Prison Break

Prison Break

Michael Scofield is a desperate man in a desperate situation. His brother, Lincoln Burrows, was convicted of a crime he didn't commit and put on Death Row. Michael holds up a bank to get himself incarcerated alongside his brother in Fox River State Penitentiary, then sets in motion a series of elaborate plans to break Lincoln out and prove his innocence. Once out of jail, their perils aren't over -- the brothers must flee to escape recapture and battle an intricate political conspiracy that puts everyone's life at risk.

Director(s): t bag

FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone:
Can you open the gate? And I need a new vehicle.

Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim:
There's something you should know about me. I don't like being out in the field. I only do so when there's been a screw up. I'm out in the field, Alex.

FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone:
Then why don't you open the gate and you can hurry back to D.C. before your shoes get dirty?

Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim:
We have a lead as to where Burrows will be meeting up with his brother. It's a place he referred to as Bolshoi Booze. That mean anything to you?

FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone:
Yeah it's one of a hundred tattoos on Scofield's body.

Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim:
What does it mean?

FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone:
I don't know yet.

Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim:
You'll need to figure it out within the next couple of hours. If Scofield and Borrows cross the border they'll be out of your jurisdiction. And you'll be of no further value to us.

FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone:
Open the gate.

Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim:
So you can do what? I wanna hear it, straight from the mouth of the guy who was supposed to be our closer.

FBI Special Agent Alexander Mahone:
I'll get Scofield. And Burrows. And all the rest of them. And then me, and you, and Kellerman, we're gonna part ways.

Secret Service Special Agent William 'Bill' Kim:
I just hope you're properly motivated. [he opens the gate] 'Cause as long as you do your job, we forget about Shales.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
[Cut to Fox River infirmary. Sara tends to Michael's bandaged foot] No redness or swelling, so there's no sign of infection. I'm going to keep it on antibiotics for the next ten days. You should be good! [She stands up] Michael you understand by law I'm obligated to file a report if I feel there's been prisoner misconduct. There's no way this injury happened by stepping on a blade in a garden shed. [Michael pulls on his sock]

Michael Scofield:
If you file the report, things could get a lot worse for me.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
They're not already?

Michael Scofield:
Not compared to what they could be. [He looks down] I've made some enemies.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Yeah. Scared? [Michael doesn't say anything] Man enough. Okay. [Michael smiles and laughs softly] Um, here's what I think. I think you are scared, and you wouldn't be human if you weren't scared in a place like this.

Michael Scofield:
When I was young, I couldn't sleep at night. [He finishes tying his shoe] Because I thought there was a monster in the closet. [Sara smiles] But my brother told me there wasn't anything in the closet but fear. And fear wasn't real. He said it wasn't made of anything, it was just [he pauses] air. Not even that. He said you just have to face it. You just have to open that door, and the monster would disappear.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Your brother sounds like a smart man.

Michael Scofield:
He is. In here though, you face your fear. You open that door, and there's a hundred more doors behind it. And the monsters that are hiding behind them, are all real.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
If you want, I could recommend you be sent to AdSeg.

Michael Scofield:
[Smiling bluntly] With the rape victims and the snitches. [He stands up]

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
It would keep you safe.

Michael Scofield:
Thanks. But I think I'd like to face the monsters on my own. [He walks out]

John Abruzzi:
[Cut to the line heading back to the block. Michael gets pushed out of the line and into a side room by Gus. He looks around, worried] Easy now, Fish, don't make this any harder than it needs to be. [He stands with his back to Michael. He turns around] It's time we came to an arrangement, don't you think? [T-Bag steps out from behind him and looks up]

Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell:
[Smiling] You know, I was thinkin' I was gonna cut you bile to stern soon as I laid eyes on you, but a lack-a day, you look so pretty when you're scared, don't you? [He turns to Abruzzi] Maybe we ought to get the love out of the way before we move onto the hate. [He turns back to Michael] What do you say to that, Pretty? [He licks his lips] Hmm? Yeah... yeah, maybe it's time I lit up that leather once and for all. [He puts the shank down on a wall. As soon as he's unarmed, Abruzzi elbows him hard in the face. Michael shields his face with his arm. Abruzzi fights T-Bag off and his group incapacitate him. Abruzzi turns back to Michael]

John Abruzzi:
Ahh, he talks too much. [He grabs the back of Michael's head and pulls it toward him] You and I need to have a conversation. [They walk back into the line] What happened in there was my way of saying uh, I know I've been coming about this whole thing the wrong way. [CO's rush to the room where T-Bag lays] I'm trying to make amends here. Bygones for bygones. [He holds out his hand]

Michael Scofield:
You're a mercurial man, John.

John Abruzzi:
I prefer bold. [He laughs and walks forward]

John Abruzzi:
[They walk out past the yard] Tell me what you need from me.

Michael Scofield:
A trade. You get me a plane, I'll get you Fibonacci.

John Abruzzi:
What do you need a plane for?

Michael Scofield:
I think you know.

John Abruzzi:
I help you, I'm in. You know that, don't you?

Michael Scofield:
I do. [Abruzzi nods]

John Abruzzi:
I just gotta know the exact date and time.

Michael Scofield:
I'll tell you soon enough.

John Abruzzi:
Soon enough ain't gonna cut it. I need to be outside these walls before Fibonacci testifies.

Michael Scofield:
You will be.

John Abruzzi:
He testifies in one month.

Michael Scofield:
Then we'll be out in plenty of time.

John Abruzzi:
If not, you're a corpse. So you'd better cut the crap and tell me the exact date and time so I can start making the arrangements.

Michael Scofield:
I don't know if I can trust you with that information yet.

John Abruzzi:
Why not?

Michael Scofield:
Like I said, John, you're a mercurial man.

Warden Henry Pope:
[Cut to Pope's office. Michael huddles over the model of the Taj Mahal] How are those allergies?

Michael Scofield:
Excuse me?

Warden Henry Pope:
In your motion, you cited chronic, um...

Michael Scofield:

Warden Henry Pope:

Michael Scofield:
It's not an allergy, actually. It's an uh, bacterial infection.

Warden Henry Pope:

Michael Scofield:
The moist air from the river along the east wall helps keeps me, you know

[he sniffs]

Michael Scofield:

Warden Henry Pope:
[smiling] I'm impressed. Not even a week in here and you're already working it like an old con.

Michael Scofield:
Well, you've got one up on me, Warden. You know why I needed to file those motions, but I have no idea why you needed to transfer me.

Warden Henry Pope:
Traffic control, Scofield, that's all. Traffic control. Look, it's coming up on five o'clock. What do you say we call it a day?

Michael Scofield:
[sighing] I don't think I can do that, Sir.

Warden Henry Pope:
Why not?

Michael Scofield:
If I let go of this support right now, the whole thing's coming down. See, the Taj was designed using axial force. A series of internal forces along the longitudinal axis.

Warden Henry Pope:
Ah, how much longer?

Michael Scofield:
Depends on how long it takes to dry. If you need me to leave, I can show your secretary how to hold it.

Warden Henry Pope:
All right, you can stay till it dries. There'll be a guard outside the door. Just check in with Becky when you're done and she'll have somebody escort you back to your cell.

Michael Scofield:
All right.

Warden Henry Pope:
And uh, Scofield? I want to thank you for showing up today. I would have understood it if you didn't.

Michael Scofield:
We had a deal.

Warden Henry Pope:
Right. Still, thanks. My wife is going to love it.

Michael Scofield:
You're welcome.

[after Pope leaves, Michael releases hold on the support structure. It doesn't collapse at all. Michael moves to the door where he listens to make sure the coast is clear. Pope is gone, but CO Paterson remains behind, flirting with Becky]

Lincoln Burrows:
You know, for what it's worth, no one forced Sara to do what she did.

