another bivalent booster, as regards either the effectiveness or safety of that.
Found on CNN 1 year ago
There were lots of questions about whether an additional dose of polio vaccine was appropriate, and this just opens the door for the use of another dose of inactivated virus, that is injectable polio vaccine, in those circumstances where, for example, a local health department in concert with the CDC might recommend that.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Why is that a matter of concern? Because it opens up opportunities for these viruses and other germs to be reintroduced into the United States, and to cause outbreaks of disease. The recently concluded measles outbreak in Ohio is an example, the introduction of the poliovirus into New York is an example, and we need to keep our guard up.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
But we do think that being attacked by two viruses, particularly if you are less than five years of age, it’s been clearly demonstrated by this study, it does tend to make your illness more severe, more likely to be prolonged in the hospital, more likely to be in the pediatric intensive care unit, and so clearly, having your lungs and your throat and your body – generally your immune system – attacked by two viruses simultaneously, understandably might make some young children more severely ill.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
The data are limited, but they are informative, and I think one would have anticipated that a complete presentation would have included them.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
They're protected against a paralytic disease, but they can still harbor the virus and spread it to others. And that's the circumstance we have now in New York, so you could get essentially the entire community carrying this virus in their intestines, but they don't even know it's there.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
The answer would be, frankly, that they're partially protected, it's the full series that gives William Schaffner full protection.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
We're thinking of this as a three-dose vaccine, and the preliminary data acquired during the Omicron era say it's actually 80 % effective, we will want to look at that very carefully, but so far, that's good news.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I do think this event in Washington was akin to a superspreading event. It was clearly an event where people were gathered together, and the virus attended and made itself known to a lot of people and infected people.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
Although I don't think superspreading events will cause surges in hospitalizations, they may continue to augment and accelerate transmission of the virus, causing milder disease in our communities.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
There's never been a mechanism that says 'hear ye, hear ye, we have a new way to protect your immune-compromised patients against Covid, and here's how you get it for your patients,'.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
We need to continue funding the research to create a better influenza vaccine, going forward, flu is going to continue to appear around the world and make annual epidemics that cause incredible amounts of illness, social and economic disruption, so we clearly need a better influenza vaccine.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
I would continue to make it to all parents of children 5 and older. The benefits clearly outweigh the risks, and they provide us a firmer foundation for the control of Covid going forward.
Found on CNN 2 years ago
These data... give us some expectation, assuming that this protection lasts for a while, that we can continue to plan about moving from the pandemic phase to the endemic phase, these data undoubtedly played a substantial role in the CDCs decision to revise its masking recommendations.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
What these data are designed to give us a sense of is : What's the magnitude of the issue ? It's a little like looking at some mountains across a big plain. You can see where the mountains rise, where they peak and where they fall. You don't have to count every tree to get the big picture.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I think The CDC's the third dose that really gives you the solid, the very best protection.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
If they wait until they have an issue, by the time the tests arrive, the optimal time for testing may well have passed, if you've been exposed and you don't have the tests available, you'll have to find testing resources elsewhere.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
People are still hospitalized with this, and the vast majority continue to be unvaccinated, a hospital is not a resort hotel.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Your case could be mild, but you could give it to Aunt Susie, who's got diabetes, and Aunt Susie may wind up being much more seriously ill.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
There's a distinction between hopeful and reality. It's good to hope but it is much too early to conclude that Omicron only produces mild infections. We don't have those data, covid has thrown us several curveballs.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Contact tracing and sequencing will allow us to paint with a broad brush, but we won’t be able to track it down to each and every case, and at a given point, when you know it is here and spreading, why do we need to do that?
