Django Unchained

Django Unchained

Django Unchained is a 2012 American revisionist Western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson, with Walton Goggins, Dennis Christopher, James Remar, and Don Johnson in supporting roles. Set in the Old West and Antebellum South, it is a highly stylized tribute to Spaghetti Westerns, in particular the 1966 Italian film Django by Sergio Corbucci, whose star Franco Nero has a cameo appearance. Development of Django Unchained began in 2007 when Tarantino was writing a book on Corbucci. By April 2011, Tarantino sent his final draft of the script to The Weinstein Company. Casting began in the summer of 2011, with Michael K. Williams and Will Smith being considered for the role of the title character before Foxx was cast. Principal photography took place from November 2011 to March 2012 in California, Wyoming and Louisiana. Django Unchained premiered at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York City on December 11, 2012, and was released on December 25, 2012, in the United States. The film was nominated for several film industry awards, including five Academy Awards. Waltz won several awards for his performance, among them Best Supporting Actor at the Golden Globes, BAFTAs, and Academy Awards. Tarantino won an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, and a BAFTA award for writing the film's original screenplay. The film grossed over $425 million worldwide in theaters against its $100 million budget, making it Tarantino's highest-grossing theatrical release.

Genre: Drama, Western
Production: The Weinstein Co.
  Won 2 Oscars. Another 56 wins & 151 nominations.
Rotten Tomatoes:
Life, liberty and the pursuit of vengeance.
Once upon a time in the south.
This Christmas, Django is off the chain.
The D is silent. Payback won't be.

Calvin Candie:
[to Stephen] Stephen, when you get through showing them to their rooms, go fetch Hildi. Get her cleaned up and smellin' real nice and send her over to Dr. Schultz's room.

[laughing] Actually, Monsieur Candie sir, there's something I ain't told you about yet.

Calvin Candie:

Uh, Hildi 'in the hot box.

Calvin Candie:
Well what's she doin' there?

What you think she doin' there, in the hot box? She been punished!

Calvin Candie:
Well what did she do?

She run off again.

Calvin Candie:
Jesus Christ, Stephen! How many people run away while I was gone?


Calvin Candie:
Well when did she go?

Last night. They brung her back this morning.

Calvin Candie:
How long she been in the box?

How long you think she been in there? All damn day! And the little b*tch got ten more days to be in there.

Calvin Candie:
Take her out.

Take her out? Why?

Calvin Candie:
Because I said so, that's why! Dr. Schultz is my guest. Hildi is my n*gger. Southern hospitality dictates I make her available to him.

But Monsieur Candie, she run off.

Calvin Candie:
Christ, Stephen! What is the point of having a n*gger that speaks German if you can't wheel 'em out when you have a German guest? Now I realize it is an inconvenience! Still, you take her ass out.

Yes sir. [to the Overseers] Ya'll done heard the man! Get her ass up outta there! Go! Get her over there and get her cleaned up and bring her back over here to, uh, Doctor - [to Schultz] What did you say your name was? Shoots?

Dr. King Schultz:


Dr. King Schultz:
Who is your little friend?

Calvin Candie:
This is Ben. He's a old Joe that lived around here for a long time. And I do mean a long damn time. Well Ben here took care of my daddy and my daddy's daddy, till he up and keeled over one day. Old Ben took care of me. Growing up the son of a huge plantation owner in Mississippi puts a white man in contact with a whole lot of black faces. I spent my whole life here right here in Candyland, surrounded by black faces. And seeing them every day, day in day out, I only had one question. Why don't they kill us? Now right out there on that porch three times a week for fifty years, old Ben here would shave my daddy with a straight razor. Now if I was old Ben, I would have cut my daddy's goddamn throat, and it wouldn't have taken me no fifty years to do it neither. But he never did. Why not? You see, the science of phrenology is crucial to understanding the separation about two species. In the skull of the African here, the area associated with submissiveness is larger than any human or other sub-human species on planet Earth. If you examine this piece of skull here, you'll notice three distinct dimples. Here, here and here. Now if I was holding a skull of a... of an Isaac Newton or Galileo, these three dimples would be in the area of the skull most associated with creativity. But this is the skull of old Ben, and in the skull of old Ben unburdened by genius, these three dimples exist in the area of the skull most associated with servility. Now bright boy, I will admit you are pretty clever. But if I took this hammer here and I bashed it in your skull, you would have the same three dimples in the same place as old Ben. Hey! Now lay your palms flat on the table top! If you lift those palms off that turtle shell table top, Mr. Pooch is gonna let loose with both barrels of that sawed off! There have been a lot of lies said around this dinner table here tonight, but that you can believe!

