The Incredibles

The Incredibles

The Incredibles is a 2004 Academy Award-winning computer animated feature film produced by Pixar Animation Studios for Walt Disney Pictures, centering around a family of superheroes. It was written and directed by Brad Bird, previously best known for directing the 1999 animated movie The Iron Giant. The Incredibles was originally developed as a traditionally-animated movie for Warner Bros., but after Warner shut down its feature animation division, Brad Bird moved to Pixar and took the story with him.

Genre: Animation
Director(s): Brad Bird
Save the day.
Discover the Side of Superheroes You've Never Seen Before
Expect The Incredible
Twice the hero he used to be
Super cool
No gut, no glory
Sock'er Mom

[Mr. Incredible confronts a French, mime-like, clown-like super villain named Bomb Voyage]

Mr. Incredible:
Bomb Voyage.

Monsieur Incroyable...! [Mr. Incredible...!]

[offscreen] And IncrediBoy!

[Buddy himself breaks through the window.]


[flies up to Mr. Incredible, using rocket boots] Hey! Hey! Aren't you curious on how I get around so fast? [shows Mr. Incredible his rocket boots] See? I have these rocket boots. And they--

Mr. Incredible:
Go away, Buddy.


Mr. Incredible:
I work alone.

Petit naïf libe...! [Little oaf...!]

[Buddy looks at Voyage]

Can we talk? [pulls Mr. Incredible off to the side] You always, say, "Be true to yourself.", but you never say which part of yourself to be true to! Well I've finally figured out who I am! [walks up to Mr. Incredible] I am your ward: IncrediBoy!

Mr. Incredible:
And now, you have officially gone too far, Buddy. [grabs Voyage before he can escape]

This is because I'd have powers, isn't it? Well, not every superhero has powers, y'know! You can be super without them! I invented these. [points to his rocket boots] I can fly! Can you fly?

Mr. Incredible:
Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.

Et ton costume est complètement ridicule! [And your outfit is totally ridiculous!]

Could you just gimme one chance! Look, I'll show you! I'll go get the police!

[Voyage has attached a bomb to Buddy's cape; Mr. Incredible notices]

Mr. Incredible:
Buddy! No!

It'll only take a second, really!

Mr. Incredible:
No! Stop it! [releases Voyage] There's a bomb! [grabs onto Buddy's cape]

[Edna shows Helen the other suits she has created for the Parrs]

I started with the baby.


Shh! Darling! Shh! I cut it a little roomy for the free movement. The fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin [flamethrowers throw fire at the suit without leaving burn marks], and it can also withstand a temperature of over 1,000 degrees! Completely bulletproof. [machine guns train on the suit and empty rounds into it without causing any damage] And machine-washable, darling. That's a new feature.

What on earth do you think the baby will be doing?!

Well, I'm sure I don't know, darling. Luck favors the prepared. I didn't know the baby's powers, so I covered the basics.

Jack-Jack doesn't have any powers.

No? He'll look fabulous anyway. [moves on to Dash's suit] Your boy's suit I designed to withstand enormous friction without heating up or wearing out. A useful feature. [moves on to Violet's] Your daughter's suit was tricky, but I finally created a sturdy material that will disappear completely as she does. [moves on to Helen's new suit] Your suit can stretch as far as you can, without injuring yourself [the suit is being stretched like a piece of taffy], and still retain its shape. Virtually indestructible. [two missiles fire at the suit, but the suit sustains to damage whatsoever] Yet it breathes like Egyptian cotton. As an extra feature, each suit contains a homing device, giving you the precise global location of the wearer at the touch of a button. [hands Helen one showing the tracking location of one of the suits] Well, darling? What do you think?

What do I think?! Bob is retired! I'm retired, our family is underground! You helped my husband resume secret hero-work behind my back?!

Well, I assumed you knew, darling! Why would he keep secrets from you?

He wouldn't. Didn't-- D-Doesn't.

[sighs] Men at Robert's age are often unstable. Prone to weakness.