Found on FOX News 3 years ago
It's going to make its way around the world. It looks like that way, i think we may, indeed, be in for a phase of many more masks, much more social distancing, and more restrictions and obligations for vaccination going forward.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I think we need to just get our mind set that the virus is still in control. I don't care about your covid fatigue, we're going to have to deal with this in an ongoing way very, very seriously. ... Tighten your seat belts.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
With more education, John Brownstein generally have more acceptance of science, and I think John Brownstein're more likely to participate in these sorts of public health and other preventive measures as recommended by the medical community.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
People were focused on classical underlying conditions, like heart disease, lung disease, diabetes -- I think that was principally the mindset of my colleagues.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
But China, which has more interactions with the outer world, has had a moderate flu season, so we think we'll have at least a moderate season this year.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
When kids get infected, they shed the virus for a longer period of time than adults do, so they're really the people who bring the virus into the family and spread it about to the neighbors and, well, everybody.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
If it's your opportunity to get both, I would say get both.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Children are the' distribution franchise' for the influenza virus. They're on top of each other and they are not the most hygienic little lovelies, so they spread the flu virus amongst themselves, when kids get infected, they shed the virus for a longer period of time than adults do, so they're really the people who bring the virus into the family and spread it about to the neighbors and, well, everybody.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
That will raise the issue of annoyance and concern by the vaccinated people, they will say,' Wait a minute, Charlie is here and he's not wearing a mask and we know he's not vaccinated.' People know that sort of stuff about their coworkers.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
That will get old very quickly for a lot of people, that will push a lot of people off the fence and onto the vaccination side.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
This is largely a problem when it comes to severe disease, the disease that requires hospitalization, it's among the unvaccinated. It really is pretty unusual to have a vaccinated person be hospitalized. Most of those people tend to be older and very, very frail. They never were able to respond to the vaccine, and we have the occasional immunocompromised person whose immune system also couldn't respond optimally to the vaccine, so the unvaccinated continue to be the big highway of transmission. The vaccinated, they're little side streets. Let's not get preoccupied with that. We need to get more people vaccinated.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
We need full licensure to reach more unvaccinated people, and obviously getting more people vaccinated as quickly as possible is critical to our trying to control this ongoing pandemic, which now is surging yet again in the United States.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
I think the real risk from hand shaking is coming so close to another person, if you're shaking hands, you're usually really quite close to someone, at least momentarily, and you're likely to be close to that person in conversation for a period of time.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Doctors and patients are encouraged to report medical events that happen after vaccination, if there is even a thought or hypothesis or a question whether it may be related to the vaccine.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
If these events occur more frequently in the vaccinated population than the unvaccinated population, then there's reason to think it might be because the vaccine may have caused it. But if the incidents occurred similarly in the vaccinated and the unvaccinated population, then it is overwhelmingly likely they were just coincidental and would have occurred anyways.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
Every time this virus finds a new person, it multiplies. Every time it multiplies, it creates mutations that can spring off, and those mutations can create a variant that is so different that our current vaccine protection might not work or might not work as well.
Found on CNN 3 years ago
It is possible a year from now, that I'll get a flu shot in one arm and a Covid vaccine update booster in the other, we'll have to adapt ourselves to what it is that this virus is doing. And we have the capacity to keep up with the virus, and even get ahead of it.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Our current ability to determine whether Michael Osterholm particular patient has this new strain is very limited, and so this really reinforces the notion that other countries have much more capacity to do this than we do.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
In other words, we could bring the vaccine to the people.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The more vaccines you have, the less you have to worry about prioritization, we know it’s not going to be perfect, but who cares, we need to get them into the arms.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
It we all got together, wore the masks and did the social distancing, we could bend this curve within two or three weeks, we would see actually transmission go down even before we get to the vaccines.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The national politicians have been very much out front in this and have really created a very substantial political veneer over the entire vaccine development process, that has had an effect of creating a terrific amount of skepticism.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
When they don't answer questions, that's when I begin to get nervous.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I suspect we'll have more vaccine for the United States before we have it for the entire world.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
They wear masks. They do social distancing. They are meticulous, the other day, they came over to our pool and they stayed on one end of the pool and we stayed on the other. They never went inside the house. My wife said to me,' Well, they're not going to be helpful in the trials, that's for sure.'.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Don't go around looking for reasons not to wear the mask, just wear it. Get used to it, we want to all be in this together to affirm our solidarity.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We think antibodies correlate with protection, but we don't really know that yet.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
They've been studied and we know that after you had a cold, you develop antibodies to that particular human strain of coronavirus and you will be protected, but it turns out the protection begins to wane after about a year.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Since we don't know how long natural protection will last, it may be the case that even people who have been infected may require the vaccine at some point, that remains to be determined.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine's certainly a novel and provocative approach to trying to prevent this illness. We need all the help we can get, what we've seen are previews of coming attractions, as they say in the movie theater.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
What we've seen are previews of coming attractions, as they say in the movie theater.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Are there side streets where it can become an aerosol and spread into the air ? Yes.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I thought they were getting very prissy and trying to slice the salami very fine, you can be vertical and feel 100 % or virtually 100 % and going about your daily business and unaware that you're infected and perfectly capable transmitting the virus.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
You can be vertical and feel 100 % or virtually 100 % and going about your daily business and unaware that you're infected and perfectly capable transmitting the virus.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
This study illuminates that a large proportion of the population was susceptible and can indeed await potential infection down the road this summer, and especially this winter.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Some of us in the scientific community here in the US have been a little surprised at the sprightly competitiveness of some of the comments from our colleagues at Oxford. We don't usually see that in public pronouncements, we've been grumpy with our national political leaders about providing inaccurate information, and we should hold scientific leaders to those same standards.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Covid-19 is too contagious, we anticipate that this fall will be a great struggle with influenza and, in addition, Covid.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
It sounds as though we're in a locked room, wanting to get out, the door out of that locked room, we hope, is a vaccine. But in the meantime, we can't just be complacent.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The vaccine isn't perfect, but it still can prevent many infections and make other infections less severe.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
I certainly would not recommend that people in the U.S. ask their physicians to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for the prevention of COVID, its use is entirely speculative.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
The air seems to have gone out of the hydroxychloroquine balloon I'm afraid, i'd be surprised if there were many patients and their families or doctors who would want to pursue using hydroxychloroquine.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
You may have to help the person use the facilities, you can assign one person in the family to help them and to establish their routine.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The findings are of enormous interest because the proportion of people who are asymptomatic is just simply not known.