Calvin Candie:
Hello. Stephen, my boy!

[black house servant exiting the Big House] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hello, my ass. Who dis n*gger up on dat nag?

Calvin Candie:
Aw, Stephen, you have nails for breakfast? What's the matter? Why you so ornery? You miss me? Huh?

Oh, yes, sir. I miss you like a hawg miss slop. Like a baby miss mammy titty! I miss you like I misses a rock in my shoe! Now, I aks you, who dis n*gger on dat nag?

Hey, Snowball. You wanna know my name or the name of my horse, you ask me.

Just who the hell you callin' 'Snowball,' hoss boy? I'll snatch yo black ass off dat nag down here in the mud so fast make yo head spin!

Calvin Candie:
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Stephen! Stephen! Let's keep it funny. Django here's a freeman.

Dis n*gger here?

Calvin Candie:
That n*gger there. Let me at least introduce the two of you. Django, this is a another cheeky black bugger like yourself, Stephen. Stephen, this here is Django. You two oughta hate each other.

Calvin, just who the hell is dis n*gger you feel's the need to entertain?

Calvin Candie:
Django, and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers. And they are our guests, Stephen. And you, you old, decrepit bastard, you are to show them every hospitality. You understand that?

Yes, sir. Him I understands, but I don't know why I got to take lip off dis n*gger.

Calvin Candie:
You don't have to know why. Do you understand?

Yes, sir. I understand.

Calvin Candie:
Well, good. They're spending the night. Go open the guest bedrooms and get two ready.

[mortified] He gawn stay in the Big House?

Calvin Candie:
Stephen. He's a slaver. It's different.

In the Big House?

Calvin Candie:
Well, you got a problem with that?

Aw, naw, naw. I ain't got no problem with it. If you ain't got no problem with burnin' the bed, the sheets, the pillowcase, and everything else when this black-ass motherf***er's gone!

Calvin Candie:
That is my problem! They are mine to burn! Now your problem right now is making a good impression! And I want you to start solving that problem right now and get them goddamn rooms ready!

Yes, sir, Monsieur Candie.

Calvin Candie:
Go on, now.

Cain't believe you brought a n*gger to stay in the Big House. Yo daddy's rollin' over in his goddamn grave, right now. Brought a n*gger to stay with us. What kinda sh*t is that?

Calvin Candie:
Man, the lip on him! Whoo! He's getting worse and worse. Now, WHERE IS MY BEAUTIFUL SISTER?

Dr. King Schultz:
[Turns to the four remaining slaves] Now, as to you poor devils. So as I see it, when it comes to the subject of what to do next, you gentlemen have two choices. One: once I'm gone, you could lift that beast off the remaining Speck, then carry him to the nearest town; which would be at least 37 miles back the way you came. Or two: you could unshackle yourselves, take that rifle, put a bullet in his head, bury the two of them deep, and then make your way to a more enlightened area of this country. The choice is yours.

[Starts to ride off but stops to talk to the slaves again]

Dr. King Schultz:
Oh! And on the off chance there are any astronomy aficionados amongst you, the North Star is that one. Tata!

[Dr. Shultz rides away with his horse and wagon; Django follows him on horseback but keeps watch of what the four other slaves do to Dicky Speck]

Dicky Speck:
[the slaves watch both Shultz and Django walk away and all turn to Dicky Speck, who is lying on the ground wounded] Now, wait a minute, fellas! Let's talk about this!

