The Story of Seabiscuit

The Story of Seabiscuit

The Story of Seabiscuit is a 1949 American drama film directed by David Butler and starring Shirley Temple in a semi-fictionalized account of racehorse Seabiscuit, the top money winner up to the 1940s. The screenplay was written by John Taintor Foote, uses the actual racehorse names, but changed the names of people involved. Though shot in Technicolor, the film incorporates actual black-and-white footage of Seabiscuit in races, including the 1940 Santa Anita Handicap and the 1938 match race against rival War Admiral, which is still considered by many to be the greatest horse race of all time.

Genre: Drama, Family, Romance

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
Is, uh, is, uh, you folks, uh...?

Margaret O'Hara:
Could you be apt to telling me if there's a certain Mr. Millford, the horse breeder, anywhere about?

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
I don't rightly know what you's saying, missy. I'm here to pick up some folks that's going out to Mr. Millford's farm. A couple of foreigners.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
What language is this strange person talking, Maggie?

Margaret O'Hara:
I'm not sure.

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
Don't y'all speak the English language?

Margaret O'Hara:
Yes, we do. Now, you listen carefully. This is Mr. Shawn O'Hara. I'm his niece. We've come all the way from Ireland. Mr. Millford's expecting us. Mr. Millford!

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
Yes'm. Yes'm. You is which I'm looking for. I'm Mr. Millford's boy.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
His boy, you say?

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
Yes, sir. Murphy's the name, sir.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Murphy - Did he say Murphy?

Margaret O'Hara:
I think he did, Uncle Shawn. Did you say Murphy?

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
Yes, missy. Murphy. They calls me Walkin' Murphy.

Margaret O'Hara:
Walkin' Murphy?

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
Yes'm. Most of us Murphys down here just sit. I walk.

Margaret O'Hara:
Well, that's fine.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Murphy! Now what part of Ireland are you from?

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
I don't rightly know, sir. Us Murphys down here only got a casual acquaintance with the Irish.

Margaret O'Hara:
Come on, Murphy. Take us to Mr. Millford.

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:
I almost forgot what Mr. Millford said. [clears his throat] Welcome to Kentucky, the Bluegrass state.

Margaret O'Hara:
Thanks, Murphy. Start walking.

Walkin' Murphy, Milford's Boy:

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Paris, Murphy, Bluegrass...

Margaret O'Hara:
It's a strange, new world, Uncle Shawn.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
I hear you're a magician, Shawn. You can look at a yearling and tell like that whether he'll turn out champion or cow.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
You exaggerate my abilities, George, but...

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
But that's exactly why you're here, Shawn.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
Oh, brother! Why, we can't even tell when they're two-year-olds. Even after we've tested them plenty against each other we sometimes let a future winner go to the sales.

Margaret O'Hara:
Perhaps you've let too many winners get away, Mr. Carson.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Now, Maggie, naturally George is doubtful.

Margaret O'Hara:
If it's proof you want, Mr. Carson, listen to this: In all the years Uncle Shawn trained for Lord and Lady Maitland in Ireland, devil a colt that turned the trick was sold by them.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
All right, Miss Margaret. Let me in on the secret, will you?

Margaret O'Hara:
Of course. 'Tis simple. When it comes to a thoroughbred horse, Uncle Shawn is fey.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
Fey? What's that?

Margaret O'Hara:
It has to do with the little people: elves, gnomes, fairies.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
So we're going to have the fairies pick our horses for us. Well, I give up. Boss, you can have my resignation whenever you want it.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
Of course not. Don't fly off the handle. You and Shawn will make a great team.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
You judge the next two or three, George. Shawn and I won't open our heads.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I'll not so much as whisper. I give you me word.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
Come on with him. [stable hand brings up Seabiscuit] And that was bred here? What is it?

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
Seabiscuit by Hard Tack out of Swing On.

stable hand:
He's always been kind of runty.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
Yeah. Runty's right. Look at those knees. Big enough for a three-year-old. Well, George, deciding about this one won't strain you.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
Get him to the shipping paddock, quick.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
One minute. Mr. Millford, I gave you me word, and you can call me what you like, but I'm going to have me say. I'm begging you, I'm praying you, don't let this little man go.