Found on Reuters 4 years ago
We don't think food is a mode of transmission of this virus, there are two ways it can transmit -- the animal is butchered and you create aerosols during the course of butchering and breathe them in.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
There is near a 100 % likelihood that there was just one transmission, this is a powerful statement -- one transmission from some animal source to a human that likely occurred in a wet market in China.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
The president walks on the sunny side of the street, and this takes us over to the shady side of the street, it makes us realize that springtime is likely not going to be a total solution.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Ferrets are classical animals in which to study influenza -- it's been done for decades, if scientists were looking for an animal model, they would reach for the ferrets first.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Maybe going for a walk in the park and getting a cup of coffee afterward or a soda, so dating styles may have to change, but I wouldn't think two people getting together would be inappropriate. And you can have a conversation about that.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
If you're in this group, you're not in trouble. Whether you have flu or Covid-19 or some other respiratory virus, we anticipate you will do well, but should you develop any symptoms that show you're getting worse, particularly if you have any difficulty breathing, you will call us.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
It's not a tickle in your throat. You're not just clearing your throat. It's not just irritated. You're not putting anything out, you're not coughing anything up, the cough is bothersome, it's coming from your breastbone or sternum. and you can tell that your bronchial tubes are inflamed or irritated.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
We do not test people with no symptoms because it's a resource issue, however, we are emphasizing that people who have this small cluster of important symptoms -- fever and anything related to the lower respiratory tract such as cough and difficulty breathing -- reach out to be evaluated.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
People under 60 with underlying illnesses, with diabetes, heart disease, immunocompromised or have any kind of lung disease previously, those people are more vulnerable despite their younger age.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
Its a new virus, and it may not have read the textbooks. Thats why the current, ongoing research to develop vaccines and antiviral drugs that are effective against coronaviruses is so important, he continued. The virus is new in humans -- meaning medical experts at this time can not predict the long-term impact on the global community.
Found on FOX News 4 years ago
This is not an instruction. This is not an order, i'm not asking everyone to stay at home and lock the door for a month. I'm saying, be thoughtful every time you contemplate getting together with a crowd or group.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
When my wife and I need to go shopping, we're going late at night when there are no crowds, and we get in and out efficiently.
Found on CNN 4 years ago
[ The vaccine ] may not prevent the illness completely.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Everyone with whom I've spoken, or whom I've read, thinks that it has come from a natural source, as did the SARS virus, as did the MERS virus. Both of those were also coronaviruses in animal populations that jumped to the human species in the natural environment, by now scientists all over the world have looked at this virus and nothing nefarious has come up.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Problems with vaccine storage and handling come up with some frequency.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Last year was also a double barreled season and we hadn't see that in a long time. Normally there's a and b smolders along in background, usually it doesn't cause large outbreaks but this year the Bs didn't read the text book.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
This is very, very important, and I think The CDC recognizes that, i think they're working literally day and night to get these testing kits assembled and training done so state health departments can do this testing.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It means the infection is much more contagious than we originally thought, this is worse than we anticipated.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Assuming that Ma is correct, we're going to have to re-evaluate our strategy, that's for sure.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I think what they're saying is virus number one initiates an inflammatory response which then acts as a barrier to the second virus, i think there are also some data to suggest Vanderbilt University's two viruses can not simultaneously infect the same cell.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
There are times when one viral infection may be so apparent, shall we say, that it actually acts as a barrier to your getting a second, we're just beginning to find out whether this is virus specific or whether it has more to do with the intensity of the infection.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I come down with a cold and I say to William Schaffner,' Oh my goodness, how did I get this cold ?' I wasn't around anyone who was coughing and sneezing in the last 48 hours, but I was around a healthy person carrying the cold virus in their throat who didn't know they were capable of spreading it.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
I would have thought that CBP would have addressed this over the summer and we would now have a system in place, vaccination is not complicated. We conduct mass campaigns all the time.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
The facilities in which they're detained could not be better designed for the spread of influenza.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We get on our soapbox and remind people that everyone older than 6 months needs to be vaccinated every year.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
What the vaccine does is shift the equation in our favor.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
That was part of the motivation, of course, to change the H3N2 component for the coming year, the flu vaccine has been reconstituted to be a better match, particularly for the H3N2 component.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
If you get the flu, call your health care provider, treatment is available. It helps.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We've had the dominance of H1N1 yield to now a dominance or at least an equivalence of H3N2, which means that the strain that causes more severe disease is actually producing a substantial amount of late season influenza this year.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
We are having a distinctive, prolonged influenza season.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
It's difficult to speak with you because all my fingers and toes are cramped from being crossed.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
If you become sick, please call your health care provider, because they may well provide a prescription for antiviral drugs that can help reduce the severity and duration of your illness.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Although it's not perfect, it still prevents many, many infections, and even if you should get influenza despite having received the vaccine, it tends to make a less severe infection. You are certainly less likely to get the complications of pneumonia, having to be hospitalized and dying.