[A tiny alarm sounds. Mr. Incredible checks his wristwatch]

Mr. Incredible:
Holy smokes, I'm late. Listen, I've gotta be somewhere.

[He signals the Incredi-Bile with a remote. It roars into view, squeals to a stop next to him]

Police Officer #1:
What about Bomb Voyage?

Mr. Incredible:
Any other night, I'd go after him myself, but I really gotta go. But don't worry. We'll get him! Eventually!

[He fires the afterburners. The cops watch in dismay as the Incredi-Bile roars off. Bob's car pulls up in front, converting back into a sedan. Bob Parr enters, dressed smartly in a tux, fumbling with his tie]

Bob Parr:
Hey, is the night still young?

Lucius Best:
You're very late.

Bob Parr:
How do I look? Good?

[His best man Lucius stops him before he]

Lucius Best:
Oh, the mask! You still got the mask.

[Best reaches up and pulls off his Mr. Incredible's mask. Bob takes a deep breath and pushes open the chapel doors]

Bob Parr:

[Bob stands at the altar with his Helen, who we the bride]

Robert Parr, will you have this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?

Helen Parr:
You're late. When you asked me if I was doing anything later, I didn't realize you'd actually forgotten. I thought it was playful banter.

Bob Parr:
It was playful banter.

Helen Parr:
Cutting it kinda close, don't ya think?

Bob Parr:
You need to be more... flexible.

Helen Parr:
I love you, but if we're gonna make this work, you've gotta be more than Mr. Incredible. You know that. Don't you?

Minister: long as you both shall live?

Bob Parr:
I do.

I pronounce this couple husband and wife.

[They kiss, with a superheroes and people cheering]

Helen Parr:
As long as we both shall live. No matter what happens.

Bob Parr:
Hey, come on. We're superheroes. What could happen?

Newsreel Narrator:
In a stunning turn of events, a superhero is being sued for saving someone who, apparently, didn't want to be saved. The plaintiff, Oliver Sansweet, who was foiled in his attempted suicide by Mr. Incredible, has filed suit against the famed superhero in Superior Court.

[Oliver Sansweet's lawyer stands next to him on the crowded front steps, and speaks to a cluster of reporters]

Oliver Sansweet's Lawyer:
Mr. Sansweet didn't ask to be saved, Mr. Sansweet didn't want to be saved, and the injuries received from Mr. Incredible's so-called "actions" cause him daily pain.

[The crowd stirs as Mr. Incredible appears and points a threatening finger at Oliver Sansweet]

Mr. Incredible:
Hey, I saved your life!

Oliver Sansweet:
You didn't save my life, you ruined my death, that's what you did!

Mr. Incredible:
Listen, you little piece of...

Mr. Incredible's Lawyer:
[cuts him off] My client has no further comment at this time.

[Shots of the train accident scene]

Newsreel Narrator:
Five days later, another suit was filed by victims of the el train accident.

[Shots of a courtroom filled with neck-braced train-wreck victims. A lawyer goes through his paces, often gesturing toward a glowering Mr. Incredible]

Newsreel Narrator:
Incredible's court losses cost the government millions. And opened the flood gates for dozens of superhero lawsuits the world over.

[A series of spinning newspaper headlines describing the succession of lawsuits brought against Superheroes:
"DynaGuy sued!", "'SUPER' DAMAGES!", "X-RAY VISION PEEPING TOM?" Irate Taxpayers demonstrate, waving placards that read: "NO MORE SUPER BAILOUTS!", "$UPER EXPEN$IVE!", etc. A senator addresses his colleagues from the floor of the House of Representatives]

It is time for their secret identity to become their only identity. Time for them to join us, or go away.

Newsreel Narrator:
Under tremendous public pressure, and the crushing financial burden of an ever mounting series of lawsuits, the government quietly initiated the superhero relocation program.

[Superheroes exiting the public stage, as they wave goodbye (ala Nixon), duck into cars in a shower of popping flashbulbs, cheered by supporters, jeered by opponents, etc]

Newsreel Narrator:
The supers will be granted amnesty from responsibility for past actions, in exchange for the promise to never again resume hero work. Where are they now?