George Carson, Head Trainer at Milford Farms:
Well, can you beat that? Boss, I've stood for a lot here this morning, but if you keep this runty, big-kneed thing on the say of this Irish expert, I'm getting off the place.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Man, you don't know what you're saying. I'll leave, and gladly, to trouble you no more on one condition: give this colt a chance to show you what he can do.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
Nobody's going to leave over one yearling. Shawn, I promised George, and I'm keeping my word. Shipping paddock.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
The day will come, sir, when you'll hold your head higher and breathe deep to be called his owner.

Thomas Milford, Owner Milford Farms:
You die hard, don't you, Shawn.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I doubt if it's hard enough.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Say, I think your niece is swell.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Well, you can't start an argument with me that way, me boy.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
I just wanted to know if it'd be okay by you if I dated her.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
And if it shouldn't be okay by me, I'm thinking you'd start an argument.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Well, I thought maybe you had it in for jocks, too. Darned if I don't think I'd stand a better chance with her if I were a stable boy. She's a mystery, that Margaret is. You know, Mr. O'Hara, maybe you could put in a good word for me.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Well, now, being the kind of man you are, Ted, I've an idea you can solve that mystery without my help. However, I might be willing to put in a word here and there if you do me a bit of a favor in return.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Anything you say.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I'll not say much. Just buy that colt there, Seabiscuit.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Me, buy that little squirt? What for?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I like him.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
But he hasn't got a chance. George doesn't think so either, or he wouldn't be shipping him.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I think you're both mistaken.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Well, if you're so sure, why don't you buy him yourself?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
No, no. So long as I train for other people, I'll never race one of me own. I might be tempted to give him special consideration.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
I feel the same way myself.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
But I'll tell you all the news later. Get in some other clothes. You're going to Santa Anita with me.

Margaret O'Hara:
Well, Seabiscuit isn't running today, is he?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
No, he's not, but you'll see something with two legs who's in a fair way to become a champion himself. Need I tell you his name?

Margaret O'Hara:
No, you needn't. I can't go. I'm on duty.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
You love Ted, don't you?

Margaret O'Hara:
Please, Uncle Shawn. This isn't the time or the place. I told you, I'm on duty.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I'm thinking of your duty to yourself. You're neglecting it shamefully. You'll never be happy sticking your head out of sight like a bloomin' ostrich. Hold it up proud, me girl, and face the truth. Now, hurry, you're free for the afternoon.

Margaret O'Hara:
Who said so?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
The superintendant. I just talked with her.

Margaret O'Hara:
You didn't tell her we were going to the races?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I told her you were my niece, that I was from Ireland, and that I'd be in Los Angeles for just this afternoon.

Margaret O'Hara:
Why you lying old devil.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Oh, you do me a great wrong, Maggie. There's not a word of a lie in it. You're me niece right enough, and surely to goodness I'm from Ireland, and I'm driving back to the ranch this very night.

Margaret O'Hara:
Are you sure it was the superintendant, Miss Newsome, you saw? I doubt her letting anyone off for any reason.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
That's it, Newsome. A sour, old witch with a voice like a foghorn, and an eye like a tomcat.

Miss Newsome, nursing superintendant:
[coming up behind them] Did I hear my name?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Me dear, lady, you did indeed. I was just talking about a Miss Newsome of County Kerry. I was thinking how strange it was that you, so kind, so generous, so understanding, should have the same name as that old harridan. Get into your street clothes quickly, child. There's a service at All Saints at two o'clock.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
You'll be right in your element here, Maggie. We're all nurses now.

Margaret O'Hara:

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
The patient is one little horse, Seabiscuit. We're getting ready to try for the Santa Anita again.

Margaret O'Hara:
But the paper said he was finished.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Yes, and I'd have sworn it, too, but now I know that so long as he can draw breath, you can't finish him. Tomorrow Ted is working him against the two best horses on the ranch.

Margaret O'Hara:
Ted? Is he here?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
As if you didn't know.

Margaret O'Hara:
I've forgotten all about him. How is he?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Coming along as fine as Seabiscuit. In the Santa Anita, you'll see Ted up on him.

Margaret O'Hara:
I won't see him.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
You still love the lad, Margaret.

Margaret O'Hara:
I tell you, he's out of my mind completely.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
But not out of your heart.

Margaret O'Hara:
Sure and I can't help myself. Ah, the devil take Ted Knowles.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Margaret, your happiness is more important than the big race. Would it lift the cloud off your eyes if I tried to talk Ted out of riding?

Margaret O'Hara:
I'd be the happiest girl in the world. Uncle Shawn, you're a darling.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Oh, hold on now. It's not an accomplishment at yet.