Michael Scofield:
Whatever gets you through the night.

Lincoln Burrows:
What the hell does that mean? I didn't ask you to use her.

Michael Scofield:
It's not that simple.

Lincoln Burrows:
Whatever gets you through the night, buddy.

Michael Scofield:
You know what amazes me Linc? Nothing ever registers with you. Ever. It just rolls right off your back, doesn't it? We ruined Sara's life and it's like you don't even care.

Lincoln Burrows:
Is that what you think?

Michael Scofield:
We're here and Sara's back there in prison. Does that seem fair to you?

Lincoln Burrows:
None of it is fair. Just don't make this about boy loses girl.

Michael Scofield:
Who should it be about Linc? Westmoreland? Tweener? LJ?

Lincoln Burrows:
Let me stop you right there!

Michael Scofield:
Do you remember the name of the guard that was murdered because of the riot I started?

Lincoln Burrows:
Shut up Michael. Please.

Michael Scofield:
You don't remember his name?

Lincoln Burrows:
Shut up!

Michael Scofield:
I bet you remember Veronica's name, don't you?

Lincoln Burrows:
[pushes Michael very hard. They're both screaming now] You mention her name again and I swear to God!

Michael Scofield:
What about T-bag? Linc, he's out there, now! Because of us! You and me! Every life he takes, that's blood on our hands. And for what?

Lincoln Burrows:
I didn't ask you to do what you did.

Michael Scofield:
They were going to kill you Linc.

Lincoln Burrows:
Maybe you should have let them!

Michael Scofield:
Take that back.

Lincoln Burrows:
[Lincoln sits beside Michael on a bench in the locker area] Did you mean what you said earlier?

Michael Scofield:
I'm not here on vacation. Trust me.

Lincoln Burrows:
Getting outside these walls is just the beginning. You're gonna need money.

Michael Scofield:
[Looking over at Westmoreland] I'll have it.

Lincoln Burrows:
And people on the outside. People that can help you disappear.

Michael Scofield:
I've already got them. [He looks over at Abruzzi] They just don't know it yet.

Lincoln Burrows:
[Looking confused] Look. Whatever you got going on, fill me in, 'cause I'm in the dark here.

Michael Scofield:
[Smiling] Schapelle Associates got the contract to retrofit this place in ninety-nine, four million dollar contract, head partner couldn't crack it. So he subcontracted out. An under the table sorta deal with a former associate. That guy was one of the partners in my firm. Who basically goes through the whole plan, crossed the t's dotted the i's, grouted the tiles. [He stands up]

Lincoln Burrows:
[Realizing] You've seen the blueprints.

Michael Scofield:
Better than that. [He pulls off his shirt, exposing the tattoo underneath] I've got them on me. [Lincoln sits back, trying to understand]

Lincoln Burrows:
Are you kidding me? [Michael smiles] Am I supposed to be seeing something here?

Michael Scofield:
Look closer. [Lines appear on Michael's body, outlined to show certain blueprints of the prison. He turns around and again, the same thing happens with his back. The camera zooms in and shows the walls, and physical aspects depicted in the tattoo. This finally emerges out of the yard through the grate with the crane and the magazine in it]

Lincoln Burrows:
[answering phone] Yeah?

President Caroline Reynolds:
Lincoln Burrows?

Lincoln Burrows:
Caroline Reynolds.

President Caroline Reynolds:
I understand you have something for me. [silence] You still there?

Lincoln Burrows:
Oh, I'm here. It's good to finally talk to you. Wish I had the chance one of those 242 nights I spent on death row, you ...

President Caroline Reynolds:
Please just play the tape.

[Lincoln holds his phone up to the computer and the recording plays... ]

President Caroline Reynolds:
It's awful, I know. But the choice was clear, you needed to be far away from all of this.

Terrence Steadman:
I am. I'm the Isle of Terrance, far off to sea.