[A throng of people mill about the city streets in diverse anonymity]

Newsreel Narrator:
They are living among us. Average citizens, average heroes. Quietly and anonymously continuing to make the world a better place.

[The music crescendoes as camera lifts up to the horizon and the sun streaming through the clouds]

[We then find the aforementioned burning building that is completely on fire. The camera then goes inside to find Bob and Lucius rescuing people from the burnage.]

Is that everybody?

Yeah, that's everyone!

[They duck down to avoid some crumbling parts.]

It better be.

[He attempts to generate ice to put out the fire, but to no avail, as he's not only dehydrated, but there's also no water in the air.]

Can't you put this out?

I can't lay down a layer thick enough! It's evaporating too fast!

Well, what's that mean?

It means it's hot! And I'm dehydrated, Bob!

You're out of ice?! You can't run out of ice! I thought you could use the water in the air!

There is no water in this air! What's your excuse, run out of muscle?!

I can't just go smashing through walls! The building's getting weaker by the second! It's gonna come down on top of us!

I wanted to go bowling!

[More parts of the building come crumbling down. Bob eventually sees an open path ahead.]

All right! Stay right on my tail! It's gonna get hot!

[He and Lucius charge through the fire and smash through a wall on the side of the building, and crash through a wall on another building next to the burning building, causing the latter building to collapse, eventually putting out the fire. Bob and Lucius take notice from behind and then see the people they rescued moving and regaining consciousness, much to their relief.]

[fist bumps with Lucius] Yeah. [He gets up coughing, then realizes that he and Lucius are inside a jewelry store.] Uh-oh. [He unknowingly trips the alarm on accidentally. sarcastically] Oh, good.

[Suddenly, an alarm sounds and the lights turn on, startling the two superheroes.]

[groans as he gets up] Oh, no. That ain't right.

[A police officer gets out of his car and sees Bob and Lucius inside the store. Inside, Bob and Lucius get into another argument.]

We look like bad guys!

You can get water out of the air!

Incompetent bad guys!

[The police officer breaks in and points his gun at the two Supers.]


[as the cops burst into the jewelry store where Bob and Lucius are, Lucius noticesreaches for a water cooler to replenish his freezing powers]


I'm thirsty.

[Lucius reaches for a cup of water, which he starts filling]

I said "freeze"!

I'm just getting a drink. [takes the cup to his mouth and drinks]

Okay, you had your drink! Now, I want you to ---

[calmly, as he drops the cup] I know, I know. [directly] Freeze. [freezes the cop]

[More officers rush inside the store.]

Police officers!

Woman [on phone]:
Request claim on claim numbers 158183....

[Bob presses his intercom button]

Gilbert Huph:

Huph's Secretary:
[over the intercom] Mr. Huph would like to talk to you in his office.


Huph's Secretary:

[Huph angrily continues to yell indistinctly over the phone. Bob eventually gets up from his cubicle and heads to Huph's Office. Mirage slowly walks over, looks around and leaves something on his desk]

Gilbert Huph:
[sharpens his pencil and aligns it with other three] Sit down, Bob.

[Bob sits and moves the 4th pencil]

Gilbert Huph:
[re-aligns it and starts] I'm not happy, Bob. NOT...HAPPY. Ask me why.

Okay. Why?

Gilbert Huph:
Why what? Be specific, Bob.

Why are you unhappy?

Gilbert Huph:
Your customers make me unhappy.

What, you've gotten complaints?

Gilbert Huph:
Complaints I can handle. What I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings!! They're experts! EXPERTS, Bob! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're PENETRATING the bureaucracy!

Did I do something illegal?

Gilbert Huph:
[begrudgingly] No...

Are you saying we shouldn't help our customers?

Gilbert Huph:
The law requires that I answer no.

We're supposed to help people!