[the black men start approaching him aggressively. One of the men drops the lantern; the slaves each take off their blankets and a couple of them pick up sticks]

Dicky Speck:
You gotta be reasonable in a situation like this!

[the slaves continue walking towards him, not saying a word. The man on the far right holds a rifle. Django watches and observes all of this]

Dicky Speck:
I'm not a bad guy, I'm just doing my job! Blueberry, didn't I give you my last apple? Tell you what, boys, take me to the doc in El Paso, and I'll get you your freedom.

[We hear the rifle cocking]

Dicky Speck:
No... wait!

[the slaves shoot and kill Dicky Speck]

Calvin Candie:
Dr. Schultz, in Greenville, you yourself said that for the right n*gger you'd be willing to pay what some may consider is a ridiculous amount. To which me myself said "What is your definition of ridiculous?" To which you said "$12,000." Now, considering y'all have ridden a whole lot of miles... [Candie aggressively grabs Broomhilda's head, she whimpers as Django looks on intensively]... went through a whole lot of trouble... [Candie continues holding Broomhilda's head, and starts rubbing her face]... and done spread a whole lot of bull to purchase this lovely lady right here, it would appear that Broomhilda is in fact the right n*gger. And if y'all wanna leave Candyland with Broomhilda, the price... is $12,000.

Dr. King Schultz:
And I take it you prefer the take it or leave it style of negotiation?

Calvin Candie:
[Candie lets go of Broomhila's head] Yes, I do, Doctor. You see, under the laws of Chickasaw County, Broomhilda, here, is my property... and I can choose to do with MY PROPERTY... WHATEVER I SO DESIRE! [Candie rubs his injured hand and smears the blood all over Broomhilda's face; she shrieks and moans in disgust and fear] And if y'all think my price for this n*gger here is too steep, what I'm gonna desire to do is... [Candie causally sets his cigarette down; he suddenly but quickly picks up his hammer and violently grabs hold of Broomhilda's hair, slamming her face on the dinner table and raising the hammer above her head. Schultz jumps while Django rises up out of his seat] TAKE THIS GODDAMNED HAMMER HERE, AND BEAT HER ASS TO DEATH WITH IT! RIGHT IN FRONT OF BOTH YA'LL! THEN WE CAN EXAMINE THE THREE DIMPLES INSIDE BROOMHILDA'S SKULL! NOW... WHAT'S IT GONNA BE DOC? HUH? WHAT'S IT GOING TO BE?

Dr. King Schultz:
[Screams back nervously] May I lift my hands off the table in order to remove my billfold?

Calvin Candie:
YES, you may! [Schultz quickly retrieves his wallet out of his pocket and tosses it on the table; Stephen grabs it and starts counting the money]

[Nods to Calvin with the cash] That twelve. [Candie greedily smiles as Stephen drops the cash in front of him]

Calvin Candie:
[Lets go of Broomhilda's head and slams the hammer loudly on the table] SOLD... TO THE MAN WITH EXCEPTIONAL BEARD, AND HIS UNEXCEPTIONAL N*GGER!

[after Django is recaptured, stripped naked, taken to a barn and chained upside down from the ceiling; Stephen walks in and throws a bag of filthy clothes on the barn floor] You leaving. This here is what you take with you. [Stephen pulls up a stool and sits in front of the hanging Django] Your black ass is what all them motherf***ers at the Big House could talk about for the last few hours. Seem like white folk ain't never had a bright idea in they life was coming up with all kinds of ways to kill your ass. Now, mind you, most of them ideas had to do with f***ing with your fun parts. Now, that may seem like a good idea, but the truth is, when you snip a nigga's nuts, most of them bleed out in, oh, about... seven minutes. Most of them. [Stephen chuckles at the shivering, then-helpless Django] Well, more than most. Then I says, "Shitfire! The niggas we sell to LeQuint Dickey got it worse than that!" And they say, "Let's whip him to death!", or "Throw him to the Mandingos. Feed him to Stonesipher's dogs." And I said, "What's so special about that? We do that sh*t all the time! Hell's bells, the niggas we sell to LeQuint Dickey got it worse than that!" Lo and behold, out of nowhere, Miss Laura come up with the bright idea of giving your ass to the LeQuint Dickey Mining Company! [Django just stares at the old man talking to him] And as a slave of the LeQuint Dickey Mining Company, henceforth until the day you die, all day, every day, you will be swingin' a sledgehammer, turnin' big rocks into little rocks. Now, when you get there, they gonna take away your name, give you a number and a sledgehammer, and say, "Get to work!" One word of sass, they cut out your tongue. And they good at it, too. You won't bleed out. Oh, they does that real good! They gonna work ya all day, every day 'till your back give out. Then, they're gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the n*gger hole. [Django looks on] And THAT will be the story of you, Django!