President Caroline Reynolds:
But I'm still here for you. Now listen to me. Don't dwell on the negative.

Terrence Steadman:
Some people deserve to dwell, Caroline.

President Caroline Reynolds:
You know I'm only a phone call away.

Terrence Steadman:
Mmhmm. And 3000 miles. Do - do you know how cold it is here?

President Caroline Reynolds:
We talked about this, Terrance. You knew that you would be lonely, but it's only temporary. His appeals process has started already. This is gonna fly by quicker than your twenties. And soon the world will forget all about him. And they'll forget about you too, I promise.

Terrence Steadman:
But... it's killing me, not being able to see you. Sweet Caroline.

President Caroline Reynolds:
I wanna see you too, but that can't happen right now.

Terrence Steadman:
This house is so big, I just... I just think of you, lying in bed.

President Caroline Reynolds:
I know. Me too.

Terrence Steadman:
Your warmth, your touch...

[Caroline hangs up the phone]

Charles Westmoreland:
'Cause you still think I'm D.B. Cooper.

Michael Scofield:
I don't think. I know. The way I see it, you're in here doing 60-to-life for a vehicular manslaughter. It would have been 20, but the car you were in was stolen. Felony murder rule cubes up your sentence, and here you are. Hitting that woman was an accident, but the car? No one accidently steals a car. So the question is, why would Charles Westmoreland be in Arizona boosting a car, ten states away from where he lived, and only ten miles away from the Mexican border? And why, two days before that, would someone make a phone call to his wife from a motel in Portland, a stone's throw away from the airport out of which, shortly after, flight 305 was hijacked by one, D.B. Cooper? Seven hours after the hijacking, records show Charles Westmoreland was treated for a busted knee at a free clinic in Brigham City. Only way to get from Portland, Oregon to Brigham City, Utah in seven hours, is in a car breaking every land-speed record known to man, or flying. It's public record D.B. Cooper jumped out of that 727 about an hour after takeoff. Taking a dive at ten thousand feet with 1.5 million in cash and a hastily packed parachute, might make for a pretty rough landing. Rough enough to shatter some bones, maybe even a left knee. D.B. Cooper would've had a car waiting for him when he landed. According to D.M.V. records, in 1971, Charles Westmoreland was the proud owner of a '65 Chevy Nova. As it happened, a '65 Chevy Nova with the registration number scraped off was found abandoned with a blown gasket along the Arizona border, a mile or two away from where you accidently hit that woman, with your stolen car.

Charles Westmoreland:
Interesting story.

Michael Scofield:
Interesting man.

Michael Scofield:
Sara... I was thinking about something just...

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Enough, Michael... enough with the the lies and consequences and stories all of it.

Michael Scofield:
It's not what you think.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
I know what you did, the question is are you man enough to admit it.

Michael Scofield:
The Keys.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Congratulations, is that the first time you've been honest with me.

Michael Scofield:
It's not.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
The second. What do you want from me Michael, is it drugs is it needles.

Michael Scofield:

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Then what?

Michael Scofield:
Please understand that I never meant... I never wanted to involve you in this.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Well you've done a pretty poor job of that.

Michael Scofield:
I came here to tell you something... I'm getting my brother out of here, tonight! And I need your help.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Michael... uh, honestly for your own good don't say anything more?

Michael Scofield:
You know he's innocent.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Do what your talking about and he won't be.

Michael Scofield:
He'll still be alive.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
You understand that I'm required to report everything your telling me.

Michael Scofield:

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Then why would you?

Michael Scofield:
Because, your the only one that can help and because I know you want to become part of the solution.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
Yea, aiding and abetting is not part of the solution.

Michael Scofield:
Neither is doing nothing knowing what you know about his case.

Dr. Sara Tancredi:
How dare you put this on me, I did what I could, I gave my father the information from the...

Michael Scofield:
No offense to your father, but the people that are framing Lincoln, let just say they have a higher security clearance.

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