Gilbert Huph:
We're supposed to help OUR PEOPLE! Starting with our stockholders, Bob! Who's helping them out, HUH?! [sighs and regains composure] You know, Bob.... [moves a letter that says: Memo: Policy Notification To: Employee From: Gilbert Huph Due to financial cut-backs, you will be expected to self-expense all office supplies, including but not limited to pencils, erasers, pens, paper, stationery, folders, staples, paper clips, brads, and photocopies. All parking will now be metered by the hour. Electricity consumption and all telephone charges will be deducted from your paycheck. The Board of Directors at Insuricare wishes to thank you for your selfless sacrifice through this time of financial uncertainty. It is because of you, the employee, that Insuricare has recorded its highest profit in years. Remember, a successful company makes for successful employees. Every penny you save is another penny that goes in... [the rest is covered by Huph's finger] Salutations, Gilbert Huph] ...a company...

Is like an enormous clock.

Gilbert Huph: like an enormous clo— Yes, precisely! It only works... if all the little cogs... mesh together! Now, a clock needs to be clean, well-lubricated and wound tight. The best clocks have jewel movements, cogs that fit, that cooperate by design. [chuckling] I'm being metaphorical, Bob...You know what I mean by cooperative cogs? Bob? Bob... [furiously grabs Bob by the chin and angrily pulls him toward him] LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU, PARR!!

[Outside the window, Bob sees a man is being mugged]

That man out there, he needs help!

Gilbert Huph:
Do NOT change the subject, Bob! We're discussing YOUR! ATTITUDE!

He is getting mugged!

Gilbert Huph:
Well, let's hope we don't cover him!

[gets up out of his seat and heads for the door] I'll be right back. [puts his hand on the doorknob]

Gilbert Huph:
[angrily threatens Bob] Stop.....RIGHT NOW, OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!!

[stops, crushes the doorknob and angrily turns his face red]

Gilbert Huph:
[grins evilly] Close the door. Get over here... now. I'm not happy, Bob. Not happy.

He got away...

Gilbert Huph:
[last words] Good thing, too. Heh! You were this close to losing your j–LAAAGH!

[furiously grabs Huph by the throat and angrily strangles him. Then he accidentally throws him through 5 office walls that nearly kill him; Huph crashes into a filing cabinet, badly injured; Everyone stares at Bob in shock] Uh-oh.

[Mr. Incredible is waiting at the assigned room A113, when suddenly, a giant robot appears out of nowhere]

It’s bigger! It’s badder! Ladies and gentlemen, it's.... Too much for Mr. Incredible!! Whoa, Whoa! Whoa! It’s finally ready! [Syndrome shuts down the robots blades] You know, I went through quite a few supers to get it worthy to fight you, but man, it wasn’t good enough!! After you trashed the last one, I had to make some major modifications. Sure it was difficult, but you are worth it. I mean, after all... i am your biggest fan.

Mr. Incredible:
[Recognising the new villain] Buddy?

My name is not......BUDDY!! [Mr. Incredible is thrown down by the robot] And it’s not lncrediBoy either! That ship has sailed. All I wanted was to help you. I only wanted to help! And what did you say to me!?

Mr. Incredible [Flashback]:
Fly home, Buddy. I work alone.

It tore me apart. But I learned an important lesson. You can’t count on anyone. Especially your heroes.

Mr. Incredible:
I was wrong to treat you that way....I’m sorry!

[Not accepting the apology] See? Now you respect me, because I’m a threat. That’s the way it works! Turns out there’s a lot of people, whole countries who want respect. And they will pay through the nose to get it. How do you think I got rich? I invented weapons. And now I have a weapon only I can defeat. And when I unleash it, I’ll get--

[Mr. Incredible attempted to throw a log at Syndrome, but he dodged it and freezed Mr. Incredible]

[laughing] You sly dog! You got me monologuing! I can’t believe it.... [He slams Mr. Incredible into the ground] It’s cool, huh? Zero-point energy. I saved the best inventions for myself.

[He starts throwing Mr. Incredible around with his ZPE arm.]

Am I good enough now? Who’s super now? I’m Syndrome! Your nemesis and- (Syndrome unknowingly, mistakenly flinged Mr. Incredible too far.) Oh, brilliant.

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