Found on CNN 5 years ago
Older people may have been infected with cousins of H1N1 years ago, and that gives them residual protection.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The vaccine is not perfect, none of us believe it is, but it's the best thing we have for preventing influenza, and even if it doesn't prevent the illness completely, and this is very important, it tends to make the illness milder.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
The vaccine is not perfect, but give the vaccine credit for softening the blow.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Trying to think about it more positively, I hope the research continues to develop a Zika vaccine in the event we have another early signal of a Zika virus outbreak anywhere in the world, a vaccine could be deployed very, very quickly, and that would blunt the horrific impact of the Zika virus.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
There's a whole spectrum of more subtle manifestations that can actually manifest themselves later.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
You are contagious before you are ill and during the illness, but undoubtedly people have the virus in their intestinal tract who never get ill.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
Measles is the most highly infectious virus that we know of and can be transmitted fairly readily to susceptible individuals, the measles virus can hover in the air and be infectious for hours afterward.
Found on CNN 6 years ago
When you are in the developing world, there’s an old rule. Avoid salads, regarding everything else, make sure before you eat it, it’s heated.
Found on FOX News 7 years ago
Those are the kinds of things that can happen to people when you put on a little mileage over the years, both of the leading candidates are over 65 years of age. It wasn’t so long ago that once you reached your 65th birthday, that’s the time you retired — it wasn’t the time you took one of the most strenuous positions you could think of.
Found on FOX News 8 years ago
ACIP decided it could not in good conscience recommend the use of this vaccine until the problem had been resolved and new data had been presented.
Found on Reuters 8 years ago
They don't say for how long, that's because they don't know. As it was with Ebola, we're learning as we go.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
A little bit of transmission? Sure, but the main engine of transmission that has led this virus to be spread widely throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean is, of course, the mosquito.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
We don't know whether it can move from a woman to a man. We assume also that if a man can transmit it to a woman, that a man could also transmit it to another man.
Found on Reuters 9 years ago
Our crystal balls are a little cloudy at this point this year, but the H3N2 virus should be the dominant strain this year, while it tends to produce more influenza symptoms, and that's the bad news, the good news is now the vaccine has been modified and it does include H3N2 strain, so it ought to be more on target with the dominant strain of the virus this year.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Don't wait, some rather elegant studies have shown it is more effective the earlier you take them and you become less infectious to others.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Just for scientific reasons, we had difficulty making an effective vaccine. But that's been successful now, the FDA has approved two different types of meningococcal group B vaccines that have been recently licensed.
Found on CNN 9 years ago
Particularly if you get into the gray-haired group —that group has all seen measles, they know about it and respect it and even, in a sense, fear it.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
It's no wonder that if you're not taught about these things in school, when you become a parent you're scratching your head.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
If you had asked me this question five or six years ago, I would have said that the risk was virtually nonexistent, over the past several years, with more and more children being withheld from vaccinations and more and more introduction of measles, I would have said it’s still very low. But today, in the context of the Disneyland outbreak, with it having spread to so many states, I would still acknowledge that the risk is low but it’s much larger than it was, and I would be nervous about that.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
An unvaccinated child will be exposed to risk everywhere, but more so in certain circumstances than in others, for example, more so in Colorado than in Mississippi. But I don’t think you’re going to get a recommendation with a capital R from the CDC or the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
And interestingly, it’s Mississippi, last in so many things, that is first in immunization rates, because that state does not allow either personal belief or religious exemptions.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
I think the Disneyland outbreak clearly has brought this issue to everyone’s forceful attention, and it’s got to be recognized how fragile was our triumph in eliminating measles from the United States, which we had been successful at doing.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
Measles kills, and it’s also the easiest to catch. It’s the single most transmissible virus we know, and that accounts for the fact that it’s spreading so rapidly among these kids.
Found on FOX News 10 years ago
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