Dr. King Schultz:
Mister Candie, normally I would say "Auf wiedersehen," but since what "auf wiedersehen" actually means is "'till I see you again", and since I never wish to see you again, to you, sir, I say goodbye! [Dr. Schultz turns around to leave with Django and Broomhilda]

Calvin Candie:
[Candie sulks in his library chair for a brief moment as he watches Schultz walk out. He then raises his hand to stop the doctor] Hmm! One more moment, Doctor!

Dr. King Schultz:
[stops and faces Candie] What?

Calvin Candie:
[Candie raises out of his chair] It's a custom here in the South once a business deal is concluded for the two parties to shake hands. It implies good faith...

Dr. King Schultz:
I'm not from the South- [Schultz turns again]

Calvin Candie:
But you are in my house, Doctor! So, I'm afraid I must insist...

Dr. King Schultz:
Insist what? That I shake your hand before I leave? [pause] Then I'm afraid I must insist in the opposite direction!

Calvin Candie:
[Calvin walks closer to the German doctor] You know what I think you are?

Dr. King Schultz:
Do I know what you think I am? No, I don't!

Calvin Candie:
I think you are a bad loser!

Dr. King Schultz:
And I think you're an abysmal winner!

Calvin Candie:
Never the less, here in Chickasaw County, a deal ain't done till the two parties have shook hands. Even after all this paper signin', don't mean sh*t you don't shake my hand.

Dr. King Schultz:
And if I don't shake your hand, you're gonna throw away $12,000? I don't think so!

Calvin Candie:
Mr. Pooch, if she tries to leave here before this n*gger-loving German shakes my hand, you cut her ass down! [Butch turns around to Broomhilda and clicks his gun. Django stands in front of Broomhilda to protect her in case she gets shot; he looks at Schultz. Dr. Schultz glares back at Django with an angry look on his face]

Dr. King Schultz:
[Dr. Schultz turns back at Candie] You REALLY want me to shake your hand?

Calvin Candie:
[Candie holds out his hand and smirks] I insist!

Dr. King Schultz:
Oh, if you insist... [Schultz smiles and walks up to Candie, pretending to willfully shake his hand; he instead raises a tiny gun hidden under his sleeve and shoots Candie in the chest]

[Django and Schultz walk into the saloon in Daughtrey]

Dr. King Schultz:
Good morning, innkeeper! Two beers for two weary travelers.

Saloon Keeper Pete:
It's still a bit early. We won't be open for another hour. By then, we'll be servin' breakfast. [sees Django] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What the hell do you think you're doing, boy?! Get that n*gger out of here! [runs out of the saloon] Help! Help!

Innkeeper! Remember, get the Sheriff, not the Marshal!

Sheriff! Sheriff!

Alas. Now we must act as our own bartender. Sit down, my boy. [drafts two beer mugs]

What kinda dentist are you?

[laughs] Despite that cart I haven't practiced dentistry in five years. But these days I practice a new profession: bounty hunter. Do you know what a bounty hunter is?


Well, the way the slave trade deals in human lives for cash, a bounty hunter deals in corpses. [clicks his tongue] Hat. [Django moves his hat aside; Schultz set the two beers on the table] Prost? The state places a bounty on a man's head. I track that man, I find that man, I kill that man. After I've killed him, I transport that man's corpse back to the authorities - sometimes that's easier said than done. I show that corpse to the authorities - proving yes indeed I truly have killed him, at which point the authorities pay me the bounty. So, like slavery, it's a flesh for cash business.