Margaret O'Hara:
You won't have any trouble getting someone just as good as Ted to ride the Seabiscuit.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Well, I've asked George Woolf to stand by in case Ted doesn't come around soon enough. Jockey for jockey there's little to choose between them.

Margaret O'Hara:
Well then, things are going to work out right for everyone, aren't they?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
'Tis to be hoped for, Maggie darling.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Ted, I've just had news of a startling nature. George Woolf has signed to ride Heel Fly for the Circle F.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
No kidding?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
We're in a pickle. And there's only one way out. [looking pointedly at Ted]

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
That's a bad break. No, sir. Nothing doing. I'm going to be sitting up in the grand stand with my best girl by my side.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Ted. Just a minute. Now, see here, lad. You brought this about. You'd no right to tell George you were definitely riding the Biscuit.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Now, wait a minute...

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Now, don't attempt to evade the situation. It rests squarely on your strong, young shoulders. Would you let Mr. Howard down? And through Mr. Howard me, your uncle-to-be? And through me, Margaret, the girl you love?

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Look who's talking. Who got me to give up riding? Who talked about food until I was starving to death?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Aw, food is for pigs.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Who practically forced me to take the job of assistant trainer?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
It was an old man talking to you, boy. An old man with the blood dried in his veins. You should never listen to such nonsense.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
I don't know. No that I think about it, I kind of like the idea of sitting in the grandstand.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Oh, the saints preserve us! Did I ever think I'd see a young jock with the hot blood in him ready to swap a seat on a horse for one on the grandstand?

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
You can talk all you want. It won't do any good. I gave Margaret my promise.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Ah, yes, but was your heart in your promise? Do you really want to see some other jockey on the Biscuit in the handicap? Are you the sort of boy that any old fool like meself can talk out of the greatest thrill in the world, winning the Santa Anita? What's sitting in the grandstands compared to checking your horse at the starting gate? And the gate sprung, and you're off. You feel Seabiscuit running swift and sure...

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Cut it out. You know I'd give my right eye to be up there.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
You shouldn't have interrupted. I had the race all but won for you.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
But I won't be winning it. When Margaret comes back she expects to find me a trainer. And that's just what I'm gonna be.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Ted, a word to the wise. The O'Hara women are not inclined to favor men they can dominate. I recall sadly the case of my great Aunt Sheila, rest her soul. A beauty if ever there was one, and every young man for miles around showed he's willing to be a slave. She went to the grave an old maid. She didn't want slaves. She wanted to be one. Now, Margaret is much like Sheila.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Well, I'll write to Margaret, and if she says...

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
No, no, no. Let me do the telling. When she sees you again, she'll melt in your arms, loving you the more because you're a headstrong young bucko with a will of your own. No, let me do the telling. She's and O'Hara, and the O'Hara's understand each other and stick to each other through thick and thin.

Ted Knowles, Jockey:
Okay, Shawn. You've got yourself a boy. Providing you square it with the future Mrs. Knowles.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Right. Now get in the hot box and sweat off that steak and chocolate layer cake. Quickly now, or do I have to take the whip to you!

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Now, Maggie, hold your horses!

Margaret O'Hara:
Don't ever mention horses to me again!

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
If you'll only listen, I'll explain. An emergency call. Woolf signed with another stable. Ted was obligated to save the situation.

Margaret O'Hara:
Why Ted? There are jockeys to be had for the asking.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
None of them who know the Biscuit as well as Ted. And Maggie, darling, I had the devil's own time convincing him. But I finally persuaded him that you would see things in the proper light.

Margaret O'Hara:
Oh, I should never have trusted him alone with you. You're a deceitful old man. And tell me this, Shawn O'Hara: Why should I see it in what you're pleased to call the "proper light"?

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Because as promised, it would have led to the lad's ruination. He was losing respect for himself. And before long, he would have lost respect for you as well. Now, go to him and tell him that you're as happy as a lark that he's riding the Biscuit in the handicap.

Margaret O'Hara:
I can't do that. You ought to understand. You know how I feel.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
I understand this, Margaret, that you're lacking in courage.

Margaret O'Hara:
That's not fair.

Shawn O'Hara, Seabiscuit's Trainer:
Margaret, you've been running and running away from your problem instead of turning around and facing it squarely. Ted's going to ride in the big race. And I want you to want him to ride. It's the only thing that'll cure you.

Margaret O'Hara:
Since when did your great knowledge of horseflesh extend itself to women? You-you two-faced old meddler!

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