What's a bounty?

It's like a reward.

You kill people? And they give you a reward?

Certain people, yeah.

Bad people?

Ah, badder they are, bigger the reward. Which brings me to you, and I must admit I'm at a bit of a quandary when it comes to you. On one hand I despise slavery, on the other hand I need your help. If you're not in a position to refuse, all the better. So for the time being I'm gonna make this slavery malarkey work to my benefit. Still, having said that, I feel guilty. So, I would like the two of us to enter into an agreement. I'm looking for the Brittle brothers. However in this endeavor I'm at a slight disadvantage in so far as I have no idea what they look like. But you do...don'tcha?

I know what they look like all right.

Good. So, here's my agreement. You travel with me until we find them.

Where we goin'?

I hear at least two of them are overseeing up in Gatlinburg, but I don't know where. That means we visit every plantation in Gatlinburg till we find them. And when we find them, you point them out, and I kill them. You do that, I agree to give you your freedom, twenty-five dollars per Brittle Brother, that's seventy-five dollars — and, as if on cue, here comes the Sheriff.

Sheriff Bill Sharp:
Okay, boys! Fun's over. Come on out. [Schultz and Django step outside] Alright, folks, calm down! Go about your business. These jokers will be gone soon. Now, why y'all wanna come into my town and start trouble, and scare all these nice people? You ain't got nothin' better to do than to come into Bill Sharp's town and show your ass? [Schultz advances on the sheriff and shoots him with a concealed derringer.]

What did you just do to our Sheriff? [Schultz walks around the wounded sheriff and shoots him again in the head]

[to the bartender] Now you can get the marshal.

Marshal! Marshal!

Django Freeman:
How you know Brunhilde's first master's was German?

Dr. King Schultz:
Brunhilde is a German name. If they named her it stands to reason they'd be German.

Lots of gals where you from named Brunhilde?

Brunhilde is the name of a character in the most popular of all the German legends.

There's a story 'bout Brunhilde?

Yes there is.

Do you know it?

Oh every German knows that story. Would you like me to tell you? [Django nods] Well, Brunhilde was a princess. She was the daughter of Wotan, god of all gods. Anyway her father is really mad at her.

What'd she do?

I can't exactly remember. She disobeys him in some way. So he puts her on top of a mountain.

Brunhilde's on a mountain?

It's a German legend, there's always going to be a mountain in there somewhere. And he puts a fire-breathing dragon there to guard the mountain, and he surrounds her in a circle of hellfire. And there Brunhilde shall remain unless a hero arises brave enough to save her.

Does a fella arise?

Yes Django, as a matter of fact he does. A fella named Sigfried.

Does Sigfried save her?

[nods] Quite spectacularly so. He scales the mountain because he's not afraid of it. He slays the dragon because he's not afraid of him. And he walks through hellfire because Brunhilde's worth it.

I know how he feels.

I think I'm just starting to realize that. Look Django, I don't doubt that one day you'll save your lady love, but I can't let you go into Greenville in a good conscience. A slave auction town in Mississippi isn't the place for you to visit, free or not it's just too dangerous. But let me ask you a question: how do you like the bounty hunting business?

Kill white folks and they pay you for it? What's not to like?

I have to admit we make a good team.

I thought you was mad at me for killin' Big John and Little Raj.

Yeah, on that occasion you were a tad overzealous, but normally that's a good thing. How'd you like to partner up for the winter?

Whatcha mean partner up?

You work with me through the winter till the snow melts. I give you a third of my bounties so we make some money this winter and when the snow melts I'll take you to Greenville myself and we'll find where they sent your wife.

Why you care what happens to me? Why you care if I find my wife?

Frankly, I've never given anybody their freedom before, and now that I have I feel vaguely responsible for you. Plus when a German meets a real-life Sigfried that's kind of a big deal. As a German I'm obliged to help you on your quest to rescue your beloved Brunhilde.

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